

2 Mosebok第12章



1 Och HERREN talade till Mose och Aron i Egyptens land och sade:

2 Denna månad skall hos eder vara den främsta månaden, den skall hos eder vara den första av årets månader.

3 Talen till Israels hela menighet och sägen: På tionde dagen i denna månad skall var husfader taga sig ett lamm, så att vart hushåll får ett lamm.

4 Men om hushållet är för litet till ett lamm, så skola husfadern och hans närmaste granne taga ett lamm tillsammans, efter personernas antal. För vart lamm skolen I beräkna ett visst antal, i mån av vad var och en äter.

5 Ett felfritt årsgammalt lamm av hankön skolen I utvälja; av fåren eller av getterna skolen I taga det.

6 Och I skolen förvara det intill fjortonde dagen i denna månad; då skall man -- Israels hela församlade menighet -- slakta det vid aftontiden.

7 Och man skall taga av blodet och stryka på båda dörrposterna och på övre dörrträet i husen där man äter det.

8 Och man skall äta köttet samma natt; det skall vara stekt på eld, och man skall äta det med osyrat bröd jämte bittra örter.

9 I skolen icke äta något därav rått eller kokt i vatten, utan det skall vara stekt på eld, med huvud, fötter och innanmäte.

10 Och I skolen icke lämna något därav kvar till morgonen; skulle något därav bliva kvar till morgonen, skolen I bränna upp det i eld.

11 Och I skolen äta det så: I skolen vara omgjordade kring edra länder, hava edra skor på fötterna och edra stavar i händerna. Och I skolen äta det med hast. Detta är HERRENS Påsk.

12 Ty jag skall på den natten gå fram genom Egyptens land och slå allt förstfött i Egyptens land, både människor och boskap; och över Egyptens alla gudar skall jag hålla dom; jag är HERREN.

13 Och blodet skall vara ett tecken, eder till räddning, på de hus i vilka I ären; ty när jag ser blodet, skall jag gå förbi eder. Och ingen hemsökelse skall drabba eder med fördärv, när jag slår Egyptens land.

14 Och I skolen hava denna dag till en åminnelsedag och fira den såsom en HERRENS högtid. Såsom en evärdlig stiftelse skolen I fira den, släkte efter släkte.

15 I sju dagar skolen I äta osyrat bröd; redan på första dagen skolen I skaffa bort all surdeg ur edra hus. Ty var och en som äter något syrat, från den första dagen till den sjunde, han skall utrotas ur Israel.

16 På den första dagen skolen I hålla en helig sammankomst; I skolen ock på den sjunde dagen hålla en helig sammankomst. På dem skall intet arbete göras; allenast det som var och en behöver till mat, det och intet annat må av eder tillredas.

17 Och I skolen hålla det osyrade brödets högtid, eftersom jag på denna samma dag har fört edra härskaror ut ur Egyptens land. Därför skolen I, släkte efter släkte, hålla denna dag såsom en evärdlig stiftelse.

18 I första månaden, på fjortonde dagen i månaden, om aftonen, skolen I äta osyrat bröd, och I skolen fortfara därmed ända till aftonen på tjuguförsta dagen i månaden.

19 I sju dagar må ingen surdeg finnas i edra hus; ty var och en son äter något syrligt, han skall utrotas ur Israels menighet, evad han är främling eller inföding i landet.

20 Intet syrligt skolen I äta; var I än ären bosatta skolen I äta osyrat bröd.

21 Och Mose kallade till sig alla de äldste i Israel och sade till dem: »Begiven eder hem, och tagen eder ett lamm för vart hushåll och slakten påskalammet.

22 Och tagen en knippa isop och doppen den i blodet som är i skålen, och bestryken det övre dörr träet och båda dörrposterna med blodet som är i skålen; och ingen av eder må gå ut genom sin hus dörr intill morgonen.

23 Ty HERREN skall gå fram för att hemsöka Egypten; men när ha ser blodet på det övre dörrträet och på de två dörrposterna, skall HERREN gå förbi dörren och icke tillstädja Fördärvaren att komma i i edra hus och hemsöka eder.

24 Detta skolen I hålla; det skall vara en stadga för dig och dina barn till evärdlig tid.

25 Och när I kommen in i det land som HERREN skall giva åt eder, såsom han har lovat, skolen I hålla denna gudstjänst.

26 När då edra barn fråga eder: 'Vad betyder denna eder gudstjänst?',

27 skolen I svara: 'Det är ett påskoffer åt HERREN, därför att han gick förbi Israels barns hus i Egypten, när han hemsökte Egypten, men skonade våra hus.'» Då böjde folket sig ned och tillbad.

