

1 Mózes第37章



1 Jákób pedig lakozék az õ atyja bujdosásának földén, Kanaán földén.

2 Ezek a Jákób nemzetségének dolgai: József tizenhét esztendõs korában az õ bátyjaival együtt juhokat õriz vala, bojtár vala Bilhának és Zilpának az õ atyja feleségeinek fiai mellett, és József rossz híreket hord vala felõlük az õ atyjuknak.

3 Izráel pedig minden fiánál inkább szereti vala Józsefet, mivelhogy vén korában nemzette vala õt; és czifra ruhát csináltat vala néki.

4 Mikor pedig láták az õ bátyjai, hogy atyjuk minden testvére közt õt szereti legjobban, meggyûlölik vala, és jó szót sem bírnak vala hozzá szólani.

5 És álmot álmodék József és elbeszélé az õ bátyjainak; és azok annál inkább gyûlölik vala õt.

6 Mert monda nékik: Hallgassátok meg, kérlek, ezt az álmot, melyet álmodtam.

7 Ímé kévéket kötünk vala a mezõben, és ímé az én kévém felkele és felálla; a ti kévéitek pedig körûlállanak, és az én kévém elõtt meghajolnak vala.

8 És mondának néki az õ bátyjai: Avagy király akarsz-é lenni felettünk? Vagy uralkodni akarsz-é rajtunk? S annál is inkább gyûlölik vala õt álmáért és beszédéért.

9 Más álmot is álmodék, és elbeszélé azt az õ bátyjainak, mondván: ímé megint álmot álmodtam; ímé a nap és a hold, és tizenegy csillag meghajol vala én elõttem.

10 S elbeszélé atyjának és bátyjainak, és az õ atyja megdorgálá õt, mondván néki: Micsoda álom az a melyet álmodtál? Avagy elmegyünk-é, én és a te anyád és atyádfiai, hogy meghajtsuk magunkat te elõtted a földig?

11 Irígykednek vala azért reá az õ bátyjai; az õ atyja pedig elméjében tartja vala e dolgot.

12 Mikor pedig az õ bátyjai elmenének Sikhembe, hogy az õ atyjok juhait õrizzék;

13 Monda Izráel Józsefnek: A te bátyáid avagy nem Sikhemben legeltetnek-é? Jöszte, és én hozzájok küldelek téged. Õ pedig Monda: Ímhol [vagyok].

14 És monda néki: Menj el, nézd meg, hogy s mint vagynak a te bátyáid és a juhok, s hozz hírt nékem. Elküldé tehát õt Hebron völgyébõl, és méne Sikhembe.

15 Elõtalálá pedig õt egy ember, mikor a mezõben bolyong vala, és megkérdé õt az az ember, mondván: Mit keressz?

16 És monda: Az én bátyáimat keresem, kérlek, mondd meg nékem, hol legeltetnek?

17 És monda az ember: Elmentek innen, mert hallám, hogy mondák: Menjünk Dóthánba. Elméne azért József az õ bátyjai után, és megtalálá õket Dóthánban.

18 Mikor távolról megláták, minekelõtte közel ért volna hozzájok, összebeszélének, hogy megölik.

19 És szólának egymás között: Ímhol jõ az álomlátó!

20 Most hát jertek öljük meg õt, és vessük õt valamelyik kútba; és azt mondjuk, hogy fenevad ette meg, és meglátjuk, mi lesz az õ álmaiból.

21 Meghallá pedig Rúben és megmenté õt kezökbõl, és mondá: Ne üssük õt agyon.

22 És mondá nékik Rúben: Ne ontsatok vért, vessétek õt ebbe a kútba, a mely itt a pusztában van, de kezet ne vessetek reá. Azért, hogy megszabadítsa õt kezökbõl, hogy visszavigye atyjához.

23 És lõn, a mint oda ére József az õ bátyjaihoz, letépték Józsefrõl az õ felsõ ruháját, a czifra ruhát, mely rajta vala.

24 És megragadák õt és beleveték a kútba; a kút pedig üres vala, nem vala víz benne.

25 Azután leûlének kenyerezni, és felemelék szemeiket, és láták, hogy ímé egy Ismáelita karaván jõ vala Gileádból, és azoknak tevéi visznek vala fûszerszámot, balzsamot és mirhát, menvén, hogy alávigyék Égyiptomba.

26 És monda Júda az õ atyjafiainak: Mi haszna, ha megöljük a mi atyánkfiát, és eltitkoljuk az õ vérét?

27 Jertek adjuk el õt az Ismáelitáknak, és ne tegyük reá kezünket, mert atyánkfia, vérünkbõl való õ. És hallgatának rá az õ atyjafiai.

