




4 And forasmuch as I have cut off in thee the just, and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of its sheath against all flesh, from the south even to the north.




Cardinal Cisneros directs the construction of the Hospital of the Charity, by Alejandro Ferrant

在圣经中,"建立 "其实有两个意思。当一个东西第一次被建造的时候,或者说是最典型的意义上的建造,它的意思是收集相对外在的思想,建立起一个教义体系--从某种意义上说,这是一个你可以使用或居住的结构。不过,在其他情况下,"建立 "是指已经被破坏的东西。例如,从战斗中留下的废墟,可以重新建造。在这些情况下,"建造 "指的是去除我们对邪恶的欲望,这样我们就可以开始一个新的灵性成长阶段。在这些情况下,"建立 "常常与 "兴起 "一起使用,意思是在同一过程中去除错误的思维方式。

(参考: 属天的奥秘153, 1488, 4390)




St Lucy before the Judge, by Lorenzo Lotto

It's easy to see the connection between judging and truth. In a court of law, the whole purpose of the judge is to find the truth. Any time anyone judges anything, we hope it is on the basis of the truth. It's no wonder, then, that judging and judgment in the Bible represent truth being put to work. Depending on the circumstances judging can be teaching truth, determining someone's character from truth or setting order to things according to truth. There is a twist, though -- when the Lord is referred to as a judge, it actually signifies Divine Good, rather than Divine Truth. This is because the Lord judges us ultimately from love, and his truth flows from that love.