




1 Nu dan, Israel! hoor naar de inzettingen en naar de rechten, die ik ulieden lere te doen; opdat gij leeft, en henen inkomt, en erft het land, dat de HEERE, uwer vaderen God, u geeft.

2 Gij zult tot dit woord, dat ik u gebiede, niet toedoen, ook daarvan niet afdoen; opdat gij bewaart de geboden van den HEERE, uw God, die ik u gebiede.

3 Uw ogen hebben gezien, wat God om Baal-Peor gedaan heeft; want alle man, die Baal-Peor navolgde, dien heeft de HEERE, uw God, uit het midden van u verdaan.

4 Gij daarentegen, die den HEERE, uw God, aanhingt, gij zijt heden allen levende.

5 Ziet, ik heb u geleerd de inzettingen en rechten, gelijk als de HEERE, mijn God, mij geboden heeft; opdat gij alzo doet in het midden des lands, waar gij naar toe gaat, om het te erven.

6 Behoudt ze dan, en doet ze; want dat zal uw wijsheid en uw verstand zijn voor de ogen der volken, die al deze inzettingen horen zullen, en zeggen: Dit groot volk alleen is een wijs en verstandig volk!

7 Want wat groot volk is er, hetwelk de goden zo nabij zijn als de HEERE, onze God, zo dikwijls als wij Hem aanroepen?

8 En wat groot volk is er, dat zo rechtvaardige inzettingen en rechten heeft, als deze ganse wet is, die ik heden voor uw aangezicht geef?

9 Alleenlijk wacht u, en bewaart uw ziel wel, dat gij niet vergeet de dingen, die uw ogen gezien hebben; en dat zij niet van uw hart wijken, al de dagen uws levens; en gij zult ze aan uw kinderen en uw kindskinderen bekend maken.

10 Ten dage, als gij voor het aangezicht des HEEREN, uws Gods, aan Horeb stondt, als de HEERE tot mij zeide: Vergader Mij dit volk, en Ik zal hun Mijn woorden doen horen, die zij zullen leren, om Mij te vrezen al de dagen, die zij op den aardbodem zullen leven, en zij zullen ze hun kinderen leren;

11 En gijlieden naderdet en stondt beneden dien berg; (die berg nu brandde van vuur, tot aan het midden des hemels; er was duisternis, wolken en donkerheid).

12 Zo sprak de HEERE tot u uit het midden des vuurs; gij hoordet de stem der woorden; maar gij zaagt geen gelijkenis, behalve de stem.

13 Toen verkondigde Hij u Zijn verbond, dat Hij u gebood te doen, de tien woorden, en schreef ze op twee stenen tafelen.

14 Ook gebood mij de HEERE ter zelver tijd, dat ik u inzettingen en rechten leren zou; opdat gij die deedt in dat land, naar hetwelk gij doortrekt, om dat te erven.

15 Wacht u dan wel voor uw zielen; want gij hebt geen gelijkenis gezien, ten dage als de HEERE op Horeb uit het midden des vuurs tot u sprak;

16 Opdat gij u niet verderft, en maakt u iets gesnedens, de gelijkenis van enig beeld, van mannelijk of vrouwelijk gedaante,

17 De gedaante van enig beest, dat op de aarde is; de gedaante van enigen gevleugelden vogel, die door den hemel vliegt;

18 De gedaante van iets, dat op den aardbodem kruipt; de gedaante van enigen vis, die in het water is onder de aarde;

19 Dat gij ook uw ogen niet opheft naar den hemel, en aanziet de zon, en de maan, en de sterren, des hemels ganse heir; en wordt aangedreven, dat gij u voor die buigt, en hen dient; dewelke de HEERE uw God, aan alle volken onder den gansen hemel heeft uitgedeeld.

20 Maar ulieden heeft de HEERE aangenomen, en uit den ijzeroven, uit Egypte, uitgevoerd; opdat gij Hem tot een erfvolk zoudt zijn, gelijk het te dezen dage is.

