




1 Между тјмъ народъ, видя, что Моисей долго не сходитъ съ горы, собрался къ Аарону, и говорилъ ему: встань и сдјлай намъ бога, который бы шелъ передъ нами: ибо съ Моисеемъ, съ этимъ человјкомъ, который вывелъ насъ изъ земли Египетской, не знаемъ, что сдјлалось.

2 Ааронъ сказалъ имъ: выдерните золотыя серьги, которыя въ ушахъ вашихъ женъ, вашихъ сыновъ и вашихъ дочерей, и принесите ко мнј.

3 Весь народъ выдернулъ золотыя серьги, которыя были въ ушахъ ихъ, и принесли къ Аарону.

4 Онъ взялъ у нихъ изъ рукъ и, сдјлавъ изъ нихъ литаго тельца, обдјлалъ его рјзцемъ; и сказали они: Израиль! вотъ Богъ твой, который вывелъ тебя изъ земли Египетской.

5 Видя сіе, Ааронъ поставилъ передъ нимъ жертвенникъ; и провозгласилъ Ааронъ, говоря: завтра праздникъ Іеговј.

6 На другой день встали рано, принесли всесожженія, и привели жертвы благодарственныя: потомъ народъ сјлъ јсть и пить, а послј всталъ играть.

7 Тогда Іегова сказалъ Моисею: поди, сойди: ибо развратился народъ твой, который ты вывелъ изъ земли Египетской;

8 скоро уклонились они съ пути, который Я предписалъ имъ; они сдјлали себј литаго тельца, и поклоняются ему, и приносятъ ему жертвы и говорятъ: Израиль! вотъ богъ твой, который вывелъ тебя изъ земли Египетской.

9 И сказалъ Іегова Моисею: Я вижу народъ сей, и вотъ, это жестоковыйный народъ.

10 Итакъ не препятствуй Мнј, и воспламенится гнјвъ Мой на нихъ, и истреблю ихъ и содјлаю тебя великимъ народомъ.

11 Но Моисей сталъ умолять Іегову, Бога своего, и сказалъ: почто, Іегова, воспламеняться гнјву Твоему на народъ Твой, который Ты вывелъ изъ земли Египетской силою великою и рукою крјпкою?

12 На что допускать, чтобъ Египтяне говорили: на погибель Онъ вывелъ ихъ, чтобы убить ихъ въ горахъ, и истребить ихъ съ лица земли? Отврати пламенный гнјвъ Твой, и отмјни погубленіе народа Твоего.

13 Вспомни Авраама, Исаака и Израиля, рабовъ Твоихъ, которымъ клялся Ты Собою, и говорилъ имъ: умножу сјмя ваше, подобно звјздамъ небеснымъ, и всю землю сію, о которой Я сказалъ, дамъ сјмени вашему, чтобы наслјдовали на вјки.

14 И отмјнилъ Іегова зло, о которомъ сказалъ было, что наведетъ его на народъ Свой.

15 И обратился Моисей, и сошелъ съ горы, и двј скрижали откровенія въ рукј его, скрижали, на которыхъ было написано съ објихъ сторонъ, и на той и на другой сторонј написано было.

16 Скрижали сіи были дјло Божіе, и письмена, начертанныя на сихъ скрижаляхъ, были письмена Божіи.

17 И услышалъ Іисусъ голосъ народа шумящаго, и сказалъ Моисею: военный крикъ въ станј.

18 Но Моисей отвјчалъ: это не крикъ восклицающихъ: побјда! и не крикъ вопіющихъ: погибель! Я слышу голосъ поющихъ.

19 Когда же приближился Моисей къ стану, и увидјлъ тельца и пляски: тогда онъ воспламенился гнјвомъ, и бросилъ изъ рукъ своихъ скрижали, и разбилъ ихъ подъ горою.

20 Потомъ взялъ тельца, котораго они сдјлали, и сжегъ въ огнј, и стеръ въ пыль, и разсыпалъ по водј, и заставилъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ пить.

21 И сказалъ Моисей Аарону: что сдјлалъ тебј народъ сей, что ты ввелъ его въ такой великій грјхъ?

22 Но Ааронъ отвјчалъ: да не возгарается гнјвъ господина моего; ты знаешь этотъ народъ, какъ онъ золъ.

23 Они сказали мнј: сдјлай намъ бога, который бы шелъ передъ нами: ибо съ Моисеемъ, съ симъ человјкомъ, который вывелъ насъ изъ земли Египетской, не знаемъ, что сдјлалось.

24 На сіе я сказалъ имъ: у кого есть золото, снимите съ себя; они отдали мнј, и я бросилъ его въ огонь, и вышелъ этотъ телецъ.

25 Моисей видјлъ, какъ народъ былъ разстроенъ, потому что Ааронъ допустилъ его до разстройства, къ посрамленію предъ врагами ихъ.

26 И сталъ Моисей въ воротахъ стана и сказалъ: кто за Іегову, ко мнј! и собрались къ нему всј сыны Левіины.

