




1 Verder geschiedde des HEEREN woord tot mij, zeggende:

2 Mensenkind, maak Jeruzalem haar gruwelen bekend,

3 En zeg: Alzo zegt de Heere Heere tot Jeruzalem: Uw handelingen en uw geboorten zijn uit het land der Kanaanieten; uw vader was een Amoriet en uw moeder een Hethietische.

4 En aangaande uw geboorten: ten dage, als gij geboren waart, werd uw navel niet afgesneden; en gij waart niet met water gewassen, toen Ik u aanschouwde; gij waart ook geenszins met zout gewreven, noch in windselen gewonden.

5 Geen oog had medelijden over u, om u een van deze dingen te doen, om zich over u te erbarmen; maar gij zijt geworpen geweest op het vlakke des velds, om de walgelijkheid van uw ziel, ten dage, toen gij geboren waart.

6 Als Ik bij u voorbijging, zo zag Ik u, vertreden zijnde in uw bloed, en Ik zeide tot u in uw bloed: Leef; ja, Ik zeide tot u in uw bloed: Leef!

7 Ik heb u tot tien duizend, als het gewas des velds, gemaakt; en gij zijt gegroeid, en groot geworden, en zijt gekomen tot grote sierlijkheid; uw borsten zijn vast geworden, en uw haar is gewassen, doch gij waart naakt en bloot.

8 Als Ik nu bij u voorbijging, zag Ik u, en ziet, uw tijd was de tijd der minne; zo breidde Ik Mijn vleugel over u uit, en dekte uw naaktheid; ja, Ik zwoer u, en kwam met u in een verbond, spreekt de Heere Heere en gij werdt de Mijne.

9 Daarna wies Ik u met water, en Ik spoelde uw bloed van u af, en zalfde u met olie.

10 Ik bekleedde u ook met gestikt werk, en Ik schoeide u met dassenvellen, en omgordde u met fijn linnen, en bedekte u met zijde.

11 Ook versierde Ik u met sieraad, en deed armringen aan uw handen, en een keten aan uw hals.

12 Desgelijks deed Ik een voorhoofdsiersel aan uw aangezicht, en oorringen aan uw oren, en een kroon der heerlijkheid op uw hoofd.

13 Zo waart gij versierd met goud en zilver, en uw kleding was fijn linnen, en zijde, en gestikt werk; gij at meelbloem, en honig, en olie, en gij waart gans zeer schoon, en waart voorspoedig, dat gij een koninkrijk werdt.

14 Daartoe ging van u een naam uit onder de heidenen om uw schoonheid; want die was volmaakt door Mijn heerlijkheid, die Ik op u gelegd had, spreekt de Heere Heere.

15 Maar gij hebt vertrouwd op uw schoonheid, en hebt gehoereerd vanwege uw naam; ja, hebt uw hoererijen uitgestort aan een ieder, die voorbijging; voor hem was zij.

16 En gij hebt van uw klederen genomen, en u gemaakt geplekte hoogten, en hebt daarop gehoereerd; zulks is niet gekomen, en zal niet geschieden.

17 Daartoe hebt gij genomen de vaten uws sieraads van Mijn goud en van Mijn zilver, dat Ik u gegeven had, en gij hebt u mansbeelden gemaakt, en gij hebt met dezelve gehoereerd.

18 En gij hebt uw gestikte klederen genomen, en hebt ze bedekt; en gij hebt Mijn olie en Mijn reukwerk voor hun aangezichten gesteld.

19 En Mijn brood, hetwelk Ik u gaf, meelbloem en olie, en honig, waarmede Ik u spijsde, dat hebt gij ook voor hun aangezichten gesteld tot een liefelijken reuk; zo is het geschied, spreekt de Heere Heere.

