




1 Y TORNOME hacia la puerta de afuera del santuario, la cual mira hacia el oriente; y estaba cerrada.

2 Y díjome Jehová: Esta puerta ha de estar cerrada: no se abrirá, ni entrará por ella hombre, porque Jehová Dios de Israel entró por ella; estará por tanto cerrada.

3 Para el príncipe; el príncipe, él se sentará en ella para comer pan delante de Jehová: por el camino de la entrada de la puerta entrará, y por el camino de ella saldrá.

4 Y llevóme hacia la puerta del norte por delante de la casa, y miré, y he aquí, la gloria de Jehová había henchido la casa de Jehová: y caí sobre mi rostro.

5 Y díjome Jehová: Hijo del hombre, pon tu corazón, y mira con tus ojos, y oye con tus oídos todo lo que yo hablo contigo sobre todas las ordenanzas de la casa de Jehová, y todas sus leyes: y pon tu corazón á las entradas de la casa, y á todas las salidas d

6 Y dirás á los rebeldes, á la casa de Israel: Así ha dicho el Señor Jehová: Básteos de todas vuestras abominaciones, oh casa de Israel.

7 De haber vosotros traído extranjeros, incircuncisos de corazón é incircuncisos de carne, para estar en mi santuario, para contaminar mi casa; de haber ofrecido mi pan, la grosura y la sangre: é invalidaron mi pacto por todas vuestras abominaciones:

8 Y no guardasteis el ordenamiento de mis santificaciones, sino que os pusisteis guardas de mi ordenanza en mi santuario.

9 Así ha dicho el Señor Jehová: Ningún hijo de extranjero, incircunciso de corazón é incircunciso de carne, entrará en mi santuario, de todos los hijos de extranjeros que están entre los hijos de Israel.

10 Y los Levitas que se apartaron lejos de mí cuando Israel erró, el cual se desvió de mí en pos de sus ídolos, llevarán su iniquidad.

11 Y serán ministros en mi santuario, porteros á las puertas de la casa, y sirvientes en la casa: ellos matarán el holocausto y la víctima al pueblo, y ellos estarán delante de ellos para servirles.

12 Por cuanto les sirvieron delante de sus ídolos, y fueron á la casa de Israel por tropezadero de maldad; por tanto, he alzado mi mano acerca de ellos, dice el Señor Jehová, que llevarán su iniquidad.

13 No serán allegados á mí para serme sacerdotes, ni se llegarán á ninguna de mis santificaciones; á las santidades de santidades; sino que llevarán su vergüenza, y sus abominaciones que hicieron.

14 Pondrélos, pues, por guardas de la guarda de la casa en todo su servicio, y en todo lo que en ella hubiere de hacerse.

15 Mas los sacerdotes Levitas, hijos de Sadoc, que guardaron el ordenamiento de mi santuario, cuando los hijos de Israel se desviaron de mí, ellos serán allegados á mí para ministrarme, y delante de mí estarán para ofrecerme la grosura y la sangre, dice el S

16 Esos entrarán en mi santuario, y ellos se allegarán á mi mesa para ministrarme, y guardarán mi ordenamiento.

17 Y será que cuando entraren por las puertas del atrio interior, se vestirán de vestimentas de lino: no asentará sobre ellos lana, cuando ministraren en las puertas del atrio de adentro, y en el interior.

18 Tiaras de lino tendrán en sus cabezas, y pañetes de lino en sus lomos: no se ceñirán para sudar.

19 Y cuando salieren al atrio de afuera, al atrio de afuera al pueblo, se desnudarán de sus vestimentas con que ministraron, y las dejarán en las cámaras del santuario, y se vestirán de otros vestidos: así no santificarán el pueblo con sus vestimentas.

20 Y no raparán su cabeza, ni dejarán crecer el cabello; sino que lo recortarán trasquilando sus cabezas.

21 Y ninguno de los sacerdotes beberá vino cuando hubieren de entrar en el atrio interior.

22 Ni viuda, ni repudiada se tomarán por mujeres; sino que tomarán vírgenes del linaje de la casa de Israel, ó viuda que fuere viuda de sacerdote.

23 Y enseñarán á mi pueblo á hacer diferencia entre lo santo y lo profano, y les enseñarán á discernir entre lo limpio y lo no limpio.

24 Y en el pleito ellos estarán para juzgar; conforme á mis derechos lo juzgarán: y mis leyes y mis decretos guardarán en todas mis solemnidades, y santificarán mis sábados.

25 Y á hombre muerto no entrará para contaminarse; mas sobre padre, ó madre, ó hijo, ó hija, hermano, ó hermana que no haya tenido marido, se contaminará.

26 Y ffadespués de su purificación, le contarán siete días.

27 Y el día que entrare al santuario, al atrio de adentro, para ministrar en el santuario, ofrecerá su expiación, dice el Señor Jehová.

28 Y será á ellos por heredad: yo seré su heredad; y no les daréis posesión en Israel: yo soy su posesión.

29 El presente, y la expiación, y el sacrificio por el pecado, comerán; y toda cosa dedicada en Israel, será de ellos.

30 Y las primicias de todos los primeros de todo, y toda ofrenda de todo lo que se ofreciere de todas vuestras ofrendas, será de los sacerdotes: daréis asimismo las primicias de todas vuestras masas al sacerdote, para que haga reposar la bendición en vuestra

31 Ninguna cosa mortecina, ni desgarrada, así de aves como de animales, comerán los sacerdotes.




Divine Providence#134



134a. 2. No one is reformed by visions or by conversations with the dead, because they compel. There are two kinds of visions, divine and demonic. Divine visions are given by means of portrayals in heaven, while demonic visions are effected though magical events in hell. There are imaginary visions as well, visions that are the illusions of a mind that has lost its bearings.

