




1 Toen het volk zag, dat Mozes vertoog van den berg af te komen, zo verzamelde zich het volk tot Aaron, en zij zeiden tot hem: Sta op, maak ons goden, die voor ons aangezicht gaan; want dezen Mozes, dien man, die ons uit Egypteland uitgevoerd heeft, wij weten niet, wat hem geschied zij.

2 Aaron nu zeide tot hen: Rukt af de gouden oorsierselen, die in de oren uwer vrouwen, uwer zonen, en uwer dochteren zijn; en brengt ze tot mij.

3 Toen rukte het ganse volk de gouden oorsierselen af, die in hun oren waren; en zij brachten ze tot Aaron.

4 En hij nam ze uit hun hand, en hij bewierp het met een griffie, en hij maakte een gegoten kalf daaruit. Toen zeiden zij: Dit zijn uw goden, Israel! die u uit Egypteland opgevoerd hebben.

5 Als Aaron dat zag, zo bouwde hij een altaar voor hetzelve; en Aaron riep uit, en zeide: Morgen zal den HEERE een feest zijn!

6 En zij stonden des anderen daags vroeg op, en offerden brandoffer, en brachten dankoffer daartoe; en het volk zat neder om te eten en te drinken; daarna stonden zij op, om te spelen.

7 Toen sprak de HEERE tot Mozes: Ga heen, klim af! want uw volk, dat gij uit Egypteland opgevoerd hebt, heeft het verdorven.

8 En zij zijn haast afgeweken van den weg, dien Ik hun geboden had, zij hebben zich een gegoten kalf gemaakt; en zij hebben zich voor hetzelve gebogen, en hebben het offerande gedaan, en gezegd: Dit zijn uw goden, Israel, die u uit Egypteland opgevoerd hebben.

9 Verder zeide de HEERE tot Mozes: Ik heb dit volk gezien, en zie, het is een hardnekkig volk!

10 En nu, laat Mij toe, dat Mijn toorn tegen hen ontsteke, en hen vertere; zo zal Ik u tot een groot volk maken.

11 Doch Mozes aanbad het aangezicht des HEEREN zijns Gods, en hij zeide: O HEERE! waarom zou Uw toorn ontsteken tegen Uw volk, hetwelk Gij met grote kracht, en met een sterke hand, uit Egypteland uitgevoerd hebt?

12 Waarom zouden de Egyptenaars spreken, zeggende: In kwaadheid heeft Hij hen uitgevoerd, opdat Hij hen doodde op de bergen, en opdat Hij hen vernielde van den aardbodem? Keer af van de hittigheid Uws toorns, en laat het U over het kwaad Uws volks berouwen.

13 Gedenk aan Abraham, aan Izak en aan Israel, Uw knechten, aan welke Gij bij Uzelven gezworen hebt, en hebt tot hen gesproken: Ik zal uw zaad vermenigvuldigen als de sterren des hemels; en dit gehele land, waarvan Ik gezegd heb, zal Ik aan ulieder zaad geven, dat zij het erfelijk bezitten in eeuwigheid.

14 Toen berouwde het den HEERE over het kwaad, hetwelk Hij gesproken had Zijn volk te zullen doen.

15 En Mozes wendde zich om, en klom van den berg af, met de twee tafelen der getuigenis in zijn hand; deze tafelen waren op haar beide zijden beschreven, zij waren op de ene en op de andere zijde beschreven.

16 En diezelfde tafelen waren Gods werk; het geschrift was ook Gods geschrift zelf, in de tafelen gegraveerd.

17 Toen nu Jozua des volks stem hoorde, als het juichte, zo zeide hij tot Mozes: Er is een krijgsgeschrei in het leger.

18 Maar hij zeide: Het is geen stem des geroeps van overwinning, het is ook geen stem des geroeps van nederlaag; ik hoor een stem van zingen bij beurte.