20 Verder hebt gij uw zonen en uw dochteren, die gij Mij gebaard hadt, genomen, en hebt ze denzelven geofferd om te verteren; is het wat kleins van uw hoererijen,

21 Dat gij Mijn kinderen geslacht hebt, en hebt ze overgegeven, als gij dezelve voor hen door het vuur hebt doen gaan?

22 Ook hebt gij bij al uw gruwelen en uw hoererijen niet gedacht aan de dagen uwer jonkheid, als gij naakt en bloot waart, als gij vertreden waart in uw bloed.

23 Het is ook geschied na al uw boosheid,, wee, wee u, spreekt de Heere Heere),

24 Dat gij u een verwelfsel gebouwd hebt, en u een hoge plaats gemaakt hebt in elke straat.

25 Aan elk hoofd des wegs hebt gij uw hoge plaatsen gebouwd, en hebt uw schoonheid gruwelijk gemaakt, en hebt met uw benen geschreden voor een ieder, die voorbijging, en hebt uw hoererijen vermenigvuldigd.

26 Gij hebt ook gehoereerd met de kinderen van Egypte, uw naburen, die groot van vlees zijn; en gij hebt uw hoererij vermenigvuldigd, om Mij tot toorn te verwekken.

27 Ziet, daarom strekte Ik Mijn hand over u uit, en verminderde uw bescheiden deel; en Ik gaf u over in den lust dergenen, die u haten, der dochteren der Filistijnen, die vanwege uw schandelijken weg beschaamd waren.

28 Verder hebt gij gehoereerd met de kinderen van Assur, omdat gij onverzadelijk waart; ja, als gij met hen gehoereerd hebt, zijt gij ook niet verzadigd geworden.

29 Maar gij hebt uw hoererij vermenigvuldigd in het land van Kanaan tot in Chaldea; en daarmede ook zijt gij niet verzadigd geworden.

30 Hoe zwak is uw hart (spreekt de Heere Heere) als gij al deze dingen doet, zijnde het werk van een heersende hoerachtige vrouw!

31 Als gij uw verwelfsel bouwt aan het hoofd van iederen weg, en uw hoge plaats maakt in elke straat, en niet zijt geweest als een hoer, het hoerenloon beschimpende.

32 O, die overspelige vrouw, zij neemt in plaats van haar man de vreemden aan.

33 Men geeft loon aan alle hoeren; maar gij geeft uw loon aan al uw boelen, en gij beschenkt ze, opdat zij tot u van rondom zouden ingaan om uw hoererijen.

34 Zo geschiedt met u in uw hoererijen het tegendeel van de vrouwen, dewijl men u niet naloopt, om te hoereren; want als gij hoerenloon geeft, en het hoerenloon u niet gegeven wordt; zo zijt gij tot een tegendeel geworden.

35 Daarom, o hoer, hoor des HEEREN woord.

36 Alzo zegt de Heere Heere: Omdat uw vergif uitgestort is, en uw schaamte door uw hoererijen met uw boelen ontdekt is, en met al de drekgoden uwer gruwelen, en na het bloed uwer kinderen, dat gij hun gegeven hebt;

37 Daarom, zie, Ik zal al uw boelen vergaderen, met dewelke gij vermengd zijt geweest, en allen, die gij liefgehad hebt, met allen, die gij gehaat hebt; en Ik zal hen van rondom vergaderen tegen u, en Ik zal voor hen uw naaktheid ontdekken, dat zij uw ganse naaktheid zien zullen.

38 Daartoe zal Ik u naar de rechten der overspeelsters en der bloedvergietsters richten; en Ik zal u overgeven aan het bloed der grimmigheid en des ijvers.

39 En Ik zal u in hun hand overgeven, en zij zullen uw verwelfsel afbreken, en uw hoge plaatsen omwerpen, en uw klederen u uittrekken, en uw sierlijke juwelen nemen, en u naakt en bloot laten.

40 Daarna zullen zij tegen u een vergadering doen opkomen, en zullen u met stenen stenigen, en u met hun zwaarden doorsteken.

41 Zij zullen ook uw huizen met vuur verbranden, en oordelen tegen u uitvoeren voor veler vrouwen ogen; en Ik zal u doen ophouden van een hoer te zijn, en gij zult ook niet meer hoerenloon geven.

