




1 И услышалъ Іаковъ слова сыновъ Лавановыхъ, которые говорили: Іаковъ завладјлъ всјмъ, что было у отца нашего, и изъ имјнія отца нашего составилъ все богатство сіе.

2 Іаковъ увидјлъ, что и Лаванъ уже не такъ смотритъ на него, какъ вчера и третьяго дня.

3 И сказалъ Іегова Іакову: возвратись въ землю отцевъ твоихъ, и на родину твою; и Я буду съ тобою.

4 Тогда Іаковъ, пославъ, призвалъ Рахиль и Лію въ поле, къ стаду мелкаго скота своего;

5 и сказалъ имъ: я вижу, что отецъ вашъ смотритъ на меня не такъ, какъ вчера и третьяго дня. Но Богъ отца моего со мною.

6 Вы сами знаете, что я всјми силами работалъ отцу вашему.

7 А отецъ вашъ обманулъ меня, и разъ десять перемјнялъ награду мою. Но Богъ не попустилъ ему сдјлать мнј зло.

8 Скажетъ ли онъ, что скотъ, который съ крапинами будетъ тебј въ награду; скотъ рождается все съ крапинами. Скажетъ ли: пестрый будетъ тебј въ награду; скотъ рождается все пестрый.

9 И отнялъ Богъ скотъ у отца вашего, и отдалъ мнј.

10 Однажды въ такое время, когда скотъ зачинаетъ, я взглянулъ, и увидјлъ во снј козловъ пестрыхъ, съ крапинами и пятнами, скачущихъ на скотъ.

11 Ангелъ Божій сказалъ мнј во снј: Іаковъ! я отвјчалъ: вотъ я.

12 Онъ сказалъ: возведи очи твои, и посмотри; всј козлы, скачущіе на скотинъ, суть пестрые, съ крапинами, и съ пятнами; ибо Я вижу все, что Лаванъ дјлаетъ съ тобою.

13 Я Богъ Веѕиля, гдј ты возлилъ елей на памятникъ, и гдј ты далъ Мнј објтъ. Теперь встань, поди изъ земли сей, и возвратися въ землю рожденія твоего.

14 Рахиль и Лія сказали ему въ отвјтъ: есть ли уже намъ доля, или наслјдство въ домј отца нашего?

15 Не за чужихъ ли онъ насъ почитаетъ? ибо онъ продалъ насъ, и серебро наше съјлъ.

16 Все богатство, которое Богъ отнялъ у отца нашего, есть наше и дјтей нашихъ. И такъ дјлай все, что Богъ повелјлъ тебј.

17 Тогда Іаковъ всталъ, и посадилъ дјтей своихъ и женъ своихъ на верблюдовъ;

18 и взялъ съ собою весь скотъ свой, и все богатство свое, которое пріобрјлъ; скотъ собственный его, который онъ пріобрјлъ въ Падан-Арамј; и пошелъ къ Исааку, отцу своему, въ землю Ханаанскую.

19 И какъ Лаванъ пошелъ стричь скотъ свой: то Рахиль украла идоловъ, которые были у отца ея.

20 И Іаковъ укрылся отъ проницаніа Лавана Арамеянина, поелику не далъ ему знать, что удаляется.

21 И ушелъ со всјмъ, что у него было; и вставъ перешелъ рјку, и пошелъ прямо къ горј Галаадъ

22 На третій день сказали Лавану, что Іаковъ ушелъ.

23 Посему онъ взялъ съ собою сродниковъ своихъ, и гнался за нимъ семь дней, и догналъ его на горј Галаадъ.

24 Но Богъ пришелъ къ Лавану Арамеянину ночью, во снј, и сказалъ ему: берегись, не говори вопреки Іакову ни худаго, ни добраго.

25 Итакъ, когда Лаванъ догналъ Іакова, и когда Іаковъ поставилъ шатеръ свой на горј, а также и Лаванъ расположился съ сродниками своими на горј Галаадъ:

26 тогда Лаванъ сказалъ Іакову: что ты сдјлалъ? для чего ты укрылся отъ меня, и увелъ дочерей моихъ, какъ будто взятыхъ въ плјнъ оружіемъ?