21 Ook vertoornde Zich de HEERE over mij, om ulieder woorden; en Hij zwoer, dat ik over de Jordaan niet zou gaan, en dat ik niet zou komen in dat goede land, dat de HEERE, uw God, u ter erfenis geven zal.

22 Want ik zal in dit land sterven; ik zal over de Jordaan niet gaan; maar gij zult er overgaan, en datzelve goede land erven.

23 Wacht u, dat gij het verbond des HEEREN, uws Gods, hetwelk Hij met u gemaakt heeft, niet vergeet, dat gij u een gesneden beeld zoudt maken, de gelijkenis van iets, dat de HEERE, uw God, u verboden heeft.

24 Want de HEERE, uw God, is een verterend vuur, een ijverig God.

25 Wanneer gij nu kinderen en kindskinderen gewonnen zult hebben, en in het land oud geworden zult zijn, en u zult verderven, dat gij gesneden beelden maakt, de gelijkenis van enig ding, en doet, wat kwaad is in de ogen des HEEREN, uws Gods, om Hem tot toorn te verwekken;

26 Zo roep ik heden den hemel en de aarde tot getuige tegen ulieden, dat gij voorzeker haast zult omkomen van dat land, waar gij over de Jordaan naar toe trekt, om dat te erven; gij zult uw dagen daarin niet verlengen, maar ganselijk verdelgd worden.

27 En de HEERE zal u verstrooien onder de volken; en gij zult een klein volksken in getal overblijven onder de heidenen, waar de HEERE u henen leiden zal.

28 En aldaar zult gij goden dienen, die des mensen handenwerk zijn, hout en steen, die niet zien, noch horen, noch eten, noch rieken.

29 Dan zult gij van daar den HEERE, uw God, zoeken, en vinden; als gij Hem zoeken zult met uw ganse hart en met uw ganse ziel.

30 Wanneer gij in angst zult zijn, en u al deze dingen zullen treffen; in het laatste der dagen, dan zult gij wederkeren tot den HEERE, uw God, en Zijn stem gehoorzaam zijn.

31 Want de HEERE, uw God, is een barmhartig God; Hij zal u niet verlaten, noch u verderven; en Hij zal het verbond uwer vaderen, dat Hij hun gezworen heeft, niet vergeten.

32 Want, vraag toch naar de vorige dagen, die voor u geweest zijn, van dien dag af, dat God den mens op de aarde geschapen heeft, van het ene einde des hemels tot aan het andere einde des hemels, of zulk een groot ding geschied of gehoord zij, als dit:

33 Of een volk gehoord hebbe de stem van God, sprekende uit het midden des vuurs, gelijk als gij gehoord hebt, en levend zij gebleven?

34 Of: of God verzocht heeft te gaan, om Zich een volk uit het midden eens volks aan te nemen, door verzoekingen, door tekenen, en door wonderen, en door strijd, en door een sterke hand, en door een uitgestrekten arm, en met grote verschrikkingen; naar al hetgeen de HEERE, uw God, ulieden voor uw ogen in Egypte gedaan heeft?

35 U is het getoond, opdat gij wetet, dat de HEERE die God is; er is niemand meer dan Hij alleen!

36 Van den hemel heeft Hij u Zijn stem laten horen, om u te onderwijzen; en op de aarde heeft Hij u Zijn groot vuur doen zien; en gij hebt Zijn woorden uit het midden des vuurs gehoord.

37 En omdat Hij uw vaderen liefhad, en hun zaad na hen verkoren had, zo heeft Hij u voor Zijn aangezicht door Zijn grote kracht uit Egypte uitgevoerd;

38 Om volken, die groter en machtiger waren dan gij, voor uw aangezicht uit de bezitting te verdrijven; om u in te brengen, dat Hij u hunlieder land ter erfenis gave, als het te dezen dage is.

