

2 Mózes第13章



1 És szóla az Úr Mózesnek, mondván:

2 Nékem szentelj minden elsõszülöttet, valami megnyitja az õ anyjának méhét az Izráel fiai között, akár ember, akár barom, enyim legyen az.

3 És monda Mózes a népnek: Megemlékezzél e napról, melyen kijöttetek Égyiptomból, a szolgálatnak házából; mert hatalmas kézzel hozott ki onnan titeket az Úr; azért ne egyetek kovászost.

4 Ma mentek ki, az Abib hónapban.

5 És ha majd bevisz téged az Úr a Kananeusok, meg Khittheusok, meg Emoreusok, meg Khivveusok és Jebuzeusok földére, melyrõl megesküdött a ti atyáitoknak, hogy néked adja azt a téjjel és mézzel folyó földet: akkor ebben a hónapban végezd ezt a szertartást.

6 Hét napon át kovásztalan kenyeret egyél, a hetedik napon pedig innepet ülj az Úrnak.

7 Kovásztalan kenyeret egyél hét napon át, és ne láttassék nálad kovászos kenyér, se kovász ne láttassék a te egész határodban.

8 És add tudtára a te fiadnak azon a napon, mondván: Ez a miatt van, a mit az Úr cselekedett velem, mikor kijövék Égyiptomból.

9 És legyen az néked jel gyanánt a te kezeden és emlékezetül a te szemeid elõtt azért, hogy az Úr törvénye a te szádban legyen, mert hatalmas kézzel hozott ki téged az Úr Égyiptomból.

10 Tartsd meg azért ezt a rendelést annak idejében esztendõrõl esztendõre.

11 Ha pedig beviénd téged az Úr a Kananeusok földére, a miképen megesküdött néked és a te atyáidnak, és azt néked adándja:

12 Az Úrnak ajánld fel akkor mindazt, a mi az õ anyjának méhét megnyitja, a baromnak is, a mi néked lesz, minden méhnyitó fajzását; a hímek az Úré.

13 De a szamárnak minden elsõ fajzását báránynyal váltsd meg; ha pedig meg nem váltod, szegd meg a nyakát. Az embernek is minden elsõszülöttét megváltsd a te fiaid közül.

14 És ha egykor a te fiad téged megkérdez, mondván: Micsoda ez? akkor mondd néki: Hatalmas kézzel hozott ki minket az Úr Égyiptomból, a szolgálatnak házából.

15 És lõn, mikor a Faraó megátalkodottan vonakodék minket elbocsátani: megöle az Úr minden elsõszülöttet Égyiptom földén, az ember elsõszülöttétõl a barom elsõ fajzásáig; azért áldozok én az Úrnak minden hímet, mely anyja méhét megnyitja, és megváltom az én fiaimnak minden elsõszülöttét.

16 Legyen azért jel gyanánt a te kezeden és homlok-kötõ gyanánt a te szemeid elõtt, mert hatalmas kézzel hozott ki minket az Úr Égyiptomból.

17 És lõn, a mikor elbocsátá a Faraó a népet, nem vivé õket Isten a Filiszteusok földje felé, noha közel vala az; mert monda az Isten: Netalán mást gondol a nép, ha harczot lát, és visszatér Égyiptomba.

18 Kerülõ úton vezeté azért Isten a népet, a veres tenger pusztájának útján; és fölfegyverkezve jövének ki Izráel fiai Égyiptom földérõl.

19 És Mózes elvivé magával a József tetemeit is, mert megesketvén megeskette vala Izráel fiait, mondván: Meglátogatván meglátogat titeket az Isten, akkor az én tetemeimet felvigyétek innen magatokkal.

20 És elindulának Szukhótból és táborba szállának Ethámban, a puszta szélén.

21 Az Úr pedig megy vala elõttök nappal felhõoszlopban, hogy vezérelje õket az úton, éjjel pedig tûzoszlopban, hogy világítson nékik, hogy éjjel és nappal mehessenek.

22 Nem távozott el a felhõoszlop nappal, sem a tûzoszlop éjjel a nép elõl.




Arcana Coelestia#8076



8076. 'Which you will have, if they are males' means which is intrinsically the truth of faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'male' as the truth of faith, dealt with in 2046, 4005, 7838.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#4005



4005. 'And he removed on that day the variegated and spotted he-goats' means that the truths of good that were interspersed among and mingled with the evils and falsities belonging to the good meant by 'Laban' were singled out. This is clear from the meaning of 'removing' as singling out; from the meaning of 'he-goats' as the truths of good, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'variegated' as those which were interspersed among and mingled with evils, also dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'spotted' as those which were interspersed among and mingled with falsities, dealt with above. 'He-goats' are mentioned here and then 'she-goats' after them because 'he-goats' means the truths of good and 'she-goats' the goods of truth. For the nature of the difference between the two, see above in 3995.

[2] In the Word a careful distinction is made between the males and the females, as is evident from the sacrifices and the burnt offerings in which it was explicitly laid down whether a male lamb was to be offered or a ewe-lamb, a she-goat or a he-goat, a sheep or a ram, and so on. From these it becomes clear that one thing was meant by a male, another by a female. In general a male means truth and a female good. Here therefore 'he-goats' is used to mean the truths of good, and 'she-goats', mentioned immediately after, to mean the forms of good which are coupled with those truths. And this difference between males and females also explains why it is said that he removed the variegated he-goats but not, as in the reference to the she-goats, the speckled ones; for 'variegated' means truth interspersed among and mingled with evils, whereas 'speckled' means good interspersed among and mingled with them, dealt with above in 3993. Truth mingled with evils belongs specifically to the understanding, but good mingled with evils specifically to the will. This is how the two differ from each other. And they come from the good meant by 'Laban', as is evident from the fact that the he-goats and the she-goats were taken from Laban's flock. For 'a flock' in the Word means good and truth, or what amounts to the same, those in whom good and truth are present, and so those who belong to the Lord's Church.

[3] This arcanum is unable to be explained any further because it cannot become clear except to a mind that has been taught about truths and goods, and at the same time has been enlightened. Indeed one has to know what the truths of good are and what the kinds of good originating in these are, as well as the fact that from the one kind of good represented here by Laban so many varying forms of it can be singled out. Nor do people who are unaware of these matters know that each kind of good includes countless forms of it, so many indeed that these can hardly be arranged into general divisions by even the most knowledgeable mind. For there are forms of good which are acquired by means of truths, truths which are born from those forms of good, and forms of good acquired in turn by means of these truths. There are truths born from forms of good, which also exist in a connected series. Then there are forms of good mingled with evils, and truths with falsities, dealt with above in 3993, the minglings and mutual modifications of which are so varying and manifold that they exceed many millions. These are also made various by all the states of life through which people pass, and these states of life in general by the time of life which those people have reached, in particular by whatever affections reign in them. From all this one can comprehend to some extent that so many varying things were able to be singled out from 'Laban' good, some of which were joined to the truths meant by the sons of Jacob, and some left behind from which others were derived. But as has been stated, these matters are of such a nature that they cannot be understood unless the mind has been taught about goods and truths and has at the same time been enlightened.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.