




1 “Štai aukos už kaltę įstatymas. Ji yra labai šventa.

2 Kur pjaunama deginamoji auka, ten pjaunama ir auka už kaltę. Jos kraujas bus šlakstomas aplink aukurą.

3 Aukosite nuo jos visus taukus: uodegą, vidurių taukus,

4 abu inkstus ir ant jų esančius taukus, paslėpsnių taukus ir kepenis su tinkleliu.

5 Kunigas visa tai sudegins ant aukuro; tai auka Viešpačiui už kaltę.

6 Kiekvienas kunigų giminės vyras valgys tos mėsos šventoje vietoje, nes ji yra labai šventa.

7 Auka už kaltę aukojama taip pat, kaip ir auka už nuodėmę; joms yra vienas įstatymas. Kunigas, kuris atlieka sutaikinimą, gauna ją.

8 Kunigas, kuris aukoja bet kokio žmogaus deginamąją auką, pasiima sau tos aukos odą.

9 Kiekviena duonos auka, iškepta krosnyje, ant skardos ar keptuvėje, priklauso kunigui, kuris ją aukoja;

10 Kiekviena duonos auka, aplieta aliejumi ar sausa, priklauso visiems Aarono sūnums, kaip vienam, taip ir kitam.

11 Šis yra įstatymas padėkos aukų, kurias aukosite Viešpačiui.

12 Jei kas, norėdamas atsidėkoti, aukoja dėkojimo auką, kartu su ja teaukoja neraugintus papločius, aplaistytus aliejumi, neraugintus ragaišius, apteptus aliejumi, ir smulkių miltų papločius, aplaistytus aliejumi.

13 Kartu su papločiais teaukoja raugintą duoną kaip dėkojimo auką.

14 Vieną iš visos aukos skirs pakėlimo aukai Viešpačiui, ir tai priklausys kunigui, kuris šlakstys padėkos aukos kraują.

15 Dėkojimo aukos mėsa turi būti suvalgyta tą pačią dieną­nieko iš jos neleistina palikti rytojui.

16 Įžadų ir laisvos valios auka valgoma tą pačią dieną. Kas lieka, leidžiama valgyti ir kitą dieną.

17 Kas lieka trečiai dienai­sudeginama.

18 Jei kas valgytų padėkos aukos mėsą trečią dieną, ji nebūtų priimtina ir nebūtų įskaityta tam, kuris aukoja,­tai pasibjaurėjimas. Kas valgytų, būtų kaltas.

19 Mėsa, paliesta kuo nors suteptu, nebus valgoma­ji bus sudeginama. Kas nesuteptas, gali valgyti aukos mėsą.

20 Jei kas, būdamas nešvarus, valgytų padėkos aukos mėsą, aukojamą Viešpačiui, bus išnaikintas iš savo tautos.

21 Kas, palietęs žmogaus, galvijo ar kokio daikto nešvarumą, valgytų padėkos aukos mėsą, bus išnaikintas iš savo tautos”.

22 Ir Viešpats kalbėjo Mozei:

23 “Sakyk izraelitams, kad jie nevalgytų avies, jaučio ir ožkos taukų.

24 Nustipusio ar žvėries sudraskyto gyvulio taukus naudokite įvairiems reikalams, bet ne valgiui.

25 Jei kas valgytų gyvulio taukus, kurie turi būti paaukojami Viešpačiui, bus išnaikintas iš savo tautos.

26 Nevalgykite jokio kraujo­ar jis būtų paukščių, ar gyvulių.

27 Kiekvienas, kuris valgys kraują, bus išnaikintas iš savo tautos”.

28 Ir Viešpats kalbėjo Mozei:

29 “Sakyk Izraelio vaikams: ‘Kas aukoja Viešpačiui padėkos auką, dalį aukos turi atnešti Viešpačiui.

30 Savo rankomis turi atnešti aukos dalį, skirtą sudeginimui. Taukus ir krūtinę jis privalo atnešti, kad krūtinė būtų siūbuojama Viešpaties akivaizdoje.

31 Kunigas sudegins taukus ant aukuro, krūtinė teks Aaronui ir jo sūnums.

32 Dešinysis padėkos aukos petys yra kunigo dalis.

33 Kuris Aarono sūnus aukos kraują ir taukus, tas gaus dešinį petį.

34 Nes padėkos aukų krūtinę ir petį paėmiau iš Izraelio vaikų ir atidaviau kunigui Aaronui ir jo sūnums. Tai amžinas nuostatas Izraelio tautai’ ”.

35 Tai yra pateptojo Aarono ir jo pateptųjų sūnų dalis iš Viešpačiui sudeginamų aukų nuo tos dienos, kai jie buvo paskirti eiti kunigų tarnystę.

36 Dalis, kurią Viešpats Izraelio vaikams įsakė atiduoti jiems per visas kartas nuo tos dienos, kai jie buvo patepti.

37 Toks yra deginamųjų, duonos, nuodėmės, kaltės, įšventinimo ir padėkos aukų įstatymas.

38 Jį Viešpats davė Mozei Sinajaus kalne, kai liepė izraelitams aukoti aukas Viešpačiui Sinajaus dykumoje.




Arcana Coelestia#7906



7906. 'No yeast shall be found in your houses' means no falsity whatever shall come near good. This is clear from the meaning of 'yeast' as falsity, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'house' as good, dealt with in 3652, 3720, 4982, 7833-7835. The meaning of 'yeast' as falsity becomes clear from the places where yeast and anything made with yeast, and also where unleavened and anything made without yeast are mentioned, such as in Matthew,

Jesus said, Look out for and beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Then the disciples understood that He had not said that they should beware of the yeast used in bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Matthew 16:6, 11.

