




1 Ja ne kaksi enkeliä tulivat Sodomaan illalla, ja Loot istui Sodoman portissa; ja nähtyänsä heidät Loot nousi heitä vastaan ja kumartui maahan kasvoillensa.

2 Ja hän sanoi: "Oi herrani, poiketkaa palvelijanne taloon yöksi ja peskää jalkanne! Aamulla varhain voitte jatkaa matkaanne." He sanoivat: "Emme, vaan me jäämme yöksi taivasalle".

3 Mutta hän pyysi heitä pyytämällä, ja he poikkesivat hänen luoksensa ja tulivat hänen taloonsa. Ja hän valmisti heille aterian ja leipoi happamattomia leipiä, ja he söivät.

4 Ennenkuin he olivat laskeutuneet levolle, piirittivät kaupungin miehet, sodomalaiset, sekä nuoret että vanhat, koko kansa kaikkialta, talon.

5 Ja he huusivat Lootia sanoen hänelle: "Missä ne miehet ovat, jotka tulivat luoksesi yöllä? Tuo heidät tänne meidän luoksemme, ryhtyäksemme heihin."

6 Silloin Loot meni ulos heidän luokseen portille ja sulki oven jälkeensä

7 ja sanoi: "Älkää, veljeni, tehkö niin pahoin.

8 Katsokaa, minulla on kaksi tytärtä, jotka eivät vielä miehestä tiedä. Ne minä tuon teille, tehkää heille, mitä tahdotte. Älkää vain tehkö näille miehille mitään pahaa, sillä he ovat tulleet minun kattoni suojaan."

9 Mutta he vastasivat: "Mene tiehesi!" Ja he sanoivat: "Tuo yksi on tullut tänne asumaan muukalaisena, ja yhtäkaikki hän alati pyrkii hallitsemaan. Nytpä me pitelemmekin sinua pahemmin kuin heitä." Ja he tunkeutuivat väkivaltaisesti miehen, Lootin, kimppuun ja kävivät murtamaan ovea.

10 Silloin miehet ojensivat kätensä, vetivät Lootin luoksensa huoneeseen ja sulkivat oven.

11 Ja he sokaisivat ne miehet, jotka olivat talon ovella, sekä nuoret että vanhat, niin että he turhaan koettivat löytää ovea.

12 Ja miehet sanoivat Lootille: "Vieläkö sinulla on ketään omaista täällä? Vie pois täältä vävysi, poikasi, tyttäresi ja kaikki, keitä sinulla kaupungissa on,

13 sillä me hävitämme tämän paikan. Koska huuto heistä on käynyt suureksi Herran edessä, lähetti Herra meidät hävittämään sen."

14 Silloin Loot meni puhuttelemaan vävyjänsä, joiden oli aikomus ottaa hänen tyttärensä, ja sanoi: "Nouskaa, lähtekää pois tästä paikasta, sillä Herra hävittää tämän kaupungin". Mutta hänen vävynsä luulivat hänen laskevan leikkiä.

15 Aamun sarastaessa enkelit kiirehtivät Lootia sanoen: "Nouse, ota vaimosi ja molemmat tyttäresi, jotka ovat luonasi, ettet hukkuisi kaupungin syntivelan tähden".

16 Ja kun hän vielä vitkasteli, tarttuivat miehet hänen käteensä sekä hänen vaimonsa ja molempien tyttäriensä käteen, sillä Herra tahtoi säästää hänet, ja veivät hänet ulos ja jättivät hänet ulkopuolelle kaupunkia.

17 Ja viedessään heitä ulos sanoi mies: "Pakene henkesi tähden, älä katso taaksesi äläkä pysähdy mihinkään lakeudella. Pakene vuorille, ettet hukkuisi."

18 Mutta Loot sanoi heille: "Oi herrani, ei niin!

19 Katso, palvelijasi on saanut armon sinun silmiesi edessä, ja suuri on sinun laupeutesi, jota olet minulle osoittanut pelastaaksesi henkeni, mutta minä en voi päästä pakoon vuorille; pelkään, että onnettomuus saavuttaa minut ja minä kuolen.

20 Katso, tuolla on kaupunki lähellä, vähän matkan päässä, paetakseni sinne; salli minun pelastua sinne-onhan se vähän matkan päässä-jäädäkseni eloon."

21 Ja hän sanoi hänelle: "Katso, minä teen sinulle mieliksi tässäkin kohden; en hävitä kaupunkia, josta puhut.

22 Pakene nopeasti sinne, sillä minä en voi tehdä mitään, ennenkuin olet sinne saapunut." Siitä kaupunki sai nimekseen Sooar.