Divine visions (which as just noted are given by means of portrayals in heaven) are the kind that happened to the prophets. When they were having these visions they were not in the body but in the spirit, because visions cannot happen to us while we are physically awake. So when the prophets saw visions, it says that they were in the spirit, as the following passages show.

Ezekiel said, "The spirit lifted me up and took me back to Chaldea to the captivity in a vision of God, in the spirit of God; so the vision that I saw came over me" (Ezekiel 11:1, 24). Then too, spirits held him up between earth and heaven and brought him to Jerusalem in visions of God (Ezekiel 8:3 and following). The same thing happened in a vision of God or in the spirit when he saw the four animals that were cherubim (Ezekiel chapters 1 and 10) and when he saw the new temple, the new earth, and the angel measuring them (Ezekiel chapters 40-48). It says in chapter Ezekiel 40:2, 26 that he was in visions of God at the time, and in chapter Ezekiel 43:5 that he was in the spirit.

[2] Zechariah was in the same kind of state when he saw the man on horseback among the myrtle trees (Zechariah 1:8 and following), when he saw the four horns and the man with a measuring line in his hand (Zechariah 1:18, 20, 21; Zechariah 2:1 and following), when he saw the lampstand and the two olive trees (Zechariah 4:1 and following), when he saw the flying scroll and the ephah (Zechariah 5:1, 6), and when he saw the four chariots coming out from the four mountains, and the horses (Zechariah 6:1 and following).

Daniel was in the same kind of state when he saw the four beasts rising from the sea (Daniel 6:1 [7:1] and following), and when he saw the battles of the ram and the goat (Daniel 8:1 and following). It says in Daniel 7:1-2, 7, and 13; in Daniel 8:2; and in Daniel 10:1, 7, and 8 that he saw these things in the vision of his spirit, and it says in Daniel 9:21 that he saw the angel Gabriel in a vision.

[3] John was in the vision of the spirit when he saw the things he describes in the Book of Revelation--for example, when he saw the seven lampstands with the Human-born One in their midst (Revelation 1:12-16), when he saw the throne in heaven with someone sitting on it, surrounded by the four animals that were cherubim (Revelation 4), when he saw the book of life taken by the Lamb (Revelation 5), when he saw the horses come out of the book (Revelation 6), when he saw the seven angels with their trumpets (Revelation 8), when he saw the pit of the abyss opened with the locusts coming out of it (Revelation 9), when he saw the dragon and its battle with Michael (Revelation 12), when he saw the two beasts rise up, one from the sea and one from the land (Revelation 13), when he saw the woman sitting on the scarlet beast (Revelation 17) and the destruction of Babylon (Revelation 18), when he saw the white horse with someone riding it (Revelation 18 [19]), when he saw the new heaven and the new earth and the holy Jerusalem coming down from heaven (Revelation 21), and when he saw the river of water of life (Revelation 22). It says that he saw these things in the vision of his spirit in Revelation 1:11 [1:10]; Revelation 4:2; Revelation 5:1; Revelation 6:1; and Revelation 21:12 [21:10].

These were the kinds of visions that were visible from heaven to the sight of their spirits and not to their physical sight.

Things like this do not happen nowadays, because if they did they would not be understood, since they happen by means of images whose details are pointing to inner features of the church and secrets of heaven. It was foretold in Daniel 9:24 that they would stop when the Lord came into the world.

However, demonic visions have sometimes occurred. They are brought about by spirits who inspire deceptive passions and visions and who call themselves the Holy Spirit because of a mental confusion that engulfs them. Now, however, these spirits have been gathered in by the Lord and consigned to a hell separate from the other hells.

We can see from all this that no one can be reformed by any visions except the ones that are in the Word. There are imaginary visions as well, but these are nothing but the illusions of a mind that has lost its bearings.

134b. The story that the Lord told about the rich man in hell and Lazarus in Abraham's lap shows that no one is reformed by conversations with the dead. The rich man said, "Father Abraham, I beg you to send Lazarus to my father's house where I have five brothers, to bear witness to them so that they do not come to this place of torment." Abraham said to him, "They have Moses and the prophets: let them heed them." But he said, "No, father Abraham, but if someone came to them from the dead, they would repent." He answered him, "If they do not heed Moses and the prophets, they would not be convinced if someone rose from the dead" (Luke 16:27-31).

Conversations with the dead may lead to the same results as miracles that I have just described. That is, we may be convinced and be constrained to worship for a short while. However, since this deprives us of rational functioning at the same time that it hems in our evils, as already noted [130-131, 133], this spell or inner restraint is released and the pent-up evils erupt in blasphemy and profanation. Still, this happens only when spirits have imposed some religious dogma. No good spirit--let alone any angel of heaven--would ever do this.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.






7 I, Daniel, alone saw the vision; for the men who were with me didn't see the vision; but a great quaking fell on them, and they fled to hide themselves.