




1 Viešpats kalbėjo man:

2 “Žmogaus sūnau, buvo dvi moterys, vienos motinos dukterys.

3 Jos paleistuvavo jau savo jaunystėje Egipte.

4 Vyresnioji buvo vardu Ohola ir jos sesuo Oholiba. Jos buvo mano ir pagimdė sūnų bei dukterų. Ohola­tai Samarija, o Oholiba­tai Jeruzalė.

5 Ohola buvo man neištikima. Ji geidė savo meilužių, kaimynystėje gyvenančių asirų.

6 Jie buvo apsirengę mėlynai, vadai ir kunigaikščiai, jauni, gražūs vyrai, raiteliai, jojantys ant savo žirgų.

7 Ji paleistuvavo su jais, su rinktiniais asirais ir visais, kurių ji geidė. Jų stabais ji suteršė save.

8 Ji nesiliovė paleistuvavusi ir su egiptiečiais, savo jaunystės meilužiais.

9 Todėl Aš atidaviau ją jos meilužiams asirams, kurių ji geidė.

10 Jie atidengė jos nuogumą, paėmė jos sūnus bei dukteris, o ją pačią nužudė kardu. Ji tapo priežodis tarp moterų, kai jie įvykdė jai teismą.

11 Jos sesuo Oholiba visa tai matė, tačiau gašlumu ir paleistuvystėmis pralenkė net savo seserį.

12 Ji geidė savo kaimynų asirų, vadų ir kunigaikščių, išsipusčiusių raitelių, gražių, jaunų vyrų.

13 Aš mačiau, kad ji suteršė save; jos abi ėjo vienu keliu.

14 Ji daugino savo paleistuvystes, nes kai pamatė sienoje nupieštus vyrų paveikslus, raudona spalva nupieštus atvaizdus chaldėjų,

15 susijuosusių strėnas diržais, ant galvų užsidėjusių margus turbanus, atrodančių kaip Babilono kunigaikščiai, kilę iš Chaldėjos,

16 ji ėmė geisti jų ir siuntė pasiuntinių į Chaldėją.

17 Babiloniečiai atėjo į jos meilės guolį ir suteršė ją savo paleistuvystėmis. Suteršta ji pasitraukė nuo jų.

18 Ji neslėpė savo paleistuvysčių ir atidengė savo nuogumą. Tada Aš pasitraukiau nuo jos, kaip buvau pasitraukęs nuo jos sesers.

19 Bet ji daugino savo paleistuvystes, prisimindama jaunystės dienas, kai ji buvo paleistuvė Egipto žemėje.

20 Ji geidė savo meilužių, kurių kūnai kaip asilų kūnai ir sėklos plūdimas kaip arklių.

21 Tu prisiminei savo jaunystės ištvirkimą, kai egiptiečiai glamonėjo tavo jaunas krūtis.

22 Todėl, Oholiba, taip sako Viešpats Dievas: ‘Aš pakelsiu prieš tave tavo meilužius, nuo kurių tu nusisukai, ir atvesiu juos prieš tave iš visų pusių:

23 babiloniečius, chaldėjus, Pekodą, Šoją, Koją ir asirus­gražius, jaunus vyrus, vadus ir kunigaikščius, valdytojus ir žymius žmones, visus raitus ant žirgų.

24 Daugybė ginkluotų pulkų ateis su kovos vežimais ir žirgais, apstatys tave iš visų pusių didžiaisiais ir mažaisiais skydais bei šalmais. Aš atiduosiu tave jų teismui. Jie teis tave pagal savo nuostatus.

25 Aš nukreipsiu prieš tave savo pavydą, ir jie žiauriai pasielgs su tavimi: nupjaus tau nosį bei ausis, likusius išžudys kardu, išplėš tavo sūnus bei dukteris ir sudegins, kas liks.

26 Jie nuplėš tau drabužius ir atims brangenybes.

27 Taip aš padarysiu galą tavo ištvirkavimui su egiptiečiais. Tu nebenorėsi daugiau egiptiečių nei matyti, nei jų prisiminti.

