




1 Derpå førte han mig hen til Østporten.

2 Og se Israels Guds Herlighed kom østerfra, og det lød som mange Vandes Brus, og Jorden lyste af hans Herlighed.

3 Synet var som det, jeg havde set, da han kom for at ødelægge Byen, og Vognen så ud som den, jeg havde set ved Floden Kebar. Da faldt jeg på mit Ansigt.

4 Og HE ENs Herlighed drog ind i Templet gennem den Port, hvis Forside vendte mod Øst.

5 Men Ånden løftede mig op og bragte mig ind i den indre Forgård, og se, HE ENs Herlighed fyldte Templet.

6 Og jeg hørte en tale til mig ud fra Templet, medens Manden stod ved Siden af mig,

7 og han sagde: Menneskesøn! Her er min Trones og mine Fodsålers Sted, hvor jeg vil bo midt iblandt Israeliterne til evig Tid. Israels Hus skal ikke mere vanhellige mit hellige Navn, hverken de eller deres konger, med deres Bolen eller deres kongers Lig,

8 de, som satte deres Tærskel lige ved min og deres Dørstolper lige ved mine, kun med en Mur imellem mig og dem, og vanhelligede mit hellige Navn ved de Vederstyggeligheder, de øvede, så jeg måtte tilintetgøre dem i min Vrede.

9 Nu skal de fri mig for deres Bolen og deres Kongers Lig, så jeg kan bo iblandt dem til evig Tid.

10 Men du, Menneskesøn, giv Israels Hus en Beskrivelse af Templet, dets Udseende og Form, at de må skamme sig over deres Misgerninger.

11 Og dersom de skammer sig over alt, hvad de har gjort, så kundgør dem Templets Omrids og Indretning, dets Udgange og Indgange, et helt Billede deraf; ligeledes alle Vedtægter og Love derom; og skriv det op for deres Øjne, at de må mærke sig Billedet i sin Helhed og alle Vedtægterne og holde dem.

12 Dette er Loven om Templet: På Bjergets Tinde skal alt dets Område til alle Sider være højhelligt; se, det er Loven om Templet.

13 Følgende er Alterets Mål i Alen, en Alen en Håndsbred længere end sædvanlig: Foden var en Alen høj og en Alen bred, Kantlisten anden rundt et Spand høj. Om Alterets Højde gælder følgende:

14 Fra Foden underneden op til det nederste Fremspring to Alen med en Alens Bredde; og fra det lille Fremspring til det store fire Alen med en Alens Bredde.

15 Ildstedet var fire Alen højt, og fra Ildstedet ragede fire Horn i Vejret.

16 Ildstedet var tolv Alen langt og tolv Alen bredt, så det dannede en ligesidet Firkant.

17 Det store Fremspring var fjorten Alen langt og fjorten Alen bredt på alle fire Sider; det lille Fremspring seksten Alen langt og seksten Alen bredt på alle fire Sider; Kantlisten rundt om en halv Alen bred og Foden en Alen bred rundt om. Trappen var på Østsiden.

18 Og han sagde til mig: Menneskesøn! Så siger den Herre HE EN: Følgende er Vedtægteme om Alteret, på den Dag det bygges til at ofre Brændofre og sprænge Blod på:

19 Så lyder det fra den Herre HE EN: Levitpræsterne, som nedstammer fra Zadok og må nærme sig mig for at gøre Tjeneste for mig, skal du give en ung Tyr til Syndoffer;

20 og du skal tage noget af dens Blod og stryge det på Alterets fire Horn, på Fremspringets fire Hjørner og på Kantlisten rundt om og således rense det for Synd og fuldbyrde Soningen for det.

21 Og du skal tage Syndoffertyren og brænde den ved Tempelvagten uden for Helligdommen.

22 Næste Dag skal du bringe en lydefri Gedebuk som Syndoffer, og de skal rense Alteret for Synd, ligesom de rensede det med Tyren.

23 Og når du er til Ende med at rense det for Synd, skal du bringe en lydefri ung Tyr og en lydefri Væder af Småkvæget;

24 du skal bringe dem for HE ENs Åsyn, og Præsterne skal strø Salt på dem og ofre dem som Brændoffer for HE EN.

25 Syv Dage skal du daglig ofre en Syndofferbuk, og man skal ofre en ung Tyr og en Væder af Småkvæget, lydefri Dyr;

26 i syv Dage skal man fuldbyrde Soningen for Alteret og rense det og indvie det.

27 Således skal man bære sig ad i disse Dage. Og på den ottende Dag og siden hen skal Præsterne ofre eders Brændofre og Takofre på Alteret; og jeg vil have Behag i eder, lyder det fra den Herre HE EN.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Arcana Coelestia#10253



10253. 'Five hundred [shekels]' means what is complete. This is clear from the meaning of the number 'five hundred' as what is complete. The reason why 'five hundred' has this meaning is that this number is the product of five multiplied by ten tens, or fives times a hundred; and 'five' means much, as do 'ten' and 'a hundred', and therefore 'five hundred' means what is complete.

'Five' means much, see 5708, 5956, 9102, as likewise does 'ten', 3107, 4638, and also 'a hundred', 4400, 6582, 6594.

All numbers in the Word mean spiritual realities, see in the places referred to in 9488.

Compound numbers have a similar meaning to the simple ones that give rise to them through multiplication, 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973.

