




1 你當為以色列的王作起哀歌

2 :你的母親是甚麼呢?是個母獅子,蹲伏在獅子中間,在少壯獅子中養育小獅子

3 在他小獅子中養大個,成了少壯獅子,學會抓食而人。

4 列國見了就把他捉在他們的坑中,用鉤子拉到埃及去。

5 母獅見自己等候失了指望,就從他小獅子中又將個養為少壯獅子。

6 他在眾獅子中走來走去,成了少壯獅子,學會抓食而人。

7 知道列國的宮殿,又使他們的城邑變為荒場;因他咆哮的聲音,遍和其中所有的就都荒廢。

8 於是四圍邦國各省的人來攻擊他,將撒在他身上,捉在他們的坑中。

9 他們用鉤子鉤住他,將他放在籠中,到巴比倫王那裡,將他放入堅固之所,使他的聲音在以色列上不再見。

10 你的母親先前如葡萄樹,極其茂盛(原文是在你血中),栽於旁。因為多,就多結果子,滿生枝子;

11 生出堅固的枝幹,可作掌權者的杖。這枝幹舉在茂密的枝中,而且他生長大,枝子繁多,遠遠可見。

12 但這葡萄樹因忿怒被拔出摔在上;東吹乾其上的果子,堅固的枝幹折斷枯乾,被燒燬了;

13 如今栽於曠野乾旱無水之

14 也從他枝幹中發出,燒滅果子,以致沒有堅固的枝幹可作掌權者的杖。這是哀歌,也必用以作哀歌




#55 The Meaning of Grapes and the Vineyard in the Bible

原作者: Jonathan S. Rose

Title: The Meaning of Grapes and the Vineyard in the Bible

Topic: Word

Summary: A look at the unity of Scripture through the lens of imagery regarding grapes and the vineyard. The Old and New Testaments sing the same song throughout.

Use the reference links below to follow along in the Bible as you watch.

Mark 11:12, 20
Genesis 14:18; 49:8
Deuteronomy 34:14, Deuteronomy 34:28
2 Kings 25:11-12
Psalms 80:89
Isaiah 5; 37:30-31
Jeremiah 2:20-21; 12
Ezekiel 19:10
Hosea 9:10; 10:1-2
Amos 9:11-end
Matthew 21:28
Luke 6:43-45; 13:1-10
Deuteronomy 6:10-12
Isaiah 65:17, 19
Zephaniah 1:12-18
John 15:1
Galatians 4:24

Spirit and Life Bible Study broadcast from 8/24/2011. The complete series is available at: www.spiritandlifebiblestudy.com






1 Israel is a luxuriant vine that puts forth his fruit. According to the abundance of his fruit he has multiplied his altars. As their land has prospered, they have adorned their sacred stones.

2 Their heart is divided. Now they will be found guilty. He will demolish their altars. He will destroy their sacred stones.