28 Aš atiduosiu tave į rankas tų, kurių tu nekenti, nuo kurių tu pasitraukei.

29 Jie pasielgs su tavimi labai žiauriai, išplėš visą turtą ir paliks tave pliką bei nuogą. Taip bus apnuogintas tavo pasileidimas ir ištvirkavimas.

30 Tai padarysiu tau dėl tavo paleistuvavimo su tautomis, kurių stabais tu susitepei.

31 Tu ėjai savo sesers keliu, todėl jos taurę įduosiu į tavo rankas.

32 Tu gersi savo sesers taurę, gilią ir didelę, iš tavęs tyčiosis ir niekins tave, nes joje daug telpa.

33 Tu pasigersi ir būsi pilna skausmų. Taurė skausmo ir naikinimo, tavo sesers Samarijos taurė.

34 Išgersi ją iki dugno, šukes nulaižysi ir draskysi savo krūtis, nes Aš tai pasakiau,­sako Viešpats Dievas.­

35 Kadangi mane užmiršai ir atgręžei man nugarą, tai kentėk savo ištvirkavimą ir paleistuvystę’ ”.

36 Viešpats sakė man: “Žmogaus sūnau, ar tu neteisi Oholos ir Oholibos? Primink joms jų bjaurystes!

37 Jos svetimavo ir savo rankas sutepė nekaltu krauju. Jos svetimavo su stabais ir aukojo jiems vaikus, kuriuos man pagimdė!

38 Tą pačią dieną jos sutepė mano šventyklą ir nesilaikė sabatų.

39 Tą pačią dieną, kai jos aukojo vaikus stabams, jos ėjo į mano šventyklą ir tuo sutepė ją.

40 Be to, tu siuntei pasiuntinius ir kvietei vyrus iš toli. Dėl jų prauseisi, dažeisi akis ir puošeisi brangenybėmis.

41 Atsisėdai ant brangaus gulto; padengei stalus, ant jų padėjai mano smilkalų ir aliejaus.

42 Nerūpestingos minios balsai buvo girdimi joje, ir kartu su žmonėmis iš minios buvo atvesti sebiečiai iš dykumos, kurie dėjo apyrankes ant jų rankų ir puošnias karūnas ant jų galvų.

43 Tada tariau apie tą seną svetimautoją: ‘Ar jie ir dabar paleistuvaus su ja?’

44 Bet jie eidavo pas ją, kaip įeinama pas paleistuvę. Taip jie įeidavo pas Oholą ir Oholibą, gašlias moteris.

45 Bet teisūs vyrai teis jas kaip svetimautojas ir žudikes, nes jos svetimavo ir kraujas yra ant jų rankų.

46 Nes taip sako Viešpats: ‘Ar atvesiu prieš jas minią ir atiduosiu jas sunaikinti ir apiplėšti.

47 Minia užmuš jas akmenimis ir sukapos kardu, jų sūnus ir dukteris nužudys ir jų namus sudegins.

48 Taip Aš padarysiu galą paleistuvystei krašte, kad visos moterys pasimokytų ir neištvirkautų kaip jūs.

49 Jūsų paleistuvystė kris ant jūsų galvų, jūs kentėsite už nuodėmes su savo stabais. Tada žinosite, kad Aš esu Viešpats Dievas’ ”.




Apocalypse Revealed#298



298. And I looked, and behold, a white horse. (6:2) This symbolizes an understanding of truth and goodness from the Word among those people.

A horse symbolizes an understanding of the Word, and a white horse an understanding of truth from the Word. For the color white is predicated of truths (no. 167).

That a horse symbolizes an understanding of the Word is something we showed in a separate short work titled The White Horse. But because we cited only some passages there, we will present more here by way of confirmation. The reality of it is clearly apparent from the fact that horses were seen to go forth from the book which the Lamb opened, and that the living creatures said, "Come and see." For the living creatures symbolize the Word (nos. 239, 275, 286). So, too, does the book (no. 256). And the Son of Man, who here is the Lamb, is the Lord in relation to the Word (no. 44).

