




1 Então subiu Moisés das planícies de Moabe ao monte Nebo, ao cume de Pisga, que está defronte de Jericó; e o Senhor mostrou-lhe toda a terra desde Gileade até ,

2 todo o Naftali, a terra de Efraim e Manassés, toda a terra de Judá, até o mar ocidental,

3 o Negebe, e a planície do vale de Jericó, a cidade das palmeiras, até Zoar.

4 E disse-lhe o Senhor: Esta é a terra que prometi com juramento a Abraão, a Isaque e a Jacó, dizendo: ë tua descendência a darei. Eu te fiz -la com os teus olhos, porém para lá não passarás.

5 Assim Moisés, servo do Senhor, morreu ali na terra de Moabe, conforme o dito do Senhor,

6 que o sepultou no vale, na terra de Moabe, defronte de Bete-Peor; e ninguém soube até hoje o lugar da sua sepultura.

7 Tinha Moisés cento e vinte anos quando morreu; não se lhe escurecera a vista, nem se lhe fugira o vigor.

8 Os filhos de Israel prantearam a Moisés por trinta dias nas planícies de Moabe; e os dias do pranto no luto por Moisés se cumpriram.

9 Ora, Josué, filho de Num, foi cheio do espírito de sabedoria, porquanto Moisés lhe tinha imposto as mãos; assim se filhos de Israel lhe obedeceram , e fizeram como o Senhor ordenara a Moisés.

10 E nunca mais se levantou em Israel profeta como Moisés, a quem o Senhor conhecesse face a face,

11 nem semelhante em todos os sinais e maravilhas que o Senhor o enviou para fazer na terra do Egito, a Faraó: e a todos os seus servos, e a toda a sua terra;

12 e em tudo o que Moisés operou com mão forte, e com grande espanto, aos olhos de todo o Israel.




True Christian Religion#156




A person's spirit, regarded as an object, is nothing but his mind. It is this which lives on after death, and it is then called a spirit; if he is good, an angelic spirit and later an angel, if wicked, a satanic spirit and afterwards a Satan. Everyone's mind is his internal man, which is the real person and resides within the external man composed of his body. So when the body is cast off as the result of death, the internal man has a fully human form. Those, then, are in error who believe that a person's mind resides only in his head. There it is only in its beginnings, from which first emerge everything a person's understanding allows him to think and his will induces him to do. But in the body the mind is present in derivatives from those beginnings, and these have been so constructed as to permit sensation and action. Since it is inwardly attached to the bodily structures, it imparts to them sensation and movement, together with a feeling that the body thinks and acts of itself. Yet every intelligent person knows that this is a fallacy. Now since a person's spirit is allowed by his understanding to think and is induced by his will to act, and the body does not do so of itself but from the spirit, it follows that a person's spirit means his intelligence and the affection of his love, and everything which comes from it and acts.

[2] There are numerous passages in the Word to prove that a person's spirit means such things as are to do with the mind; their mere quotation will show anyone that this is so. The following are a few among many:

Bezaleel was filled with the spirit of wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, Exodus 31:3.

Nebuchadnezzar said of Daniel that an outstanding spirit of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom was in him, Daniel 5:12, 14.

Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom, Deuteronomy 34:9.

Make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit, Ezekiel 18:31.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for of such is the kingdom of the heavens, Matthew 5:3.

I dwell in a broken and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, Isaiah 57:15.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, Psalms 51:17.

I will give a cloak of praise in place of a depressed spirit, Isaiah 61:3.

Spirit also stands for the products of a wrong and unjust mind, as these passages prove:

He said to the foolish prophets, who run after their own spirit, Ezekiel 13:3.

Conceive chaff, bring forth stubble; as to your spirit, fire shall devour you, Isaiah 33:11.

A man who is in spirit a vagabond and utters a lie, Micah 2:11.

A generation whose spirit is not steadfast with God, Psalms 78:8.

A spirit of whoring, Hosea 4:12; 5:4.

That every heart may melt and every spirit be depressed, Ezekiel 21:7.

That which rises upon your spirit shall never be, Ezekiel 20:32.

Provided there is no deceit in his spirit, Psalms 32:2.

The spirit of Pharaoh was troubled, Genesis 41:8.

Likewise that of Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel 2:3.

These and very many other passages plainly establish that spirit means a person's mind and what is to do with it.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.






14 I have heard of you, that the spirit of the gods is in you, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom are found in you.