

Luke 24:13-35 : The Road to Emmaus


13 And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

14 And they talked together of all these things which had happened.

15 And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.

16 But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.

17 And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad?

18 And the one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answering said unto him, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass therein these days?

19 And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people:

20 And how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, and have crucified him.

21 But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.

22 Yea, and certain women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre;

23 And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive.

24 And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had said: but him they saw not.

25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?

27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

28 And they drew nigh unto the village, whither they went: and he made as though he would have gone further.

29 But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.

30 And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them.

31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.

32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

33 And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,

34 Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.

35 And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.



На путу за Еммаус

Av Joe David (maskinöversatt till Srpski, Српски)

Lelio Orsi's painting, Camino de Emaús, is in the National Gallery in London, England.

У сваком Еванђељу има нешто о појави Исуса Његовим ученицима након недељног јутра када су гроб нашли празним. На пример, види Јеванђеље по Матеју 28:16-20; Јеванђеље по Марку 16:14-19; Јеванђеље по Луки 24:13-33; Јеванђеље по Јовану 20:19-31, и Јеванђеље по Јовану 21.

У Луки, постоји прича о двојици ученика који су од Јерузалема до села Еммаус ходали око седам километара. Убрзо након што напусте град, прилази им други путник који је приметио њихова проблематична лица и озбиљне разговоре и пита их шта их мучи. Ходајући заједно, питају странца: "Зар нисте чули за невоље у Јерусалиму, како је пророк из Галилеје, за кога смо се надали да ће спасити Израел, бити распет?" И чудно је рећи, када су неке жене отишле трећег дана да помажу Његово тело, угледале су анђеле који су им рекли да он није тамо, али да је васкрснуо из мртвих. "

Чувши то, путник их изјављује да не верују и каже: "Зар не видите да је Христ морао да трпи те ствари и да уђе у своју славу?" Незнанац тада каже двојици ученика многе ствари које се тичу Исуса, из Мојсијевих књига и пророка, у Старом завету. Двоје ученика слуша са страхом, али не препознају странца. Дуго стижу у Еммаус. Чини се да је странац желио наставити када њих двоје стану, али га моле и да престане, јер касно долази дан, а они желе да чују више. Тако сви сједе да подијеле вечеру, а кад странац узме хљеб круха и сломи га и подијели му комаде, отворе се очи и препознају га и он нестаје.

Може се замислити запањено страхопоштовање које их је обузело обојица док су схватили да је то Исус. Знали су да је распет, а ходао је и разговарао с њима неколико сати. Жене су биле у праву! Анђели су били у праву! Био је жив!

Нова Црква верује да постоје унутрашње значење свих прича у Речи Господњој, светим писмима и да је то унутрашње значење, у дословним причама о Абрахаму, Изаку и Јакову, Јошуи, Самуелу, Давиду и почивај, и све изреке пророка од Изаије до Малахија, и четири еванђеља ... ово значење чини Реч светим.

Па шта овде можемо видети у овој причи? Па, тај унутрашњи смисао у "Мојсију и пророцима" је прича о Исусовом животу у свету, од његовог рођења у Бетлехему, кроз све његове године раста, до његове "смрти", а потом и његовог успона. Пошто је Исус то знао и сигурно је читао Свето писмо и разумео их изнутра, дуго је знао како ће се затворити његов земаљски живот и да је потребно да се затвори као што је „написано“, како би се спаси људски род. Тако је рекао двојици ученика ту причу док су ходали према Еммаусу.

Више о тој шетњи ... У Речи, свако спомињање ходања заиста се односи на то како живимо свој живот из дана у дан. У многим причама Речи каже се да је неко ходао с Богом. Каже се да требамо ићи Његовим путевима и да морамо ићи правом и уском стазом.

Такође у овој причи нам је речено да је ово било путовање од шездесет стадија (на изворном грчком). Шездесет (или осталих вишеструких "шест") представља доживотно дело одбацивања искушења која потичу из наше урођене себичности. Објаснио апокалипсу 648. Дакле, ово путовање до Емауса значи путовање нашег живота - као особе која покушава да следи Господинова учења и постане анђео.