It is apparent from this, first, that nothing else is meant here by the horse than an understanding of the Word. This can be still more clearly seen from this later description in the book of Revelation:

I saw heaven opened, when behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called... The Word of God... And He has on His garment and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS... And His armies in heaven... followed Him on white horses. (Revelation 19:11, 13-14, 16)

[2] That a horse symbolizes an understanding of the Word can be further seen from the following passages:

O Jehovah..., is Your wrath against the sea, that You ride on Your horses, Your chariots of salvation? ...You trampled the sea with your horses, the mud of many waters. (Habakkuk 3:8, 15)

The hooves of Jehovah's horses are regarded as rocks... (Isaiah 5:28)

On that day... I will strike every horse with stupor, and its rider with madness...; and I will strike every horse of the peoples with blindness. (Zechariah 12:4)

On that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, "Holiness to Jehovah." (Zechariah 14:20)

Because God has made her forget wisdom, and did not impart to her understanding. When she lifts herself on high, she scorns the horse and its rider. (Job 39:17-18, and following verses)

I will cut off... the horse from Jerusalem... Rather He shall speak peace to the nations. (Zechariah 9:10)

At Your rebuke, (O Jehovah,) both the chariot and horse fell asleep. (Psalms 76:6)

I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms... and I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down... (Haggai 2:22)

With you I will disperse... kingdoms; with you I will disperse the horse and its rider. (Jeremiah 51:20-21)

Assemble yourselves... from round about to My sacrifice... You will be satisfied at My table with horses and riders... (Thus) I will set My glory among the nations. (Ezekiel 39:17, 20-21)

...gather together for the great supper of God, (and) you (will) eat... the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them... (Revelation 19:17-18)

Dan shall be... a viper by the path, that bites the horse's heels, so that its rider falls backward. I have waited for your salvation, O Jehovah! (Genesis 49:17-18)

Gird Your sword..., O Mighty One... Mount up..., ride upon the Word of truth... (Psalms 45:3-4)

Sing to God...; extol Him who rides on the clouds... (Psalms 68:4)

Behold, Jehovah is riding on a... cloud... (Isaiah 19:1)

Sing praises to the Lord..., to Him who rides on the heaven of the heaven of old...! (Psalms 68:32-33)

(God) rode upon a cherub... (Psalms 18:10)

Then you shall delight yourself in Jehovah; and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the earth... (Isaiah 58:14)

Jehovah alone led him... (And) He made him ride in the heights of the earth... (Deuteronomy 32:12-13)

I will make Ephraim ride. (Hosea 10:11)

Ephraim also symbolizes an understanding of the Word.

[3] Since Elijah and Elisha represented the Lord in relation to the Word, therefore they were called the chariot of Israel and his horsemen. Elisha said to Elijah,

"My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!" (2 Kings 2:12)

And Joash said to Elisha,

"O my father..., the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!" (2 Kings 13:14)

Jehovah opened the eyes of (Elisha's) servant, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:17)

A chariot symbolizes doctrine from the Word, and a horseman one who is wise as a result of it.

The following have similar symbolic meanings: The four chariots coming from between the bronze mountains in Zechariah, and the four horses harnessed to them, which were red, black, white, and dappled, called also four spirits, and said to go out from their station before the Lord of all the earth (Zechariah 6:1-8, 15). Horses in these places symbolize an understanding of the Word, or an understanding of truth from the Word. So, too, in other places.

[4] This can be further seen from horses mentioned in an opposite sense, in which they symbolize an understanding of the Word or of truth falsified by reasonings, and also extinguished, and likewise a person's own intelligence, as in the following passages:

Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, and rely on horses..., and do not look to the Holy One of Israel... Egypt is man and not God, and its horses are flesh and not spirit. (Isaiah 31:1, 3)

You shall... set a king over (Israel) whom Jehovah... chooses... Only let him not multiply horses for himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt to multiply horses. (Deuteronomy 17:15-16)

These statements are made because Egypt symbolizes knowledge and reasoning springing from a person's own intelligence, the result of which is a falsification of the Word's truth, which is the meaning of horses here.

