




1 Ja Joosef meni ja ilmoitti faraolle, sanoen: "Minun isäni ja veljeni ovat pikkukarjoineen ja raavaskarjoineen, kaikkine omaisuuksineen, tulleet Kanaanin maasta, ja katso, he ovat Goosenin maakunnassa".

2 Ja hän oli ottanut mukaansa veljiensä joukosta viisi miestä; ne hän toi faraon eteen.

3 Niin farao kysyi hänen veljiltänsä: "Mikä on teidän ammattinne?" He vastasivat faraolle: "Me, sinun palvelijasi, olemme paimenia, me niinkuin isämmekin".

4 Ja he sanoivat vielä faraolle: "Me olemme tulleet asuaksemme jonkun aikaa tässä maassa; sillä palvelijoillasi ei ollut laidunta karjalleen, koska kova nälänhätä on Kanaanin maassa. Suo siis palvelijaisi asettua Goosenin maakuntaan."

5 Niin farao sanoi Joosefille: "Isäsi ja veljesi ovat tulleet sinun luoksesi.

6 Egyptin maa on avoinna sinun edessäsi; sijoita isäsi ja veljesi maan parhaaseen osaan. Asukoot Goosenin maakunnassa; ja jos tiedät heidän joukossaan olevan kelvollisia miehiä, niin aseta heidät minun karjani päällysmiehiksi."

7 Senjälkeen Joosef toi isänsä Jaakobin sisään ja esitti hänet faraolle. Ja Jaakob toivotti faraolle siunausta.

8 Niin farao kysyi Jaakobilta: "Kuinka monta ikävuotta sinulla on?"

9 Jaakob vastasi faraolle: "Minun vaellusaikani on kestänyt sata kolmekymmentä vuotta. Vähät ja pahat ovat olleet minun elinvuosieni päivät eivätkä ole saavuttaneet sitä elinvuosien määrää, mikä isilläni oli vaelluksensa aikana."

10 Ja Jaakob toivotti faraolle siunausta ja lähti hänen luotaan.

11 Ja Joosef sijoitti isänsä ja veljensä Egyptin maahan ja antoi heille maaomaisuutta maan parhaasta osasta, Ramseksen maakunnasta, niinkuin farao oli hänen käskenyt tehdä.

12 Ja Joosef elätti isäänsä ja veljiänsä ja koko isänsä perhettä antamalla jokaiselle elatusta vaimojen ja lasten luvun mukaan.

13 Mutta ei missään koko maassa ollut leipää; sillä nälänhätä oli hyvin kova, niin että Egyptin maa ja Kanaanin maa olivat nääntymässä nälkään.

14 Ja viljalla, jota ostettiin, Joosef kokosi kaiken rahan, mitä oli Egyptin maassa ja Kanaanin maassa; ja Joosef vei rahat faraon hoviin.

15 Kun raha oli loppunut Egyptin maasta ja Kanaanin maasta, tulivat kaikki egyptiläiset Joosefin luo, sanoen: "Anna meille leipää. Miksi me kuolisimme sinun silmiesi edessä? Sillä raha on loppunut."

16 Joosef vastasi: "Tuokaa tänne karjanne. Minä annan teille leipää karjastanne, jos rahanne on loppunut."

17 Ja he toivat Joosefille karjansa, ja Joosef antoi heille leipää hevosista, lampaista, raavaskarjasta ja aaseista. Niin hän sen vuoden elätti heitä leivällä kaiken heidän karjansa hinnasta.

18 Niin kului se vuosi. Seuraavana vuonna he tulivat taas hänen luoksensa ja sanoivat hänelle: "Emme tahdo salata herraltamme, että raha on lopussa, ja myöskin eläimemme ovat joutuneet herramme omiksi; meillä ei ole muuta jäljellä annettavana herrallemme kuin ruumiimme ja peltomme.

19 Miksi me menehtyisimme sinun silmiesi edessä, sekä me itse että meidän peltomme? Osta meidät ja peltomme leivällä, niin me tulemme peltoinemme faraon orjiksi. Anna meille siementä, että eläisimme emmekä kuolisi eivätkä peltomme joutuisi autioiksi."

20 Niin Joosef osti faraolle kaikki Egyptin pellot; sillä egyptiläiset myivät jokainen vainionsa, koska nälkä ahdisti heitä. Niin joutui maa faraon omaksi.

21 Ja hän siirsi kansan kaupunkeihin, Egyptin toisesta äärestä toiseen saakka.

22 Ainoastaan pappien peltoja hän ei ostanut; sillä papeilla oli määrätyt tulot faraolta ja he elivät niistä määrätyistä tuloistaan, jotka he faraolta saivat. Sentähden heidän ei tarvinnut myydä peltojansa.

23 Ja Joosef sanoi kansalle: "Katso, minä olen nyt ostanut teidät ja teidän peltonne faraolle; katso, tässä on teille siementä, kylväkää peltonne.

