

신명기 28



1 네가 네 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 삼가 듣고 내가 오늘날 네게 명하는 그 모든 명령을 지켜 행하면 네 하나님 여호와께서 너를 세계 모든 민족 위에 뛰어나게 하실 것이라

2 네가 네 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 순종하면 이 모든 복이 네게 임하며 네게 미치리니

3 성읍에서도 복을 받고, 들에서도 복을 받을 것이며

4 네 몸의 소생과, 네 토지의 소산과, 네 짐승의 새끼와, 우양의 새끼가 복을 받을 것이며

5 네 광주리와, 떡반죽 그릇이 복을 받을 것이며

6 네가 들어와도 복을 받고, 나가도 복을 받을 것이니라

7 네 대적들이 일어나 너를 치려하면 여호와께서 그들을 네 앞에서 패하게 하시리니 그들이 한 길로 너를 치러 들어왔으나 네 앞에서 일곱 길로 도망하리라

8 여호와께서 명하사 네 창고와 네 손으로 하는 모든 일에 복을 내리시고 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 주시는 땅에서 네게 복을 주실 것이며

9 네가 네 하나님 여호와의 명령을 지켜 그 길로 행하면 여호와께서 네게 맹세하신 대로 너를 세워 자기의 성민이 되게 하시리니

10 너를 여호와의 이름으로 일컬음을 세계 만민이 보고 너를 두려워하리라

11 여호와께서 네게 주리라고 네 열조에게 맹세하신 땅에서 네게 복을 주사 네 몸의 소생과, 육축의 새끼와, 토지의 소산으로 많게 하시며

12 여호와께서 너를 위하여 하늘의 아름다운 보고를 열으사 네 땅에 때를 따라 비를 내리시고 네 손으로 하는 모든 일에 복을 주시리니 네가 많은 민족에게 꾸어줄지라도 너는 꾸지 아니할 것이요

13 여호와께서 너로 머리가 되고 꼬리가 되지 않게 하시며 위에만 있고 아래에 있지 않게 하시리니 오직 너는 내가 오늘날 네게 명하는 네 하나님 여호와의 명령을 듣고 지켜 행하며

14 내가 오늘날 너희에게 명하는 그 말씀을 떠나 좌로나 우로나 치우치지 아니하고 다른 신을 따라 섬기지 아니하면 이와 같으리라

15 네가 만일 네 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 순종하지 아니하여 내가 오늘날 네게 명하는 그 모든 명령과 규례를 지켜 행하지 아니하면 이 모든 저주가 네게 임하고 네게 미칠 것이니

16 네가 성읍에서도 저주를 받으며, 들에서도 저주를 받을 것이요

17 또 네 광주리와, 떡반죽 그릇이 저주를 받을 것이요

18 네 몸의 소생과, 네 토지의 소산과, 네 우양의 새끼가 저주를 받을것이며

19 네가 들어와도 저주를 받고, 나가도 저주를 받으리라

20 네가 악을 행하여 그를 잊으므로 네 손으로 하는 모든 일에 여호와께서 저주와 공구와 견책을 내리사 망하여 속히 파멸케 하실 것이며

21 여호와께서 네 몸에 염병이 들게 하사 네가 들어가 얻을 땅에서 필경 너를 멸하실 것이며

22 여호와께서 폐병과, 열병과, 상한과, 학질과, 한재와, 풍재와, 썩는 재앙으로 너를 치시리니 이 재앙들이 너를 따라서 너를 진멸케 할 것이라

23 네 머리 위의 하늘은 놋이 되고 네 아래의 땅은 철이 될 것이며

24 여호와께서 비 대신에 티끌과 모래를 네 땅에 내리시리니 그것들이 하늘에서 네 위에 내려서 필경 너를 멸하리라

25 여호와께서 너로 네 대적 앞에 패하게 하시리니 네가 한 길로 그들을 치러 나가서는 그들의 앞에서 일곱 길로 도망할 것이며 네가 또 세계 만국 중에 흩음을 당하고