19 En het geschiedde, als hij aan het leger naderde, en het kalf, en de reien zag, dat de toorn van Mozes ontstak, en dat hij de tafelen uit zijn handen wierp, en dezelve beneden aan den berg verbrak.

20 En hij nam dat kalf, dat zij gemaakt hadden, en verbrandde het in het vuur, en vermaalde het, totdat het klein werd, en strooide het op het water, en deed het den kinderen Israels drinken.

21 En Mozes zeide tot Aaron: Wat heeft u dit volk gedaan, dat gij zulk een grote zonde over hetzelve gebracht hebt?

22 Toen zeide Aaron: De toorn mijns heren ontsteke niet! gij kent dit volk, dat het in den boze ligt.

23 Zij dan zeiden tot mij: Maak ons goden, die voor ons aangezicht gaan, want dezen Mozes, dien man, die ons uit Egypteland opgevoerd heeft, wij weten niet, wat hem geschied zij.

24 Toen zeide ik tot hen: Wie goud heeft, die rukke het af, en geve het mij; en ik wierp het in het vuur, en dit kalf is er uit gekomen.

25 Als Mozes zag, dat het volk ontbloot was, (want Aaron had het ontbloot tot verkleining onder degenen, die tegen hen hadden mogen opstaan),

26 Zo bleef Mozes staan in de poort des legers, en zeide: Wie den HEERE toebehoort, kome tot mij! Toen verzamelden zich tot hem al de zonen van Levi.

27 En hij zeide tot hen: Alzo zegt de HEERE, de God van Israel: Een ieder doe zijn zwaard aan zijn heup; gaat door en keert weder, van poort tot poort in het leger, en een iegelijk dode zijn broeder, en elk zijn vriend, en elk zijn naaste!

28 En de zonen van Levi deden naar het woord van Mozes; en er vielen van het volk, op dien dag, omtrent drie duizend man.

29 Want Mozes had gezegd: Vult heden uw handen den HEERE; want elk zal zijn tegen zijn zoon, en tegen zijn broeder; en dit, opdat Hij heden een zegen over ulieden geve!

30 En het geschiedde des anderen daags, dat Mozes tot het volk zeide: Gijlieden hebt een grote zonde gezondigd; doch nu, ik zal tot den HEERE opklimmen; misschien zal ik een verzoening doen voor uw zonde.

31 Zo keerde Mozes weder tot den HEERE, en zeide: Och, dit volk heeft een grote zonde gezondigd, dat zij zich gouden goden gemaakt hebben.

32 Nu dan, indien Gij hun zonden vergeven zult! doch zo niet, zo delg mij nu uit Uw boek, hetwelk Gij geschreven hebt.

33 Toen zeide de HEERE tot Mozes: Dien zou Ik uit Mijn boek delgen, die aan Mij zondigt.

34 Doch ga nu heen, leid dit volk, waarheen Ik u gezegd heb; zie, Mijn Engel zal voor uw aangezicht gaan! doch ten dage Mijns bezoekens, zo zal Ik hun zonde over hen bezoeken!

35 Aldus plaagde de HEERE dit volk, omdat zij dat kalf gemaakt hadden, hetwelk Aaron gemaakt had.




Arcana Coelestia#7988



7988. 'That all the hosts of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt' means that those with whom truth and good were present but who had been held back until then were released. This is clear from the meaning of 'going out of the land of Egypt' as being released and delivered from molestations, 'going out' self-evidently meaning being released, while 'the land of Egypt' means molestations, see 7278; and from the meaning of 'the hosts of Jehovah' as the truths and forms of good that the spiritual Church possesses, and so those with whom truth and good are present, dealt with in 3448, 7236. The fact that truths and forms of good are meant by 'the hosts of Jehovah' is clear in Daniel,

There came out one small-sized horn of the he-goat, and it grew exceedingly towards the south, and towards the east, and towards the glorious [land]. And it grew even towards the hosts of heaven, and cast down to the earth some of the host, and of the stars, and trampled on them. It drew itself up even towards the prince of the host. And the host was set over the continual [burnt offering] on account of the transgression, because it cast down truth to the earth. At that point I heard a holy one speaking, How long is both the sanctuary and the host being trodden down? He said to me, Up to the evening and morning, two thousand three hundred times; then the sanctuary will be made correct. Daniel 8:9-14.