27 Онъ сказалъ имъ: такъ говоритъ Іегова, Богъ Израилевъ: возложите каждый свой мечъ на бедро свое, пройдите по стану отъ воротъ до воротъ и обратно, и убивайте каждый брата своего, и каждый ближняго своего.

28 И сдјлали сыны Левіины по слову Моисея: и пало въ тотъ день изъ народа около трехъ тысячъ человјкъ.

29 Ибо сказалъ Моисей: сегодня посвятите руки ваши Іеговј, налагая ихъ каждый на сына своего и брата своего; сіе принесетъ вамъ сегодня благословеніе.

30 На другой день Моисей сказалъ народу: вы сдјлали великій грјхъ; и такъ я взойду къ Іеговј, не заглажу ли грјха вашего.

31 И возвратился Моисей къ Іеговј, и сказалъ: ахъ! согрјшилъ народъ сей, согрјшилъ тяжко, они сдјлали себј золотаго бога.

32 И нынј простишь ли грјхъ ихъ? а если нјтъ, то изгладь меня изъ книги Твоей, въ которую Ты вписалъ.

33 Іегова сказалъ Моисею: того, кто согрјшилъ, изглажу изъ книги Моей.

34 Итакъ иди, веди народъ сей, куда Я сказалъ тебј; се, Ангелъ Мой пойдетъ предъ тобою: но въ день посјщенія Моего Я посјщу ихъ за грјхъ ихъ.

35 И поразилъ Іегова народъ за то, что сдјлали тельца, котораго сдјлалъ Ааронъ.




Arcana Coelestia#10401



10401. 'And Aaron said to them' means the outward features of the Word, the Church, and worship, devoid of the inward. This is clear from the representation here of 'Aaron' as the outward features of the Word, the Church, and worship, devoid of the inward, dealt with above in 10397. The fact that no Church existed among the Israelite and Jewish nation, only what was representative of a Church, thus an outward form devoid of the inward substance, is perfectly clear from Aaron, who, though a typical member of that nation, was nevertheless made the high priest, to whom the most sacred things of the Church were entrusted, and who was therefore considered to be holier than everyone else. For it is said of him that he made the golden calf, built an altar for it, made a proclamation that there was to be 'a feast to Jehovah' for it, brought that sin upon the people, and caused them to become undisciplined, in verses 2, 4-5, 21, 25, 35; and elsewhere that Jehovah was greatly moved with anger against Aaron and would have destroyed him, and that Moses prayed for him, Deuteronomy 9:20. These words imply that Aaron was like the people, who were idolatrous at heart, 4208, 4281, 4820, 5998, 6877, 7401, 8301, 8882. But since only the outward form of a Church devoid of its inward substance existed with that nation, and yet by means of it there was contact with heaven, it did not matter what a person there was like, provided that when engaged in external observances he obeyed what had been decreed and revered it.

In the case of representatives no attention is paid to the person, only to the reality represented by that person, see 665, 1097(end), 3670, 4208, 4281, 4288, 4444, 8588.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#4444



4444 .'When they heard; and the men were grieved and blazing with anger' means that they were under the influence of evil that was directed against the truth of the Church among the Ancients. This is clear from the meaning of 'being grieved and blazing with anger' here as being under the influence of evil. Its direction against the truth of the Church among the Ancients follows because the anger was against Shechem the son of Hamor, who means the truth known to the Ancients, as stated above in 4430, 4431. Their being under the influence of evil is evident from details given further on, namely that they spoke deceitfully, verse 13, and then after Shechem and Hamor had submitted to their demands they killed them, verses 26-29. Consequently 'being grieved' here and 'blazing with anger' mean that they were under the influence of evil. Their action looks like zeal aroused in them because he had lain with their sister, to judge by the words which immediately follow 'because he had done something disgraceful in Israel by lying with Jacob's daughter, a thing that ought not to be done' - and by those at the end of the chapter 'They said, Is he going to treat our sister like a prostitute?' verse 31. But it was not zeal, for zeal cannot possibly exist with someone who is under the influence of evil, only with one governed by good; for zeal has good within it, 4164.

[2] The semblance of religion which existed among their descendants did indeed have good within it, in that all its details, each one, represented the celestial and spiritual things of the Lord's kingdom. But in the case of those with whom it existed it did not hold anything good at all since they were confined solely to external things devoid of internal, as shown above. It is the same with the semblance of religion possessed by that nation among whom it exists even at the present day. They acknowledge Moses and the Prophets, and so the Word. In itself this is holy but in their case it is not holy, for within every detail there they see themselves and so that which is worldly. Indeed they turn the Word into something earthly, for they do not know or even care about anything heavenly within it. If the state of a people is like this, no good can exist in them when their own semblance of religion holds sway over them. Instead evil is present, for nothing heavenly enters into them because they will annihilate it.

[3] There was a law, also known in the Ancient Church, according to which anyone who ravished a virgin had to provide her with a dowry and take her to be his wife, as the following words in Moses laid down,

If a man persuades a virgin who is not betrothed, and lies with her, he shall endow her with a dowry to be his wife; if her father utterly refuses to give her to him he shall weigh silver according to the dowry of virgins. Exodus 22:16-17.

