




1 И услышал Иаков слова сынов Лавановых, которые говорили: Иаков завладел всем, что было у отца нашего, и из имения отца нашего составил все богатство сие.

2 И увидел Иаков лице Лавана, и вот, оно не таково к нему, как было вчера и третьего дня.

3 И сказал Господь Иакову: возвратись в землю отцов твоих и на родину твою; и Я буду с тобою.

4 И послал Иаков, и призвал Рахиль и Лию в поле, к стадумелкого скота своего,

5 и сказал им: я вижу лице отца вашего, что оно ко мне не таково, как было вчера и третьего дня; но Бог отца моего был со мною;

6 вы сами знаете, что я всеми силами служил отцу вашему,

7 а отец ваш обманывал меня и раз десять переменял награду мою; но Бог не попустил ему сделать мне зло.

8 Когда сказал он, что скот с крапинами будет тебе в награду, то скот весь родилс крапинами. А когда он сказал: пестрые будут тебе в награду, то скот весь и родил пестрых.

9 И отнял Бог скот у отца вашего и дал мне.

10 Однажды в такое время, когда скот зачинает, я взглянул и увидел восне, и вот козлы, поднявшиеся на скот, пестрые с крапинами и пятнами.

11 Ангел Божий сказал мне во сне: Иаков! Я сказал: вот я.

12 Он сказал: возведи очи твои и посмотри: все козлы, поднявшиеся на скот, пестрые, с крапинами и с пятнами, ибо Я вижу все, что Лаван делает с тобою;

13 Я Бог явившийся тебе в Вефиле, где ты возлил елей на памятник и где ты дал Мне обет; теперь встань, выйди из земли сей и возвратись в землю родины твоей.

14 Рахиль и Лия сказали ему в ответ: есть ли еще нам доля и наследство в доме отца нашего?

15 не за чужих ли он нас почитает? ибо он продал нас и съел даже серебро наше;

16 посему все богатство, которое Бог отнял у отца нашего, есть наше и детей наших; итак делай все, что Бог сказал тебе.

17 И встал Иаков, и посадил детей своих и жен своих на верблюдов,

18 и взял с собою весь скот свой и все богатство свое, которое приобрел, скот собственный его, который он приобрел в Месопотамии, чтобы идти к Исааку, отцу своему, в землю Ханаанскую.

19 И как Лаван пошел стричь скот свой, то Рахиль похитила идолов, которые были у отца ее.

20 Иаков же похитил сердце у Лавана Арамеянина, потому что не известил его, что удаляется.

21 И ушел со всем, что у него было; и, встав, перешел реку и направился к горе Галаад.

22 На третий день сказали Лавану, что Иаков ушел.

23 Тогда он взял с собою родственников своих, и гнался за ним семь дней, и догнал его на горе Галаад.

24 И пришел Бог к Лавану Арамеянину ночью во сне и сказал ему: берегись, не говори Иакову ни доброго, ни худого.

25 И догнал Лаван Иакова; Иаков же поставил шатер свой на горе, и Лаван со сродниками своими поставил на горе Галаад.

26 И сказал Лаван Иакову: что ты сделал? для чего ты обманул меня, и увел дочерей моих, как плененных оружием?

27 зачем ты убежал тайно, и укрылся от меня, и не сказал мне? я отпустил бы тебя с веселием и с песнями, с тимпаном и с гуслями;

28 ты не позволил мне даже поцеловать внуков моих и дочерей моих; безрассудно ты сделал.

29 Есть в руке моей сила сделать вам зло; но Бог отца вашего вчера говорил ко мне и сказал: берегись, не говори Иакову ни хорошего, ни худого.

30 Но пусть бы ты ушел, потому что ты нетерпеливо захотел быть в доме отца твоего, – зачем ты украл богов моих?

31 Иаков отвечал Лавану и сказал: я боялся, ибо я думал, не отнял бы ты у меня дочерей своих.

32 у кого найдешь богов твоих, тот не будет жив; при родственниках наших узнавай, что у меня, и возьми себе. Иаков не знал, что Рахиль украла их.

33 И ходил Лаван в шатер Иакова, и в шатер Лии, и в шатер двух рабынь, но не нашел. И, выйдя из шатра Лии, вошел в шатер Рахили.

34 Рахиль же взяла идолов, и положила их под верблюжье седло и села на них. И обыскал Лаван весь шатер; но не нашел.

35 Она же сказала отцу своему: да не прогневается господин мой, что я не могу встать пред тобою, ибо у меня обыкновенное женское. И он искал, но не нашел идолов.