23 Aurinko oli noussut, kun Loot saapui Sooariin.

24 Ja Herra antoi sataa Sodoman ja Gomorran päälle tulikiveä ja tulta, Herran tyköä taivaasta,

25 ja hävitti nämä kaupungit ynnä koko lakeuden sekä kaikki niiden kaupunkien asukkaat ja maan kasvullisuuden.

26 Ja Lootin vaimo, joka tuli hänen jäljessään, katsoi taaksensa, ja niin hän muuttui suolapatsaaksi.

27 Aabraham nousi varhain aamulla ja meni siihen paikkaan, jossa hän oli seisonut Herran edessä,

28 katseli Sodomaan ja Gomorraan päin ja yli koko lakeuden, ja katso, maasta nousi savu niinkuin pätsin savu.

29 Kun Jumala tuhosi sen lakeuden kaupungit, muisti Jumala Aabrahamia ja johdatti Lootin pois hävityksen keskeltä, hävittäessään ne kaupungit, joissa Loot oli asunut.

30 Ja Loot lähti Sooarista ja asettui vuoristoon molempien tyttäriensä kanssa, sillä hän pelkäsi asua Sooarissa; ja hän asui luolassa, hän ja hänen molemmat tyttärensä.

31 Niin vanhempi sanoi nuoremmalle: "Isämme on vanha, eikä tässä maassa ole ketään miestä, joka voisi tulla luoksemme siten, kuin on kaiken maan tapa.

32 Tule, juottakaamme isällemme viiniä ja maatkaamme hänen kanssaan, saadaksemme isästämme jälkeläisen."

33 Niin he juottivat sinä yönä isällensä viiniä. Ja vanhempi meni ja makasi hänen kanssaan, eikä tämä huomannut, milloin hän tuli hänen viereensä ja milloin hän nousi.

34 Seuraavana päivänä sanoi vanhempi nuoremmalle: "Katso, minä makasin viime yönä isäni kanssa; juottakaamme hänelle tänäkin yönä viiniä, ja mene sinä ja makaa hänen kanssaan, saadaksemme isästämme jälkeläisen".

35 Niin he juottivat sinäkin yönä isällensä viiniä; ja nuorempi meni ja makasi hänen kanssaan, eikä tämä huomannut, milloin hän tuli hänen viereensä ja milloin hän nousi.

36 Ja niin Lootin molemmat tyttäret tulivat isästänsä raskaiksi.

37 Ja vanhempi synnytti pojan ja antoi hänelle nimen Mooab; hänestä polveutuvat mooabilaiset aina tähän päivään saakka.

38 Ja myöskin nuorempi synnytti pojan ja antoi hänelle nimen Ben-Ammi; hänestä polveutuvat ammonilaiset aina tähän päivään saakka.




Arcana Coelestia#2669



2669. 'Also, the son of the servant-girl I will make into a nation' means the spiritual Church which was to receive the good of faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'the son of the servant-girl' and also of 'a nation'. 'The son of the servant-girl' or Ishmael, while he was in Abraham's house, that is, while he was with Abraham, represented the Lord's first rational, as shown in 2652, 2653, 2657, 2658. But now he has been separated he takes on another representation, namely that of the spiritual Church, 2666. A similar change of representation occurred previously with Lot who while with Abraham represented the Lord's external man, 1428, 1429, 1434, 1547, 1597, 1598, 1698, but once he had been separated from Abraham he represented the external Church and many states of that Church, 2324, 2371, 2399, 2422, 2459, and in the whole of Chapter 19. As regards 'nation' meaning good, see 1159, 1258-1260, 1416, 1849. Here the good of faith is meant since it has reference to the spiritual Church. Hence the words used here, 'Also, the son of the servant-girl I will make into a nation', mean the spiritual Church which was to receive the good of faith, which is charity.

[2] The Lord's kingdom in heaven and on earth is celestial and spiritual, and therefore angels are distinguished into those who are celestial and those who are spiritual, see 202, 337. To celestial angels the Lord appears as the Sun, to spiritual as the Moon, 1053, 1521, 1529-1531. Men in a similar way are distinguished into those who are celestial and those who are spiritual. Those who belonged to the Most Ancient Church which existed before the Flood were celestial, dealt with in 607, 608, 784, 895, 920, 1114-1125, while those who belonged to the Ancient Church which existed after the Flood were spiritual, dealt with in 609, 640, 641, 765. For what the difference was between those two Churches, see 567, 607, and for what the difference is between what is celestial and what is spiritual, 81, 1155, 1577, 1824, 2048, 2069, 2088, 2227, 2507. The celestial are referred to by the Lord in the following,

He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out. And when He has led out His own sheep He goes before them, and the sheep follow Him, for they know His voice.

The spiritual however are referred to in these words,

And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd. John 10:3-4, 16.