Here 'yeast' plainly stands for false teaching. Because 'yeast' meant falsity it was forbidden to sacrifice the blood of the sacrifice with anything made with yeast, Exodus 23:18; 34:25. For 'the blood of the sacrifice' meant holy truth, thus truth pure and free from all falsity, 4735, 6978, 7317, 7326, 7846, 7850. It was also laid down that the minchah offered on the altar should not be baked with yeast in it, Leviticus 6:15-17, and that cakes and wafers also should be made without yeast, Leviticus 7:11-13.

[2] To go further with what 'made with yeast' and 'not made with yeast' refer to, it should be recognized that the purification of truth from falsity cannot ever come about in a person without so called fermentation, that is, without the conflict of falsity with truth and of truth with falsity. But after the conflict has taken place and truth has triumphed, the falsity falls away like dregs and the truth emerges purified. It is like wine that becomes clear after fermentation as the dregs sink to the bottom. That fermentation or conflict takes place especially when a person's state undergoes a change, that is to say, when his actions begin to spring from the good of charity, and not as previously from the truth of faith. For a person's state is not yet made pure while his actions spring from the truth of faith, but they have been made pure when they spring from the good of charity, since they now spring from his will. Previously they sprang merely from his understanding.

[3] Spiritual conflicts or temptations are fermentations in the spiritual sense, for during them falsities wish to link themselves to truths, but the truths reject them, eventually sending them to the bottom so to speak and in that way becoming refined. This is the sense in which to understand what the Lord teaches about 'yeast' in Matthew,

The kingdom of heaven is like yeast, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until the whole was fermented by it. Matthew 13:33.

'Flour' is truth from which good is derived. Also in Hosea,

They are all committing adultery, like an oven heated by a baker; the raiser 1 ceases from kneading the dough until it has fermented. Hosea 7:4.

Since such conflicts, meant by 'fermentations', take place with a person in the state before he attains newness of life, as has been stated, it was also laid down that the new minchah, the bread of the wave-offering, that was to be brought at the feast of first fruits, should be baked with yeast; and that was to be the first fruits to Jehovah, Leviticus 23:16-17.


1. Whether the raiser means the stirrer of the fire or the raiser of the dough is not clear.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#7317



7317. 'And they will be turned into blood' means that they will falsify truths. This is clear from the meaning of 'blood' as falsified truth, dealt with in 4735, 6978, 'blood' in the genuine sense is truth emanating from the Lord, thus the holiness of faith, this being what is meant by blood in the Holy Supper. But in the contrary sense 'blood' is violence done to Divine Truth, and since it is done by means of falsifications, 'blood' is the falsification of truth. From this and from what follows it may be seen who specifically are represented by 'Pharaoh', or who specifically are meant by those who molest - those within the Church who have declared themselves on the side of faith and have also convinced themselves that faith saves, yet have led a life contrary to the commandments intrinsic to faith. In short they are those whose faith has been false and whose life has been evil.

[2] When these people enter the next life they bring with them the assumption that they are to be introduced into heaven because they were born and baptized within the Church, possessed the Word, and also the teachings drawn from the Word which they had claimed to believe in, and especially because they claimed to believe in the Lord, who suffered for their sins and thereby saved those within the Church who from a knowledge of its teachings claimed to believe in Him. When these people first arrive in the next life from the world they do not wish to know anything about a life of faith and charity. They regard it as of no account, saying that because they have possessed faith all the evils marring their life have been purged and washed away by the blood of the Lamb. But then they are told that these ideas are contrary to the Lord's words in Matthew, where He says this,

Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy through Your name, and through Your name cast out demons, and do many mighty works in Your name? But then I will confess to them, I do not know you; depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. Everyone who hears My words and does them I liken to a wise man; but everyone hearing My words and not doing them I liken to a foolish man. Matthew 7:11-24, 26.

And in Luke,

Then you will begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But He replying will say to you, 1 I do not know where you come from. Then you will begin to say, We ate in Your presence and we drank; and You taught in our streets. But He will say, I tell you, I do not know where you come from; depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity. Luke 13:25-27.

But when they are told this they reply that only those who possessed faith induced by miracles are meant, not those who possessed the faith of the Church.

[3] But after some time these same people start to learn that none are admitted into heaven apart from those who have led the life of faith, that is, have had charity towards the neighbour. And when they start to learn this they begin to feel contempt for the teachings making up their faith, and their faith itself also. For their faith had not been faith but merely a knowledge of such things as constitute faith; and it had not existed for life's sake, only for the sake of making gain and having important positions. So it is that they begin to feel contempt for the things which had composed their knowledge of faith, and so cast them aside, soon after which they immerse themselves in falsities opposed to the truths of faith. This is the state in which those who have declared themselves on the side of faith, yet have led a life contrary to faith, come to live. These are the ones who in the next life molest the upright by means of falsities, thus who are meant specifically by 'Pharaoh'.


1. The Latin means them but the Greek means you, which Swedenborg has in other places where he quotes this verse.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.