




1 La parola dell’Eterno mi fu rivolta in questi termini:

2 "Figliuol d’uomo, profetizza contro i profeti d’Israele che profetano, e di’ a quelli che profetano di loro senno: Ascoltate la parola dell’Eterno.

3 Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Guai ai profeti stolti, che seguono il loro proprio spirito, e parlano di cose che non hanno vedute!

4 O Israele, i tuoi profeti sono stati come volpi tra le ruine!

5 Voi non siete saliti alle brecce e non avete costruito riparo attorno alla casa d’Israele, per poter resistere alla battaglia nel giorno dell’Eterno.

6 Hanno delle visioni vane, delle divinazioni menzognere, costoro che dicono: L’Eterno ha detto! mentre L’Eterno non li ha mandati; e sperano che la loro parola s’adempirà!

7 Non avete voi delle visioni vane e non pronunziate voi divinazioni menzognere, quando dite: l’Eterno ha detto e io non ho parlato?

8 Perciò, così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Poiché proferite cose vane e avete visioni menzognere, eccomi contro di voi, dice il Signore, l’Eterno.

9 La mia mano sarà contro i profeti dalle visioni vane e dalle divinazioni menzognere; essi non saranno più nel consiglio del mio popolo, non saranno più iscritti nel registro della casa d’Israele, e non entreranno nel paese d’Israele; e voi conoscerete che io sono il Signore, l’Eterno.

10 Giacché, sì, giacché sviano il mio popolo, dicendo: Pace! quando non v’è alcuna pace, e giacché quando il popolo edifica un muro, ecco che costoro lo intonacano di malta che non regge,

11 di’ a quelli che lo intonacano di malta che non regge, ch’esso cadrà; verrà una pioggia scrosciante, e voi, o pietre di grandine, cadrete; e si scatenerà un vento tempestoso;

12 ed ecco, quando il muro cadrà, non vi si dirà egli: E dov’è la malta con cui l’avevate intonacato?

13 Perciò così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Io, nel mio furore, farò scatenare un vento tempestoso, e, nella mia ira, farò cadere una pioggia scrosciante, e, nella mia indignazione, delle pietre di grandine sterminatrice.

14 E demolirò il muro che voi avete intonacato con malta che non regge, lo rovescerò a terra, e i suoi fondamenti saranno messi allo scoperto; ed esso cadrà, e voi sarete distrutti in mezzo alle sue ruine, e conoscerete che io sono l’Eterno.

15 Così sfogherò il mio furore su quel muro, e su quelli che l’hanno intonacato di malta che non regge; e vi dirò: Il muro non è più, e quelli che lo intonacavano non sono più:

16 cioè i profeti d’Israele, che profetano riguardo a Gerusalemme e hanno per lei delle visioni di pace, benché non vi sia pace alcuna, dice il Signore, l’Eterno.

17 E tu, figliuol d’uomo, volgi la faccia verso le figliuole del tuo popolo che profetano di loro senno, e profetizza contro di loro,

18 e di’: Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Guai alle donne che cuciono de’ cuscini per tutti i gomiti, e fanno de’ guanciali per le teste d’ogni altezza, per prendere le anime al laccio! Vorreste voi prendere al laccio le anime del mio popolo e salvare le vostre proprie anime?

19 Voi mi profanate fra il mio popolo per delle manate d’orzo e per de’ pezzi di pane, facendo morire anime che non devono morire, e facendo vivere anime che non devono vivere, mentendo al mio popolo, che dà ascolto alle menzogne.

20 Perciò, così parla il Signore, l’Eterno; Eccomi ai vostri cuscini, coi quali voi prendete le anime al laccio, come uccelli! io ve li strapperò dalle braccia, e lascerò andare le anime: le anime, che voi prendete al laccio come gli uccelli.

21 Strapperò pure i vostri guanciali, e libererò il mio popolo dalle vostre mani; ed egli non sarà più nelle vostre mani per cadere nei lacci, e voi saprete che io sono l’Eterno.

22 Poiché avete contristato il cuore del giusto con delle menzogne, quand’io non lo contristavo, e avete fortificate le mani dell’empio perché non si convertisse dalla sua via malvagia per ottenere la vita,

23 voi non avrete più visioni vane e non praticherete più la divinazione; e io libererò il mio popolo dalle vostre mani, e voi conoscerete che io sono l’Eterno".




Apocalypse Revealed#500



500. The beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them. This symbolically means that those people who are caught up in the interior tenets of the doctrine regarding faith alone will oppose these two essential elements of the New Church, attack them, and reject them, in themselves and, as far as they are able, in others.

The beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit means the people who ascended out of the bottomless pit having the appearance of locusts in Revelation 9:1-12. That they were people caught up in the interior tenets of the doctrine regarding faith alone may be seen in the exposition there. To make war means, symbolically, to oppose and attack these two essential elements of the church, as we shall see next. To overcome them and kill them means, symbolically, to reject them and root them out, in themselves and, as far as they are able, in others.

[2] People caught up in the interior tenets of the doctrine regarding faith alone will attack and reject these two essential elements because they have established in themselves two ideas contrary to them, first, that it is not the Lord but God the Father to whom they should turn; and secondly, that a life in accordance with the Ten Commandments is not a spiritual life, but simply a moral and civic life, and they maintain this to keep anyone from believing that he is saved by works rather than by their faith alone.

All those people who in schools and universities have deeply impressed these dogmas on their minds do not afterward turn away from them. There are three reasons for this, hitherto unknown. First, they have introduced themselves as to their spirit into association with people in the spiritual world like themselves, where there are many satanic spirits who find delight only in falsities, and from these spirits they cannot possibly be set free unless they reject those falsities. Nor can they do that unless they turn to God the Savior directly and begin to live a Christian life in accordance with the Ten Commandments.

[3] The second reason is their belief that they are granted instant forgiveness for their sins and thus salvation in the act of faith, and afterward in the state or progression of it through the same act continued, preserved and retained by the Holy Spirit, apart from any exercises of charity. After that, then, once people have imbibed these ideas, they regard their sins as of no account in the sight of God, and so continue in their impure lives.

Moreover, because they know how to cleverly defend such ideas with falsifications of the Word in the presence of uneducated listeners, and with fallacious arguments in the presence of learned ones, we are told here that the beast from the bottomless pit overcame and killed the two witnesses. But this is the case only with people who love to live self-indulgently and are carried away by the delights of their appetites. Whenever these people think about salvation, they harbor at heart their lusts, and with both hands embrace that faith of theirs, because then they can be saved by uttering certain words in a confident tone and do not have to attend to anything having to do with their life for God's sake, but only for the sake of the world.

[4] The third reason is that people who in their youth have imbibed the interior tenets of that faith, called the mysteries of justification, when afterward promoted to a respectable ministry, do not think to themselves about God and heaven, but about themselves and the world, retaining the mysteries of their faith only for the sake of their reputation so as to be respected as wise, and because of their wisdom, accounted worthy to be rewarded with riches.

Such is the case as a result of that faith because it has nothing of religion in it. The reality of this may be seen in the third narrative account above, in no. 484.

[5] That wars in the Word symbolize spiritual wars, which are attacks on truth and are waged by reasonings based on falsities, is clear from the following passages:

...spirits of demons... go out... to gather them for war on the great day of God Almighty. (Revelation 16:14)

...the dragon was angry with the woman, and it went away to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Revelation 12:17)

It was granted to (the dragon's beast) to make war with the saints... (Revelation 13:7)

Prepare holy war against (the daughter of Zion)..., and let us go up at noon. (Jeremiah 6:4)

You have not gone up into the breaches... to stand in battle on the day of Jehovah. (Ezekiel 13:5)

In Salem is (God's) tabernacle, and His dwelling place in Zion, where He broke the flaming arrows, the bow... and... war. (Psalms 76:2-3)

Jehovah shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up zeal like a man of war. (Isaiah 42:13, cf. Psalms 24:8)

In that day Jehovah... will be... for a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, ...to those who turn back the battle at the gate. (Isaiah 28:5-6)

Deliver me... from the evil man; preserve me from the violent man... All day they gather for war. They sharpen their tongues like serpents. (Psalms 140:1-3)

...many will come in My name, saying, "I am the Christ," and will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled. (Matthew 24:5-7, cf. Mark 13:6-8, Luke 21:8-10)

The wars of the kings of the north and south and other wars in Daniel 10, 11, and 12 symbolize no other than spiritual wars. And so, too, the wars in other places, as in Isaiah 2:3-5, 13:4, 21:14-15, 31:4; Jeremiah 49:25-26; Hosea 2:18; Zechariah 10:5, 14:3; Psalm 18:35 1 , 46:8-9.

[6] As wars in the Word symbolize spiritual wars, therefore the ministry of the Levites was called military service, as is apparent from the following, that the command was given for the Levites to be numbered, to "perform military service, to do the work in the tabernacle of meeting" (Numbers 4:23, 35, 39, 43, 47).

This is the service of the Levites: ...to perform military service in the ministry of the tabernacle of meeting; but at the age of fifty years he must cease the military service, and shall minister no more. (Numbers 8:24-25)

See also no. 447 above, where we established from the Word that armies symbolize the church's goods and truths, and in an opposite sense, its evils and falsities.


1. The citation in the first edition is in error. Either this or Psalms 27:3 was perhaps intended.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.






13 But go you your way until the end; for you shall rest, and shall stand in your lot, at the end of the days.