[2] The fact that numbers mean spiritual realities is perfectly clear in Ezekiel, where the house of God, together with everything there inside and outside, and also the new earth or land, are measured and are described by numbers pertaining to measure, in Chapters 40-48. By the new land there the Church should be understood, and by the house of God its holiness. The same is so in John, in the Book of Revelation, where also a new Jerusalem is described by the numbers where measurements are given, by which too a new Church should be understood. Unless the numbers had meant spiritual realities all those measurements would have been pointless.

[3] 'Five hundred' means the whole from one end to the other, thus what is complete. This is clear from those chapters in Ezekiel,

He measured outside the house (or the temple), to the east quarter five hundred rods round about, to the north quarter five hundred rods round about, to the south quarter five hundred rods, and to the west quarter 1 five hundred rods. Its wall round about, the length was five hundred rods, and the breadth five hundred rods, to distinguish between the holy and the profane. Ezekiel 42:15-20.

From these words it is evident that 'five hundred' means the whole in its entirety, or everything holy from one end to the other, thus what is complete; for it says that the wall, which - according to this account of its length and breadth - formed a square, served to distinguish the holy from the profane.

[4] 'Five hundred' also means much, while a tenth of that number or fifty means some. This is clear from the Lord's words addressed to Simon, in Luke,

Jesus said, There were two debtors who had a certain creditor. One owed five hundred denarii, but the other fifty. When they did not have [anything with which] to repay, he forgave them both. Which of the two loves him more? Simon answered, The one to whom he forgave more. Jesus said, So have the many sins of the woman been forgiven, because she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, [that person] loves little. Luke 7:41-end.

The reason why the Lord used those numbers was that they meant much and some; for He spoke from a Divine [perspective], thus used words carrying a spiritual meaning, in accord with correspondences. The same is so everywhere else, as when He spoke about the virgins, of whom - He said - there were ten, and that five were wise and five were foolish. He spoke of ten because that number means all, that is to say, all who belong to the Church, and of five because this number means some, see 4637, 4638.


1. literally, the quarter of the sea


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#7973



7973. 'Around six hundred thousand men on foot' means all aspects of the truth and good of faith in their entirety. This is clear from the meaning of the number 'six hundred thousand' as all aspects of faith in their entirety, for this number is a multiple of six and also of twelve, and 'twelve' means all aspects of faith and charity, 577, 2089, 2129 (end), 2130 (end), 3272, 3858, 3913. This is why Jacob's sons were twelve in number, why their descendants were divided into the same number of tribes, and also why the Lord chose twelve disciples, that is to say, in order that they might represent all aspects of faith and charity. Regarding the tribes, see 3858, 3862, 3926, 3979, 4060, 6335, 6737, 6640, 7876, 7891; and regarding the disciples, 3354, 3488, 5858 (end), 6397.

[2] At this point 'six hundred thousand' has a similar meaning because a larger or smaller number that is a multiple or a factor carries a meaning similar to that of the simple numbers that are being multiplied or divided, 5291, 5335, 5708. This is plainly evident from the number twelve. Whether this is divided into six or multiplied into seventy-two, 144 (which is twelve twelves), 12000, or 144000, the meaning is similar, as with 144000 in John,

I heard the number of the sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of Israel - out of each tribe twelve thousand. Revelation 7:4-5 and following verses.

Here 'the children of Israel' is not used to mean the children of Israel, 'tribes' the tribes, or 'the number' a number, but to mean the kinds of things contained in the internal sense, namely all aspects of faith and charity. Each tribe in particular accordingly means one kind or one group, in keeping with the explanations at Genesis 29, 30.

[3] Similarly with the following in the same author,

Behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him 144000, having His Father's name written on their foreheads. They were singing a new song before the throne, and no one could learn the song except 144000 bought from the earth. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These were bought from men (homo), being the first fruits to God and the Lamb. Revelation 14:1, 3-4.

From this description it is evident that those governed by charity are meant by 144000. It is also evident that the sole purpose of this number is to indicate the state and its essential nature. That number is similar to twelve in what it indicates, for it is the product of 12000 and it multiplied.

[4] It is similar with the smaller number 144, Which is twelve times twelve, in the same author,

He measured the wall of the holy Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, 144 cubits, which is the measure of a man (homo), that is, of an angel. Revelation 21:2, 17.

'The wall of the holy Jerusalem' is not in the spiritual sense a wall; instead it is the truth of faith defending things of the Church, see 6419; and this also is why it is said to have been '144 cubits'. It is plainly evident that such must be meant, since it says 'it is the measure of a man, that is, of an angel'. 'Man' and 'angel' mean every aspect of the truth and good of faith.

[5] The same is also evident from the twelve precious stones that the foundation of the wall consisted of, and from the twelve gates, each of which was a pearl, Revelation 21:19-21. For by 'precious stones' truths of faith that spring from the good of charity are meant, 643, 3720, 6426, and similarly by 'gate' and also by 'pearl'. From this it is now clear that a smaller or larger number carries a meaning similar to the simple number that is divided or multiplied. As regards the fact that all numbers in the Word mean spiritual things, see 481, 487, 575, 647, 648, 755, 813, 1963, 1988, 2075, 2252, 3252, 4164, 4495, 4670, 5265.

[6] From these considerations one may now see that the number 'six hundred thousand' men going out of Egypt also means such things. But scarcely anyone is able to believe that such are meant by this number because it refers to a historical event; and any historical event fixes the mind all the time on the external sense and draws it away from the internal sense. Nevertheless that number too means such spiritual things, for there is not a part of a word, not even indeed one jot or one tittle in the Word, that is not in itself holy, because it holds what is holy within it. Anyone at all can see that there is nothing holy about a merely historical event.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.