2 Kraljevi第23章:2



2 Kralj potom uzađe u Dom Jahvin s Judejcima, Jeruzalemcima, svećenicima i prorocima i sa svim narodom, od najmanjega do najvećega. I pročita im sve riječi Knjige Saveza koja je nađena u Domu Jahvinu.


原作者: Henry MacLagan

Verse 2. And there is, in this church, the conjunction of truth with good, or of faith with charity, and consequently of all the external powers of the mind therewith—namely, every truth of good, and every good of truth, every celestial good and every spiritual truth, all truths, in fact, of every quality; and to this church the Word of the Lord is opened as to its spiritual sense, which gives conjunction with the Lord, because it is from the Lord.