




1 Ja tapahtui jonkun ajan kuluttua, että Egyptin kuninkaan juomanlaskija ja leipoja rikkoivat herraansa, Egyptin kuningasta, vastaan.

2 Ja farao vihastui näihin kahteen hoviherraansa, ylimmäiseen juomanlaskijaan ja ylimmäiseen leipojaan,

3 ja panetti heidät vankeuteen henkivartijain päämiehen taloon, samaan vankilaan, jossa Joosef oli vankina.

4 Ja henkivartijain päämies antoi heille Joosefin heitä palvelemaan. Niin he olivat jonkun aikaa vankeudessa.

5 Ollessaan vankilassa vangittuina he molemmat, Egyptin kuninkaan juomanlaskija ja leipoja, näkivät samana yönä unta, kumpikin unensa, ja kummankin unella oli oma selityksensä.

6 Ja kun Joosef aamulla tuli heidän luokseen, huomasi hän heidät alakuloisiksi.

7 Silloin hän kysyi faraon hoviherroilta, jotka olivat hänen kanssansa vankeudessa hänen isäntänsä talossa: "Miksi te olette tänään niin murheellisen näköiset?"

8 He vastasivat hänelle: "Olemme kumpikin nähneet unen, eikä ole niiden selittäjää". Ja Joosef sanoi heille: "Unien selitykset ovat Jumalan; kertokaa kuitenkin minulle".

9 Niin ylimmäinen juomanlaskija kertoi unensa Joosefille ja sanoi hänelle: "Minä näin unta, ja katso, minun edessäni oli viinipuu;

10 viinipuussa oli kolme oksaa, ja samassa kun se alkoi versoa, sen kukat puhkesivat ja marjat sen rypäleissä kypsyivät.

11 Ja minulla oli faraon malja kädessäni, ja minä otin marjat ja pusersin niistä mehun faraon maljaan ja annoin maljan faraon käteen."

12 Ja Joosef sanoi hänelle: "Tämä on sen selitys: kolme oksaa merkitsee kolmea päivää.

13 Kolmen päivän kuluttua farao korottaa sinun pääsi ja asettaa sinut jälleen virkaasi. Ja sinä annat faraon maljan hänen käteensä niinkuin ennenkin, kun olit hänen juomanlaskijansa.

14 Mutta muista minua, kun sinun hyvin käy, ja tee minulle laupeus mainitsemalla minusta faraolle ja toimittamalla minut pois tästä talosta.

15 Sillä minut on varastettu hebrealaisten maasta, enkä minä ole täälläkään tehnyt mitään, mistä minut olisi tullut panna tähän vankikuoppaan."

16 Kun ylimmäinen leipoja näki, että Joosef antoi hyvän selityksen, sanoi hän hänelle: "Myöskin minä näin unen, ja katso, kolme nisuleipäkoria oli minun pääni päällä.

17 Ja ylimmässä korissa oli kaikenlaisia leivoksia faraon syötäväksi, mutta linnut söivät ne korista, joka oli minun pääni päällä."

18 Joosef vastasi ja sanoi: "Tämä on sen selitys: kolme koria merkitsee kolmea päivää.

19 Kolmen päivän kuluttua farao korottaa sinun pääsi ripustamalla sinut hirsipuuhun, ja taivaan linnut syövät sinun lihasi."

20 Kolmantena päivänä sen jälkeen, faraon syntymäpäivänä, tämä laittoi pidot kaikille palvelijoilleen. Silloin hän korotti palvelijainsa joukosta sekä ylimmäisen juomanlaskijan että ylimmäisen leipojan pään.

21 Ylimmäisen juomanlaskijan hän asetti hänen entiseen juomanlaskijan toimeensa, niin että hän sai antaa maljan faraon käteen;

22 mutta ylimmäisen leipojan hän hirtätti, niinkuin Joosef oli heille selityksessään sanonut.

23 Mutta ylimmäinen juomanlaskija ei muistanut Joosefia, vaan unhotti hänet.




Arcana Coelestia#5157



5157. 'And the birds will eat your flesh from upon you' means that falsity originating in evil will consume every one of those sensory impressions. This is clear from the meaning of 'eating' as consuming, dealt with above in 5149; from the meaning of 'the birds' as falsity, also dealt with above in 5149; from the meaning of 'flesh' as good, dealt with in 3812, 3813, and therefore in the contrary sense as evil (for most things in the Word also have a contrary sense, which is discerned from their meaning in the genuine sense); and from the meaning of 'from upon you as from the sensory impressions subject to the will part, since those impressions are represented by 'the baker', 5078, 5082. The fact that these were evil and had therefore to be cast aside is clear from what has gone before.

[2] The significance of all this - that the sensory impressions subject to the understanding part, which are represented by 'the cupbearer', were retained, whereas those subject to the will part, which are represented by 'the baker', were cast aside - is an arcanum that is completely unintelligible unless it has light shed on it. Let the following serve to shed some such light. By sensory impressions are meant those known facts and those delights which have been introduced through the five external or bodily senses into a person's memory and into his longings, and which together constitute the exterior natural, by virtue of which a person is called one governed by the senses. The facts are subject to the understanding part of his mind, whereas the delights are subject to the will part. Also, the facts link up with the truths which belong to the understanding, while the delights link up with the forms of good which belong to the will. The former are represented by 'the cupbearer' and were retained, but the latter are represented by 'the baker' and were cast aside.