Одредиште је био Еммаус. У Речи било који град представља науку, организовани скуп истина које смо поставили да бисмо могли да живимо у складу са њима - нашим животним правилима. Види Duhovnom Dnevniku 402. Они нису нужно добри, као што су Јерусалим или Бетлехем, али могу бити и зле доктрине, нпр. Содом или Бабилон. Мој речник ми каже да име Еммаус значи „врели извори“. Друго универзално значење Речи је да вода значи истину у њеним корисним употребама, али такође може значити истину коју су они који су у паклу искривљени у лаж, у супротном смислу. Погледајте, на пример, Duhovnom Dnevniku 790. Помислите на бунаре које је Абрахам ископао, или на воде које је Исус обећао жени Самарији док су разговарали са Јаковљевим бунаром, или на чисту реку воде која извире испод трона у Новом Јерусалиму у књизи Откривења. У свом обрнутом смислу, где је вода деструктивна, помислите на поплаву која је уништила све осим Ноа и његову породицу, или на Црвено море које је требало раздвојити да би деца Израела могла да пређу. Извори које је Емаус заступао биле су свете истине које су одјекнуле од Речи за употребу. А то су врели извори, а топлота значи љубав. То је наше одредиште, где истина и љубав заједно извиру за нас у кориштењу, у непрекидном Господину.

Ова обична мала анегдота о томе како ученици сусрећу Господа на путу за Емаус нису само приче о Исусовом васкрсењу са духовним телом. То је такође прича о томе како би требало да живимо свој живот. Можемо путовати према небу, слушати Господа, ходати путем с њим, а на крају ће он сломити хлеб и вечерати с нама.



Exodus 34



1 Yahweh said to Moses, "Chisel two stone tablets like the first: and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke.

2 Be ready by the morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present yourself there to me on the top of the mountain.

3 No one shall come up with you; neither let anyone be seen throughout all the mountain; neither let the flocks nor herds feed before that mountain."

4 He chiseled two tablets of stone like the first; and Moses rose up early in the morning, and went up to Mount Sinai, as Yahweh had commanded him, and took in his hand two stone tablets.

5 Yahweh descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of Yahweh.

6 Yahweh passed by before him, and proclaimed, "Yahweh! Yahweh, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness and truth,

7 keeping loving kindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and disobedience and sin; and that will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, and on the children's children, on the third and on the fourth generation."

8 Moses hurried and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshiped.

9 He said, "If now I have found favor in your sight, Lord, please let the Lord go in the midst of us; although this is a stiff-necked people; pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for your inheritance."

10 He said, "Behold, I make a covenant: before all your people I will do marvels, such as have not been worked in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among which you are shall see the work of Yahweh; for it is an awesome thing that I do with you.

11 Observe that which I command you this day. Behold, I drive out before you the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite.

12 Be careful, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be for a snare in the midst of you:

13 but you shall break down their altars, and dash in pieces their pillars, and you shall cut down their Asherim;

14 for you shall worship no other god: for Yahweh, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

15 "Don't make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, lest they play the prostitute after their gods, and sacrifice to their gods, and one call you and you eat of his sacrifice;

16 and you take of their daughters to your sons, and their daughters play the prostitute after their gods, and make your sons play the prostitute after their gods.

17 "You shall make no cast idols for yourselves.

18 "You shall keep the feast of unleavened bread. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, at the time appointed in the month Abib; for in the month Abib you came out from Egypt.

19 "All that opens the womb is mine; and all your livestock that is male, the firstborn of cow and sheep.

20 The firstborn of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb: and if you will not redeem it, then you shall break its neck. All the firstborn of your sons you shall redeem. No one shall appear before me empty.

21 "Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest: in plowing time and in harvest you shall rest.

22 "You shall observe the feast of weeks with the first fruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of harvest at the year's end.

23 Three times in the year all your males shall appear before the Lord Yahweh, the God of Israel.

24 For I will drive out nations before you and enlarge your borders; neither shall any man desire your land when you go up to appear before Yahweh, your God, three times in the year.

25 "You shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread; neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the Passover be left to the morning.

26 "You shall bring the first of the first fruits of your ground to the house of Yahweh your God. "You shall not boil a young goat in its mother's milk."

27 Yahweh said to Moses, "Write you these words: for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel."

28 He was there with Yahweh forty days and forty nights; he neither ate bread, nor drank water. He wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.

29 It happened, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mountain, that Moses didn't know that the skin of his face shone by reason of his speaking with him.

30 When Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come near him.

31 Moses called to them, and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned to him; and Moses spoke to them.

32 Afterward all the children of Israel came near, and he gave them all of the commandments that Yahweh had spoken with him on Mount Sinai.

33 When Moses was done speaking with them, he put a veil on his face.

34 But when Moses went in before Yahweh to speak with him, he took the veil off, until he came out; and he came out, and spoke to the children of Israel that which he was commanded.

35 The children of Israel saw Moses' face, that the skin of Moses' face shone: and Moses put the veil on his face again, until he went in to speak with him.