




18 מרב עוניך בעול רכלתך חללת מקדשיך ואוצא אש מתוכך היא אכלתך ואתנך לאפר על הארץ לעיני כל ראיך׃



Divine Love and Wisdom#326



326. We can tell from all this, then, that if we focus on functions, there is a human image to everything in the universe. We can also tell that this testifies to the fact that God is human, because the things just listed do not come into being around angelic people from themselves, but from the Lord through them. They actually arise from the flow of divine love and wisdom into the angels, who are recipients, and are brought forth to their sight the way the universe is created. So people there know that God is human and that the created universe, functionally viewed, is an image of God.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.