




4 По убиении им Сигона, царя Аморрейского, который жил в Есевоне, и Ога, царя Васанского, который жил в Аштерофе в Едреи,



Erläuterung zu Deuteronomium 1

原作者: Alexander Payne (机器翻译成: Deutsch)

Verse 1-8. Eine allgemeine Zusammenfassung.

Verse 9-18. Die Auswahl der richtigen Prinzipien im Geist.

Verse 19-21. Aufforderung zum Eintritt in das himmlische Leben.

Verse 22-25. Eine Untersuchung darüber, was das himmlische Leben ausmacht.

Verse 26-40. Der Unwille des unerneuerten Herzens, es zu betreten.

Verse 41-46. Der Versuch, dies aus der Selbstbezogenheit und der Niederlage in der Versuchung heraus zu tun.



Arcana Coelestia#5080



5080. 'And Pharaoh was incensed' means that the new natural man turned away. This is clear from the representation of 'Pharaoh' or the king of Egypt as the new natural man or a new state in the natural man, dealt with immediately above in 5079, and from the meaning of 'being incensed' or being angry as turning away, dealt with in 5034; so that the meaning here is that the interior natural which had been made new turned away from the exterior natural, or the bodily senses, because the latter were not in agreement with it.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.