26 네 시체가 공중의 모든 새와 땅 짐승들의 밥이 될 것이나 그것들을 쫓아 줄 자가 없을 것이며

27 여호와께서 애굽의 종기와, 치질과, 괴혈병과, 개창으로 너를 치시리니 네가 치료함을 얻지 못할 것이며

28 여호와께서 또 너를 미침과, 눈멂과, 경심증으로 치시리니

29 소경이 어두운데서 더듬는 것과 같이 네가 백주에도 더듬고 네 길이 형통치 못하여 항상 압제와 노략을 당할 뿐이니 너를 구원할 자가 없을 것이며

30 네가 여자와 약혼하였으나 다른 사람이 그와 같이 잘 것이요 집을 건축하였으나 거기 거하지 못할 것이요 포도원을 심었으나 네가 그 과실을 쓰지 못할 것이며

31 네 소를 네 목전에서 잡았으나 네가 먹지 못할 것이며 네 나귀를 네 목전에서 빼앗아감을 당하여도 도로 찾지 못할 것이며 네 양을 대적에게 빼앗길 것이나 너를 도와 줄 자가 없을 것이며

32 네 자녀를 다른 민족에게 빼앗기고 종일 생각하고 알아봄으로 눈이 쇠하여지나 네 손에 능이 없을 것이며

33 네 토지 소산과 네 수고로 얻은 것을 네가 알지 못하는 민족이 먹겠고 너는 항상 압제와 학대를 받을 뿐이리니

34 이러므로 네 눈에 보이는 일로 인하여 네가 미치리라

35 여호와께서 네 무릎과 다리를 쳐서 고치지 못할 심한 종기로 발하게 하여 발바닥으로 정수리까지 이르게 하시리라

36 여호와께서 너와 네가 세울 네 임금을 너와 네 열조가 알지 못하던 나라로 끌어가시리니 네가 거기서 목석으로 만든 다른 신들을 섬길 것이며

37 여호와께서 너를 끌어 가시는 모든 민족 중에서 네가 놀램과, 속담과, 비방거리가 될 것이라

38 네가 많은 종자를 들에 심을지라도 메뚜기가 먹으므로 거둘 것이 적을 것이며

39 네가 포도원을 심고 다스릴지라도 벌레가 먹으므로 포도를 따지 못하고 포도주를 마시지 못할 것이며

40 네 모든 경내에 감람나무가 있을지라도 그 열매가 떨어지므로 그 기름을 네 몸에 바르지 못할 것이며

41 네가 자녀를 낳을지라도 그들이 포로가 되므로 네게 있지 못할 것이며

42 네 모든 나무와 토지 소산은 메뚜기가 먹을 것이며

43 너의 중에 우거하는 이방인은 점점 높아져서 네 위에 뛰어나고 너는 점점 낮아질 것이며

44 그는 네게 꾸일지라도 너는 그에게 뀌지 못하리니 그는 머리가 되고 너는 꼬리가 될 것이라

45 네가 네 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 순종치 아니하고 네게 명하신 그 명령과 규례를 지키지 아니하므로 이 모든 저주가 네게 임하고 너를 따르고 네게 미쳐서 필경 너를 멸하리니

46 이 모든 저주가 너와 네 자손에게 영원히 있어서 표적과 감계가 되리라

47 네가 모든 것이 풍족하여도 기쁨과 즐거운 마음으로 네 하나님 여호와를 섬기지 아니함을 인하여

48 네가 주리고 목마르고 헐벗고 모든 것이 핍절한 중에서 여호와께서 보내사 너를 치게 하실 대적을 섬기게 될 것이니 그가 철 멍에를 네 목에 메워서 필경 너를 멸할 것이라

49 곧 여호와께서 원방에서 땅 끝에서 한 민족을 독수리의 날음 같이 너를 치러 오게 하시리니 이는 네가 그 언어를 알지 못하는 민족이요

50 그 용모가 흉악한 민족이라 노인을 돌아보지 아니하며 유치를 긍휼히 여기지 아니하며

51 네 육축의 새끼와 네 토지의 소산을 먹어서 필경은 너를 멸망시키며 또 곡식이나 포도주나 기름이나 소의 새끼나 양의 새끼를 위하여 남기지 아니하고 필경은 너를 멸절시키리라

52 그들이 전국에서 네 모든 성읍을 에워싸고 네가 의뢰하는 바 높고 견고한 성벽을 다 헐며 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 주시는 땅의 모든 성읍에서 너를 에워싸리니