28 Och Israels barn gingo åstad och gjorde så; de gjorde såsom HERREN hade bjudit Mose och Aron.

29 Och vid midnattstiden slog HERREN allt förstfött i Egyptens land, från den förstfödde hos Farao, som satt på tronen, ända till den förstfödde hos fången, som satt i fängelset, så ock allt förstfött ibland boskapen.

30 Då stod Farao upp om natten jämte alla sina tjänare och alla egyptier, och ett stort klagorop upphävdes i Egypten; ty intet hus fanns, där icke någon död låg.

31 Och han kallade Mose och Aron till sig om natten och sade: »Stån upp och dragen ut från mitt folk, I själva och Israels barn; och gån åstad och hållen gudstjänst åt HERREN, såsom I haven begärt.

32 Tagen ock edra får och edra fäkreatur, såsom I haven begärt, och gån åstad, och välsignen därvid mig.»

33 Och egyptierna trängde på folket för att med hast få dem ut ur landet, ty de tänkte: »Eljest vi allasammans.»

34 Och folket tog med sig sin deg, innan den ännu hade blivit syrad; de togo sina baktråg och lindade in dem i mantlarna och buro dem på sina axlar.

35 Och Israels barn hade gjort såsom Mose sade: de hade av egyptierna begärt deras klenoder av silver och guld, så ock kläder.

36 Och HERREN hade låtit folket finna nåd för egyptiernas ögon, så att de gåvo dem vad de begärde. Så togo de byte från egyptierna.

37 Och Israels barn bröto upp och drogo från Rameses till Suckot, vid pass sex hundra tusen män till fots, förutom kvinnor och barn.

38 En hop folk av allahanda slag drog ock åstad med dem, därtill får och fäkreatur, boskap i stor myckenhet.

39 Och av degen som de hade fört med sig ur Egypten bakade de osyrade kakor, ty den hade icke blivit syrad; de hade ju drivits ut ur Egypten utan att få dröja; ej heller hade de kunnat tillreda någon reskost åt sig.

40 Men den tid Israels barn hade bott i Egypten var fyra hundra trettio år.

41 Just på den dag då de fyra hundra trettio åren voro förlidna drogo alla HERRENS härskaror ut ur Egyptens land.

42 En HERRENS vakenatt var detta, när han skulle föra dem ut ur Egyptens land; denna samma natt är HERRENS, en högtidsvaka för alla Israels barn, släkte efter släkte.

43 Och HERREN sade till Mose och Aron: »Detta är stadgan om påskalammet: Ingen utlänning skall äta därav;

44 men en träl som är köpt för penningaräta därav, sedan du ha omskurit honom.

45 En inhysesman och en legodräng må icke äta därav.

46 I ett och samma hus skall det ätas; du skall icke föra något av köttet ut ur huset, och intet ben skolen I sönderslå därpå.

47 Israels hela menighet skall iakttaga detta.

48 Och om någon främling bor hos dig och vill hålla HERRENS påskhögtid, så skall allt mankön hos honom omskäras, och sedan må han komma och hålla den; han skall då vara såsom en inföding i landet. Men ingen oomskuren må äta därav.

49 En och samma lag skall gälla för infödingen och för främlingen som bor ibland eder.»

50 Och alla Israels barn gjorde så; de gjorde såsom HERREN hade bjudit Mose och Aron.

51 Så förde då HERREN på denna samma dag Israels barn ut ur Egyptens land, efter deras härskaror.




Arcana Coelestia#3812



3812. 'Laban said to him, Surely you are my bone and my flesh' means joined together as regards truths and as regards goods. This is clear from the meaning of 'you are my bone and my flesh' as a being joined together. The ancients were accustomed to speak of people who belonged to the same house, or to the same family, or who were related in some other way, as 'my bone and my flesh', see 157. This is why those words mean a being joined together. The reason it is as regards truths and as regards goods is that all spiritual joining together is effected by them, and all natural joining together has reference to them. Furthermore by 'bone and flesh' is meant a person's proprium - 'bone' the understanding side of the proprium, 'flesh' the will side of it. 'Bone' accordingly means the proprium as regards truth since truth belongs to the understanding, while 'flesh' means the proprium as regards good since good belongs to the will, see 148, 149.

