




1 Mluvil pak Hospodin k Mojžíšovi a k Aronovi v zemi Egyptské, řka:

2 Tento měsíc počátek měsíců vám bude; první vám bude mezi měsíci ročními.

3 Mluvte ke všemu shromáždění Izraelskému, řkouce: Desátého dne měsíce tohoto vezmete sobě jeden každý beránka po čeledech, beránka na každý dům.

4 Byl-li by pak dům tak malý, že by s beránka býti nemohl, přivezme souseda svého, kterýž jest blízký domu jeho, podlé počtu duší; jeden každý počte tolik osob, kolikž by jich snísti mohlo beránka.

5 Beránka bez vady, samce ročního míti budete, kteréhož z ovcí aneb z koz vezmete.

6 A chovati ho budete až do čtrnáctého dne měsíce tohoto; a zabije ho všecko množství shromáždění Izraelského k večerou.

7 A vezmouce krve, pomaží obou veřejí a nade dveřmi u domů, v nichž jej jísti budou.

8 I budou jísti noci té maso pečené ohněm, s chleby přesnými; s bylinami hořkými jísti jej budou.

9 Nebudete jísti z něho nic surového ani v vodě vařeného, ale pečené ohněm, s hlavou jeho i s nohami a droby.

10 Nezanecháte z něho ničehož do jitra; pakli by co pozůstalo z něho až do jitra, ohněm spálíte.

11 Takto jej pak jísti budete: Bedra svá přepásaná míti budete, obuv svou na nohách svých a hůl svou v ruce své, a jísti budete s chvátáním; nebo Jití jest Hospodinovo.

12 V tu noc zajisté půjdu po zemi Egyptské, a budu bíti všecko prvorozené v zemi Egyptské, od člověka až do hovada, a nade všemi bohy Egyptskými učiním soud: Já Hospodin.

13 Krev pak ta na domích, v nichž budete, budeť vám na znamení; a když uzřím Krev, pominu vás, a nebude mezi vámi rána zahubující, když bíti budu prvorozené v zemi Egyptské.

14 A budeť vám den ten na památku, a slaviti jej budete slavný Hospodinu po rodech svých; právem věčným slaviti jej budete.

15 Za sedm dní přesné chleby jísti budete, a hned prvního dne vyprázdníte kvas z domů vašich; nebo kdožkoli jedl by co kvašeného od prvního až do sedmého dne, vyhlazena bude duše ta z Izraele.

16 A v den první budeť shromáždění svaté; dne také sedmého shromáždění svaté míti budete. Žádného díla nebude děláno v nich; toliko čehož se užívá k jídlu od každého, to samo připraveno bude od vás.

17 A ostříhati budete přesnic, nebo v ten den vyvedl jsem vojska vaše z země Egyptské; protož zachovávati budete den ten po rodech svých právem věčným.

18 Prvního měsíce, čtrnáctého dne téhož měsíce, u večer jísti budete chleby přesné, až do dne jedenmecítmého téhož měsíce k večerou.

19 Za sedm dní nebude nalezeno kvasu v domích vašich; nebo kdo by koli jedl něco kvašeného, vyhlazena bude duše ta z shromáždění Izraelského, tak příchozí jako zrozený v zemi.

20 Nic kvašeného jísti nebudete, ale ve všech příbytcích vašich jísti budete chleby přesné.

21 Tedy svolal Mojžíš všecky starší Izraelské, a řekl jim: Vybeřte a vezměte sobě beránka po čeledech svých, a zabíte Fáze.

22 Vezmete také svazček yzopu, a omočíte v krvi, kteráž bude v medenici, a pomažete nade dveřmi a na obou veřejích tou krví, kteráž bude v nádobě; z vás pak žádný nevycházej ze dveří domu svého až do jitra.

23 Neboť půjde Hospodin, aby bil Egypt, a kde uzří krev nade dveřmi a na obou veřejích, přeskočí Hospodin ty dvéře, aniž dopustí zhoubci vjíti do domů vašich k hubení.

