




1 Ja pärast seda lugu sündis, et Egiptuse kuninga joogikallaja ja pagar eksisid oma isanda, Egiptuse kuninga vastu.

2 Ja vaarao sai väga kurjaks oma kahe hoovkondlase peale, joogikallajate ülema ja pagarite ülema peale.

3 Ja ta andis nad vahi alla ihukaitsepealiku kotta, vangihoonesse, samasse paika, kus Joosep kinni oli.

4 Ja ihukaitsepealik pani Joosepi nende juurde, et ta neid teeniks; ja nad olid vahi all kaua aega.

5 Ja need mõlemad nägid ühel ööl unenäo, kumbki oma unenäo, kumbki oma tähendusega unenäo, Egiptuse kuninga joogikallaja ja pagar, kes vangihoones kinni olid.

6 Kui Joosep tuli hommikul nende juurde ja nägi neid, vaata, siis olid nad nukra näoga.

7 Ja ta küsis vaarao hoovkondlastelt, kes olid koos temaga vahi all ta isanda kojas, öeldes: 'Mispärast on teil täna nii kurvad näod?'

8 Ja nad vastasid temale: 'Me nägime unenägusid, aga ei ole kedagi, kes need seletaks.' Ja Joosep ütles neile: 'Eks seletused ole Jumala käes? Siiski jutustage mulle!'

9 Ja joogikallajate ülem jutustas oma unenäo Joosepile ning ütles temale: 'Mu unenäos oli nõnda: vaata, mu ees oli viinapuu

10 ja viinapuul oli kolm oksa; see lehistus, õitses ja marjakobarad valmisid;

11 mul oli käes vaarao karikas ja ma võtsin viinamarju ja pigistasin neid vaarao karikasse ja andsin karika vaarao kätte.'

12 Ja Joosep ütles temale: 'Selle seletus on niisugune: kolm oksa on kolm päeva.

13 Enne kui kolm päeva on möödunud, tõstab vaarao su pea üles ja paneb sind tagasi su ametisse ja sa annad vaaraole karikat kätte endist viisi, nagu siis, kui olid ta joogikallaja.

14 Aga pea mind meeles, kui su käsi hästi käib, ja tee mulle siis head ning tuleta mind vaaraole meelde ja vii mind siit hoonest välja,

15 sest mind on vargsel viisil varastatud heebrealaste maalt ja ma pole siingi teinud midagi, et mind vangiurkasse pandaks.'

16 Kui pagarite ülem nägi, et ta oli hästi seletanud, siis ta ütles Joosepile: 'Ka mina nägin und, ja vaata, mu pea kohal oli kolm punutud korvi.

17 Kõige ülemises korvis oli kõiksugust vaaraole valmistatud pagarirooga, aga linnud sõid selle mu peapealsest korvist.'

18 Ja Joosep vastas ning ütles: 'Selle seletus on niisugune: kolm korvi on kolm päeva.

19 Enne kui kolm päeva on möödunud, võtab vaarao sul pea otsast ja poob sind puusse ning linnud söövad liha su pealt.'

20 Ja kolmandal päeval, vaarao sünnipäeval, kui ta tegi kõigile oma sulastele suure peo, sündis, et ta tõstis üles joogikallajate ülema pea, samuti pagarite ülema pea oma sulaste seast,

21 ja pani joogikallajate ülema tema joogikallajaametisse vaaraole karikat kätte ulatama,

22 aga pagarite ülema ta laskis puua, nõnda nagu Joosep neile oli seletanud.

23 Ent joogikallajate ülem ei pidanud Joosepit meeles, vaid unustas tema ära.




Arcana Coelestia#5131



5131. 'When it is well with you' means when a correspondence exists. This is clear from the meaning - when the subject is the rebirth or regeneration of the exterior natural or sensory power - of 'being well with you' as a correspondence that exists, for until that power corresponds things are not well with it. What correspondence is may be seen at the ends of chapters. There is a correspondence of sensory impressions with natural ideas, a correspondence of natural ideas with spiritual realities, a correspondence of spiritual realities with celestial entities, and finally a correspondence of celestial entities with the Lord's Divine. Thus a sequence of correspondences exists extending from the Divine down to the last and lowest degree of the natural.

[2] Since it is difficult for anyone to have any conception of the nature of correspondences if he has not previously given any thought to them, a brief statement must therefore be made about them. It is well known from philosophy that the end is prior to the cause, and the cause prior to the effect. To enable end, cause, and effect to follow one another and act as one, the effect must correspond to the cause, and the cause must correspond to the end. Nevertheless the end does not manifest itself as the cause, nor does the cause manifest itself as the effect. Rather, to enable the cause to exist the end must act on the level where the cause belongs, calling on assistant means to help it - the end - to bring the cause into existence; and to enable the effect to exist the cause likewise must act on the level where the effect belongs, by calling on assistant means to help it - the cause - to bring the effect into existence. These assistant means are ones that correspond; and because they correspond, the end can exist within the cause and bring the cause into operation, and the cause can exist within the effect and bring the effect into operation. Consequently the end uses the cause to bring the effect into operation. But it is different when no correspondence exists. In this case the end does not have a cause in which it may exist, let alone any effect in which it may do so. Instead the end undergoes change and variation within the cause, and finally within the effect, according to the form which the assistant means create.

[3] All things without exception within the human being, indeed all things without exception in the natural creation, follow one another as end, cause, and effect. When these correspond to one another in this way they act as one, for in this case the end is the all in all of the cause, and through the cause is the all in all of the effect. Take for example heavenly love, when this is the end, the will is the cause, and action is the effect. If the three exist in correspondence with one another - that love flowing into the will, and the will into action - they then act as one, so much so through their correspondence with one another that the action is seen as the love. Or take for another example faith grounded in charity. When this is the end, thought is the cause, and conversation is the effect. If the three exist in correspondence with one another - if faith grounded in charity is flowing into a person's thought, and this into his conversation - they then act as one, so much so that through their correspondence with one another his conversation is seen as if it were the end. But to enable the cause to exist, which is will or thought, the end, which is love or faith, must call on assistant means within the rational mind which must correspond. For without the corresponding assistant means the end, which is love and faith, has nothing to receive it, even though it flows in from the Lord through heaven. From this it is evident that both the interior and the exterior aspects of the human being, that is, his rational concepts, natural ideas, and sensory impressions, must be brought into a state of correspondence so that the Divine can flow in and be received by a person, consequently so that he may be born again, prior to which all is not well with him. From all this one may see that 'when it is well with you' here means [when] a correspondence exists.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.