Here it is plainly evident that 'the hosts' means truths and forms of good, for it says that [the hem] cast down to the earth some of the host and of the stars, and after this that it cast down truth to the earth, and that the host was to be trodden down up to the evening and morning, which is the Lord's Coming.

[2] Since truths and forms of good make up 'the hosts of Jehovah', angels are therefore called His 'hosts' in the first Book of Kings,

Micah the prophet said, I saw Jehovah sitting on His throne, and the entire host of heaven standing beside Him. 1 Kings 22:19.

And in David,

Bless Jehovah, His angels, powerful with strength; bless Jehovah, all His hosts, His ministers. Psalms 103:20-21.

Angels are called 'hosts' by virtue of the truths and forms of good present with them. Not only angels used to be referred to as the hosts of Jehovah but also the lights in the sky - the sun, moon, and stars. And they were referred to as such because 'the sun' was a sign of the good of love, 'the moon' a sign of the good of faith, and 'the stars' a sign of cognitions of goodness and truth. Reference to those lights as 'hosts' is evident in the Book of Genesis,

The heavens and the earth were finished, and all their hosts. Genesis 1:1.

Here 'hosts' is used to mean all the lights in the sky; but in the internal sense, in which the subject at that point is the new creation of a person, 'hosts' is used to mean truths and forms of good.

[3] Likewise in David,

Praise Jehovah, all His angels, praise Him, all His hosts; praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all stars of light. Psalms 148:1, 3.

'Sun' means the good of love, and 'moon' the good of faith, see 1529, 1530, 2441, 2495, 4060, 4696, 5377, 7083; and 'stars' means cognitions of good and truth, 1808, 2120, 2495, 2849, 4697.

[4] One reason why 'sun, moon, and stars' means forms of good and truths is that in heaven the Lord is a Sun to those who are celestial and a Moon to those who are spiritual, 1521, 1529-1531, 3636, 3643, 4300, 4721 (end), 5097, 7078, 7083, 7171, 7173; and another reason is that angelic dwelling-places shine like stars, in keeping with the following in Daniel,

Then those who have intelligence will shine like the brightness of the expanse, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and into eternity. Daniel 12:9.

[5] Since angels, by virtue of truths and forms of good, are spoken of as 'the hosts of Jehovah', and also the sun, moon, and stars are called such, and since all truth and good come from the Lord, the Word refers to the Lord as Jehovah Zebaoth, that is, Jehovah of Hosts, 3448. And another reason why it refers to Him in this way is that He fights on a person's behalf against the hells.

From all this one may now see what 'the hosts of Jehovah' is used to mean in the internal sense. The children of Jacob who went out of Egypt were not such, though they represented them. This is evident from their life in Egypt, where they were unacquainted with Jehovah, even with His name before it was made known to Moses from the bramble bush, Exodus 3:13-16; and also they were calf-worshippers no less than the Egyptians were, as may be deduced from Exodus 32. And their life in the wilderness too shows that their character was such that they could not be led into the land of Canaan. Thus they were anything but the hosts of Jehovah.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#4697



4697. 'And the eleven stars' means cognitions of good and truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'stars' as cognitions of good and truth. The reason 'stars' in the Word means those cognitions is that they are tiny sources of light shining in the night, which send out flickers of light at that time into our sky, even as cognitions transmit glimmers of goodness and truth. This meaning of 'stars' as those cognitions may be seen from many places in the Word, as in Jeremiah,

[Thus] said Jehovah who gives the sun for light by day and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar. Jeremiah 31:35.

This refers to a new Church. 'Giving the sun for light by day' means good flowing from love and charity, and 'the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for light by night' means truth and cognitions.