53 네가 대적에게 에워싸이고 맹렬히 쳐서 곤란케 함을 당하므로 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 주신 자녀 곧 네 몸의 소생의 고기를 먹을 것이라

54 너희 중에 유순하고 연약한 남자라도 그 형제와 그 품의 아내와 그 남은 자녀를 질시하여

55 자기의 먹는 그 자녀의 고기를 그 중 누구에게든지 주지 아니하리니 이는 네 대적이 네 모든 성읍을 에워싸고 맹렬히 너를 쳐서 곤란케 하므로 아무 것도 그에게 남음이 없는 연고일 것이며

56 또 너희 중에 유순하고 연약한 부녀 곧 유순하고 연약하여 그 발바닥으로 땅을 밟아 보지도 아니하던 자라도 그 품의 남편과 그 자녀를 질시하여

57 그 다리 사이에서 나온 태와 자기의 낳은 어린 자식을 가만히 먹으리니 이는 네 대적이 네 생명을 에워싸고 맹렬히 쳐서 곤란케 하므로 아무 것도 얻지 못함이리라

58 네가 만일 이 책에 기록한 이 율법의 모든 말씀을 지켜 행하지 아니하고 네 하나님 여호와라 하는 영화롭고 두려운 이름을 경외하지 아니하면

59 여호와께서 너의 재앙과 네 자손의 재앙을 극렬하게 하시리니 그 재앙이 크고 오래고 질병이 중하고 오랠 것이라

60 여호와께서 네가 두려워하던 애굽의 모든 질병을 네게로 가져다가 네 몸에 들어붓게 하실 것이며

61 또 이 율법 책에 기록지 아니한 모든 질병과 모든 재앙을 너의 멸망하기까지 여호와께서 네게 내리실 것이니

62 너희가 하늘의 별같이 많았을지라도 네 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 순종치 아니하므로 남는 자가 얼마되지 못할 것이라

63 이왕에 여호와께서 너희에게 선을 행하시고 너희로 번성케 하시기를 기뻐하시던 것 같이 이제는 여호와께서 너희를 망하게 하시며 멸하시기를 기뻐하시리니 너희가 들어가 얻는 땅에서 뽑힐 것이요

64 여호와께서 너를 땅 이 끝에서, 저 끝까지 만민 중에 흩으시리니 네가 그 곳에서 너와 네 열조의 알지 못하던 목석 우상을 섬길 것이라

65 그 열국 중에서 네가 평안함을 얻지 못하며 네 발바닥을 쉴 곳도 얻지 못하고 오직 여호와께서 거기서 너의 마음으로 떨고 눈으로 쇠하고 정신으로 산란케 하시리니

66 네 생명이 의심나는 곳에 달린 것 같아서 주야로 두려워하며 네 생명을 확신할수 없을 것이라

67 네 마음의 두려움과 눈의 보는 것으로 인하여 아침에는 이르기를 아하, 저녁이 되었으면 좋겠다 할 것이요 저녁에는 이르기를 아하, 아침이 되었으면 좋겠다 하리라

68 여호와께서 너를 배에 실으시고 전에 네게 고하여 이르시기를 네가 다시는 그 길을 보지 아니하리라 하시던 그 길로 너를 애굽으로 끌어가실 것이라 거기서 너희가 너희 몸을 대적에게 노비로 팔려하나 너희를 살 자가 없으리라


Från Swedenborgs verk


Apocalypse Explained #619

Studera detta avsnitt

/ 1232  

619. But it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.- That this signifies exterior delight, is evident from the signification of the mouth, as denoting what is exterior, for the subject here treated of is the little book, and the eating of it up; by the little book is signified the Word, and by eating it up are signified perception and exploration, whence by the mouth, which first receives, is meant the external of the Word; and from the signification of "sweet as honey," as denoting the delight of natural good. The reason why the external of the Word was sweet as honey, that is, thus delightful, was, that it is of such a nature as to be capable of application to any love whatever, and to any principle thence conceived; and these can be confirmed by it. The reason why the external of the Word, which is the sense of the letter is such, is that many things therein are written according to appearances with the natural man, and many appearances, if not interiorly understood, are fallacies, like the fallacies of the senses. Those therefore who love to live for the body and the world, use the external of the Word by means of those appearances to confirm evils of life and falsities of faith.