28 És menének arra Midiánita kereskedõ férfiak, és kivonák és felhozák Józsefet a kútból, és eladák Józsefet az Ismáelitáknak húsz ezüstpénzen: [azok] pedig elvivék Józsefet Égyiptomba.

29 És visszatére Rúben a kúthoz, és ímé József nem vala a kútban, és megszaggatá ruháit.

30 És megtére az õ atyjafiaihoz, és monda: Nincsen a gyermek, és én, merre menjek én?

31 Akkor vevék a József felsõ ruháját, és leölének egy kecskebakot, és belemárták a felsõ ruhát a vérbe.

32 És elküldék a czifra ruhát, és elvivék atyjokhoz és mondának: Ezt találtuk, ismerd meg, fiad ruhája-é vagy nem?

33 És megismeré azt, és monda: Fiam felsõ ruhája ez, fenevad ette meg õt, bizony széllyelszaggatta Józsefet.

34 És megszaggatá Jákób ruháit, és zsákba öltözék és gyászolá az õ fiát sokáig.

35 Felkelének pedig minden õ fiai, és minden õ leányai, hogy vígasztalják õt, de nem akara vígasztalódni, hanem monda: Sírva megyek fiamhoz a sírba; és siratá õt az atyja.

36 A Midiániták pedig eladák õt Égyiptomba Pótifárnak, a Faraó fõemberének, a testõrök fõhadnagyának.




Arcana Coelestia#4720



4720. 'And the man said, They have travelled on from here, for I heard them saying, Let us go to Dothan' means that they moved on from the general aspects to the specific details of doctrine. This is clear from the meaning of 'travelled on' as moving on; from the meaning of 'from Shechem', to which 'from here' refers here, as from the general aspects of doctrine, 4707, 4716; and from the meaning of 'Dothan' as the specific details of doctrine. This meaning of 'Dothan' - the specific details of doctrine - cannot be easily demonstrated from other places in the Word because no other mention is made of it apart from that in 2 Kings 6:13, where the narrative states that the king of Syria sent chariots and horsemen and a large army to Dothan to seize Elisha, and that they were struck with blindness and were led by Elisha to Samaria.

[2] Since all historical details in the Word are representative of the celestial and spiritual things of the Lord's kingdom, so too are these. 'The king of Syria' represents people who possess cognitions of truth, 1232, 1234, 3249, 3664, 3680, 4112, though at this point in the contrary sense he represents those who possess cognitions which have no connection with truth. 'Elisha' represents the Word of the Lord, 2762. 'Dothan' means matters of doctrine drawn from the Word. 'Chariots and horsemen and the large army which the king of Syria sent' means falsities of doctrine. 'The mountain full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha that were seen by his servant' means goods and truths taught by doctrine drawn from the Word, 2762. 'The blindness' with which those were struck whom the king of Syria sent there means utter falsities, 2383. 'Their being led by Elisha to Samaria', where their eyes were opened, means instruction given through the Word. These are the kinds of things implied in the historical narrative here, 'Dothan', where Elisha was, meaning matters of doctrine drawn from the Word concerning goodness and truth. The historical details here in Genesis are much the same in meaning, for specific details of doctrine are not anything different. Yet at this particular point the specific details of false assumptions are meant, for the subject is a Church which begins with faith and so right from the start separates it from charity. Matters of doctrine which are formulated after that all smack of the general assumption made initially, and so of faith devoid of charity. Consequently those matters of doctrine are falsities which are the specific details belonging to false assumptions.

[3] When it first begins every Church knows only the general aspects of doctrine, for at that time it is in a state of simplicity and so to speak in childhood. With the passage of time it adds particular aspects, which in part are confirmations of general aspects, in part are additions which do not however conflict with what is general, and also explanations which resolve manifest contradictions but do not in any way offend the dictates of common sense. But in the present instance all the specific details belong to false assumptions, for all aspects of any kind of doctrine are interrelated like members within a community, and are linked to one another as in blood relationships and relationships by marriage, acknowledging a general assumption made initially as their father. From this it is evident that everything smacks of falsity when the general assumption made initially is false.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#2383



2383. That 'they struck with blindness' means that they were filled with falsities is clear from the meaning of 'blindness'. In the Word blindness is used in reference to people who are immersed in falsity, and also to people who have no knowledge of the truth. Both kinds of people are called blind, though who are meant in any one place becomes clear from the train of thought, especially that in the internal sense. That those immersed in falsity are called 'blind' is clear from the following places: In Isaiah,

His watchmen are blind, they are all without knowledge; they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark. Isaiah 56:10.

