


29 Men Moses sagde til Midjaniten Hobab, euels Søn, Moses's Svigerfader: "Vi bryder nu op for at drage til det Sted, HE EN har lovet at give os; drag med os! Vi skal lønne dig godt, thi HE EN har stillet Israel gode Ting i Udsigt."


原作者: Henry MacLagan

Verse 29. But with those who are in the truth of simple good, from which good is the conjunction of good and truth, there is the perception, that that conjunction is to be effected during the progress of regeneration, because it is according to the will of the Lord, and hence, according to Divine Truth, that the man of the church desires that truth should be reciprocally conjoined to good; for it is gnod which constitutes the church, essentially.

The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University