24 Mutta sadosta teidän on annettava viides osa faraolle; mutta neljä viidettä osaa jääköön teille pellon siemeneksi sekä ravinnoksi itsellenne ja niille, jotka talossanne ovat, sekä elatukseksi vaimoillenne ja lapsillenne."

25 He vastasivat: "Sinä olet pitänyt meidät hengissä; suo meidän vain saada armo herramme silmien edessä, niin olemme faraon orjia".

26 Niin Joosef teki sen säädökseksi, joka vielä tänäkin päivänä on voimassa Egyptin pelloista, että faraolle on annettava viides osa. Ainoastaan pappien pellot eivät joutuneet faraon omiksi.

27 Niin Israel jäi asumaan Egyptiin, Goosenin maakuntaan; he asettuivat sinne ja olivat hedelmällisiä ja lisääntyivät suuresti.

28 Ja Jaakob eli Egyptin maassa seitsemäntoista vuotta, ja koko hänen elinaikansa oli sata neljäkymmentä seitsemän vuotta.

29 Kun lähestyi aika, jolloin Israelin oli kuoltava, kutsui hän poikansa Joosefin ja sanoi hänelle: "Jos olen saanut armon sinun silmiesi edessä, niin pane nyt kätesi minun kupeeni alle ja osoita minulle laupeus ja uskollisuus: älä hautaa minua Egyptiin,

30 sillä minä tahdon levätä isieni luona; vie siis minut Egyptistä ja hautaa minut heidän hautaansa". Hän vastasi: "Minä teen, niinkuin sanot".

31 Hän sanoi: "Vanno se minulle". Ja hän vannoi hänelle. Silloin Israel rukoili, kumartuneena vuoteensa päänalaista vasten.




Arcana Coelestia#6092



6092. 'And Pharaoh said to Jacob' means perception in the natural, where factual knowledge resides, regarding the Church's truth in general. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying' as perception, dealt with above in 6063; from the representation of 'Pharaoh' as the natural, where factual knowledge resides, dealt with in 5799, 6015; and from the representation of 'Jacob' as the Church's truth in general, dealt with above in 6089.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#6015



6015. 'In the carts which Pharaoh sent to carry him' means the matters of doctrine obtained from the Church's factual knowledge. This is clear from the meaning of 'the carts' as matters of doctrine, dealt with in 5945; and from the representation of 'Pharaoh' as the Church's factual knowledge in general. For 'Egypt' means the Church's factual knowledge, 1462, 4749, 4964, 4966, and therefore the king of that land means such knowledge in general, as he does elsewhere in the Word, though in the majority of places perverted factual knowledge is meant by Egypt and so also by Pharaoh. The representation of 'Pharaoh' as factual knowledge in general is evident in Isaiah,

The princes of Zoan are foolish, the wise counsellors of Pharaoh; counsel has become brutish. How do you say to Pharaoh, I am a son of the wise, a son of the kings of old? Isaiah 19:11.

Here 'Pharaoh' stands for the Church's factual knowledge in general, which was why he was called 'a son of the wise' and 'a son of the kings of old'. 'The wise' and 'the kings of old' stand for the truths that the Ancient Church possessed. But that factual knowledge made nonsensical is meant, for it says 'The princes of Zoan have become foolish; counsel has become brutish'.

[2] In the same prophet,

They depart to go down to Egypt but have not asked at My mouth, to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt. Therefore the strength of Pharaoh will become shame for you, and trust in the shadow of Egypt ignominy. Isaiah 30:2-3.

'Strengthening themselves in the strength of Egypt, and trusting in the shadow of Egypt' stands for relying in matters of faith on factual knowledge and having no belief in any spiritual truth unless it is what factual knowledge and sensory evidence so declare. But that is a perversion of order. The truths of faith must occupy first place, and supporting factual knowledge must take second place; for if the latter occupy first place, no belief in any truth whatever exists.

[3] In Jeremiah,

Jehovah Zebaoth, the God of Israel, said, Behold, I am making a visitation upon Amen in No, and upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt, and upon its gods, and upon its kings - especially upon Pharaoh and those trusting in him. Jeremiah 46:25.

Here also 'Pharaoh' stands for factual knowledge in general. 'Those trusting in him' stands for people who rely on factual knowledge but do not rely on the Word, that is, on the Lord in the Word. Such a reliance leads to a complete perversion in the things people are taught to believe, which in turn leads to falsity and also to the refusal to accept that what is Divine and heavenly is anything at all. These people in particular are all too ready to say, Let me see these things with my own eyes; or, Produce the facts to prove the truth of it, and then I will believe it. But even if they did see them or such proof was produced they would not believe, because an unaccepting attitude of mind governs everything.

[4] In the same prophet,

Against Pharaoh. 1 Behold, waters rising out of the north which will become a deluging stream, and they will deluge the land and all that fills it, the city and those who dwell in it, so that men cry out and every inhabitant of the land wails because of the sound of the beat of the hoofs of the horses his mighty ones and the noise of his chariot, the rumble of its wheels. Jeremiah 47:1-3.