36 Иаков рассердился и вступил в спор с Лаваном. И начал Иаков говорить и сказал Лавану:какая вина моя, какой грех мой, что ты преследуешь меня?

37 ты осмотрел у меня все вещи, что нашел ты из всех вещей твоего дома? покажи здесь пред родственниками моими и пред родственниками твоими; пусть они рассудят между нами обоими.

38 Вот, двадцать лет я был у тебя; овцы твои и козы твои не выкидывали; овновстада твоего я не ел;

39 растерзанного зверем я не приносил к тебе, это был мой убыток; ты с меня взыскивал, днем ли что пропадало, ночью ли пропадало;

40 я томился днем от жара, а ночью от стужи, и сон мой убегал от глаз моих.

41 Таковы мои двадцать лет в доме твоем. Я служил тебе четырнадцать лет за двух дочерей твоих и шесть лет за скот твой, а ты десять раз переменял награду мою.

42 Если бы не был со мною Бог отца моего, Бог Авраама и страх Исаака, ты бы теперь отпустил меня ни с чем. Бог увидел бедствие мое и труд рук моих и вступился за меня вчера.

43 И отвечал Лаван и сказал Иакову: дочери – мои дочери; дети – мои дети; скот – мой скот, и все, что ты видишь, это мое: могу ли я что сделать теперь с дочерями моими и с детьми их, которые рождены ими?

44 Теперь заключим союз я и ты, и это будет свидетельством между мною и тобою.

45 И взял Иаков камень и поставил его памятником.

46 И сказал Иаков родственникам своим: наберите камней. Они взяли камни, и сделали холм, и ели там на холме.

47 И назвал его Лаван: Иегар-Сагадуфа; а Иаков назвал его Галаадом.

48 И сказал Лаван: сегодня этот холм между мною и тобою свидетель. Посему и наречено ему имя: Галаад,

49 также : Мицпа, от того, что Лаван сказал: да надзирает Господь надо мною и надтобою, когда мы скроемся друг от друга;

50 если ты будешь худо поступать с дочерями моими, или если возьмешь жен сверх дочерей моих, то, хотя нет человека между нами, но смотри, Бог свидетель между мною и между тобою.

51 И сказал Лаван Иакову: вот холм сей и вот памятник, который я поставил между мною и тобою;

52 этот холм свидетель, и этот памятник свидетель, что ни я не перейду к тебе за этот холм, ни ты не перейдешь ко мне за этот холм и за этот памятник, для зла;

53 Бог Авраамов и Бог Нахоров да судит между нами, Бог отца их. Иаков поклялся страхом отца своего Исаака.

54 И заколол Иаков жертву на горе и позвал родственников своих есть хлеб; и они ели хлеб и ночевали на горе.

55 И встал Лаван рано утром и поцеловал внуков своих и дочерей своих, и благословил их. И пошел и возвратился Лаван в свое место.




Arcana Coelestia#4580



4580. 'Jacob set up a pillar in the place where He talked to him, a stone pillar' means the holiness of truth within that Divine state. This is clear from the meaning of 'a pillar' as the holiness of truth, dealt with below, and from the meaning of 'in the place where He talked to him' as within that state, dealt with just above in 4578.

First, let something be said about the origin of erecting pillars in those times, of pouring out drink-offerings onto them, and of pouring wine onto them.

[2] The pillars which were erected in ancient times were set up to serve either as a sign, or as a witness, or for worship. Those set up for worship used to be anointed with oil and were thereby made holy; and in these places, people also held their worship - in temples, in groves, under trees in forests, and in other places. This practice of erecting pillars owed its representative nature to the fact that in most ancient times stones were set up on the boundaries between families of nations, to stop them crossing those boundaries to do one another any harm, as with the pillar set up by Laban and Jacob, Genesis 31:51. Not crossing them to do harm was the law of nations among those people. And because those stones were on the boundaries, whenever the most ancient people saw them as boundary stones they thought of the truths which exist in the ultimate degree of order; for those people saw in every object on earth the spiritual or celestial reality to which it corresponded. Their descendants however, who saw less of what was spiritual and celestial within the same objects and more of what was worldly, began to regard these in a holy way merely because they were objects venerated from of old. At length those descendants of the most ancient people who lived immediately before the Flood, and who no longer saw anything spiritual or celestial in earthly and worldly things as objects, began to make the actual stones holy, pouring out drink-offerings onto them and anointing them with oil. These were now called pillars and were used for worship. The position remained the same after the Flood - in the Ancient Church which was a representative Church - though with this difference, that pillars served these people as a means enabling them to offer internal worship. For infants and children were taught by parents what those pillars represented, and in this way they were led to know holy objects and to have an affection for the things which these represented. This explains why the ancients had pillars for worship in their temples, groves, and forests, also on hills and mountains.