[2] As regards the proprium in general there are two kinds, the first being the hellish proprium, the second the heavenly. The hellish proprium is acquired by a person from hell, the heavenly from heaven, that is, from the Lord through heaven. For all evil and all falsity from evil enter in from hell, and all good and all truth from good do so from the Lord. People know this from the doctrine of faith, but scarcely one in a million believes it. Consequently a person appropriates - that is, makes his own - evil entering in from hell; but good entering in from the Lord does not move him and cannot therefore be said to have a place in him. The reason why a person does not believe that evil enters in from hell and good from the Lord is that he is governed by self-love, a love which carries such unbelief with it and which goes so far as to be highly indignant when that person is told that everything comes into him from somewhere else. This then is why a person's entire proprium is nothing but evil, see 210, 215, 694, 731, 874-876, 987, 1023, 1044, 1047. But the belief that evil is from hell and good from the Lord exists with him when he is not governed by self-love but by love towards the neighbour and love to the Lord; for this love carries such belief with it. So it is that a person receives from the Lord the heavenly proprium referred to in 155, 164, 731, 1023, 1044, 1937, 1947, 2882, 2883, 2891.

[3] In both senses this proprium is meant by 'bone and flesh'. Consequently 'bones' in the Word means truth and in the contrary sense falsity, and 'flesh' good and in the contrary sense evil. As regards truth being meant by 'bones', this may be seen from the following places: In Isaiah,

Jehovah will guide you all the time, and will satisfy your soul in arid places, and will render your bones free, so that you are like a watered garden. Isaiah 58:11.

'Rendering bones free' stands for bringing life to the understanding side of the proprium, that is, enlightening it with intelligence. Hence the statement 'so that you are like a watered garden' - 'a garden' meaning intelligence, see 100, 108, 1588. In the same prophet,

Then you will see, and your heart will be joyful, and your bones will flourish like the grass. Isaiah 66:14.

'Bones flourishing like the grass' has a similar meaning.

[4] In Jeremiah,

[Her] Nazirites were brighter than snow, they were whiter than milk. Their bodies 1 were ruddier than gem stones, polished like sapphire. 2 Their form is darker than black; they are not recognized in the streets; their skin has stuck to their bone; it has dried up; it has become like wood. Lamentations 4:7-8.

'Nazirite' stands for a celestial man, 3301. 'Brighter than snow and whiter than milk' stands for his possession of celestial truth. And because this truth derives from the love of good, it is said that 'their bodies were ruddier than gem stones'. 'Brightness' and 'whiteness' have reference to truth, 3301, 'ruddiness' to good, 3300, 'gem stones' to truths stemming from good, 114. 'Their skin stuck to their bone' describes a changed state as regards the celestial things of love, which is to say, that there was no flesh on the bones, that is, there was no longer any good, for in that case all truth comes to be like skin which sticks to the bone, dries up, and becomes like wood.

[5] In Ezekiel,

Tell a parable against the house of rebellion, and say to them, Thus said the Lord Jehovih, Put on the pot, put it on, and also pour water into it; gather the pieces of it into it - every good piece, the thigh and the shoulder. Fill it with the choice of the bones by taking the choice of the flock, and let there be a hearth of bones under it. Let the bones also be cooked in the midst of it. Ezekiel 24:3-5, 10.

'The pot' stands for violence offered to good and truth, which is why it is called 'the city of bloodshed' in verse 6. 'The pieces', 'the good piece, the thigh and the shoulder' gathered into it are pieces of flesh, which are items of good. 'The choice of the bones' with which the pot was filled stands for truths, 'the hearth of bones' for the affection for truth. 'Let the bones be cooked in the midst of it' stands for violence offered to them. Anyone may see that this parable conceals arcana that are Divine, and also that these can in no way be known unless one knows what is meant in the internal sense by 'a pot', by 'pieces, the thigh and the shoulder', by 'the choice of the bones', by 'a hearth of bones', and by 'cooking'. In Micah,

Is it not for you to know judgement - you who hate the good and love the evil, who tear their skin from upon them and their flesh from upon their bones; who have eaten the flesh of My people and flayed their skin from upon them and broken their bones in pieces, and divided them as into a pot and like flesh into the middle of the cauldron? Micah 3:1-3.

Here the meaning is similar.

[6] In Ezekiel,

He brought me out in the Spirit of Jehovah and set me down in the midst of the valley, which was full of bones. He said to me, Will these bones live? He said to me, Prophesy over these bones and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of Jehovah: Thus said the Lord Jehovih to these bones, Behold, I am bringing spirit into you that you may live. I will lay sinews upon you and cause flesh to come over you and cover you with skin, and I will put spirit within you so that you may live. I prophesied, and the bones came together, bone to its bone. I looked, and behold, there were sinews upon them, and flesh came up, and skin covered them above, but there was no spirit in them. And spirit entered into them, and they were alive again and stood upon their feet. Ezekiel 37:1 and following verses.