39 Zo zult gij heden weten, en in uw hart hervatten, dat de HEERE die God is, boven in den hemel, en onder op de aarde, niemand meer!

40 En gij zult houden Zijn inzettingen en Zijn geboden, die ik u heden gebiede, opdat het u en uw kinderen na u welga, en opdat gij de dagen verlengt in het land, dat de HEERE, uw God, u geeft, voor altoos.

41 Toen scheidde Mozes drie steden uit, aan deze zijde van de Jordaan, tegen den opgang der zon;

42 Opdat daarheen vlood de doodslager, die zijn naaste onwetende doodslaat, dien hij van gisteren en eergisteren niet haatte; dat hij in een van deze steden vlood en levend bleef;

43 Bezer in de woestijn, in het effen land, voor de Rubenieten; en Ramoth in Gilead, voor de Gadieten; en Golan in Bazan, voor de Manassieten.

44 Dit is nu de wet, die Mozes de kinderen Israels voorstelde:

45 Dit zijn de getuigenissen, en de inzettingen, en de rechten, die Mozes sprak tot de kinderen Israels, als zij uit Egypte waren uitgetogen;

46 Aan deze zijde van de Jordaan, in het dal tegenover Beth-Peor, in het land van Sihon, den koning der Amorieten, die te Hesbon woonde; welken Mozes sloeg, en de kinderen Israels, als zij uit Egypte waren uitgetogen,

47 En zijn land in bezitting genomen hadden; daartoe het land van Og, koning van Bazan; twee koningen der Amorieten, die aan deze zijde van de Jordaan waren, tegen den opgang der zon;

48 Van Aroer af, dat aan den oever der beek Arnon is, tot aan den berg Sion, welke is Hermon;

49 En al het vlakke veld, aan deze zijde van de Jordaan, naar het oosten, tot aan de zee des vlakken velds, onder Asdoth-Pisga.




Apocalypse Explained#593



593. Verse 1. And I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, signifies the Lord as to the Word, here as to its ultimate sense, which is called the sense of the letter. This is evident from the signification of a "strong angel," as being the Lord as to the Word (of which presently); it means as to the Word in its ultimate sense, which is called the sense of the letter, because it is from that sense that the Lord is called "strong," for all the strength and all the power of Divine truth exist and consist in its ultimate, consequently in the sense of the letter of the Word (of which also presently).

[2] Because it is the sense of the letter of the Word that is meant, therefore it is said that the angel was seen "coming down out of heaven." The like is said of the Word, which is the Divine truth; this comes down from the Lord through the heavens into the world, consequently it is adapted to the wisdom of the angels who are in the three heavens, and is also adapted to men who are in the natural world. For this reason the Word in its first origin of all is wholly Divine, afterward celestial, then spiritual, and lastly natural; it is celestial for the angels of the inmost or third heaven, who are called celestial angels, it is spiritual for the angels of the second or middle heaven who are called spiritual angels, and it is celestial-natural and spiritual-natural for the angels of the ultimate or first heaven who are called celestial-natural and spiritual-natural angels, and it is natural for men in the world; for so long as men live in a material body they think and speak naturally. This then is why the Word is with the angels of each heaven, but with a difference according to the degrees of their wisdom, intelligence, and knowledge [scientia]; and although it differs in its sense in each heaven, still it is the same Word, because it is the Divine itself, which is in the Word from the Lord that becomes Divine celestial when it comes down to the inmost or third heaven, and becomes Divine spiritual when it comes down therefrom to the middle or second heaven, and becomes Divine celestial-natural or spiritual-natural when it comes down from that heaven to the ultimate or first heaven, and when it comes down therefrom into the world becomes a Divine natural Word, such as it is with us in the letter. These successive derivations of Divine truth proceeding from the Lord Himself exist by virtue of correspondences, established from creation itself, between things higher and lower, respecting which, the Lord willing, more will be said hereafter.

