




1 雅各了他的儿子们来,:你们都来聚集,我好把你们日後必遇的事告诉你们。

2 雅各的儿子们,你们要聚集而,要你们父亲以色列的话。

3 流便哪,你是我的长子,是我力量强壮的时候生的,本当大有尊荣,权力超众。

4 但你放纵情欲,滚沸如,必不得居首位;因为你上了你父亲,污秽了我的榻。

5 西缅和利未是弟兄;他们的刀剑是残忍的器具。

6 我的灵阿,不要与他们同谋;我的心哪,不要与他们联络;因为他们趁怒杀害命,任意砍断牛腿大筋。

7 他们的怒气暴烈可咒;他们的忿恨残忍可诅。我要使他们分居在雅各家里,散住在以色列地中。

8 犹大阿,你弟兄们必赞美你;你必掐住仇敌的颈项;你父亲儿子们必向你下拜。

9 犹大是个小狮子;我儿阿,你抓了食便上去。你屈下身去,卧如公狮,蹲如母狮,谁敢惹你?

10 圭必不离犹大,杖必不离他两之间,直等细罗(就是赐平安者)到,万民都必归顺。

11 犹大把小拴在葡萄树上,把驹拴在美好的葡萄树上。他在葡萄酒中洗了衣服,在葡萄汁中洗了袍褂。

12 他的眼睛必因酒红润;他的牙齿必因奶白亮。

13 西布伦必住在口,必成为停口;他的境界必延到西顿。

14 以萨迦是个强壮的,卧在羊圈之中。

15 他以安静为佳,以肥为美,便低肩背重,成为服苦的仆人。

16 但必判断他的民,作以色列支派之

17 但必作道上的中的虺,咬伤蹄,使骑的坠落於後。

18 耶和华阿,我向来等候你的救恩

19 迦得必被敌军追逼,他却要追逼他们的脚跟

20 亚设之地必出肥美的粮食,且出君的美味。

21 拿弗他利是被释放的母鹿;他出嘉美的言语。

22 约瑟是多结果子的树枝,是泉旁多结果的枝子;他的枝条探出外。

23 弓箭手将他苦害,向他射箭,逼迫他。

24 但他的仍旧坚硬;他的健壮敏捷。这是因以色列的牧者,以色列的─就是雅各的大能者。

25 父亲的神必帮助你;那全能者必将上所有的福,地里所藏的福,以及生产乳养的福,都赐给你。

26 父亲所祝的福,胜过我祖先所祝的福,如永世的山岭,至极的边界;这些福必降在约瑟的上,临到那与弟兄迥别之人的顶上。

27 便雅悯是个撕掠的早晨他所抓的,晚上要分他所夺的。

28 这一切是以色列的十二支派;这也是他们的父亲对他们所的话,为他们所祝的福,都是按着各人的福分为他们祝福

29 他又嘱咐他们:我将要归到我列祖(原文作本民)那里,你们要将我葬在赫人以弗仑田间的洞里,与我祖我父在一处,

30 就是在迦南幔利前、麦比拉田间的洞;那洞和田是亚伯拉罕向赫人以弗仑买来为业,作坟的。

31 他们在那里葬了亚伯拉罕和他妻撒拉,又在那里葬了以撒和他的妻子利百加;我也在那里葬了利亚。

32 那块田和田间的洞原是向赫人买的。

33 雅各嘱咐众子已毕,就把收在床上,气绝而死,归到列祖(原文作本民)那里去了。




Apocalypse Revealed#456



456. But the rest of mankind, who were not killed in these plagues. (9:20) This symbolizes people in the Protestant Reformed Church who were not as spiritually dead as the former were because of their illusory reasonings and love of self, a conceit in their own intelligence, and the attendant lusts, and yet who made faith alone the chief tenet of their religion.

The rest of mankind mean people who are not like those described, but who still make faith alone the chief tenet of their religion. Their not being killed symbolizes people not so spiritually dead. The plagues in which the former were killed mean a love of self, a conceit in their own intelligence, and the attendant lusts for evil and falsity, because these three are symbolized by fire, smoke and brimstone, as discussed above in nos. 452, 453. We will see below that plagues have this symbolism. But first we must say something about the people:

[2] I have been given to see these people, too, and to speak with them. They live in the northern zone over to the west. Some of them have huts there with roofs, others huts without roofs. Their beds are made of rushes, their clothes of goats' hair. Seen in the light that flows in from heaven, their faces have a leaden color and also lack vitality. The reason is that they know nothing more from their religion than that there is a God, that there are three persons, that Christ suffered the cross for them, and that they are saved by means of faith alone, and in addition by worship in churches and prayers at set times. To anything else pertaining to religion and its tenets they pay no attention. For the worldly and personal concerns that occupy and fill their minds shut their ears to them.

Many of them were church elders, and I asked them what their thinking was when they read about works, love and charity, fruits, precepts for life, repentance - in word, about things that must be done. They replied that they had indeed read these things and so had seen them, but still did not see them, because they kept their mind focused on faith alone. Consequently they said that these all constitute faith, and that they did not think of them as being the effects of faith.

The ignorance and stupidity of people once they have embraced faith alone and made it the whole of their religion is such as to be scarcely believable, even though I have been given to witness it by a good deal of experience.

[3] That plagues symbolize spiritual plagues, which cause a person to die in spirit or as regards his soul, is apparent from the following passages:

Your rupture is hopeless, your plague severe... ...I will restore health to you and heal you of your plagues... (Jeremiah 30:12, 14, 17)

Everyone who goes by Babylon shall... hiss at all her plagues. (Jeremiah 50:13)

...plagues will come (to Babylon) in one day - death and mourning... (Revelation 18:8)

I saw... seven angels having the seven last plagues, by which the wrath of God is to be consummated. (Revelation 15:1, 6)

Woe to a sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity... From the sole of the foot even to the head, there is no soundness in it. A wound and a scar and a fresh plague - these have not been expressed, bound up, or soothed with ointment. (Isaiah 1:4, 6)

In the day that Jehovah will bind up the fracture of His people and heal the wound of its plague. (Isaiah 30:26)

So, too, elsewhere, as in Deuteronomy 28:59, Jeremiah 49:17, Zechariah 14:12, 15, Luke 7:21, Revelation 11:6; 16:21.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.






20 The rest of mankind, who were not killed with these plagues, didn't repent of the works of their hands, that they wouldn't worship demons, and the idols of gold, and of silver, and of brass, and of stone, and of wood; which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk.