

士师记 7



1 耶路巴力就是基甸,他和一切跟随的人起来,在哈律泉旁安米甸在他们边的平原,靠近摩利冈。

2 耶和华对基甸:跟随你的人过多,我不能将米甸人交在他们中,免得以色列人向我夸大,:是我们自己的了我们。

3 现在你要向这些人宣告说:凡惧怕胆怯的,可以离开基列山回去。於是有人回去,只剩下一万。

4 耶和华对基甸:人还是过多;你要带他们旁,我好在那里为你试试他们。我指点谁:这人可以同你去,他就可以同你去;我指点谁:这人不可同你去,他就不可同你去。

5 基甸就带他们旁。耶和华对基甸:凡用舌头,像舔的,要使他单站在一处;凡跪的,也要使他单站在一处。

6 於是用捧着舔的有,其馀的都跪下

7 耶和华对基甸:我要用这舔水的你们,将米甸人交在你中;其馀的都可以各归各处去。

8 就带着食物和角;其馀的以色列人,基甸都打发他们各归各的帐棚,只留米甸在他边的平原里。

9 当那夜,耶和华吩咐基甸起来到米甸里去,因我已将他们交在你中。

10 倘若你怕去,就带你的仆人普拉到那里去。

11 你必见他们所的,然你就有胆量去攻。於是基甸带着仆人普拉旁。

12 米甸人、亚玛力人,和一切东方人都布散在平原,如同蝗虫那样多。他们的骆驼无数,多如边的沙。

13 基甸到了,就听见一将梦告诉同伴:我做了一梦,梦见一个大麦饼滚入米甸中,到了帐幕,将帐幕撞倒,帐幕就翻倾覆了。

14 同伴:这不是别的,乃是以色列人约阿施的儿子基甸的刀;已将米甸和全军都交在他的中。

15 基甸见这梦和梦的讲解,就敬拜神,回到以色列中,起来罢!耶和华已将米甸的军队交在你们中了。

16 於是基甸将分作队,把角和空瓶交在各里(瓶内都藏着火把),

17 吩咐他们:你们要我行事:我到了的旁边怎样行,你们也要怎样行。

18 我和一切跟随我的人吹角的时候,你们也要在的四围吹角,喊叫耶和华和基甸的刀!

19 基甸和跟随他的一,在三更之初才换更的时候,旁,就吹角,打破中的瓶。

20 队的人就都吹角,打破瓶子,左拿着火把,右拿着角,喊说:耶和华和基甸的刀!

21 他们在的四围各站各的地方;全都乱窜。三百,使他们逃跑

22 就吹角,耶和华使全用刀互相击杀,逃到西利拉的伯哈示他,直逃到靠近他巴的亚伯米何拉。

23 以色列人就从拿弗他利、亚设,和玛拿西全地聚集来追赶米甸人

24 基甸打发走遍以法莲地,说:你们来攻击米甸人,争先把守约但河的渡口,直到伯巴拉。於是以法莲的众聚集,把守约但河的渡口,直到伯巴拉,

25 捉住了米甸人的两个首领,一名俄立,一名西伊伯。将俄立杀在俄立盘石上,将西伊伯杀在西伊伯酒醡那里。又追赶米甸人,将俄立和西伊伯的首级带过约但河,到基甸那里。






Water is the basis of life, the essential ingredient in all drinks, and in the form of rivers, lakes and oceans supports life in myriad ways. The spiritual meaning of water is similarly basic: It represents truth in general, the ideas and concepts that guide us to do good things in our lives. In a more specific sense, it represents truth at its simplest level: the ideas we learn from the Bible and simply believe. Swedenborg refers to this as “natural” truth or “truths of faith.” They are not things we have explored, figured out or confirmed through life; rather they are things that we accept to be true because we’ve been told they are true. Like water, these ideas flow to us from other sources. And like water, they are ever-changing; to build something permanent we might look to the more permanent ideas represented by stones. But water is crucial to life, and so are these accepted ideas. Water can also, of course, be threatening. Rivers, lakes and oceans are inherently dangerous, and flooding was an ever greater threat in Biblical times than it is now. These aspects represent the opposite meaning – water as falsity, twisted ideas which support evil and can overwhelm and destroy us if we’re not careful.

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