27 Зачјмъ ты убјжалъ тайно, и укрылся отъ меня, и не сказалъ мнј? Я отпустилъ бы тебя съ веселіемъ и съ пјснями, съ тимпаномъ и съ гуслями.

28 Ты не позволилъ мнј даже поцјловать внуковъ моихъ и дочерей моихъ! Это неблагоразумно ты сдјлалъ.

29 Есть въ рукј моей сила сдјлать вамъ зло, но Богъ отца вашего вчера говорилъ ко мнј, и сказалъ: берегись, не говори вопреки Іакову ни худаго, ни добраго.

30 Но пустъ бы ты ушелъ, потому что ты нетерпјливо захотјлъ быть въ домј отца твоего: зачјмъ ты укралъ боговъ моихъ?

31 Іаковъ сказалъ въ отвјтъ Лавану: я ушелъ, потому что боялся; ибо я сказалъ самъ въ себј: не отнялъ бы ты у меня дочерей своихъ.

32 Боговъ же твоихъ, если у кого найдешь, тотъ да не будетъ живъ. При сродникахъ нашихъ узнавай свое въ томъ, что есть у меня, и бери себј. А того не зналъ Іаковъ, что Рахиль украла ихъ.

33 Итакъ Лаванъ ходилъ въ шатеръ Іакова, и въ шатеръ Ліи, и въ шатеръ двухъ рабынь, и не нашелъ ничего. И вышедши изъ шатра Ліи, вошелъ въ шатеръ Рахили.

34 Рахиль же взяла идоловъ и положила ихъ подъ верблюжье сјдло, и сјла на нихъ. И обыскалъ Лаванъ весь шатеръ; но не нашелъ.

35 Она же сказала отцу своему: да не прогнјвается господинъ мой, видя, что я не могу встать предъ тобою; ибо у меня обыкновенное женское. Такимъ образомъ онъ искалъ, но не нашелъ идоловъ.

36 Тогда Іаковъ осердился,. и вступилъ въ споръ съ Лаваномъ. И началъ Іаковъ говорить, и сказалъ Лавану: какая вина моя, какой грјхъ мой, что ты преслјдуешь меня?

37 Ты осмотрјлъ у меня всј вещи; что нашелъ ты изъ всјхъ вещей твоего дома? Покажи здјсь передъ сродниками твоими и передъ сродниками моими; пусть они разсудятъ обоихъ насъ.

38 Двадцать лјтъ я жилъ у тебя; овцы твои и козы твои не выкидывали; овновъ стада твоего я не јлъ.

39 Разтерзаннаго звјремъ я не носилъ тебј; это была моя бјда, ты съ меня взыскивалъ, днемъ ли что пропало, ночью ли пропало.

40 Я томился днемъ отъ жара, а ночью отъ стужи; и сонъ убјгалъ отъ глазъ моихъ.

41 Таковы мои двадцать лјтъ въ домј твоемъ. Я работалъ тебј четырнадцать лјтъ за двухъ дочерей твоихъ, и шесть лјтъ за скотъ твой; а ты десять разъ перемјнялъ награду мою.

42 Еслибы не былъ со мною Богъ отца моего, Богъ Авраама и страхъ Исаака; ты бы теперь отпустилъ меня ни съ чјмъ. Богъ увидјлъ бјдствіе мое, и трудъ рукъ моихъ; и вступился за меня вчера.

43 Лаванъ сказалъ въ отвјтъ: дочери, дочери мои; дјти, дјти мои; скотъ, скотъ мой; все что ты видишь, это мое; но что мнј дјлать теперь съ дочерьми моими и съ дјтьми ихъ, которые рождены ими?

44 Итакъ, сдјлаемъ теперь завјтъ, ты и я; и это будетъ свидјтельствомъ между мною и тобою.

45 И взялъ Іаковъ камень, и поставилъ его въ памятникъ.

46 И сказалъ Іаковъ сродникамъ своимъ: наберите камней. Они набрали камней, и сдјлали холмъ, и јли тамъ на холмј.

47 И назвалъ его Лаванъ: Іегар-Сагадуѕа; а Іаковъ назвалъ его Галаадомъ.