It is plain from every detail stated here regarding Pharaoh that 'Pharaoh' is factual knowledge in general, existing in this instance in a perverted state of order, which destroys the truths of faith. 'A deluging stream' is factual knowledge destroying an understanding of truth, and so is knowledge that lays waste. 'They will deluge the land and all that fills it' is the entire Church. 'The city and those who dwell in it' is the truth the Church possesses, and the good this truth leads to. 'The beat of the hoofs of the horses' is the lowest kind of factual knowledge gained directly from sensory impressions. 'The noise of his chariot' is false teaching derived from that knowledge. 'The rumble of its wheels' is sensory impressions and the false notions going with them that advance themselves.

[5] In Ezekiel,

The Lord Jehovih said, Behold, I am against you, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great monster who is lying in the midst of his rivers, who has said, The river is mine and I have made myself. Therefore I will put hooks in your jaws, and cause the fish of your rivers to stick to your scales. Ezekiel 29:2-4.

Here also 'Pharaoh' stands for factual knowledge in general, which in a similar way is evident from each detail that is stated regarding him.

[6] In the same prophet,

Raise a lamentation over Pharaoh king of Egypt. You are like monsters in the seas, and you have come forth with your rivers, and have troubled the waters with your feet; you have stirred up their rivers. When I have blotted you out, I will cover the heavens and darken their stars, I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not give its light. All the bright lights [in the heavens] I will darken over you, and I will put darkness over your land. Ezekiel 32:1, 3, 7-8.

The details of this description, like many more in the Prophets, cannot be understood by anyone, it is evident, without the internal sense. No one can understand what is meant when it says that Pharaoh is like monsters in the seas, has come forth with 2 his rivers, and has troubled the waters with his feet. Nor can anyone know what is meant when it says that the heavens will be covered above him, the stars will be darkened, and all the bright lights will be darkened; also that the sun will be covered with a cloud, the moon will not give its light, and darkness will be put over his land. But the internal sense shows what all these details mean; it shows that factual knowledge perverts the truths of the Church if a person uses it to enter the mysteries of faith without believing anything unless factual knowledge, indeed sensory evidence, causes him to see it. This is the internal sense of this description, as the explanation of each separate detail shows.

[7] Pharaoh is called 'king of Egypt' by virtue of the truth factual knowledge holds within it. For factual knowledge is truth as it exists in the natural, and 'king' is truth, see 1672, 1728, 2015, 2069, 3009, 3670, 4575, 4581, 4966, 5044; also, much the same is meant by the king of a people as by the people themselves, 4789, so that much the same is meant by 'Pharaoh' as by 'Egypt', but the same thing in general. ('Egypt' has been shown many times to mean factual knowledge.) Pharaoh is compared to 'monsters in the seas' because 'a monster' or 'a sea monster' means general sources of facts, 42, While 'seas' means gatherings together of them, 28. Then it is said that he has come forth with his rivers because ideas displaying intelligence are meant by 'rivers', 108, 109, 2702, 3051, but here ideas displaying insanity since they flow from sensory impressions and factual knowledge, 5196. After this it is said that he troubled the waters with his feet and stirred up their rivers because 'waters' means spiritual truths, 680, 739, 2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, 5668, and 'feet' things belonging to the natural, 2162, 3147, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952, so that 'troubling the waters with one's feet' is defiling and perverting the truths of faith by means of factual knowledge which the natural possesses. And 'stirring up their rivers' is doing the same to intelligence.

[8] Finally it is said that when he is blotted out the heavens will be covered, because 'the heavens' means a person's interiors, since these are his heavens. They are 'closed' when factual knowledge holds sway over the truths of faith, that is, when the natural holds sway over the spiritual. When this is the situation the cognitions or knowledge of truth and good perish, meant by 'I will darken the stars of the heavens, and all the bright lights'; for 'the stars' are those cognitions, see 2495, 2849, 4697, and 'the lights' are forms of good and truth, 30-38. The inability of the good of love to flow in any longer at that time is meant by 'I will cover the sun with a cloud', and the inability of the good of faith to flow in by 'the moon will not give its light' - 'the sun' being the good of love, and 'the moon the good of faith, see 1519, 1530, 2120, 2495, 3636, 3643, 4060, 4696. The occupation therefore of the natural mind by falsities alone is meant by 'I will put darkness over your land' - 'darkness' being falsities, 1839, 1860, 4418, 4531, and 'Pharaoh's land' or 'the land of Egypt' being the natural mind, 5276, 5278, 5280, 5288, 5701. From all this one may now see what the meaning is within the details of this prophecy. Since 'Pharaoh' means factual knowledge in general he also means the natural in general, 5799.


1. These verses in Jeremiah 47 refer to the Philistines, though Pharaoh is mentioned in verse 1. Chapter Jeremiah 46 deals specifically with Egypt and Pharaoh.

2. Reading cum (with) for ex (from)


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.