24 Protož ostříhati budete věci této za ustanovení tobě i synům tvým až na věky.

25 A když vejdete do země, kterouž dá Hospodin vám, jakž zaslíbil, zachovávati budete službu tuto.

26 Když by pak řekli vám synové vaši: Jaká jest to služba vaše?

27 Tedy díte: Obět Fáze toto jest Hospodinu, kterýž pominul domů synů Izraelských v Egyptě, když bil Egypt, domy pak naše vysvobodil. A lid sklonivše hlavy, poklonu učinili.

28 A rozšedše se synové Izraelští, učinili, jakž byl Hospodin přikázal Mojžíšovi a Aronovi; tak a nejinak učinili.

29 Stalo se pak o půlnoci, pobil Hospodin všecko prvorozené v zemi Egyptské, od prvorozeného Faraonova, kterýž seděti měl na stolici jeho, až do prvorozeného vězně, kterýž byl v žaláři, i všecko prvorozené hovad.

30 Tedy vstal Farao noci té, a všickni služebníci jeho i všickni Egyptští, a vzešel křik veliký v Egyptě; nebo žádného nebylo domu, v němž by nebylo něčeho mrtvého.

31 A povolav Mojžíše a Arona v noci, řekl: Vstaňte, vyjděte z prostředku lidu mého, i vy i synové Izraelští, a odejdouce, služte Hospodinu, jakž jste mluvili.

32 Ovce také vaše i voly vaše vezměte, jakž jste žádali, a jděte; a dejte mi také požehnání.

33 I nutkali Egyptští lid, aby co nejrychleji vyšli z země; nebo pravili: Všickni již teď zemřeme.

34 Protož vzal lid těsto své, prvé než zkysalo, obaliv je v šaty své, na ramena svá.

35 Učinili pak synové Izraelští podlé rozkazu Mojžíšova; nebo vyžádali byli od Egyptských klínotů stříbrných a zlatých, i šatů.

36 A Hospodin dal milost lidu před očima Egyptských, tak že půjčovali jim. I obloupili Egyptské.

37 Tedy táhli synové Izraelští z Ramesses k Sochot, okolo šestkrát sto tisíc pěších, mužů toliko kromě dětí.

38 Ano také jiného lidu mnoho vyšlo s nimi, ovec také a volů, dobytka velmi mnoho.

39 I napekli z těsta, kteréž vynesli z Egypta, koláčů nekvašených; nebo ještě bylo nezkynulo, proto že vypuzeni byli z Egypta, a nemohli prodlévati, a ani pokrmů na cestu nepřipravili sobě.

40 Čas pak bydlení synů Izraelských, kteříž byli v Egyptě, byl čtyři sta a třidceti let.

41 A když se vyplnilo čtyři sta a třidceti let, právě toho dne vyšla všecka vojska Hospodinova z země Egyptské.

42 Noc tato pilně ostříhána býti má Hospodinu, v níž vyvedl je z země Egyptské; tať tedy Noc Hospodinova ostříhána bude ode všech synů Izraelských po národech jejich.

43 I řekl Hospodin Mojžíšovi a Aronovi: Tentoť bude řád při slavnosti Fáze: Žádný cizozemec nebude jísti z něho.

44 Každý pak služebník váš za stříbro koupený, když by obřezán byl, teprv jísti bude z něho.

45 Příchozí a nájemník nebude jísti z něho.

46 V témž domě jísti jej budeš, nevyneseš z domu ven masa jeho; a kostí v něm nezlámete.

47 Všecko shromáždění Izraelské tak s ním učiní.

48 Jestliže by pak cizozemec bydlil s tebou pohostinu, a slaviti by chtěl Fáze Hospodinu, prvé obřezán bude každý pohlaví mužského; a tehdy přistoupí k slavení jeho, a bude jako tu v zemi zrozený; žádný pak neobřezaný nebude jísti z něho.