48 И сказалъ Лаванъ: этотъ холмъ свидјтель между мною и тобою сего дня; посему и наречено ему имя: Галаадъ;

49 также Мицфа, отъ того, что Лаванъ сказалъ: да надзираетъ Іегова надо мною и надъ тобою, когда мы скроемся другъ отъ друга.

50 Если ты будешь худо поступать съ дочерями моими, или если возмешь женъ, сверхъ дочерей моихъ: то смотри, человјка нјтъ между нами: Богъ свидјтель между мною и между тобою.

51 И еще сказалъ Лаванъ Іакову: вотъ холмъ сей, и вотъ памятникъ сей, который я поставилъ между мною и тобою.

52 Этотъ холмъ свидјтель, и этотъ памятникъ свидјтель, что ни я не перейду къ тебј за этотъ холмъ, ни ты не перейдешь ко мнј за этотъ холмъ, и за этотъ памятникъ съ злымъ намјреніемъ.

53 Богъ Авраамовъ и Богъ Нахоровъ, да судитъ насъ, Богъ отца ихъ. Тогда Іаковъ поклялся страхомъ отца своего Исаака;

54 и закололъ Іаковъ жертву на горј, и позвалъ сродниковъ своихъ јсть хлјба; и они јли хлјбъ, и ночевали на горј.

55 Вставъ поутру, Лаванъ поцјловалъ внуковъ своихъ и дочерей своихъ, и благословилъ ихъ, потомъ пошелъ, и возвратился Лаванъ въ свое мјсто.




Arcana Coelestia#4402



4402. 'And he called it El Elohe Israel' means that it, that is to say, interior worship, originated in the Divine Spiritual. This is clear from the meaning of 'El Elohe', dealt with below, and from the meaning of 'Israel' as the spiritual, dealt with in 4286, 4292. The things stated so far in this chapter from verse 17 onwards appear there because the subject in the highest sense of the chapter is how the Lord made His Natural Divine. But since things in the highest sense which are concerned with the Lord are beyond the range of ideas present in a person's thought because such things are Divine, let them be illustrated by means of the kind of things that do fall more immediately within the range of a person's ideas. That is to say, let those things that are Divine be illustrated by means of the way in which the Lord regenerates man's natural. Indeed the regeneration of man, that is, of his natural, is also the subject here in the internal sense; for the regeneration of man is a model of the glorification of the Lord, 3138, 3212, 3296, 3490. In fact the Lord glorified Himself, that is, made Himself Divine, according to Divine order, according to which same order He also regenerates man, that is, makes him celestial and spiritual. Here the way in which He makes him spiritual is dealt with, for 'Israel' means that spiritual man.

[2] The spiritual man is not the interior rational man but the interior natural. The interior rational man is that which is called celestial. How the spiritual man and the celestial differ from each other has often been stated already. A person becomes spiritual through the joining of the truths residing with him to good, that is, through the joining of matters of faith to those of charity, a joining together which takes place within his natural. There exterior truths first are joined to good, and after that interior truths. The joining of exterior truths within the natural has been dealt with in verses 1-16 of this chapter, the joining of interior truths to good in verses 17-end. Interior truths are not joined to good except by means of an enlightenment entering through the internal man into the external. That enlightenment makes Divine truths visible in a purely general way, as when, to use a comparison, countless objects are seen by the eye as an obscure single whole devoid of any distinguishable features. This enlightenment making truths visible in a purely general way was meant by Esau's words to Jacob, 'Let me now place with you some of the people who are with me', and by Jacob's reply, 'Why so? Let me find favour in your eyes', dealt with in 4385, 4386.