42 Zo zal Ik Mijn grimmigheid op u doen rusten, en Mijn ijver zal van u afwijken; en Ik zal stil zijn, en niet meer toornig wezen.

43 Daarom dat gij niet gedacht hebt aan de dagen uwer jonkheid, en Mij tot beroering geweest zijt met dit alles, zie, zo zal Ik ook uw weg op uw hoofd geven, spreekt de Heere Heere; en gij zult die schandelijke daad niet doen boven al uw gruwelen.

44 Zie, een ieder, die spreekwoorden gebruikt, zal van u een spreekwoord gebruiken, zeggende: Zo de moeder is, is haar dochter.

45 Gij zijt de dochter uwer moeder, die de walg had van haar man en van haar kinderen; en gij zijt de zuster uwer zusteren, die de walg gehad hebben van haar mannen en van haar kinderen; uw moeder was een Hethietische, en uw vader een Amoriet.

46 Uw grote zuster nu is Samaria, zij en haar dochteren, dewelke woont aan uw linkerhand; maar uw zuster, die kleiner is dan gij, die tegen uw rechterhand woont, is Sodom en haar dochteren.

47 Doch gij hebt in haar wegen niet gewandeld, noch naar haar gruwelen gedaan; het was wat gerings, een verdriet; maar gij hebt het meer verdorven dan zij, in al uw wegen.

48 Zo waarachtig als Ik leef, spreekt de Heere Heere, indien Sodom, uw zuster, zij met haar dochteren, gedaan heeft, gelijk gij gedaan hebt en uw dochteren!

49 Ziet, dit was de ongerechtigheid uwer zuster Sodom; hoogmoed, zatheid van brood en stille gerustheid had zij en haar dochteren; maar zij sterkte de hand des armen en nooddruftigen niet.

50 En zij verhieven zich, en deden gruwelijkheid voor Mijn aangezicht; daarom deed Ik ze weg, nadat Ik het gezien had.

51 Samaria ook heeft naar de helft uwer zonden niet gezondigd; en gij hebt uw gruwelen meer dan zij vermenigvuldigd, en hebt uw zusters gerechtvaardigd door al uw gruwelen, die gij gedaan hebt.

52 Draag gij dan ook uw schande, gij, die voor uw zusteren geoordeeld hebt door uw zonden, die gij gruwelijker gemaakt hebt dan zij; zij zijn rechtvaardiger dan gij; wees gij dan ook beschaamd, en draag uw schande, omdat gij uw zusters gerechtvaardigd hebt.

53 Als Ik haar gevangenen wederbrengen zal, namelijk de gevangenen van Sodom en haar dochteren, en de gevangenen van Samaria en haar dochteren, dan zal Ik wederbrengen de gevangenen uwer gevangenis in het midden van haar.

54 Opdat gij uw schande draagt, en te schande gemaakt wordt, om al hetgeen gij gedaan hebt, als gij haar troosten zult.

55 Als uw zusters, Sodom en haar dochteren, zullen wederkeren tot haar vorigen staat, mitsgaders Samaria en haar dochteren zullen wederkeren tot haar vorigen staat, zult gij ook en uw dochteren wederkeren tot uw vorigen staat.

56 Ja, uw zuster Sodom is in uw mond niet gehoord geweest, ten dage uws groten hoogmoeds,

57 Aleer uw boosheid ontdekt was. Als de tijd was der versmading van de dochteren van Syrie, en van al degenen, die rondom datzelve waren, de dochteren der Filistijnen, die u verachten van rondom,

58 Hebt gij uw schandelijke daden en uw gruwelen gedragen, spreekt de HEERE.

59 Want alzo zegt de Heere Heere: Ik zal u ook doen, gelijk als gij gedaan hebt, die den eed veracht hebt, brekende het verbond.

60 Evenwel zal Ik gedachtig wezen aan Mijn verbond met u, in de dagen uwer jonkheid, en Ik zal met u een eeuwig verbond oprichten.