49 Jednostejné právo bude tu zrodilému a příchozímu, kterýž jest pohostinu u prostřed vás.

50 Tedy učinili všickni synové Izraelští, jakž přikázal Hospodin Mojžíšovi a Aronovi; tak učinili.

51 A tak stalo se právě toho dne, že vyvedl Hospodin syny Izraelské z země Egyptské s vojsky jejich.




Apocalypse Explained#193



193.I will come on thee as a thief. That this signifies an unexpected time of death, when all knowledges procured from the Word which have not acquired spiritual life will be taken away, is evident from the signification of I will come as a thief, when it is said of those who are not wakeful, that is, who do not procure for themselves spiritual life, as being that all such knowledges will be taken away from them. The reason why an unexpected time of death is also signified by the same words is, that death comes unexpectedly, and yet man, after death, remains in that state of life to eternity which he had procured for himself in the world; therefore he must be wakeful. Because it is known but to few, that all knowledges (cognitiones) procured from the Word which have not acquired spiritual life are taken away, it is therefore expedient to say how this is effected. All the things that are in a man's spirit remain with him to eternity; but the things that are not there, after death, when he becomes a spirit, are dissipated. Those things remain in his spirit which he had thought from himself, consequently which, when he was alone, he had thought from his own love; for then his spirit thinks from itself, and not from the things in his bodily memory which do not make one with his love.

There are two states of man, one when he thinks from his spirit, and the other when he thinks from his bodily memory; if these two states do not make one, a man can think one thing with himself, and think and speak another thing with others.

[2] For example, a preacher who loves himself and the world above all things, and lightly esteems the Divine, so that he even denies it in heart, and consequently devises evils of every kind with the crafty and deceitful of the world, nevertheless, when he speaks with others, especially when he is preaching, can speak as it were from zeal for the Divine and for Divine truths, and indeed on such occasions he can think in like manner; but this is a state of his thought from the bodily memory, which is evidently separated from the state of his thought from the spirit; for when he is left alone he thinks against them. This is the state which remains with man after death, whereas the former does not remain, because it belongs to his body and not to his spirit. Wherefore, when he becomes a spirit, as is the case when he dies, all the knowledge, which he had acquired from the Word, and which do not agree with the life of the love of his spirit, he rejects; but the case is different with those who, when left to themselves, think justly concerning the Divine, concerning the Word and the truths of the church therefrom, and love them, so as to desire to live according to them. The thoughts in the spirit of such persons make one with their thoughts from the bodily memory, thus one with the knowledges of truth and good which they have obtained from the Word; and so far as they do so, so far those knowledges obtain spiritual life; for they are raised up by the Lord from the external or natural man into the internal or spiritual man, and constitute the life of the latter, that is, of the understanding and will. The truths in the internal man are those which live, because they are Divine, and hence man has life in his internal from them. That this is the case, I have known from much experience; if I were to adduce the whole of it, it would fill many pages (something concerning it may be seen in the work, Heaven and Hell 491-498, 499-511; and above, n. 114).

[3] From these considerations it is now evident what is meant in the spiritual sense by I will come on thee as a thief, namely, that after death all knowledges procured from the Word which have not acquired spiritual life will be taken away. The same is also meant in the Apocalypse, where it is said,

"Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked" (16:15).

It is said as a thief, because evils and the falsities thence derived in the natural man take away and cast out the knowledges of truth and good which are therein from the Word; for the things which are not loved are cast out. There is in every man either the love of evil, and thence of falsity, or the love of good, and thence of truth; these two loves are opposed to each other, wherefore he who is in the one cannot be in the other;

"For no one can serve two masters," but will love the one and hate the other (Matthew 6:24).

[4] Because evils and falsities thence penetrate from the interior, and, as it were, break through the wall which is between the state of man's thought from the spirit and the state of his thought from the body, and cast out the knowledges of good and truth which have their abode outwardly in man, therefore those evils and falsities are what are meant by thieves. So also in the following passages. In Matthew:

"Lay not up treasures upon earth, but in heaven, where thieves do not break through nor steal" (6:19, 20).

Treasures are knowledges of truth and good; to lay them up in heaven is in the spiritual man, for the spiritual man is in heaven. (That treasures signify knowledges of truth and good, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 1694, 4508, 10227; and that the internal spiritual man is in heaven, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 36-50.)

[5] Again:

"Be wakeful, therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord will come. Know this, that if the good man of the house had known in what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up" (24:42, 43).