[3] On the point that the spiritual man, compared with the celestial, dwells in obscurity, see 2708, 2715, 2716, 2718, 2831, 2849, 2935, 2937, 3241, 3246, 3833. It is this spiritual man that is represented by 'Israel', 4286. The expression spiritual man is used because the light of heaven, which holds intelligence and wisdom within it, flows into those things with man which belong to the light of the world and causes those which belong to the light of heaven to be represented in those belonging to the light of the world, and in this way causes them to correspond. For regarded in itself the spiritual is the Divine Light itself which comes from the Lord, and therefore consists in intelligence which essentially is truth and as a consequence is wisdom. With the spiritual man however that light falls on things which are matters of faith with him and which he believes to be true, whereas with the celestial man it falls on the good of love. But although these considerations are clear to those who dwell in the light of heaven they are nevertheless obscure to those who dwell in the light of the world, and so to the majority at the present day. They are perhaps so obscure as to be barely intelligible. All the same, since they constitute the subject in the internal sense and are by nature as described, the exposition of them must not be left out. The time will come when people will be enlightened

[4] The reason why the altar was called El Elohe Israel and why interior worship originating in the Divine Spiritual was meant by it is that in the highest sense El Elohe is identical with the Divine Spiritual; as also is Israel. For 'Israel' means the Lord's Divine Spiritual, and in the representative sense the Lord's spiritual Church, or what amounts to the same, a person like that, see 4286, 4292. In the original language El Elohe means 'God God', and also, to be strictly literal, 'God of gods'. 1 In the Word Jehovah, or the Lord, is referred to in very many places by the singular name 'El', or else 'Eloah', as well as by the plural name 'Elohim'. Both names are sometimes used within the same verse or in the same section. A person who is not acquainted with the internal sense of the Word cannot know the reason why. Anyone may conclude that 'El' implies one thing, 'Eloah' another, and 'Elohim' another, from the consideration that the Word is Divine, that is, has its origin in the Divine, and that it is for that reason inspired as to every word, indeed as to the smallest part of every letter.

[5] What the name 'El' implies when it is used, or the name 'Elohim', may be seen from what has been shown in various places above, namely that El or Elohim - that is, God - is used when truth is the subject, see 709, 2586, 2769, 2807, 2822, 3921 (end), 4287. This is why in the highest sense El and Elohim mean the Divine Spiritual, this being the same as Divine Truth. The two names differ however in that 'El' means truth in will and action, which is the same as the good of truth, 4337, 4353, 4390. The plural form Elohim exists for the reason that by Divine truth is meant all the truths which come from the Lord. This is also the reason why in the Word angels are sometimes called elohim or gods, 4295, as will be further evident from places in the Word that are quoted below. Now because El and Elohim in the highest sense mean the Lord as regards truth, they also mean Him as regards power; for truth is the entity to which power is attributed. Indeed when exercising power good acts by means of truth, 3091, 4015. Therefore when in the Word reference is made to the power received from truth, the Lord is called El and Elohim, that is, God. Hence also it is that El in the original language means one who is powerful.

[6] The fact that the names El and Elohim, or God, are used in the Word where the Divine Spiritual is the subject, or what amounts to the same, Divine Truth, and Divine Power received from this, may be seen in addition from the following places,

God spoke to Israel in visions in the night. I am the God of gods (El Elohe) of your father, do not be afraid of going down into Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. Genesis 46:2-3.

Since these words are addressed to Israel, whom He is going 'to make into a great nation', and so the subject is truth and the power this possesses, El Elohe is used, which in the proximate sense means the God of gods. The fact that in the proximate sense Elohim means gods because it has reference to truths and to the power received from them, is also evident in the same author,

There Jacob built an altar, and called the place El Beth El, for there the Elohim were revealed to him, when he was fleeing from before his brother. Genesis 35:7.

And elsewhere in the same author,

Jehovah your God, He is God of gods, and Lord of lords, the God (El) who is great, powerful, and fearful. Deuteronomy 10:17.

Here 'God of gods' is expressed by Elohe Elohim, and after that 'God' by El, to whom greatness and power are attributed

[7] In David,

A great God (El) is Jehovah, and a great King above all gods (elohim), in whose hand are the deep places 2 of the earth; and the strength 3 of the mountains are His. Psalms 95:3-4.

The name 'God' or El is used here because reference is made to Divine Truth and the Power received from this, and also 'gods' because reference is made to subordinate truths. For in the internal sense 'a king' means truth, 1672, 2015, 2069, 3009, 3670. From this it is clear what 'a great King above all gods' implies. 'The deep places of the earth' too means the truths of the Church, which are called 'the strength of the mountains' from power rooted in good. In the same author,

Who in heaven will compare himself to Jehovah? Who will be likened to Jehovah among the sons of gods (elim)? God (El) mighty in the secret place of the holy ones, O Jehovah God Zebaoth, who is strong as You are, O Jah? Psalms 89:6-8.