[2] This was especially the case with the sons of Jacob, who applied all things of the Word to themselves, and from the sense of the letter maintained that belief, which they also retain to this day, that they were chosen in preference to others, and were therefore a holy nation; they believed that their Jerusalem, and its temple, the ark, the altar, the sacrifices, with innumerable other things, were of themselves holy, not knowing or being willing to know, that the holiness of all those things consisted solely in the fact that they represented Divine things proceeding from the Lord, which are called celestial and spiritual, and are the holy things of heaven and the church, and that to think them to be holy of themselves, and not from the Divine things which they represented, was to falsify and adulterate the Word by applying it to themselves and to their own loves. The case was similar in regard to their faith concerning the Messiah, which was, that He would be king of the world, and raise them above all the nations and peoples in the whole world; not to mention other things which they gathered from the mere sense of the letter of the Word, which were to them as sweet as honey in the mouth. For this reason those things that are in the spiritual sense of the Word are undelightful, for in that sense are truths themselves, and these are not according to appearances; as for example, that that nation was not holy, but worse than every other nation, consequently that it was not a chosen nation; that the city of Jerusalem merely signifies the church of the Lord, and doctrine concerning Him and concerning the holy things of heaven and the church; and that the temple, the ark, the altar, and the sacrifices, represented the Lord and the holy things proceeding from Him, and that their holiness was from this and no other source. These are the truths stored up interiorly in the sense of the letter of the Word, that is, in its internal spiritual sense. These truths they deny, because, as stated, they falsified and adulterated the Word in the sense of the letter, and therefore they are undelightful to them like food that is bitter in the belly.

[3] It is said that the little book should be in the mouth sweet as honey, because honey signifies the delight of natural good. That honey signifies that delight is evident from the following passages.

Thus, in Ezekiel:

It was said to the prophet, "Open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee. And I looked, and behold, a hand was sent unto me; and lo, a roll of a book was therein. And when he had spread it before me, it was written before and behind; and there were written thereon lamentations, and mourning, and woe. Then he said unto me, Son of man, eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel. And he said unto me, Cause thy belly to eat, and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee. And when I ate it, it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness. And then he said unto me, Go unto the house of Israel, and speak my words unto them" (2:8-10; 3:1-4).

These words involve things similar to those in the Apocalypse. The command given to the prophet Ezekiel to eat the roll of the book, involves the same thing as the command to John to eat the little book, that is to say, exploration as to how the Divine Truth which is in the Word is as yet received, perceived, and appropriated by those who are of the church. For as the prophet Ezekiel and John represented the doctrine of truth and the Word, exploration was therefore made with them. The reason why this was done by eating a book is, that to eat signifies to perceive and thus to appropriate to oneself, as shown above; and when exploration was made as to the manner in which the Word was as yet perceived, it is then said to the prophet Ezekiel, that, he should go unto the house of Israel and speak the words of God unto them, also to the prophet John, that he must prophesy, that is, as yet teach the Word in the church; and this because in his mouth the book was perceived to be as sweet as honey, that is, because the Word as to the sense of the letter, is yet delightful, though only so for the reason that this sense can be used in favour of any principle of falsity whatever, and of any loves of evil whatever, and thus serve to confirm the delights of the natural life separated from the delights of the spiritual life, which, when separated, are merely delights of the loves of the body and of the world, whence arise principles of falsity from fallacies.

[4] Again, in Isaiah:

"A virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name God with us. Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good" (7:14, 15).

That these words are spoken of the Lord may be seen proved in Matthew (1:23). Any one may see that butter and honey there mentioned do not mean butter and honey, but something Divine corresponding [to them], for it follows, "that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good," and this is not known by eating butter and honey. But by butter is signified the delight of spiritual good, and by honey, the delight of natural good, consequently the spiritual Divine and the natural Divine of the Lord are signified by these, thus His interior and exterior Human. That the Lord's Human is what is meant is evident from its being said that a virgin shall conceive and bear a son; and that it is Divine, is evident from the words, "and shall call his name God with us," to call a name denoting quality, here Divine quality, for he was to be called God with us.