By this is meant, that if a man knew the hour of his death, he would prepare himself, not indeed from the love of truth and good, but from the fear of hell; and whatever a man does from fear remains not with him, but what he does from love remains; therefore he must prepare himself continually (see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 143, 168).

[6] In Obadiah:

"If thieves come to thee, if destroyers by night, how wilt thou be cut off, will they not steal till they have enough?" (verse 5).

Here also falsities and evils are called thieves, and are said to steal; falsities are signified by thieves, and evils by destroyers by night; it is said by night, because night signifies a state in which there is neither love nor faith.

[7] In Joel:

"They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up into the houses, they shall enter in at the windows like a thief" (2:9).

The subject here treated of is the vastation of the church by falsities from evil; a city and a wall signify things of doctrine; houses and windows, things of the mind that receives; houses, that part of the mind which is called the will, where good is, and windows that part of the mind which is called the understanding, where truth is. (That city in the Word signifies doctrine, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 402, 2449, 2712, 2943, 3216, 4492, 4493; that wall denotes the truth of doctrine protecting, n. 6419; that house denotes that part of the mind which is called the will, where good is, n. 2231, 2233, 2559, 3128, 5023, 6690, 7353, 7910, 7929, 9150; and that windows denote that part of the mind which is called the understanding, where truth is, n. 655, 658, 3391.) Hence it is evident what is signified by running on the wall, climbing up into the houses, and entering in at the windows like a thief.

[8] In Hosea:

"I healed Israel; then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered, and the evils of Samaria; for they commit falsehood, and the thief cometh in, and the troop spreadeth itself without" (7:1).

The iniquity of Ephraim signifies the falsities of the understanding; and the wickedness of Samaria, the evils of the will; to commit falsehood, is to think and will falsity from evil; the thief signifies falsity taking away and dissipating truth; and the troop spreading itself without signifies evil casting out good. (That Ephraim is the understanding of such things as pertain to the church, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 3969, 5354, 6222, 6234, 6238, 6267, 6296; that a lie denotes falsity from evil, n. 8908, 9248; that a troop denotes good casting out evil, and, in the opposite sense, evil casting out good, n. 3934, 3935, 6404, 6405.)

[9] These things are adduced, in order that it may be known that a thief in the Word signifies falsity laying waste, that is, taking away and destroying truth. It was shown above that after death all knowledges of truth and good from the Word, which have not been used to acquire spiritual life, are taken away, consequently from those who have not become spiritual by knowledges from the Word. The same thing is also signified by many passages in the historical parts of the Word; still no one can see this, unless he is acquainted with the spiritual sense of the Word. This is signified by the sons of Israel borrowing from the Egyptians vessels of gold, and vessels of silver, and garments, and thus taking them away as it were by theft; concerning which it is thus written in Moses:

They were commanded to borrow "of the Egyptians vessels of gold, and vessels of silver, and raiment. And Jehovah gave the people favour in the eyes of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them; and thus they spoiled the Egyptians" (Exodus 12:35, 36).

By the Egyptians are represented those who are merely natural, although they possess many knowledges (cognitiones); by the sons of Israel those who are spiritual; by vessels of silver and of gold, and also by raiment, are signified the knowledges (cognitiones) of truth and good which those who are spiritual apply to good, but which the natural apply to evil and thus destroy.

Similar things are signified by the nations being given up to the curse, and at the same time all things pertaining to them being either burnt with fire or pulled down, which are frequently treated of in the book of Joshua, and in the books of Samuel and of the Kings; for the nations of the land of Canaan represented those who are in evils and falsities, and the sons of Israel those who are in truths and goods.

[10] That the knowledges of good and truth derived from the Word are to be taken away from those who have not procured for themselves spiritual life, is also meant in the Lord's parables concerning the talents and pounds, given to the servants, with which to trade and make gain, and concerning the servant who traded not and gained nothing; of this one it is thus said:

To him who hid his talent in the earth, the lord said, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him that hath ten talents. For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him that hath not shall be taken away that which he hath, and cast the useless servant into outer darkness (Matthew 25:14-30).