[3] The reason those known facts were retained is that in time they were able to accord with ideas in the understanding; but the reason the delights were cast aside is that they were by no means able to accord with what was in the will. For the will within the Lord, who is the subject in the highest internal sense, was from conception Divine and was the Divine Good itself; but the will received through His birth from His mother was evil and therefore had to be cast aside, and a new will had to be acquired in place of it. This new will was to be acquired from the Divine Will through the [Divine] Understanding, that is, from Divine Good through Divine Truth, and so was acquired by His own power. This is the arcanum which is described here in the internal sense.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#5078



5078. 'And the baker' means among the things in the body which are subject to the will part. This is clear from the meaning of 'the baker' as the external or bodily senses which are subordinate or subject to the will part of the internal man. The reason 'the baker' has this meaning is that everything which serves as food or is consumed as such, for example, bread, solid foods in general, and anything made by a baker, has reference to good and so to the will; for all good feeds the will, just as every truth feeds the understanding, as stated immediately above in 5077. By 'bread' is meant what is celestial, or goodness, see 1798, 2165, 2177, 3478, 3735, 3813, 4211, 4217, 4735, 4976.

[2] The reason why here and in the rest of this chapter external sensory powers of both kinds are dealt with in the internal sense is that the previous chapter dealt with how the Lord glorified or made Divine the interior aspects of His Natural, and therefore the present chapter deals with how the Lord glorified or made Divine the exterior aspects of that Natural. The exterior aspects of the natural are rightly called bodily ones, being both kinds of sensory powers of perception together with their recipient members and organs; for these recipients together with those powers make up that which is referred to as the body, see above in 5077. The Lord made Divine all that constituted His body, both its sensory Powers and their recipient members and organs, which also explains why He rose from the grave with His body, and after the Resurrection told His disciples,

See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; handle Me, and see; for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see Me have. Luke 24:39.

[3] Most people at the present day who belong to the Church believe that everyone is going to rise again on the last day and to do so at that time with his body. This supposition is so universal that scarcely anyone, because of what he is taught, believes anything different. But that supposition has gained strength because the natural man imagines that the body alone is the possessor of life. Consequently if he were not allowed to believe that this body is going to receive life once again he would refuse to believe in any resurrection at all. But the truth of the matter is that a person rises again immediately after death, at which point he seems to himself to be in his body just the same as when he was in the world, having a face and members, arms, hands, feet, breast, belly, and loins like the ones he had before. Indeed when he sees himself and touches himself he says he is exactly as he was in the world. However, that which he sees and touches is not his external which he carried round in the world but the internal which constituted the real person. That internal is what had life within it, but it had the external surrounding it, or outside every individual part of it, enabling it to exist in the world where it could act in the right way and carry out its functions.

[4] The actual earthly body is of no further use to him. He is in another world where he possesses other functions and other strengths and powers for which the kind of body he has there is suited. He sees that body with his own eyes - not the eyes he had in the world but those he now has in that other world. They are the eyes of his internal man, the ones he had used previously to see with through the eyes of his body and behold worldly and earthly objects. He also touches and feels that body - not with the hands or sense of touch he had been given in the world but with the hands and sense of touch which he is given in that other world and which had lain behind his sense of touch in the world. Furthermore each of the senses in that other world is keener and more perfect because it belongs to the internal man released from the external. The internal dwells in a greater state of perfection, because it is this that supplies sensory awareness to the external, though when it acts into the external, as it does in the world, that power is blunted and reduced. What is more, the sensory perception of the internal is a perception of what is internal, that of the external a perception of what is external. This being so, people can see one another after death, and they exist grouped together in communities on the basis of what they are inwardly like. In order to become quite sure of this I have been allowed to touch actual spirits and to talk to them many times on this subject, see 322, 1630, 4622.

[5] People after death - who are then called spirits or, if they have led good lives, angels - are utterly amazed at what the member of the Church believes about himself. For he believes that he will not see eternal life until the last day when the world is destroyed, and that at that time he will be reclothed with the dust that has been cast away; when yet one who belongs to the Church knows that he rises again after death. For who does not say, when someone dies, that his soul or spirit is in heaven, or in hell? Who does not say about his young children who have died that they are in heaven? Who does not comfort a person who is [incurably] sick or one who is condemned to death by saying that shortly he will enter the next life? And one who is in the throes of death and has been prepared for it does not believe anything different. Indeed such a conviction about a person's rising again after he has died is what leads many to claim that they have the power to release others from places of condemnation and to admit them into heaven, and to say masses for their souls. Is anyone unacquainted with what the Lord said to the robber, 'Today you will be with Me in paradise', Luke 23:43, or with what the Lord said about the rich man and Lazarus, that the former was carried off into hell, whereas the latter was taken by the angels into heaven, Luke 16:22-23? Or is anyone unacquainted with what the Lord taught about the resurrection when He said that God is not the God of the dead but of the living, Luke 20:38?

[6] A person acquainted with all this thinks in these ways and speaks in these ways when his spirit guides his thought and speech. But when his thought and speech are guided by what doctrine teaches that person says something entirely different, namely that he will not rise again Until the last day. But in fact each person's last day is at hand when he dies, and this is his time of judgement too, as many also declare. As to what is meant by 'being encompassed by my skin' and 'out of my flesh seeing God' in Job 19:25-26, see 3540 (end). These things were said so that people may know that no one rises again in the body that encompassed him in the world except the Lord alone. He did so because, while in the world, He glorified His body, that is, He made it Divine.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.