[3] All strength and all power are in the ultimates of Divine truth, thus in the natural sense of the Word, which is the sense of the letter, because this sense is the containant of all the interior senses, that is, of the spiritual and celestial (spoken of above); and as it is the containant it is also the base, and in the base lies strength itself. For if higher things do not rest upon their base they fall and are scattered. So would it be if the spiritual and celestial things of the Word did not rest upon its natural or literal sense, for this not only sustains the interior senses, but also contains them, consequently the Word or Divine truth is not only in its power, but also in its fullness in this sense. (But on this subject more may be seen above; namely, that strength is in the ultimate, because the Divine is there in its fullness, n. 346, 567. That interior things flow in successively into exteriors, even into the most external or ultimate, and that they coexist there, see Arcana Coelestia 634, 6239, 6465, 9215, 9216; that they not only flow in successively, but also form in their ultimate what is simultaneous, in what order, n. 5897, 6451, 8603, 10099. That therefore there is strength and power in ultimates, n. 9836; that therefore responses and revelations were given in ultimates, n. 9905, 10548; that therefore the ultimate is more holy than the interiors, n. 9824.) From this, too, it follows that everything of doctrine of the church ought to be formed and confirmed from the literal sense of the Word, and that also doctrine has its power from that (See above, n. 356). This is why the "angel coming down out of heaven" is said to be "strong." That "angel" in the Word means in the highest sense the Lord, in a relative sense every recipient of Divine truth from the Lord, and in an abstract sense Divine truth itself, may be seen above (n. 130, 302); here, therefore, "angel" means the Lord as to the Word, because the Word is Divine truth itself. That the Lord Himself is here meant by "angel" can be seen from a like representation of the Lord Himself as to face and feet in the first chapter of this book, where it is said of the Son of man, who is the Lord:

That His face shone as the sun in his power, and that His feet were like unto burnished brass glowing in a furnace (verses Revelation 1:15, 16).


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#5897



5897. 'To establish for you a remnant on the earth' means the middle and inmost part of the Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'a remnant' as forms of good coupled with truths and inwardly stored away by the Lord in a person, dealt with in 468, 530, 560, 561, 660, 1050, 1906, 2284, 5135, 5342; in this case the middle and inmost part of the Church is meant. The description 'middle and inmost part' is used because what is inmost in a person occupies the middle of the natural, where inmost things and relatively internal ones coexist. In general, where there is a series of things following one another consecutively, and another series in which they spread out and coexist, as they do in the natural, the inmost of that series are one and the same as those in the middle or centre of the second series. Such is the way that inmost things arrange themselves within more external ones. 'To establish for you a remnant on the earth 'implies that an inmost part of the Church will exist among the sons of Jacob. Not that they themselves were to be in that inmost part but that a representative of the Church, to all outward appearance a real Church, was to be established among them, where also the Word was to exist. These are the things that are meant by 'a remnant' when the expression refers to the Church understood separately from the nation.

[2] Reference is made in various places in the Word to 'the remnant', and also to 'the ones who are left'; but so far these two expressions have been taken in a purely literal way to mean a remnant or those that are left of a people or nation. The fact that forms of good and truth stored away by the Lord in the interior man are meant in the spiritual sense has remained totally unknown till now. Examples of this meaning occur in the following places:

In Isaiah,

On that day the branch of Jehovah will be honour and glory, and the fruit of the land will be magnificence and an adornment for the escape of Israel. And it will happen, that he who remains in Zion, and he who is left in Jerusalem, will be called holy, everyone who has been written for life in Jerusalem. Isaiah 4:2-3.

Those who remained in Zion and those who were left in Jerusalem were never made holy, nor were they 'written for life' any more than anyone else. Plainly therefore 'those who remained' and 'those who were left' mean things that are holy and that have been 'written for life'; and these things are forms of good joined to truths that have been stored away by the Lord in the interior man.