And in another place:

He came who had received one pound saying, "Lord, behold, here is thy pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin." The Lord said, "Wherefore then gavest thou not my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury? And he said, Take from him the pound, and give it to him that hath ten pounds. I say unto you, That unto every one that hath shall be given; but from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him" (Luke 19:13-26).

In these passages, talents, pounds, and money signify knowledges of truth and good from the Word. To trade with these, to gain by them, to give them to the exchangers, or into the bank, signifies, to procure to themselves spiritual life and intelligence by them; putting them away in the earth, and in a napkin, signifies that they are only in the memory of the natural man; of these it is therefore said that what they have shall be taken away from them, according to what has been explained in the beginning of this article.

[11] This is the case with all in the other life who have procured to themselves knowledges from the Word, and have not committed them to life, but only to memory. Those who have knowledges from the Word in the memory only, however numerous such knowledges may be, and have not committed them to life, remain still natural as before. To commit to life knowledges from the Word is to think from them when man, left to himself, thinks from his spirit, and to will them and do them; for this is to love truths because they are truths; and those who thus act, are those who become spiritual by means of knowledges from the Word.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Apocalypse Explained#114



114. Who was dead and is alive. That this signifies that He is rejected, and yet that eternal life is from Him, is evident from the signification of being dead, when said of the Lord, as denoting to be rejected (concerning which see above, n. 83), and from the signification of being alive, as denoting that eternal life is from Him in (concerning which see also above, n. 84). The Lord is said to be rejected when He is not approached and worshipped, and also when He is approached and worshipped only as to His Human, and not at the same time as to the Divine. At this day therefore He is rejected by those within the church who do not approach and worship Him, but pray to the Father to have compassion on them for the sake of the Son, although no man, or angel, can ever approach the Father, and worship Him directly, the Divine being invisible, with which no one can be conjoined in faith and love. For that which is invisible cannot come into the thought, nor, consequently, into the affection of the will; and what does not come into the thought, does not enter into the faith, for what pertains to faith must be an object of thought. So also what does not enter into the affection of the will, does not enter into the love, for the things which pertain to the love must affect a man's will, as all a man's love resides in the will (see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 28-35). But the Divine Human of the Lord can be thought of and enter into the faith, and thence into the affection of the will, or into the love.

[2] It is therefore evident, that there can be no conjunction with the Father unless from the Lord, and in the Lord. This the Lord Himself teaches very clearly in the Evangelists.

In John:

"No one hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath brought him forth to view" (1:18).


"Ye have neither heard the Father's voice at any time, nor seen his shape" (5:37).

In Matthew:

"Neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him" (11:27).

In John:

I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me" (14:6).


"If ye know me, ye know my Father also; he that seeth me seeth the Father"; (Philip) "believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? believe me, that I am in the Father, and the Father in me" (14:7-11);

and that the Father and the Lord are one (10:30, 38).


"I am the vine, ye are the branches; without me ye can do nothing" (15:5).

[3] It is therefore evident, that the Lord is rejected by those within the church who approach the Father directly, and pray to Him to have compassion for the sake of the Son; for these cannot but think of the Human of the Lord, as of the human of another man, thus they cannot think of His Divine in the Human, and still less of His Divine united with His Human as the soul is conjoined with the body, according to the doctrine universally received in the Christian world (see above, n. 10 and 26).

Who is there in the Christian world, that acknowledges the Divine of the Lord that desires by this acknowledgment to separate His Divine from His Human? Nevertheless, to think of the Human alone, and not at the same time of the Divine in the Human, is to regard them as separate, which is not to think of the Lord, or of both as one person, although the doctrine received in the Christian world is, that the Divine and Human of the Lord make not two persons but one person.

[4] Those who constitute the church at this day do, indeed, think of the Divine of the Lord in His Human, when they speak from the doctrine of the church; but it is quite otherwise when they think and speak within themselves apart from doctrine. But let it be known, that a man is in one state when he thinks and speaks from doctrine, and another when he thinks and speaks apart from it. When a man thinks and speaks from doctrine, he thinks and speaks from the memory of his natural man; but when he thinks and speaks unfettered by doctrine, his thought and speech are then from his spirit. For to think and speak from the spirit, is to think and speak from the interiors of one's mind, therefore, what he then speaks is his real faith. The state of a man also after death is such as were the thought and speech of his spirit within himself unfettered by doctrine, and not such as were his thought and speech from doctrine, if the latter has not become one with the former.