[2] Similarly in David,

Jehovah who made the great lights, the sun to have dominion by day, the moon and stars to have dominion by night. Psalms 136:7-9.

Anyone unacquainted with the internal sense of the Word will presume that here 'the sun' is used to mean the sun of this world, and 'the moon and stars' to mean the moon and the stars, but no spiritual and heavenly meaning comes out of that presumption. Yet the Word in every individual part is heavenly. From this it is also evident that it is the goods of love and charity, and the truths of faith, together with cognitions of these, that are meant.

[3] This is similar to what occurs in Chapter 1 of Genesis, where the new creation of the heavenly man is the subject,

God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens, to make a distinction between the day and the night; and they will be for signs, and for set times, and for days and for years. And they will be for lights in the expanse of the heavens, to give light upon the earth; and it was so. And God made the two great lights, the greater light to have dominion over the day, and the lesser light to have dominion over the night, and the stars. And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth, and to have dominion over the day and the night, and to make a distinction between the light and the darkness. Genesis 1:14-18.

See [in Volume One, paragraphs] 30-38.

[4] In Matthew,

Immediately after the affliction of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Matthew 24:29.

Here 'the sun' and 'the moon' mean love and charity, or good and truth, while 'stars' means cognitions - see 4060; and because the last day or last state of the Church is the subject here, 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light' means that at that time the good of love and charity will perish, and 'the stars will fall from heaven' means that the cognitions of good and truth will perish too. That these things are meant is evident from the prophetical parts of the Word where similar descriptions occur regarding the day or state of the Church.

[5] As in Isaiah,

Behold, the day of Jehovah will come, cruel, to make the earth a waste, and He will destroy sinners from it. For the stars of the heavens and their constellations will not shine with their light. The sun will be obscured in its rising, and the moon will not give its light. Isaiah 13:9-10.

In Joel,

The day of Jehovah is near. The sun and the moon have been darkened, and the stars have withdrawn their shining. Joel 3:14-15.

In Ezekiel,

When I have blotted you out, I will cover the heavens and darken their stars, I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not give its light. All the bright lights in heaven I will make dark over you, and I will put darkness over your land. Ezekiel 32:7-8.

And in John,

The fourth angel sounded, and a third part of the sun was struck, and a third part of the moon, and a third part of the stars, so that a third part of them was darkened and the day did not shine for a third part of it; and the night likewise. Revelation 8:12.

[6] This meaning of 'stars' as cognitions of good and truth is in addition evident from the following places: In Daniel,

Out of one horn of the he-goat of the she-goats there grew one small-sized horn and it grew exceedingly towards the south, and towards the east, and towards the glorious [land]; and it grew even towards the hosts of heaven, and it cast down to the earth some of the host, and of the stars, and trampled on them. Daniel 8:9-10.

And in John,

The great dragon drew with his tail a third part of the stars of heaven and cast them down to the earth. Revelation 12:4.

Clearly the actual stars are not meant here, the subject in Daniel and John being the state of the Church in the last times.

[7] Similarly in David,

Jehovah counts the number of stars; He gives names to them all. Psalms 147:4.

In the same author,

Praise Jehovah, sun and moon; praise Him, all stars of light. Psalms 148:3.

In John,

A great sign was seen in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Revelation 12:1.

[8] Since cognitions of good and truth are meant by 'stars', the teachings of the Church are meant too, since these are cognitions. Teaching to do with faith separated from charity in the last times is described as 'a star' in the following verses in John,

The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and It fell onto a third part of the rivers, and onto the fountains of waters. The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third part of the waters became wormwood, and many people died in the waters, because they were made bitter. Revelation 8:10-11.

'The waters' which were made bitter by that star are truths, and 'the rivers' and 'the fountains of waters' are intelligence imparted by those truths, and wisdom from the Word. For 'waters' meaning truths, see 2702, 3058, 3424; for 'rivers' intelligence, 3051; and for 'fountains' wisdom from the Word, 2702, 3424.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.