[3] In the same prophet,

On that day, the remnant of Israel and those of the house of Jacob that escaped will no more lean on him that smote them; but they will lean on Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the God of power. Isaiah 10:20-22.

'The remnant' is not used to mean the remnant of any people or nation, as may be recognized from the fact that in the Word, especially the prophetical part, 'Israel' has not been used to mean Israel, or 'Jacob' to mean Jacob; both are used to mean the Church and what constitutes the Church. This being so, 'the remnant' is not used to mean a remnant of Israel and Jacob but the truths and forms of good that constitute the Church. When the expressions 'remnant of the people' and 'those left of the nation' are used they do not mean a remnant of any people or those that are left of any nation, for 'people' in the internal sense means truths, 1259, 1260, 3295, 3581, and 'nation' forms of good, 1259, 1260, 1416. The reason why this has remained unknown and seems strange - that 'a remnant' means truths and forms of good - is that the literal sense, especially where it takes the form of history, draws the mind away and powerfully withholds it from contemplating such ideas.

[4] In the same prophet,

Then there will be a highway for the remnant of the people, which will be left from Asshur, as there was for Israel through the sea when they came up out of the land of Egypt.

In a similar way 'those left from Asshur' are people who have not been corrupted by means of perverted reasonings; for 'Asshur' means such reasonings, see 1186. In the same prophet,

On that day Jehovah Zebaoth will be a crown of adornment and a tiara of beauty for the remnant of His people. Isaiah 18:5.

In the same prophet,

Moreover, those that are left of the house of Judah and who escape will take root downwards and bear fruit upwards. For out of Jerusalem will go a remnant, and those who escape from Mount Zion. Isaiah 37:31-32.

In the same prophet,

He will eat butter and honey, everyone that is left in the midst of the land. Isaiah 7:22.

In Jeremiah,

I will gather the remnant of My flock from all lands where I have scattered them, and I will bring them back to their fold to give birth and to multiply. Jeremiah 23:3.

In the same prophet,

The people which were left from the sword found grace in the wilderness, when He went to give rest to him, to Israel. Jeremiah 31:2.

'The people which were left from the sword in the wilderness' were those who were called the young children - those who were led into the land of Canaan after all the rest had died. These 'young children' were those who were left', by whom were meant forms of good embodying innocence; and the leading of those people into Canaan represented incorporation into the Lord's kingdom.

[5] In Ezekiel,

I will cause some to be left, in that you will have some who will have escaped the sword among the nations when you are dispersed in the earth Then those of that escape will remember Me among the nations where they will be captives. Ezekiel 6:8-9.

The reason why the forms of good and the truths stored away by the Lord in a person interiorly were represented by the ones who were left or were a remnant among the nations where they were dispersed and made captives is that a person is constantly among evils and falsities, held in, captivity by them; for evils and falsities are what is meant by 'the nations'. When separated from the internal man the external man is altogether among them, and unless the Lord gathered forms of good and truth together, which are instilled into a person at various stages during the course of his life, he could not possibly be saved. Without remnants salvation comes to none.

[6] In Joel,

It will happen, that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will escape. For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be an escape, as Jehovah has said, and among those that are left whom Jehovah is calling. Joel 2:32.

In Micah,

The remnant of Jacob will be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest. Micah 5:8.

In Zephaniah,

The remnant of Israel will not do iniquity or speak any lie; nor will a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth. They will feed and rest, with none making them afraid. Zephaniah 3:13.

These words describe the character of the remnant, a character which the people who were called Israel never possessed, as is well known. From this also it is evident that 'the remnant' has some other meaning, and this, it is plain, is forms of good and truth since these are what 'do not do iniquity, do not speak any lie, and no deceitful tongue is found in their mouth'.

[7] In Zechariah,

The streets of the city will be full of boys and girls playing in its streets. This will be a marvel in the eyes of the remnant of My people. Now I will not be as in former days to the remnant of this people. For this will be the seed of peace; the vine will give its fruit, and the land will give its increase, and the heavens will give their dew. I will make the remnant of this people the heirs of all those things. Zechariah 8:5-6, 11-12.