[5] Man has two states as to faith and love, one while he is in doctrine, and another when he is unfettered by it, but the state of his faith and love apart from doctrine saves him, and not the state of his speech concerning faith and love derived from doctrine, unless the latter has become one with the former. Man does not know this, although to think and speak from doctrine concerning faith and love, is to speak from the natural man and its memory, is evident from this circumstance alone, that both the evil and the good can think and speak in this way when they are with others. And it is for this reason that evil equally with good prelates, or prelates who have no faith equally with those who have faith, can preach the gospel, to all appearance with a similar zeal and affection. The reason is, that, in such case, a man, as stated, thinks and speaks from his natural man and its memory; but to think from the spirit is not to think from the natural man and its memory, but from the spiritual man, and from the faith and affection of this man. From this alone it is evident, that there are two states pertaining to man, and that the former state just referred to does not save him, but the latter. For after death a man is a spirit, therefore such as he was in the world as to his spirit, such does he remain after his departure out of the world.

[6] Moreover, that there are two states pertaining to the man of the church, it has been granted me to know from much experience; for after death a man can be brought into either state, and also is actually brought into both; many, when they have been brought into the former state, have spoken like Christians, and from their speech were believed by others to be Christians, but as soon as they were brought back into the latter state, the state of their own spirit, they then spoke like diabolical spirits, and in complete opposition to what they had spoken before (see the work Heaven and hell, n. 491-498, and n. 499-511).

[7] From these considerations it also is evident how it is to be understood that the Lord is repudiated at this day by those who are within the church, that is, that from doctrine indeed the Divine of the Lord must be acknowledged and believed equally as the Divine of the Father; for the doctrine of the church teaches, that, "as is the Father, so also is the Son, uncreate, infinite, eternal, omnipotent, God, Lord, neither of them greater or less, before or after the other" (see the creed of Athanasius). Notwithstanding this, however, they do not approach and worship the Lord as Divine, but they worship the Divine of the Father, as is the case when they pray to the Father that He may have compassion on them for the sake of the Son. When they use these words, they do not in the least think of the Divine of the Lord, but of His Human separate from the Divine, thus of His Human as similar to that of another man. They then think not of one God, but of two, or three. To think in this way of the Lord, is to repudiate Him; for not to think of His Divine in conjunction with His Human, which nevertheless are not two persons but one person, and make a one as soul and body, is by separation to exclude the Divine.

[8] I have occasionally talked with spirits who, whilst they lived in the world, were of the Popish religion, and I inquired whether they ever thought in the world concerning the Lord's Divine? They said that they had thought on the subject as often as they were in doctrine with insight, and that then they acknowledged His Divine to be equal with that of the Father, but apart from doctrine, they thought of His Human alone, and not of His Divine. They were asked why they say that the power, which belonged to the Human of the Lord, was given Him by the Father, and not by Himself, since they acknowledged His Divine to be equal to that of the Father? They then turned away, without answering; but they were told that the reason was, that they arrogated to themselves all His Divine power; which they could not have done, unless they had separated the Divine from the Human. That the Lord is repudiated by them, every one may conclude from this circumstance, that they worship the Pope as the Lord, and that they no longer ascribe any power to the Lord.

[9] I will here relate a great scandal uttered by the Pope who was called Benedict XIV. He declared openly that he believed, when he lived in the world, that the Lord had no power, because He had transferred it all to Peter, and thence to his successors; adding that he believed that the Romish saints have more power than the Lord, because they retain it from God the Father, but that the Lord abdicated it entirely, and conferred it on the Popes; but that still He must be worshipped, because without such worship the Pope would not be worshipped with sanctity. But this Pope, because he arrogated to himself what was Divine, even after death, was, after some days, cast into hell.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.