[3] But once the internal existence of worship had perished completely in the Ancient Church and people began to regard external objects as being holy and Divine and in so doing began to worship those objects in an idolatrous manner, they erected pillars to particular deities. And because the descendants of Jacob were very inclined towards idolatrous practices, they were forbidden to erect pillars or have groves. They were not even allowed to offer any worship on mountains or hillsides, but were required to meet in one particular place - where the Ark was, and later on where the Temple stood, thus in Jerusalem. Otherwise each family would have had its own external objects and idols which it would have worshipped, and so no representative of the Church could have been established among that nation. See what has been shown already about pillars in 3727.

From all this one may see how the erecting of pillars originated, and what they were signs of, and that when they were used for worship, holy truth was represented by them, for which reason the expression 'a stone pillar' is also used, 'stone' meaning truth in the ultimate degree of order, 1298, 3720, 3769, 3771, 3773, 3789, 3798. It should be recognized in addition that holiness is a particular attribute of Divine Truth, for Divine Good exists within the Lord, while Divine Truth proceeds from that Good, 3704, 4577, and is called holiness.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#3727



3727. As regards the meaning of 'a pillar', the reason why it means a holy boundary and so the ultimate degree of order is that in most ancient times people used to place stones where their boundaries ran which separated one person's property or inheritance from another's. These served as a sign and witness to the existence of the boundaries there. The most ancient people, who in every object and in every pillar thought of something celestial or spiritual, 1977, 2995, thought, when they saw these stones set up as pillars, of the ultimate things present in man, and so of the ultimate degree of order, which is truth in the natural man. And it was from those most ancient people who lived before the Flood that the ancients who lived after it acquired this custom, 920, 1409, 2179, 2896, 2897, and began to regard the stones they set up on their boundaries as sacred, for the reason, as stated, that they meant holy truth as it exists in the ultimate degree of order, and also called those stones 'pillars'. This was how it came about that pillars were introduced into their worship, and why they erected them where they had their sacred groves and subsequently their temples, and also anointed them with oil, a point to be dealt with shortly. Indeed the worship of the Ancient Church consisted of things that had been perceived and things that had carried a meaning among the most ancient people prior to the Flood, as is evident from the paragraphs that have just been referred to. Since the most ancient people talked to angels and were in their company while still on earth, they received it from heaven that 'stones' means truth and 'wood' good; see just above in 3720. This then is why 'pillars' means a holy boundary, and so truth as it exists in the ultimate degree of order with man. For good which flows in from the Lord by way of the internal man terminates in the external man, and in the truth that is there. Man's thought, speech, and activity, which are the ultimates of order, are nothing else than truths stemming from good. In fact they are the images or forms which good takes, for they belong to the understanding part of the human mind, whereas the good that is within them, and from which they spring, belongs to the will part.

[2] The fact that pillars were erected as a sign and a witness, and were also introduced into worship, and that in the internal sense they mean a holy boundary, or truth within man's natural, which is the ultimate degree of order, becomes clear from other places in the Word, as in the following verses where the subject is the covenant made between Laban and Jacob,

Now come, let us make a covenant, I and you, and let it be a witness between me and you. And Jacob took a stone and erected it as a pillar. Laban said to Jacob, Behold this heap, and behold the pillar which I have erected between me and you. This heap is a witness and the pillar is a witness, that I will not pass beyond this heap to you, and that you will not pass beyond this heap and this pillar to me, to do harm. Genesis 31:44-45, 51-52.

Here 'pillar' means truth, as will be seen in the explanation of those verses.

[3] In Isaiah,

On that day there will be five cities in the land of Egypt which speak with the lips of Canaan and swear to Jehovah Zebaoth. On that day there will be an altar to Jehovah in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at its border to Jehovah, which will be a sign and a witness to Jehovah Zebaoth in the land of Egypt. Isaiah 19:18-20.

'Egypt' stands for facts which belong to the natural man, 'an altar' for Divine worship in general, for in the second Ancient Church that began with Eber the altar became the first and foremost representative in its worship, 921, 1343, 2777, 2811. 'The midst of the land of Egypt' stands for the primary and inmost aspect of worship, 2940, 2973, 3436. 'Pillar' stands for truth as it exists in the ultimate degree of order in the natural. The fact that it stood at the border as a sign and a witness is quite evident.

