




1 耶和华晓谕摩西

2 初一日,你要立起帐幕,

3 把法柜安放在里面,用幔子将柜遮掩。

4 桌子搬进去,摆设上面的物。把台搬进去,点其上的

5 把烧香的安在法柜前,挂上帐幕的帘。

6 把燔祭坛安在帐幕前。

7 把洗濯盆安在会幕的中间,在盆里盛

8 又在四围立院帷,把院子的帘挂上。

9 把帐幕和其中所有的都抹上,使帐幕和一切器具成圣,就都成圣

10 又要抹燔祭坛和一切器具,使成圣,就都成为至

11 要抹洗濯盆和盆座,使盆成圣

12 要使亚伦和他儿子到会幕口来,用身。

13 要给亚伦穿上衣,又他,使他成圣,可以给我供祭司的职分;

14 又要使他儿子来,给他们穿上内袍。

15 怎样他们的父亲,也要照样他们,使他们给我供祭司的职分。他们世世代凡受的,就永远祭司的职任。

16 摩西这样行,都是照耶和华所吩咐他的。

17 第二年正初一日,帐幕就立起来。

18 摩西立起帐幕,安上带卯的座,立上板,穿上闩,立起子。

19 在帐幕以上搭罩棚,把罩棚的顶盖盖在其上,是照耶和华所吩咐他的。

20 又把法版放在柜里,把杠穿在柜的两旁,把施恩座安在柜上。

21 把柜抬进帐幕,挂上遮掩柜的幔子,把法柜遮掩了,是照耶和华所吩咐他的。

22 又把桌子安在会幕内,在帐幕边,在幔子外。

23 在桌子上将饼陈设在耶和华面前,是照耶和华所吩咐他的

24 又把台安在会幕内,在帐幕边,与桌子相对,

25 耶和华面前点,是照耶和华所吩咐他的。

26 安在会幕内的幔子前,

27 在坛上烧了馨料做的,是照耶和华所吩咐他的。

28 又挂上帐幕的帘。

29 会幕的帐幕前,安设燔祭坛,把燔祭和素祭献在其上,是照耶和华所吩咐他的。

30 濯盆安在会幕的中间,盆中盛,以便濯。

31 摩西亚伦亚伦的儿子在这盆里

32 他们进会幕或就近的时候,便都濯,是照耶和华所吩咐他的。

33 在帐幕和的四围立了院帷,把院子的帘挂上。这样,摩西就完了工。

34 当时,彩遮盖会幕耶和华的荣光就充满了帐幕。

35 摩西不能进会幕;因为彩停在其上,并且耶和华的荣光充满了帐幕。

36 每逢彩从帐幕收上去,以色列人就起程前往;

37 彩若不收上去,他们就不起程,直等到彩收上去。

38 日间,耶和华的彩是在帐幕以上;夜间,中有,在以色列全家的眼前。在他们所行的路上都是这样。




Apocalypse Revealed#779



779. Since oil is mentioned here among sacred ingredients of worship, and symbolizes celestial good, we must say something now about the oil used in anointing, oil which was used by ancient peoples and afterward commanded to the children of Israel.

In ancient times people anointed stones set up as pillars, as is apparent from Genesis 28:18-19, 22. They also anointed weapons of war, shields and bucklers (2 Samuel 1:21, Isaiah 21:5). The Israelites were commanded to prepare holy oil with which to anoint all the sacred ecclesiastical vessels; and they used it to anoint the altar and all its vessels, as well as the Tabernacle and all its vessels (Exodus 30:22-33, 40:9-11; Leviticus 8:10-12; Numbers 7:1). They used it to anoint the men who exercised the functions of the priesthood and their garments (Exodus 29:7, 29, 30:30, 40:13-15; Leviticus 8:12; Psalm 133:1-3). They used it to anoint prophets (1 Kings 19:15, 16). They used it to anoint kings, and kings were called therefore Jehovah's anointed (1 Samuel 10:1, 15:1, 16:3, 6, 12, 24:6, 10, 26:9, 11, 16, 23; 2 Samuel 1:16, 2:4, 7, 5:3, 17, 19:21; 1 Kings 1:34, 35, 19:15, 16; 2 Kings 9:3; 11:12; 23:30; Lamentations 4:20; Habakkuk 3:13; Psalms 2:2, 6; 20:6; 28:8; 45:7; 84:9; 89:20, 38, 51; 132:17).

[2] Anointing with holy oil was commanded because oil symbolized the goodness of love and represented the Lord, who in His humanity is Himself Jehovah's anointed and His only anointed, being anointed not with oil, but with the Divine goodness itself of Divine love. Consequently He is also called the Messiah in the Old Testament and Christ in the New Testament (John 1:41; 4:25), Messiah and Christ meaning "the Anointed."

That is why priests, kings, and all ecclesiastical vessels were anointed, and having been anointed were called holy - not that they were holy in themselves, but because by virtue of the anointing they represented the Lord in His Divine humanity. Consequently it was a sacrilege to harm a king, because he was Jehovah's anointed (1 Samuel 24:6, 10; 26:9).

[3] Furthermore, it was an accepted practice to anoint themselves and others to attest to their gladness of heart and goodwill, but with ordinary oil or some other fine oil, and not with holy oil (Matthew 6:17; Mark 6:13; Luke 7:46; Isaiah 61:3; Amos 6:6; Micah 6:15; Psalms 92:10; 104:15; Daniel 10:3; Deuteronomy 28:40). They were not permitted to anoint themselves or others with holy oil (Exodus 30:31-33).


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.



1 Samuel第24章:6



6 He said to his men, "Yahweh forbid that I should do this thing to my lord, Yahweh's anointed, to put forth my hand against him, since he is Yahweh's anointed."