[5] Butter and honey also signify the delight of spiritual and natural good in these words in the same chapter:

"Butter and honey shall every one eat that is left in the land" (ver. 22).

Those left in the land mean those who are interiorly and also exteriorly good from the Lord, consequently those who receive good proceeding from the Lord in truths; the blessedness therefore of the internal or spiritual man, and also of the external or natural, is signified by butter and honey.

[6] Thus also in Job:

"He shall suck the poison of asps; the viper's tongue shall slay him. He shall not see the brooks, the flowings of the torrents of honey and butter" (20:16, 17).

These things are said concerning hypocrites, who speak well and smoothly concerning God, their neighbour, and also heaven and the church, when nevertheless they think quite differently; and because they can thus cunningly devise how to captivate the minds of others, although in their heart they cherish what is infernal, it is said, "He shall suck the poison of asps, the viper's tongue shall slay him." That these have no delight in natural good or spiritual good, is meant by, He shall not see the brooks, the flowings of the torrents of honey and butter, rivers denoting those things that pertain to intelligence, and the flowings of the torrents of honey and butter, those that pertain thence to the affection and love, which are the very delights of heavenly life. All the delight of life which remains to eternity is the delight of spiritual good and truth, and thence of natural good and truth, whereas hypocritical delight is a natural delight separated from spiritual delight, but this delight, in another life, is turned into what is direfully infernal. That butter and honey in this passage also do not mean butter and honey, is evident, for where in the world are flowings of torrents of honey and butter found?

[7] The signification of butter and honey is similar to that of milk and honey. And since milk signifies the delight of spiritual good, and honey, the delight of natural good, and these delights are enjoyed by those who are of the church of the Lord, therefore the land of Canaan, which signifies the church, was called "a land flowing with milk and honey" (Exodus 3:8, 17; Leviticus 20:24; Num. 13:27; 14:8; Deuteronomy 6:3; 11:9; 26:9, 15; 27:3; 31:20; Joshua 5:6; Jeremiah 11:5; 32:22; Ezekiel 20:6). That the land of Canaan in the Word means the church was shown above (n. 29, 304:59, 431:9). And the church is with those only who are in spiritual good and at the same time in natural good; the church is formed in these by the Lord. For the church is in man, and not outside of him, consequently, not with those who do not possess those goods; these goods with their delights are signified by milk and honey.

[8] That in the land of Canaan there was also much honey at that period, because the church of the Lord was there then, is evident from the First Book of Samuel, where it is said, that they came into a wood where were honey upon the faces of the ground, and a stream of honey, and that the eyes of Jonathan were opened from tasting of the honey (14:25-27, 29). The reason why Jonathan's eyes were opened by his tasting of the honey was, that honey corresponds to natural good and its delight, and this good imparts intelligence and enlightens, consequently Jonathan knew that he had done evil; as is said in Isaiah, that he shall eat butter and honey, that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. For correspondences at that time manifested their effect, since all things of the Israelitish church existed from correspondences, by which things celestial and spiritual were represented and signified.

[9] The signification of butter and honey is similar to that of oil and honey in the following passages.

Thus in Moses:

"He made him to ride on the high places of the earth, and fed him with the increase of the fields; he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the stone of the rock" (Deuteronomy 32:13).

These words occur in the song of Moses, in which the subject treated of is the church in its beginning and afterwards in its progression, and at length at its end. Those who formed the Ancient Church are described by these words, but not those who constituted the Israelitish Church, for the latter were evil from the beginning even to the end, as is evident from their fathers in Egypt, and afterwards in the wilderness. But the Ancient Church, the men of which are meant by their fathers, was that which the Lord caused to ride upon the high places of the earth, and fed with the increase of the fields. That the good of natural love and the good of spiritual love, with their delights, were imparted to them by means of truths, from which their intelligence was derived, and according to which was their life, is signified by, he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the stone of the rock, honey denoting the delight of natural love, oil the delight of spiritual love, and the rock, and the stone of the rock, truth from the Lord. That oil signifies the good of love and of charity, may be seen above (n. 375), and that rock and stone signify truth from the Lord (n. 411, 443).

[10] So in David:

"I fed them with the fat of wheat, and with honey out of the rock I satisfied them" (Psalm 81:16).

The fat of wheat also signifies the delight of spiritual good, and honey out of the rock, the delight of natural good by means of truths from the Lord, as above. It must be observed, that natural good is not good, unless it be also spiritual good. For all good inflows through the spiritual man or mind into the natural man or mind, and so far as the natural man or mind receives the good of the spiritual man or mind, so far he receives good. There must be both, or both sides, in order to constitute good; wherefore natural good separated from spiritual good is in itself evil, which nevertheless is perceived by man as good. Since there must be both therefore in the passages quoted, and in those still to be quoted, mention is made of butter and honey, milk and honey, fat and honey, and also of oil and honey; and butter, milk, fat and oil, signify the good of spiritual love, and honey, the good of natural love, together with their delights.

[11] Again, in Ezekiel:

"Thus wast thou decked with gold and silver; and thy raiment was of fine linen and silk, and needlework; thou didst eat fine flour, and honey, and oil; whence thou wast exceeding beautiful, and thou didst prosper into a kingdom. But my bread which I gave thee, fine flour, and oil, and honey, wherewith I fed thee, thou hast even set before idols for an odour of rest" (16:13, 19).

These things are said concerning Jerusalem, by which is signified the church, first the Ancient Church, and afterwards the Israelitish Church. It is said of the Ancient Church, that she was decked with gold and silver, which signifies, the love of good and truth with the men of the church. The raiment of fine linen, silk, and needlework, signifies the cognitions of celestial, spiritual, and natural truth; fine linen signifies truth from a celestial origin, silk, truth from a spiritual origin, and needlework, truth from a natural origin, which is called scientific [truth]. By eating fine flour, honey, and oil, are signified the perception of truth and good natural and spiritual, and the appropriation of them; to eat denoting to be appropriated, fine flour denoting truth, honey, natural good, and oil spiritual good, which were appropriated to them by a life according to the truths above mentioned. By becoming exceedingly beautiful and prospering into a kingdom, is signified to become intelligent and wise, so as to constitute a church from these, beauty denoting intelligence and wisdom, and a kingdom signifying a church. But concerning the Israelitish Church, which was merely in externals without internals, whence the men of that church were idolatrous, it is said, that they placed the fine flour, honey, and oil, before images of a male, or of idols, for an odour of rest, that is, that they turned the truths and goods of the church into falsities and evils, and thus profaned them.

[12] Again, in the same prophet:

"Judah, and the land of Israel, they were thy traders; they traded in the wheat of Minnith, and pannag, and honey, and oil, and balm" (27:17).

This is spoken of Tyre, which signifies the church as to the cognitions of truth and good, therefore also by Tyre are signified the cognitions of truth and good pertaining to the church; by oil and honey are signified things similar to those above. The meaning in the spiritual sense of Judah, and the land of Israel, also of wheat of Minnith and pannag, and balsam, also of the trading of Tyre, may be seen explained above (n. 433:22).

[13] Again, in Moses:

"A land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of the valley and mountain; a land of wheat and barley, and the vine, and the fig-tree, and pomegranate; a land of oil, olive, and honey" (Deuteronomy 8:7, 8).

These things are said concerning the land of Canaan, by which is understood the church which is in celestial, spiritual, and natural good, and thence in truths; but the details of this verse are explained above (n. 374:7, 403:11), where it is shown, that oil and honey signify the good of love in the internal or spiritual man and in the external or natural man.

[14] So in David:

"The judgments of Jehovah are truth, they are just altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the droppings of the honeycomb" (Psalm 19:9, 10).

In the same,

"I have not departed from thy judgments, for thou hast taught me. How sweet are thy words to my palate! [Sweeter] than honey to my mouth" (Psalm 119:102, 103).

The judgments of Jehovah signify the truths and goods of worship; therefore it is said, "the judgments of Jehovah are truth, they are just altogether"; just being used in reference to the good of life and worship therefrom. And as good is also signified by gold and fine gold, it is therefore said, that they are more desirable than gold and than much fine gold, gold denoting celestial good, fine gold, spiritual good, while desirable denotes what is of affection and love. Since the goods with which a man is affected are also delightful, therefore it is said, that they are sweeter than honey and the droppings of the honeycomb, and that the words of the Lord are sweet to the palate and [sweeter] than honey to the mouth, sweet denoting what is delightful, honey, natural good, the droppings of the honeycomb, natural truth, and because honey signifies natural good, and the mouth the external, therefore it is said [sweeter] than honey to my mouth; as in the Apocalypse, that the little book was sweet as honey in the mouth.

