

以西结书 2



1 他对我:人子啊,你站起来,我要和你说话

2 他对我说话的时候,灵就进入我里面,使我站起,我便见那位对我说话的声音。

3 他对我:人子啊,我差你往悖逆的国民以色列人那里去。他们是悖逆我的,他们和他们的列祖违背我,直到今日。

4 这众子面无羞耻,里刚硬。我差你往他们那里去,你要对他们耶和华如此

5 他们或,或不,(他们是悖逆之家),必知道在他们中间有了先知

6 人子啊,虽有荆棘和蒺藜在你那里,你又在蝎子中间,总不要他们,也不要他们的;他们虽是悖逆之,还不要他们的,也不要因他们的脸色惊惶。

7 他们或,或不,你只管将我的告诉他们;他们是极其悖逆的。

8 人子啊,要我对你所的话,不要悖逆像那悖逆之家,你要开我所赐你的。

9 我观,见有一只向我伸出来,中有一卷。

10 他将书卷在我面前展开,内外都着字,其上所的有哀号、叹息、悲痛的话。






Generally, in the Word, writing signifies making something permanent or serious.

If knowing what’s right were the same as doing what’s right, we would all be thin, healthy, hard-working, law-abiding, faithful to our spouses and free of addiction, and the idea of a New Year’s resolution would not exist. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to know what’s right, say what’s right, even believe what’s right and still do what’s wrong. If we don’t internalize it, make it a part of us, commit to it it doesn’t mean anything. That is essentially what “writing” means in the Bible – when something was written down, that meant it was permanent, taken to heart, impressed or inscribed on someone’s life – much more meaningful than what was simply said. Such a meaning is still reflected in modern language. If we’re serious about what we’re saying, we might tell someone to “write it down.” Things that are sure might be “written in stone,” harking back to ancient times. Police still want written confessions, and those in love still treasure hand-written notes. All that, of course, is in an age where everyone’s literate and writing is mostly electronic. Writing had far more significance in Biblical times, when few could write and writing materials were clumsy and expensive. For something to be written was significant.