61 Dan zult gij uwer wegen gedenken en beschaamd zijn, als gij uw zusteren, die groter zijn dan gij, aannemen zult; want Ik zal u dezelve geven tot dochteren, maar niet uit uw verbond.

62 Want Ik zal Mijn verbond met u oprichten, en gij zult weten, dat Ik de HEERE ben;

63 Opdat gij het gedachtig zijt, en u schaamt, en niet meer uw mond opent vanwege uw schande, wanneer Ik voor u verzoening doen zal over al hetgeen gij gedaan hebt, spreekt de Heere Heere.




Arcana Coelestia#10287



10287. 'And he who puts any of it on a foreigner' means a joining together for those who do not acknowledge the Lord, and so who are subject to evils and to the falsities of evil. This is clear from the meaning of 'putting it on someone' - when the subject is Divine Truths, meant by the sweet-smelling ointment - as a joining together; and from the meaning of 'a foreigner' as those who do not belong to the Church, thus those who do not acknowledge the Lord, consequently who are subject to evils and falsities. Anyone who does not acknowledge the Lord does not belong to the Church; and anyone who rejects the Lord is subject to evils and falsities. For goodness and truth come from no other source than Him. The fact that such people are meant by 'foreigners' will be clear from the places in the Word which will follow below. But first something must be stated regarding the joining of Divine Truth among those who do not acknowledge the Lord. Such a joining together constitutes profanation, for profanation is a joining of Divine Truth to falsities arising from evil. The joining together that constitutes profanation is something which cannot happen with any at all except those who have first acknowledged the things which are the Church's, and especially the Lord, but subsequently reject them. For acknowledgement of the Church's truths and of the Lord leads to contact with the heavens, and consequently to an opening of a person's interiors towards heaven; and a subsequent rejection of them leads to a joining of the same truths to falsities arising from evil. For everything a person acknowledges remains implanted in him; nothing present with a person which has entered through acknowledgement is destroyed.

[2] The state of a person with whom profanation exists is one in which he is in contact with the heavens and at the same time with the hells, through truths with the heavens and through the falsities of evil with the hells. As a result of this, in the next life a tearing apart takes place with such people, which destroys the whole of their inner life. After the tearing apart they hardly look like human beings any longer; they look like bones that have been scorched and have little life in them. See what has been stated and shown previously regarding profanation in the following places,

Profaners are those who have first acknowledged God's truths but subsequently reject them, 1001, 1010, 1059, 2051, 3398, 4289, 4601, 6348, 6959, 6963, 6971, 8394.

People who have rejected them since early childhood, such as Jews and others, are not profaners, 593, 1001, 1010, 1059, 3398, 3489, 6963.

The Lord takes the greatest care to guard against the occurrence of profanation with a person, 301-303, 1327, 1328, 2426, 3398, 3402, 3489, 6595.

[3] But it should be realized that the genera of profanation are very many, and the species composing those genera are very many. For there are those who profane the Church's forms of good and those who profane its truths; there are those who profane greatly and those who profane slightly; there are those who profane on a more internal level and those who profane on increasingly external levels; there are those who profane through belief contrary to the Church's truths and forms of good, there are those who profane through the life they lead, and those who profane through their worship. Consequently there exist very many hells of profaners, which are distinct and separate from one another, in accord with their different kinds of profanation. The hells of those who profane good are behind one's back, whereas the hells of profanation of truth are underfoot and to the sides. They are deeper than the hells of all other evils and are rarely opened.

[4] Those who do not acknowledge the Lord and refuse to do so, whether they are outside the Church or inside it, thus those who are subject to evils and to the falsities of evil, are meant by 'foreigners'; and in the abstract sense, without reference to actual persons, evils and the falsities of evil are meant. This is clear from very many places in the Word. The reason for saying 'those who do not acknowledge the Lord, thus those who are subject to evils and the falsities of evil' is that people who do not acknowledge the Lord are inevitably subject to evils and the falsities of evil; for the Lord is the source of all good and of all the truth of good. Those therefore who reject the Lord are subject to evils and the falsities of evil, as accords with the Lord's words in John,

Unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins. John 8:24.