Here 'sons of gods (or of elim)' stands for Divine truths, to which, it is evident, power is attributed, since it is said 'God (El) mighty, Jehovah God of hosts, who is strong as You are?'

[8] Similarly elsewhere in the same author,

Give to Jehovah, O sons of gods, give to Jehovah glory and strength. Psalms 29:1.

In Moses,

They fell on their faces, and said, O God of gods (El elohe) of the spirits of all flesh. Numbers 16:22.

In David,

I said, You are gods (elohim), and sons of the Most High, all of you. Psalms 82:6; John 10:34.

Here they are called 'gods' from truths, for 'sons' means truths, 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2628, 3373, 3704. In the same author,

Confess the God of gods (Elohe elohim), confess the Lord of lords. Psalms 136:2-3.

In Daniel,

The king will act according to his own pleasure, and will uplift himself, and exalt himself above every god (el), and will speak astonishing things above the God of gods (El elohim). Daniel 11:36.

These quotations show that in the proximate sense El elohe means God of gods, and that in the internal sense 'gods' is used in reference to truths which come from the Lord.

[9] The fact that the singular name El or God is used where the power which comes from Divine Truth is the subject, or what amounts to the same, from the Lord's Divine Spiritual, becomes clear from the following places: In Moses,

Let my hand be for God (El) to do you evil! Genesis 31:29.

And elsewhere,

Nor is there a hand for God (El). Deuteronomy 28:32.

And in Micah,

Let there be a hand for God (El). Micah 2:1.

'Let there be a hand for God' means, let there be power. For 'hand' means power, see 878, 3387, and 'hand' is used in reference to truth, 3091. In David,

I will set His hand in the sea, and His right hand in the rivers. He will cry to Me, You are My Father, My God (El), the Rock of My Salvation. Psalms 89:25-26.

This refers to power from truths. In the same author,

The wicked says in his heart, God (El) has forgotten; He has hidden His face; He never sees. Arise, O Jehovah God (El); lift up Your hand. For what reason does the wicked despise God (Elohim)? Psalms 10:11-13.

Here the meaning is similar.

[10] In the same author,

Jehovah is my rock (petra) and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God (El), my rock (rupes). Psalms 18:2.

This refers to power. In Isaiah, A residue will return, the residue of Jacob, to the God (El) of power. Isaiah 10:21.

In the same prophet,

To us a Boy is born, to us a Son is given, the government upon His shoulder; He will call His name, Wonderful, Counsellor, God (El), the Powerful One, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6.

In the same prophet,

Behold the God (El) of my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid, for He is my strength. Isaiah 12:2.

In the same prophet,

I am God (El) even from today; I am He, and nobody delivers from My hand; I work, and who will reverse it? Isaiah 43:12-13.

This refers to power. In Jeremiah, Great and powerful God (El), whose name is Jehovah of hosts. Jeremiah 32:18.

In the second Book of Samuel,

With my God (El) I will leap over the wall. God (El) is perfect in His way; the word of Jehovah is pure. Who is God (El) besides Jehovah? Who is a rock besides our God (Elohim)? God (El) is the strength of my refuge. 2 Samuel 22:30-33.

In Moses,

God (El) is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not act? Or has He spoken, and will He not carry it out? He brought them out of Egypt; He has so to speak the strength of a unicorn. At that time it will be said to Jacob and to Israel, What has God (El) been doing? Numbers 23:19, 22-23.

This in the internal sense refers to power and to truth.

[11] And in the same author,

God (El) who brought him out of Egypt has as it were the strength of a unicorn. He will consume the nations, his enemies, and will break their bones, and smash their weapons. Numbers 24:8.

'Horns' and 'the strength of a unicorn' mean the power of truth that springs from good, see 2832. And there are many other places besides all these. Since most things in the Word also have a contrary sense, no less do 'god' and 'gods', names which are used when the subject is falsity and power from falsity, as in Ezekiel,

The gods (elim) of the mighty will speak to him in the midst of hell. Ezekiel 32:21.

In Isaiah,

You inflamed yourselves among the gods (elim) under every green tree. Isaiah 57:5.

Here the name 'gods' is used on account of falsities. Similar examples exist in other places.


1. 'El Elohe Israel may be understood in two different ways - 'God, the God of Israel' or 'Israel's God of gods'. Most English versions of the Bible prefer the first of these (e.g. in Genesis 46:3; Deuteronomy 10:17).

2. literally, the searchings

3. literally, the strengths


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#3246



3246. 'And to the concubines' sons, whom Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts' means that places in the Lord's spiritual kingdom were allotted to spiritual people adopted by the Lord's Divine Human. This is clear from the meaning of 'the concubines' sons' as those who are spiritual, to be dealt with below; from the representation of 'Abraham' here as the Lord's Divine Human (so that the words 'whom Abraham had' mean that they - those who were spiritual - were adopted by the Lord's Divine Human); and from the meaning of 'the gifts which Abraham gave them' as allotted places in the Lord's spiritual kingdom.

[2] From what has been shown several times already about those who constitute the Lord's spiritual kingdom and who are called the spiritual, as in 3235 and elsewhere, it becomes clear that they are not sons of the marriage itself of good and truth, but of a certain covenant not so conjugial. They are indeed descended from the same father but not from the same mother, that is, from the same Divine Good but not from the same Divine Truth. Indeed with those who are celestial, since they are the product of the marriage itself of good and truth, good exists and truth rooted in that good. They never make investigations into what the truth may be but have a perception of it from good. Nor in conversation do they say more than this regarding what is true, 'Yes, that is so', in keeping with the Lord's teaching in Matthew,

Let your words be Yes, yes; No, no; anything beyond this is from evil. 1 Matthew 5:37.

But those who are spiritual, since they are the product of a covenant not so conjugial, do not have any perception from which they can know what is true. Instead they call that the truth which parents and teachers have told them to be the truth. Consequently with them there is no marriage of good and truth. Nevertheless that which they believe to be the truth for the reason just given is adopted by the Lord as truth when goodness of life exists with them; see 1832. This now explains why the spiritual are here called 'the concubines' sons', which is used to mean all the sons of Keturah mentioned already, and also those descended from Hagar, dealt with shortly below in verses 12-18.

[3] In former times - to enable both those who are celestial and those who are spiritual to be represented in marriages - a man was allowed to have a concubine in addition to a wife. That concubine was given to the husband by his wife (uxor), in which case the concubine was called his wife (mulier), or was said to have been given to him as a wife (mulier), as when Hagar the Egyptian was given to Abraham by Sarah, Genesis 16:3, when the servant-girl Bilhah was given to Jacob by Rachel, Genesis 30:4, and when the servant-girl Zilpah was given to Jacob by Leah, Genesis 30:9. In those cases they are called 'wives' (mulier), but elsewhere concubines, as is Hagar the Egyptian in the present verse, Bilhah in Genesis 35:22, and even Keturah herself in 1 Chronicles 1:32.

[4] The reason why those men of old had concubines in addition to a wife, as not only Abraham and Jacob did, but also their descendants, such as Gideon, Judges 8:31; Saul, 2 Samuel 3:7; David, 2 Samuel 5:13; 15:16; Solomon, 1 Kings 11:3, was that they were permitted to do so for the sake of the representation. That is to say, the celestial Church was represented by the wife, and the spiritual Church by the concubine. They were permitted to do so because they were the kind of men with whom conjugial love did not exist; so that to them marriage was not marriage but merely copulation for the sake of begetting off-spring. With such persons those permissions were possible without any harm being done to love or consequently to the conjugial covenant. But such permissions are never possible among people with whom good and truth are present and who are internal people, or potentially so. For as soon as good and truth, and internal things, exist with the human being, such permissions come to an end. This is why Christians are not allowed, as the Jews were, to take a concubine in addition to a wife, and why such is adultery. Regarding the adoption of those who are spiritual by the Lord's Divine Human, see what has been stated and shown already on the same subject in 2661, 2716, 2833, 2834.


1. or from the evil one


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.