This refers in general to the re-establishment of the Church among gentiles, and in particular to the regeneration of the individual. 'Dry bones' stands for the understanding side of the proprium, which is lifeless until it receives the life of good from the Lord. The latter life is what quickens it or brings life to it. The flesh which the Lord causes to come up over the bones is the will side of the proprium, which is called the heavenly proprium, and so means good. 'Spirit' means the Lord's life, and when this flows into a person's good which he seems to himself to will and perform from his proprium, the good is in that case made alive, and from that good the truth also; and out of the dry bones a human being is made.

[7] In David,

All my bones have been disconnected; my heart has become like wax. I can count all my bones. They have divided my garments among them, and for my clothing have cast lots. Psalms 22:14, 17-18.

This refers to the Lord's temptations as regards Divine Truths, which, being the Lord's own, are consequently called 'my bones', and as regards Divine Good, which, being the Lord's own, is consequently called 'my heart'. For 'heart' means good, see 3313, 3635. And because 'bones' means those truths, 'counting' them is wishing to get rid of them by means of reasonings and falsities. This is also the reason for the statement immediately following about their dividing garments and casting lots for clothing, for 'garments' also means truths, though a more external variety, 297, 1073, 2576. 'Dividing garments and casting lots for clothing' has the same meaning as it does also in Matthew 27:35. In the same author,

Let my soul exult in Jehovah, let it be glad in His salvation. Let all my bones say, Who is like You? Psalms 35:9-10.

'Bones' in the spiritual sense clearly means the understanding side of the proprium. In the same author,

You shall cause me to hear joy and gladness; the bones You have broken will be exultant. Psalms 51:8.

'The bones which You have broken will be exultant' stands for a re-creation by means of truths following temptations.

[8] Because 'bone' meant the understanding side of the proprium, or the proprium as regards truth, and in the highest sense meant Divine Truth, which was the Lord's Proprium, it was therefore required at the Passover not to break any bone of the paschal lamb. This is referred to in Moses as follows,

It shall be eaten in one house; you shall not bring any of the flesh outside the house; and you shall not break a bone in it. Exodus 12:46.

And elsewhere in Moses,

They shall not leave any of it until morning, and they shall not break a bone of it. Numbers 9:12.

'Not breaking a bone' stands in the highest sense for not offering violence to Divine truth, and in the representative sense for not offering violence to the truth connected with any good at all, for the nature of good and the form it takes depend on truths, and truth is the mainstay of good, as the bones are of the flesh.

[9] The fact that the Word, which is Divine truth itself, gives life to the dead was represented by the revival and the standing on his feet of the man who, having been cast into the grave of Elisha, touched his bones, 2 Kings 13:21. Elisha represented the Lord as regards Divine truth or the Word, see 2762.

'Bones' in the contrary sense means falsity which springs from the proprium, as is evident from the following places: In Jeremiah,

At that time they will bring the bones of the kings of Judah, and the bones of its princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem out of their tombs, and they will spread them before the sun and the moon, and all the host of heaven, which they have loved and which they have served. Jeremiah 8:1-2.

In Ezekiel,

I will lay the corpses of the children of Israel before their idols, and I will scatter your bones around your altars. Ezekiel 6:5.

In Moses,

God who brought him out of Egypt has as it were the strength of a unicorn. He will eat up the nations, his enemies, and will break their bones, and smash their weapons. Numbers 24:8.

In the second Book of Kings,

King Josiah broke in pieces the pillars, and cut down the groves, and filled their places with the bones of people. He took the bones out of the graves and burned them on the altar to render it unclean. He sacrificed all the priests of the high places who were there, on the altars, and burned the bones of people on them. 2 Kings 23:14, 16, 20.

In Moses,

The soul which has touched on the surface of the field anyone slain with the sword, or one dead, or a human bone, or a sepulchre, will be unclean for seven days. Numbers 19:16, 18.

[10] Since 'bones' means falsities, and 'sepulchres' evils containing them, and since hypocrisy is evil which on the outside looks like good but is inwardly rotten from things that are false and unholy, the Lord therefore says the following in Matthew,

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you make yourselves like white-washed sepulchres, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and of all uncleanness. So too do you outwardly appear just to men (homo) but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Matthew 23:27-28.

From all these quotations it is now evident that 'bones' means the understanding side of the proprium either as regards truth or else as regards falsity.


1. literally, bones

2. literally, sapphire their polishing


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#148



148. The reason man's proprium - a proprium indeed that he cherishes - is called a rib, which is a breast bone, is that among the most ancient people the breast meant charity, for it has the heart and lungs within it, and bones meant those things that were less valuable because they contain only a very small amount of life. 'Flesh' however meant that which did possess some life. The reason why they had this meaning is a very deep arcanum known to the most ancient people, which will in the Lord's Divine mercy be dealt with later on.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.