[5] The fact that such people are meant by 'foreigners' is clear from the following places: In Isaiah,

Your land will be a lonely place, your cities have been burned with fire; foreigners will devour your ground before you, and it will be a lonely place, as if overturned by foreigners 1 . Isaiah 1:7.

Here land should not be understood by 'land', nor cities and ground by 'cities' and 'ground'. Instead the Church should be understood by 'land' and likewise by 'ground', and by 'cities' the Church's truths, called its doctrinal teachings, which are said to have been 'burned with fire' when they have been destroyed by the evils of self-love and love of the world. From this it is evident what is meant by 'foreigners will devour your ground', namely evils and the falsities of evil destroying the Church, and by 'your land will be a lonely place' and 'your cities have been burned with fire'.

'Land' or earth means the Church, see in the places referred to in 9325, and 'ground' likewise, 566, 1068.

'Cities' are the Church's doctrinal teachings, thus its truths, 2268, 2451, 2712, 2943, 3216, 4492, 4493.

'Fire' means the evil of self-love and love of the world, 1297, 1861, 2446, 5071, 5215, 6314, 6832, 7575, 9141.

[6] In Jeremiah,

Shame covered our faces when foreigners came against the sanctuaries of Jehovah's house. Jeremiah 51:51.

'Foreigners coming against the sanctuaries of Jehovah's house' are evils and the falsities of evil that go against the Church's truths and forms of good. The word 'foreigners' was used to mean members of the gentile nations who were slaves in the Jewish Church, and the gentile nations of that land also mean evil and falsities, 9320. In the same prophet,

You say, There is no hope, no; but I will love foreigners, and after them I will go. Jeremiah 2:25.

'Loving foreigners and going after them' means loving evils and the falsities of evil, and worshipping them.

[7] In Ezekiel,

I will bring a sword upon you, and will give you into the hand of foreigners. Ezekiel 11:8-9.

'Bringing a sword upon' means falsities arising from evil set in conflict against truths springing from good. 'Giving into the hand of foreigners' means to the end that they may believe and serve those falsities. For the meaning of 'a sword' as truth engaged in conflict against falsities, and in the contrary sense falsity engaged in conflict against truths, see 2799, 6353, 7102, 8294.

[8] In the same prophet,

You will die the deaths of the uncircumcised in the hand of foreigners. Ezekiel 28:10.

'The uncircumcised' are those who, for all the religious teachings they know, lead lives steeped in foul loves and the desires that go with them, 2049, 3412, 3413, 4462, 7045, 7225, the death they die being spiritual death. 'In the hand of foreigners' means subject to evils themselves and the falsities of evil.

[9] In the same prophet,

Jerusalem, an adulterous woman, takes foreigners instead of her husband. Ezekiel 16:32.

'Jerusalem, an adulterous woman' stands for the Church in which good has been adulterated; 'taking foreigners' stands for its acceptance, in life and doctrine, of evils and the falsities of evil. In Joel,

Jerusalem will be holy, and foreigners will not pass through her any longer. Joel 3:17.

Here also 'Jerusalem' stands for the Church, but one in which people acknowledge the Lord, lead good lives, and believe truths coming from the Lord. 'Foreigners will not pass through her any longer' means that evils and the falsities of evil coming from hell will not enter it.

[10] In David,

Foreigners have risen up against me, and violent ones have sought my soul. Psalms 54:3.

Here also 'foreigners' stands for evils and the falsities of evil, and 'violent ones' for these same evils and falsities acting violently against forms of good and truths. Those who see solely the literal sense of the Word take 'foreigners' to mean nothing more than those outside the Church who were rising up against David. But no ideas of actual persons enter the thinking of those in heaven, only the realities meant by them, 8343, 8985, 9007, so that they think not of people but things that are foreign or alien, that is, those which are alienated from the Church, thus evils and the falsities of evil which destroy the Church. And by 'David', against whom the foreigners were rising up, those in heaven understand the Lord, 1888, 9954.