[4] In Moses,

Moses wrote down all the words of Jehovah and rose up in the morning and built an altar beside Mount Sinai, and twelve pillars for the twelve tribes of Israel. Exodus 24:4.

Here similarly 'an altar' was the representative of all worship, and indeed was the representative of good present in worship. 'The twelve pillars' however were the representative in worship of truth that stems from good - 'twelve' meaning every aspect of truth in its entirety, see 577, 2089, 2129 (end), 2130 (end), 3272; and the twelve tribes likewise meaning every aspect of truth in the Church, as in the Lord's Divine mercy will be shown in the next chapter.

[5] Because altars were representative of all good in worship, and the Jewish Church was established so as to represent the celestial Church which acknowledged no other truth than truth stemming from good, which is called celestial truth (for the celestial Church was totally unwilling to separate truth from good, so much so that it was unwilling even to refer to anything of faith or truth without thinking about good, and doing so from good, see 202, 337, 2069, 2715, 2718, 3246), truth was therefore represented by the stones of the altar. And they were forbidden to represent it by means of pillars lest in so doing they separated truth from good and by representation worshipped truth instead of good. This accounts for the following prohibition in Moses,

You shall not plant for yourself a grove of any kind of tree beside the altar of Jehovah your God which you shall make for yourself. And you shall not erect for yourself a pillar, which Jehovah your God hates. Deuteronomy 16:21-22.

For worshipping truth separated from good, or faith separated from charity, is contrary to the Divine since it is contrary to order, meant by 'you shall not erect for yourself a pillar, which Jehovah your God hates'.

[6] Despite this they did erect them and so represented things that are contrary to order, as is clear in Hosea,

Israel, according to the multiplying of his fruit, multiplies altars; according to the goodness of their land they make well their pillars. But He will overturn their altars, and lay waste their pillars. Hosea 10:1-2.

In the first Book of Kings,

Judah did what was evil in the eyes of Jehovah, and they built for themselves high places and pillars and groves on every high hill, and under every green tree. 1 Kings 14:22-23.

In the second Book of Kings,

The children of Israel set up pillars for themselves and groves on every high hill and under every green tree. 2 Kings 17:10.

In the same book,

Hezekiah removed the high places, and broke down the pillars, and cut down the grove, and smashed the bronze snake which Moses had made, because they had been burning incense to it. 2 Kings 18:4.

[7] Since gentile nations too derived through tradition the idea that the holiness of worship was to be represented by means of altars and pillars, and yet they were under the influence of evil and falsity, the altars among the nations therefore mean the evils of worship and the pillars the falsities. This was why the command was given for them to be destroyed. In Moses,

The altars of the nations you shall overthrow, and you shall break down their pillars and tear down their groves. Exodus 34:13; Deuteronomy 7:5; 12:3.

In the same author,

You shall not bow down to the gods of the nations, or worship them, or do according to their works, for you shall utterly destroy them, and utterly break down their pillars. Exodus 23:24.

'The gods of the nations' stands for falsities, 'their works' for evils, 'breaking down their pillars' for destroying worship arising out of falsity.

[8] In Jeremiah,

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babel will break down the pillars of the house of the sun that is in the land of Egypt, and the houses of the gods of Egypt he will burn with fire. Jeremiah 43:13.

In Ezekiel,

By means of the hoofs of his horses Nebuchadnezzar king of Babel will trample all your streets, slay the people with the sword, and cause your mighty pillars to come down to the ground. Ezekiel 26:11.

This refers to Tyre. 'Nebuchadnezzar king of Babel' stands for that which lays waste, 1327 (end). 'The hoofs of horses' stands for the lowest form of intellectual concepts, such as facts based on mere sensory impressions - 'hoofs' meaning lowest concepts, as will in the Lord's Divine mercy be confirmed elsewhere. 'Horses' stands for matters of the understanding, 2760-2762, 'streets' for truths, and in the contrary sense for falsities, 2336. 'trampling' on them is destroying cognitions of truth, which are meant by 'Tyre' - 'Tyre', the subject here, meaning cognitions of truth, 1201. 'Slaying the people with the sword' stands for destroying truths by means of falsity - 'people' being used in reference to truths, 1259, 1260, 3295, 3581, and 'sword' meaning falsity engaged in conflict, 2799. From this one may see what 'causing your mighty pillars to come down to the ground' means - 'might' being used in reference either to truth or to falsity, as is also clear from the Word.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.