Assyria shall not save us. We will not ride on a horse... (Hosea 14:3)

Some glory in chariots, and some in horses; but we will glory in the name of... our God. (Psalms 20:7)

A horse is a false means for safety. (Psalms 33:17)

(Jehovah) does not delight in the strength of the horse. (Psalms 147:10)

...thus says... the Holy One of Israel: ."..In... confidence shall be your strength." But... you said, "No..., ...we will flee on a horse...." And, "We will ride on a swift horse." (Isaiah 30:15-16)

...Jehovah... will make (Judah) as a glorious horse... ...the riders on horses shall be put to shame. (Zechariah 10:3, 5)

Woe to the bloody city! It is all full of lies... ...and the neighing horse, and the jolting chariot... The horseman causing to ascend... (Nahum 3:1-4)

...I will bring against Tyre... the king of Babylon..., with horses, with chariots, and with horsemen... Because of the abundance of his horses, their dust will cover you; your walls will shake at the noise of the horsemen... and the chariots... With the hooves of his horses he will trample all your streets. (Ezekiel 26:7-11)

Tyre symbolizes the church in respect to its concepts of truth, in this case these concepts falsified in it, which are the horses of Babylon. And so on in other places, as in Isaiah 5:28; Ezekiel 17:15; 23:6, 20; Habakkuk 1:6, 8-10; Psalms 66:12.

An understanding of the Word extinguished is symbolized also by the horses, fiery red, black and pale, in the verses that now follow.

To be shown that a horse symbolizes an understanding of truth from the Word owing to appearances in the spiritual world, see my small book titled The White Horse.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.



Apocalypse Revealed#239



239. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures. This symbolizes the Word of the Lord from the firsts of it in its lasts, and its protections.

I know people will be surprised at my saying that the four living creatures symbolize the Word. This is nevertheless their symbolic meaning, as we will later show.

The four living creatures here are the same as the cherubim in Ezekiel. In chapter 1 there they are called likewise living creatures, but cherubim in chapter 10, and they were, as here, a lion, an ox, a human being, and an eagle. 1

In the Hebrew there they are called hayyoth, 2 a word which indeed means creatures, but one derived from hayyoh, 3 meaning life, from which the name of Adam's wife, Hawwah, 4 also was derived (Genesis 3:20). In Ezekiel a creature is also called hayyah, so that these creatures can be called living ones.

It does not matter that the Word is described by creatures, since the Lord Himself is sometimes called in the Word a lion, and often a lamb, and people possessing charity from the Lord are called sheep. Moreover, an understanding of the Word, too, is in subsequent chapters called a horse.

It is apparent that these living creatures or cherubim symbolize the Word from the fact that they were seen in the midst of the throne and around the throne. The Lord was in the midst of the throne, and because the Lord embodies the Word, it could not appear elsewhere. They were also seen around the throne, because they were seen in the angelic heaven, where the Word exists also.

[2] The fact that cherubim symbolize the Word and its protection is something we showed in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture 97, , where we said the following:

...the literal sense of the Word is a protection for the genuine truths which lie within; and the protection consists in the fact that the literal sense can be turned this way or that, (or) explained in accordance with one's comprehension, and yet without harming or violating the Word's inner meaning. For it does no harm for the literal sense to be interpreted differently by different people. But harm is done if the Divine truths that lie within are distorted, for this does violence to the Word.

The literal sense protects this from happening, and it does so in the case of people caught up in falsities derived from their religion, who do not defend those falsities; for they do not inflict any violence.