[11] In Moses,

He forsook the God who made him, and despised the Rock of his salvation. They provoked Him to jealousy through foreign [gods]. Deuteronomy 32:15-16.

'Forsaking God' and 'despising the Rock of salvation' stand for rejecting the Lord, 'provoking through foreign [gods]' for doing so through evils and the falsities of evil, 'the Rock of salvation' being the Lord in respect of the truths of faith, see 8581. In addition to all this there are other places in which 'foreigners' stands for evils and falsities, such as Isaiah 25:2, 4-5; Jeremiah 30:8; Ezekiel 31:11-12.

[12] Since 'foreigners' meant those who are subject to evils and the falsities of evil, and consequently in the abstract sense meant evils and the falsities of evil, it was forbidden for a foreigner to eat that which was holy, Leviticus 22:10; no foreigner was permitted to come near and perform the priestly function or guard the sanctuary; and any who did come near was to be put to death, Numbers 1:51; 3:10, 38; 18:7;

[13] furthermore no incense was to be offered on foreign 2 fire, and because Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu did offer incense on it they were devoured by fire from heaven, Leviticus 10:1-2. For holy fire which was taken from the altar was a sign of love derived from God, whereas foreign fire was a sign of love coming from hell, and therefore also of evils and the desires that go with them, see 1297, 1861, 2446, 5071, 5215, 6314, 6832, 7575, 9141.

[14] Mention is also made in the Word of those who are foreign-born, a different word being used in the original language from that rendered 'foreigners', and by them falsities themselves are meant, as in Lamentations,

O Jehovah, look upon our shame. Our inheritance has been turned over to foreigners, and our houses to the foreign-born. Lamentations 5:1-2.

In Obadiah,

Foreigners led his strength 3 captive, and the foreign-born entered his gates and cast 4 lots for Jerusalem. Obad. verse 11.

'Casting lots for Jerusalem' stands for destroying the Church and scattering its truths.

[15] In Zephaniah,

I will punish 5 the princes and the king's sons, and all clothed with the clothing of him who is foreign-born. Zephaniah 1:8.

Those 'clothed with the clothing of him who is foreign-born' stand for people subject to falsities; for 'the princes' and 'the king's sons' who are to undergo punishment mean leading truths and in the contrary sense leading falsities. For this meaning of 'princes', see 1482, 2089, 5044, and for that of 'kings' as truths themselves and in the contrary sense falsities themselves, 2015, 2069, 3009, 4581, 4966, 5044, 5068, 6148, so that 'the king's sons' means things derived from those truths or falsities.

[16] In David,

Deliver me, and rescue me from the hands of the sons of him who is foreign-born, whose mouths speak vanity, and whose right hands are the right hands of falsehood. Psalms 144:7-8, 11.

'The sons of him who is foreign-born', it is plainly evident, means those subject to falsities, and so means falsities themselves, for it says, 'Whose mouths speak vanity, and whose right hands are right hands of falsehood', 'vanity' meaning false ideas composing doctrine, and 'falsehood' false ways of life, 9248.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#4493



4493. 'And they circumcised every male, all who went out of the gate of his city' means the acceptance of externalities. This is clear from the meaning of 'circumcising every male' as being introduced into the representatives and meaningful signs of that people (that is, into those of Jacob's descendants) - solely into the external observances involved in these, dealt with in 4486; and from the meaning of 'going out of the gate of the city' as departing from the doctrine of the Church among the Ancients, dealt with immediately above in 4492. And as the departure from doctrine and the acceptance of externalities is meant, the expression 'those who went out of the gate of his city' occurs twice, without any reference at the same time, as is so elsewhere, to those who went into it. For 'going in' means an acceptance of doctrine and a departure from externalities; but the reverse of this is described here.