'The remnant' here is called 'the seed of peace' and they are ones in possession of truths derived from good, the fruitfulness of which truths is described by the statement that the vine will give its fruit, the land its increase, and the heavens their dew.

[8] The remnants that are meant in the spiritual sense become so sealed off through evil living and false convictions that they cease to be seen any longer. And they are destroyed when from affection truth has first been accepted and then from affection afterwards denied; for when this happens truth and falsity become mixed together, and this is called profanation. Such remnants are referred to in the Word in the following places: In Isaiah,

He will remove man (homo); and the wilderness will be multiplied in the midst of the land. Scarcely any longer will there be a tenth part in it; it will be however an uprooting. Isaiah 6:12-13.

'Ten' means remnants, see 576, 1906, 2284. In the same prophet,

I will kill your root with famine, and it will kill the ones of you who are left. Isaiah 14:30.

'This refers to the Philistines, meaning those who have a knowledge of cognitions but do not live in accordance with them, 1197, 1198, 3412, 3413. The ones who are left are called a 'root' because forms of good and truth which make man truly human spring from remnants as their root. Therefore 'He will remove man', as stated in the quotation from Isaiah immediately above, means a destroying of remnants.

[9] In Jeremiah,

The young men will die by the sword; their sons and their daughters will die by famine, and they will not have any remnant. Jeremiah 11:22-23.

This has to do with the men of Anathoth. In the same prophet,

I will take the remnant of Judah, who have set their faces to go into the land of Egypt, to sojourn there, so that all are consumed; and none will escape, nor will any of the remnant of Judah be left, who have gone to dwell in the land of Egypt. Jeremiah 44:12, 14, 28.

The reason why people from Judah could not sojourn in Egypt or reside there, and why they were so strictly forbidden to do so, was that the tribe of Judah represented the Lord's celestial Church, and celestial people have no desire at all to know facts meant by 'Egypt'. For everything they know grows out of celestial good present with them and that good would perish if they were to resort to factual knowledge. Indeed since celestial good is present with members of the Lord's celestial kingdom, and celestial truth is charity whereas spiritual truth is faith, they refuse even to speak of faith, for fear that they may come down from good and look back, see, 202, 337, 2715, 3246, 4448. These matters are also what is meant by the prohibition,

He who is on the housetop must not go down to take anything out of his house, and he who is in the field must not turn back to take his clothes. Matthew 24:17, 18.

See just above in 5895. Those same matters are likewise meant by the words in Luke 17:32, 'Remember Lot's wife' - she looked back and became a pillar of salt. About looking and turning back, see 2454, 3652.

[10] The utter destruction of nations with not a single person left represented the condition among them when iniquity was so complete that no goodness or truth at all, nor thus any remnant, was surviving, as in Moses,

They struck down Og the king of Bashan, and all his sons, and all his people, until they did not leave him any remainder. Numbers 21:35; Deuteronomy 3:3.

[11] In the same author,

They took all Sihon's cities, and utterly destroyed every inhabited city, and the women, and the young children; they did not leave any remainder. Deuteronomy 2:34.

And there are other places where one reads about the utter destruction of nations.

The situation with remnants - or forms of good and truth stored away by the Lord in a person interiorly - is this: Goodness and truth are implanted in a person when he seeks them with affection and so in freedom. When this happens angels from heaven draw nearer and link themselves to that person. Their link with him is what causes the forms of good coupled with truths to come to exist in the person interiorly. But when external interests occupy the person's attention, as when he is engaged in worldly and bodily pursuits, the angels depart; and once they have departed not a trace of those forms of good and truth is apparent. Nevertheless because such a link has been effected once, this person now has the capability of being linked to angels and so to the goodness and truth residing with them. But this linking does not take place any more often or fully than the Lord pleases, who controls the situation as is entirely best for that person's life.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.