The good of love is that which constitutes the celestial Church, but the good of faith that which constitutes the spiritual Church. The truth of faith does not constitute the Church but leads into it.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#2657



2657. 'Cast out this servant-girl, and her son' means that what belonged to the merely human rational was to be banished. This is clear from the meaning of 'casting out' as banishing; from the meaning of 'servant-girl' as the affection for rational concepts and for factual knowledge, and so as the good belonging to these, dealt with in 2567; and from the meaning of 'son' as the truth belonging to that rational, dealt with in 264, 489, 533, 1147. But it is apparent good and apparent truth that go with this first or merely human rational. Consequently 'cast out this servant-girl, and her son' means that to be banished were the things belonging to the merely human rational. This particular circumstance - that the first rational was banished once the Divine Rational took its place - has been stated and shown in several places already, but as it is the specific subject here, a further brief explanation is necessary.

[2] With everyone who is being regenerated there are two rationals, the first existing before regeneration, the second after. The first, which exists before regeneration, is acquired by means of the experiences of the senses, by means of reflecting on the things that take place in public life and in private life, by means of formulated knowledge, and by means of reasonings based on and presented through these, as well as by means of cognitions of spiritual things obtained from the doctrine of faith, that is, from the Word. But none of these acquisitions rise at this time very much above the ideas present in the external or bodily memory, which are relatively speaking quite materialistic. Consequently whatever thought takes place in the rational at this time consists of such materialistic ideas, or else, so that what it thinks may be comprehended at the same time by inner or intellectual sight, the semblances of such things are presented in the form of comparisons or analogies. Of such a nature is the first rational, or the rational that exists before regeneration.

[3] But the rational after regeneration is formed by the Lord by means of affections for spiritual truth and good, which affections the Lord implants in a remarkable manner within the truths of the first rational, and in this way the things there that are in agreement and are favourably disposed towards them are given life. The rest however, having no use, are separated from these, until at length spiritual goods and truths are gathered so to speak into bundles, once those that do not agree and which cannot be given life are cast away so to speak to the circumference, this being effected gradually as spiritual goods and truths increase together with the life of the affections for them. From this it is evident what the second rational is like.

[4] These matters may be illustrated by comparing them to the fruit of trees. To begin with the first rational is like unripe fruit which ripens gradually until it produces seeds within itself. Then, having reached the point when it is ready to part from the tree, its state is complete, regarding which see above in 2636. The second rational however, which the Lord confers on those who are being regenerated, is like this same fruit now lying in good soil, where the flesh surrounding the seeds decays and these express themselves from the core, after which they send down a root and also a shoot up above the ground that grows into a new tree and spreads out, till finally it produces new fruits, and after that gardens and orchards, according to the affections for good and truth which it is receiving; see Matthew 13:31-32; John 12:24.

[5] But since examples help to make things clear, take the proprium which a person has before regeneration and the proprium which he has after regeneration. From the first rational which he acquires through the means mentioned above, a person believes that it is from what there is within himself, thus from his proprium, that he thinks what is true and does what it good. This first rational is incapable of thinking anything else even when the person is taught that every good of love, and every truth of faith, derives from the Lord. But when he is undergoing regeneration, which takes place in adult years, he then starts - from the second rational which is conferred by the Lord - to think that good and truth do not spring from that which is within himself, that is, from his proprium, but from the Lord, though he still does what is good or thinks what is true, as if it began from within himself, see 1937, 1947. At this time the more he becomes confirmed in this the more he is guided into the light of truth concerning those matters, until he finally believes that all good and all truth come from the Lord. At this time the proprium belonging to the first rational is gradually separated and the Lord confers on that person a heavenly proprium which becomes that of the new rational.

[6] Take a further example. To begin with the only love known to the first rational is that of self and the world, and although it hears about heavenly love being altogether different it still has no conception of it. In this case when the person then does anything good the only delight he sees in doing it is that he may seem to himself to merit another's favour, or that he may be considered to be a Christian, or that he may obtain the joy of eternal life out of doing it. The second rational however which the Lord confers through regeneration begins to feel some delight in goodness and truth themselves and to be stirred by this delight, not on account of anything that is his own but on account of goodness and truth themselves. When led by this delight he spurns the thought of merit, until at length he detests it as something monstrous. This delight as it exists with him gradually increases and becomes a blessed delight, and in the next life a blissful delight, being for him heaven itself. From this it may now become clear how it is with each of the two rationals in one who is being regenerated.

[7] But it should be recognized that although a person is being regenerated, every single detail belonging to the first rational still remains with him. It is merely separated from the second rational, which the Lord effects in a miraculous fashion. The Lord however banished His own first rational completely, so that nothing of it remained, for what is merely human and what is Divine cannot exist together. Consequently He was no longer Mary's son but Jehovah as regards both Essences.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.