[2] The implications of this must now be stated. Members of the Most Ancient Church, the remnants of which Hamor and Shechem with their families were a part, had an entirely different mental constitution and different disposition from adherents to the Ancient Church. The will in the case of the members of the Most Ancient Church contained that which was whole; but this was not so with adherents to the Ancient Church. Because of this the Lord was able with members of the Most Ancient Church to flow in through the will, and therefore by an internal way, but not so with adherents to the Ancient Church, since in these the will had been destroyed. But the Lord flowed into their understanding, and so not by an internal way but by an external one, as stated above in 4489. Flowing in through the will involves flowing in through the good of love, for all good belongs to the will part of the mind, whereas flowing in through the understanding involves flowing in through the truth of faith, for all truth belongs to the understanding part. Within the latter - the understanding - the Lord formed, in the case of adherents to the Ancient Church, a new will when He regenerated them. For goods and truths were implanted in the will part of the mind of members of the Most Ancient Church, see 895, 927, but in the understanding part of that of adherents to the Ancient Church, 863, 875, 895, 927, 2124, 2256, 4328. The new will is formed within the understanding part of the mind, 928, 1023, 1043, 1044, 4328. A parallelism exists between the Lord and the good residing with man, but not between Him and the truth there, 1831, 1832, 2718, 3514. As a consequence adherents to the Ancient Church dwelt in obscurity compared with members of the Most Ancient, 2708, 2715, 2935, 2937, 3246, 3833. From all this it may be seen that members of the Most Ancient Church had an entirely different mental constitution and different disposition from adherents to the Ancient Church.

[3] It was for this reason that those who belonged to the Most Ancient Church were internal people and had no external forms of worship, while those who belonged to the Ancient Church were external people and did have them. For the former saw external things in the light of internal ones, as if by the light of the sun in the daytime, whereas the latter saw internal things in the light of external ones, as if by the light of the moon or stars at night. This also explains why the Lord is seen by the former in heaven as the Sun, but by the latter as the Moon, 1521, 1529-1531, 2441, 2495, 4060. The former are those who in explanations above are called celestial, the latter those who are called spiritual.

[4] To illustrate the essential difference between the two let an example be taken. If a member of the Most Ancient Church had read the Word, the historical or the prophetical, he would have seen its internal sense without prior instruction or any explanation. He would have seen it so perfectly that the celestial and spiritual things belonging to the internal sense would have instantly met his eyes, and scarcely anything belonging to the sense of the letter. Thus the internal sense would have been for him in brightness, but the sense of the letter in obscurity. He would be like someone listening to a person speaking, and taking in only the sense and paying no attention to the words used by the speaker. But if a member of the Ancient Church had read the Word he would not have been able, without prior instruction or explanation, to see its internal sense, and so the internal sense would have been for him in obscurity but the sense of the letter in brightness. He would be like someone listening to a person speaking and in thought hanging on to the words used by him, all the while paying no attention to the sense of them, which would therefore be lost on him. But when a member of the Jewish Church reads the Word he does not understand anything beyond the sense of the letter. He does not know of and also denies the existence of any internal sense. And it is similar with the member of the Christian Church at the present day.

[5] These considerations show the essential difference between those represented here by Hamor and Shechem who, being part of the remnants of the Most Ancient Church, were interested in internal things and not in external ones, and those meant by the sons of Jacob who were interested in external things and not in internal ones. Those considerations show in addition that Hamor and Shechem could not have acceded to external things and accepted those which existed among the sons of Jacob unless their internals were closed. But if these had been closed they would have perished for ever.

[6] This is the hidden reason why Hamor and Shechem with their families were slain, a deed that would not otherwise have been allowed. Not that this absolves the sons of Jacob from blame for having committed that hideous crime. They had no knowledge of that hidden reason, nor did they have that as their end in view. Everyone is judged according to the end he has in view, that is, his intention; and it is plainly stated in verse 13 that their intention was deceitful. When the Lord allows any such crime as this it is carried out by the evil and by those in hell who instigate it. But all evil which the evil intend and do to the good the Lord converts into good, as is the case here in that Hamor and Shechem with their families were [eternally] saved.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.