And elsewhere,

If a man finds a young woman, a virgin, who is not betrothed, and he seizes her and lies with her, and they are discovered, the man who lay with her shall give to the young woman's father fifty pieces of silver, and she shall become his wife, because he ravished her; and he will not be able to divorce her all his days. Deuteronomy 22:28-29.

The fact that this same law was known to the Ancients is quite evident from Shechem's words to the young woman's father and brothers,

Shechem said to her father and to her brothers, Let me find grace in your eyes, and I will give that which you tell me. Increase the dowry and gift to any size and I will give you whatever you tell me, and give me the young woman for a wife. Verses 11-12.

Also, because Shechem was willing to fulfill this law and Dinah's brothers gave their consent provided he became as they themselves were, by circumcising every male, according to the words that follow

Only on this [condition] will we consent to you: If you will be as we are, by circumcising every male among you, then we will give our daughters to you, and your daughters we will take to ourselves, and we will dwell with you, and we wit be one people. Verses 15-16

- it is therefore evident that they did not act in conformity with the law, thus were not motivated by good, but acted contrary to the law, and consequently were motivated by evil.

[4] The law forbade them, it is true, to enter into marriages with the gentile nations, as laid down in Moses,

Lest you take their daughters for your sons, and their daughters go whoring after their gods, and they cause your sons to go whoring after their gods. Exodus 34:16.

And elsewhere,

You shall not establish a marriage relationship with the nations; you shall not give your daughter to his son, and you shall not take his daughter for your son, for he will turn your son from following Me, to serve other gods. Deuteronomy 7:3-4.

But this law referred to idolatrous nations. It was laid down to prevent their turning away, through such marriages, from truly representative worship to idolatrous worship; for once they became idolaters they were no longer able to represent the celestial and spiritual things of the Lord's kingdom, only their opposites, namely the things of hell. In fact, once they were idolaters, they summoned from hell a certain devil whom they worshipped and to whom they applied Divine representatives. This accounts for its being said that they were not to go whoring after their gods. That law was also laid down for the further reason that 'the nations' means evils and falsities with which the goods and truths which they represented were not to be mingled, and therefore devilish and hellish things were not to be mingled with celestial and spiritual ones, 3024 (end).

[5] But they were in no way forbidden to contract marriages with nations who willingly adopted their worship and who, after being circumcised, acknowledged Jehovah. These they called sojourners sojourning with them, of whom the following is said in Moses,

If a sojourner sojourns with you and wishes to keep the Passover to Jehovah, every male he has shall be circumcised, and then he shall come near and keep it; and he will be as an inhabitant of the land. There shall be one law for the inhabitant and for the sojourner who sojourns in the midst of you. Exodus 12:48-49.

And elsewhere,

When the sojourner has sojourned with you, he shall keep the Passover to Jehovah according to the statute for the Passover, and according to the regulations 1 for it. There shall be one statute for you, both for the sojourner and for the native of the land. Numbers 9:14.

The reason why they were called sojourners sojourning in the midst of them and with them was that 'sojourning' meant receiving instruction, and so 'a sojourner' those who allowed themselves to receive instruction in statutes and matters of doctrine, see 1463, 2025, 3672. In the same author,

If a sojourner should sojourn with you who would make a fire-offering of an odour of rest to Jehovah, he shall do as you do. As for the assembly, one statute shall there be for you and for the sojourner who sojourns, an eternal statute throughout your generations. As you are, so shall the sojourner be before Jehovah. There shall be one law and one judgement for you and for the sojourner sojourning with you. Numbers 15:14-16.

And elsewhere,

As the native among you shall the sojourner sojourning with you be to you.

Leviticus 19:34.

One judgement shall there be for you; it shall be for the sojourner as for the native. Leviticus 24:22.

[6] The fact that this statute was known not only to Jacob and his sons but also to Shechem and Hamor is evident from the words spoken by them. For the statutes, judgements, and laws which were given to the Israelite and Jewish nation were not new but such as existed previously in the Ancient Church and in the second Ancient Church which, from Eber, was called the Hebrew, as has been shown in various places. The consequent knowledge of this law is evident from the words of Jacob's sons,

Jacob's sons said to Hamor and Shechem, We cannot do this thing, to give our sister to a man who has a foreskin; for that would be a reproach to us. Only on this [condition] will we consent to you: If you will be as we are, by circumcising every male among you, then we will give our daughters to you, and your daughters we will take to ourselves, and we will dwell with you, and we will be one people. Verses 14-16.

That knowledge is also evident from Hamor and Shechem's words, in that they not only consented but also did cause themselves and every male of their city to be circumcised, verses 18-24.

[7] This shows that Shechem became a sojourner such as is referred to in the Law, and so could take Jacob's daughter as a wife; and that their killing them was accordingly an unmentionable deed, as Jacob also bore witness before his death, Genesis 49:5-7. The fact that not only Judah but also Moses, as well as the kings of the Jews and Israelites, and many of the people too, married wives from gentile nations is clear from the historical sections of the Word; and one should not doubt that those wives accepted their statutes, judgements, and laws and were acknowledged as sojourners.


1. literally, statutes


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.