'Blind watchmen' stands for those who, because of reasoning, are immersed in falsity. In the same prophet,

We look for light, and, behold, darkness; for brightness, but we walk in thick darkness. We grope for the wall like the blind. Isaiah 59:9-10,

In Jeremiah,

They went astray blind in the streets; they defiled themselves with blood. Things which have no power they touch with their garments. Lamentations 4:14.

This stands for the fact that all truths have been defiled, 'streets' standing for truths in which they have gone astray, 2336.

[2] In Zechariah,

On that day I will strike every horse with panic, and its rider with madness. Every horse of the peoples I will strike with blindness. Zechariah 12:4.

Here and elsewhere in the Word 'a horse' stands for what has to do with the understanding. This is why it is said that the horse would be struck with panic, and [every] horse of the peoples with blindness, that is, it would be filled with falsities.

[3] In John,

For judgement I came into the world, that those who do not see may see, but that those who see may become blind. Some of the Pharisees heard these words and said, Are we also blind? Jesus said to them, If you were blind you would have no sin; but now you say, 'We see', therefore your sin remains. John 9:39-41.

Here the blind in both senses are referred to, that is to say, those who are immersed in falsity and those who have no knowledge of truth. With those inside the Church who know what the truth is, 'blindness' is falsity; but with those who do not know what the truth is, as with those outside the Church, 'blindness' is having no knowledge of the truth. The latter are blameless.

[4] In the same gospel,

He has blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart, lest they see with their eyes and understand with their heart and I heal them. John 12:40; Isaiah 6:9-11.

The meaning here is that it would be better for falsities to exist with them than truths, for they lead a life of evil and if they received instruction in truths they would not only continue to falsify them but would also pollute them with evils. They would do so for the same reason that the men of Sodom were struck with blindness, that is, matters of doctrine were filled with falsities. Why this is done has been shown in 301-303, 593, 1008, 1010, 1059, 1327, 1328, 2426.

[5] Because 'blind' meant that which was false, therefore people were not allowed in the Jewish representative Church to sacrifice anything blind, Leviticus 22:22; Deuteronomy 15:21; Malachi 1:8. Also any priest who was blind was forbidden to approach and offer on the altar, Leviticus 21:18, 21.

[6] That 'blindness' is used in reference to those, like gentiles, who have no knowledge of the truth, is clear in Isaiah,

On that day the deaf will hear the words of the Book, and out of thick darkness and out of darkness the eyes of the blind will see. Isaiah 29:18.

'The blind' stands for people who have no knowledge of the truth, chiefly those who are outside the Church. In the same prophet,

Bring forth the blind people and they will have eyes; and the deaf, and they will have ears. Isaiah 43:8.

This refers to the Church of the gentiles. In the same prophet,

I will lead the blind in a way they do not know; I will turn the darkness before them into light. Isaiah 42:16.

[7] In the same prophet,

I will give You to be a light of the people, to open the blind eyes, to bring the bound out of the dungeon, from the prison-house those who sit in darkness. Isaiah 42:6-7.

This refers to the Lord's Coming and the fact that at that time people who had no knowledge of truth were to receive instruction. For those immersed in falsity do not allow themselves to receive such instruction, for they know the truth but have set themselves against it and have turned the light of truth into darkness which is not dispelled. In Luke,

The householder said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor, and the maimed, and the lame, and the blind. Luke 14:21.

This refers to the Lord's kingdom. Not those who are literally poor, maimed, lame, and blind are meant but those who are so in the spiritual sense.

[8] In the same gospel,

Jesus said that they were to report to John: The blind see, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have the gospel preached to them. Luke 7:22.

According to the sense of the letter nobody else is meant by the blind, the lame, lepers, the deaf, the dead, and the poor than those who were so physically, for such cures did take place, that is to say, the blind received sight, the deaf hearing, lepers were restored to health, and the dead to life.

[9] But in the internal sense the same people are meant as are referred to in


Then will be opened the eyes of the blind, and the ears of the deaf will be opened; then will the lame man leap like a hart, and the dumb man sing with his tongue. Isaiah 35:5-6.

This refers to the Lord's Coming and a new Church at that time called the Church of the gentiles who are described as being blind, deaf, lame, and dumb; they were so called as regards their doctrine and life. For it should be recognized that all the miracles which the Lord performed always embodied such matters and therefore meant the things which the blind, the lame, lepers, the deaf, the dead, and the poor are used to mean in the internal sense. Consequently the Lord's miracles were Divine, as also those performed in Egypt, in the wilderness, and all the rest described in the Word, had been. This is an arcanum.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.