[15] So in Luke:

Jesus said to His disciples, when they believed that they saw a spirit, "Behold, my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. Then he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of a honeycomb. And he took it, and did eat it before them" (24:39, 41-43).

From this series of words regarded in their spiritual sense it is evident, that honeycomb and honey signify natural good, for the Lord showed His disciples that He had glorified or made Divine His whole Human, even as to its Natural and Sensual. This is signified by the hands and feet, and by the flesh and bones, which they saw and felt; the hands and feet, signify the ultimate of man, called the Natural, the flesh signifies its good, and the bones signify its truth. For everything in the human body corresponds to spiritual things, the flesh to the good of the natural man, and the bones to its truths. More may be seen concerning this correspondence in Heaven and Hell 87-102). The Lord also proved this by eating of the broiled fish and also of the honeycomb in the presence of His disciples, the broiled fish signifying the truth of the good of the natural and sensual man, and the honeycomb, the good of truth of the same, therefore the Lord by being touched (palpationem) showed and proved that His whole Human, even to its ultimates, was glorified, that is, was made Divine; and [this He showed too] by eating, in that He ate in their presence a piece of a broiled fish and of an honeycomb.

[16] Since honey signifies the good of the natural man, therefore also John the Baptist

"had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey" (Matthew 3:4; Mark 1:6).

The reason of this was, that John the Baptist represented the same as Elias, therefore also it was said, that Elias should come, by whom was meant John. Elias represented the Lord as to the Word, or the Word which is from the Lord; and similarly John. And because the Word teaches that the Messiah or the Lord was about to come, therefore John was sent before to preach concerning the coming of the Lord, according to the predictions of the Word. And because John represented the Word, therefore the ultimates of the Word, which are natural, were represented by John, by his clothing, and also by his food, that is, by having his raiment of camel's hair, and the leathern girdle about his loins. For camel's hair signifies the ultimates of the natural man, such as are the exteriors of the Word, and the leathern girdle about his loins, their external bond and connection with the interior things of the Word, which are spiritual. Similar things are signified by locust and wild honey; by locust, is signified the truth of the natural man, and by wild honey, its good. Whether we speak of the truth and good of the natural man, or of natural truth and good, such as the Word is in its ultimate sense, called the sense of the letter, or natural sense, it is the same thing, for John represented this by his clothing and food.

[17] The reason why neither leaven, nor honey, was used in the offerings made by fire to Jehovah (Leviticus 2:11), was, that leaven signifies the falsity of the natural man, and honey, the delight of the good of the natural man, and, in the opposite sense, the delight of his evil, which also is like leaven when it is mingled with those things that signify things of a holy interior nature. For natural delight derives its all from the delights of the love of self and the love of the world. And because the Israelitish nation was in those delights more than other nations, therefore it was forbidden them to use honey in their sacrifices. More may be seen concerning the signification of honey, as denoting the delight of the good of the natural man, in the Arcana Coelestia 5620, 6857, 8056, 10137, 10530).

[18] It is recorded of Samson, that, after he had rent the young lion, and taken a wife from the nation of the Philistines, he found "a swarm of bees and honey in the carcase of the lion" (Judges 14:8). This circumstance signified the dissipation of faith separated from charity, which the Philistine nation represented. It was on this account that the Philistines were called the uncircumcised, and this name signifies that they were without spiritual love and charity, and were only in natural love, which is the love of self and of the world. Such faith, because it destroys the good of charity, was represented by the young lion, which attacked Samson with intent to tear him in pieces; but Samson, because he was a Nazarite, and by his Nazariteship represented the Lord as to His ultimate Natural, rent the lion in pieces, and afterwards found in his carcase a swarm of bees and honey, which signified, that after such faith is dissipated, the good of charity succeeds in its place. Similar things were represented and signified by the rest of the acts related of Samson in the Book of Judges. For nothing is written in the Word which does not represent and signify such things as pertain to heaven and the church, and these can be understood only from the knowledge (scientia) of correspondences, and thence from the spiritual sense of the Word.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.