




1 耶和華的又臨到我

2 人子啊,耶和華以色列如此:結局到了,結局到了境!

3 現在你的結局已經臨到,我必使我的怒氣歸與你,也必按你的行為審判你,照你一切可憎的事刑罰你。

4 我眼必不顧惜你,也不可憐你,卻要按你所行的報應你,照你中間可憎的事刑罰你。你就知道我是耶和華

5 耶和華如此:有災,獨有災;看哪,臨近了!

6 結局來了,結局來了,向你興起。看哪,到了!

7 境內的居民哪,所定的災臨到你,時候到了,日子近了,乃是鬨嚷並非在上歡呼的日子。

8 我快要將我的忿怒傾在你身上,向你成就我怒中所定的,按你的行為審判你,照你一切可憎的事刑罰你。

9 我眼必不顧惜你,也不可憐你,必按你所行的報應你,照你中間可憎的事刑罰你。你就知道擊打你的是我耶和華

10 看哪,看哪,日子快到了,所定的災已經發出。杖已經開花,驕傲已經發芽。

11 強暴興起,成了罰惡的杖。以色列人,或是他們的群眾,或是他們的財寶,無一存留,他們中間也沒有得尊榮的。

12 時候到了,日子近了,買主不可歡喜,賣主不可愁煩,因為烈怒已經臨到他們眾人身上。

13 主雖然存活,卻不能歸回再得所的,因為這異象關乎他們眾。誰都不得歸回,也沒有在他的罪孽中堅立自己。

14 他們已經吹角,預備齊全,卻無一人出戰,因為我的烈怒臨到他們眾人身上。

15 在外有刀,在內有瘟疫、饑荒;在田野的,必遭刀;在城中的,必有饑荒、瘟疫吞滅他。

16 其中所逃脫的就必逃脫,各人因自己的罪孽在上發出悲聲,好像谷中的鴿子哀鳴。

17 都發軟,膝弱如

18 要用麻布束腰,被戰兢所蓋;各人臉上羞愧,上光禿

19 他們要將子拋在街上,子看如污穢之物。當耶和華發怒的日子,他們的不能救他們,不能使心裡知足,也不能使肚腹飽滿,因為這作了他們罪孽的絆腳石。

20 論到耶和華妝飾華美的殿,他建立得威嚴,他們卻在其中製造可憎可厭的偶像,所以這殿我使他們看如污穢之物。

21 我必將這殿交付外邦人為掠物,交付上的惡人為擄物;他們也必褻瀆這殿。

22 我必臉不顧以色列人,他們褻瀆我隱密之所,強盜也必進去褻瀆。

23 要製造鎖鍊;因為這遍滿流血的罪,城邑充滿強暴的事,

24 所以我必使列國中最惡的人佔據他們的房屋;我必使強暴人的驕傲止息,他們的聖所都要被褻瀆。

25 毀滅臨近了,他們要求平安,卻無平安可得。

26 災害加上災害,風聲接連風聲;他們必向先知異象,但祭司講的律法、長老設的謀略都必斷絕。

27 君要悲哀,王要披淒涼為衣,國民的都發顫。我必照他們的行為待他們,按他們應得的審判他們,他們就知道我是耶和華







21 你告訴以色列家,耶和華如此:我必使我的所,就是你們勢力所誇耀、眼裡所喜愛、心中所愛惜的被褻瀆,並且你們所遺留的兒女必倒在刀下。



Sacred Scripture#35



35. 28 shows that the Old Testament prophets represented the Lord in respect to the Word and therefore meant the teaching of the church drawn from the Word, and that because of this they were addressed as “children of humanity.” It follows from this that by the various things they suffered and endured they represented the violence done to the literal meaning of the Word by Jews. Isaiah, for example, took the sackcloth off his waist and the sandals off his feet and went naked and barefoot for three years (Isaiah 20:2-3). Similarly, Ezekiel the prophet took a barber’s razor to his head and his beard, burned a third of the hair in the middle of the city, struck a third with a sword, and scattered a third to the wind; also, he bound a few hairs in his hems and eventually threw a few into the midst of a fire and burned them (Ezekiel 5:1-4).

Since the prophets represented the Word and therefore meant the teaching of the church drawn from the Word (as just noted), and since the head means wisdom from the Word, the hair and the beard mean the outermost form of truth. It is because of this meaning that inflicting baldness on yourself was a sign of immense grief and being discovered to be bald was an immense disgrace. This and this alone is why the prophet shaved off his hair and his beard - to represent the state of the Jewish church in regard to the Word. This and this alone is why two she-bears tore apart forty-two boys who called Elisha bald (2 Kings 2:23-25)-because as just noted the prophet represented the Word, and his baldness signified the Word without an outermost meaning.

We shall see in §49 below that the Nazirites represented the Lord’s Word in its outermost forms, which is why they were commanded to let their hair grow and not to shave any of it. In Hebrew, “Nazirite” actually means “hair.” It was commanded also that the high priest was not to shave his head (Leviticus 21:10) and that the fathers of their families as well were not to do so (Leviticus 21:5).

That is why they regarded baldness as such an immense disgrace, as we can tell from the following passages:

There will be baldness upon all heads, and every beard will be cut off. (Isaiah 15:2; Jeremiah 48:37)

There will be shame upon all faces and baldness on all heads. (Ezekiel 7:18)

Every head was made bald and every shoulder hairless. (Ezekiel 29:18)

I will put sackcloth around all waists and baldness upon every head. (Amos 8:10)

Make yourself bald and cut off your hair because of your precious children; make yourself still more bald, because they have left you and gone into exile. (Micah 1:16)

Here making yourself bald and making yourself still more bald means distorting truths of the Word in its outermost forms. Once they have been distorted, as was done by Jews, the whole Word is ruined, because the outermost forms of the Word are what it rests on and what holds it up. In fact, every word in it is a base and support for the Word’s heavenly and spiritual truths.

Since a head of hair means truth in its outermost forms, in the spiritual world everyone who trivializes the Word and distorts its literal meaning looks bald; but those who respect and love it have good-looking hair. On this, see §49 below.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.