This protection is symbolized by the cherubim and also described by them in the Word. The same protection is symbolized by the cherubim which, after Adam and his wife were cast out of the Garden of Eden, were placed at its entrance, regarding which we read the following:

(When) Jehovah God... drove out the man..., He caused cherubim to dwell at the east of the Garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life. (Genesis 3:23-24)

The cherubim symbolize a protection. The way to the tree of life symbolizes an entryway to the Lord, which people have through the Word. The flaming sword which turned every way symbolizes Divine truth in outmost expressions, which is like the Word in its literal sense, which can (as we said) be turned in the way stated.

[3] The cherubim of gold positioned on either end of the mercy seat which was on top of the ark (Exodus 25:18-21) have the same meaning. Because this is what the cherubim symbolized, therefore Jehovah spoke with Moses from between them (Exodus 25:22; 30:6, 36, Numbers 7:89)....

This, too, was what the cherubim on the curtains of the Tabernacle and on the veil in it symbolized (Exodus 26:1, 31). For the curtains and veils of the Tabernacle represented the outmost elements of heaven and the church, thus also the outmost expressions of the Word.

This was also what the cherubim inside the temple at Jerusalem symbolized (1 Kings 6:23-28), and what the cherubim carved on the walls and doors of the temple symbolized (1 Kings 6:29, 32, 35). Likewise the cherubim in the new temple (Ezekiel 41:18-20)....

[4] Since cherubim symbolized a protection to prevent a direct approach to the Lord and heaven and to Divine truth such as it is inwardly in the Word, so that people must approach indirectly through its outward expressions, therefore the following is said of the king of Tyre:

You, the seal of the measure, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, were in Eden, the garden...; every precious stone was your covering... You were the cherub, the spreader of a covering... I destroyed you, O covering cherub, in the midst of fiery stones. (Ezekiel 28:12-14, 16)

Tyre symbolizes the church in respect to its concepts of truth and goodness, and therefore its king symbolizes the Word where those concepts are found and from which they are drawn. It is apparent that here he symbolizes the Word in its outmost expression, which is its literal meaning, and the cherub, its protection, for the passage says, "You, the seal of the measure," "every precious stone was your covering," "You were the cherub, the spreader of a covering." The precious stones mentioned here as well symbolize the truths in the Word's literal sense (no. 231).

[5] Since cherubim symbolize Divine truth in outmost expressions as a protection, therefore we are told in the book of Psalms:

...O Shepherd of Israel..., You who sit upon the cherubim, shine forth! (Psalms 80:1)

Jehovah..., sitting upon the cherubim. (Psalms 99:1)

(Jehovah) bowed the heavens and came down... And He rode upon cherubim... (Psalms 18:9-10)

To ride upon cherubim, to sit on them and be seated on them is to do so upon the outmost meaning of the Word.

The Divine truth in the Word and its character is described by cherubim in the first, ninth and tenth chapters in Ezekiel. But inasmuch as no one can know what the particulars of their description symbolize except one to whom the spiritual meaning has been disclosed, and inasmuch as this meaning has been disclosed to me, we will relate briefly what is symbolized by each of the particulars mentioned regarding the four creatures or cherubim in the first chapter in Ezekiel. They are as follows:

[6] The outward Divine atmosphere of the Word is described in verse 4.

It is represented as human in verse 5; as conjoined with spiritual and celestial qualities in verse 6.

The character of the natural component of the Word is described in verse 7.

The character of the spiritual and celestial components of the Word conjoined with the natural one, in verses 8-9.

The Divine love of the celestial, spiritual and natural goodness and truth present in it, separately and together, in verses 10-11.

Their looking to a single end, in verse 12.

The atmosphere of the Word emanating from the Lord's Divine goodness and truth, which give the Word life, in verses 13-14.

The doctrine of goodness and truth present in the Word and emanating from the Word, in verses 15-21.

The Lord's Divinity transcending it and present in it, in verses 22-23; and emanating from it, in verses 24-25.

The Lord's transcending the heavens, in verse 26.

His possessing Divine love and wisdom, in verses 27-28.

These are the symbolic meanings in summary form.


1. See Ezekiel 1:10; 10:14, 22.

2. חַיּוֹת

3. חָיָה

4. חַוָּה


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.