

出埃及记 24



1 耶和华摩西:你和亚伦、拿答、亚比户,并以色列长老中的七十人,都要上到我这里来,远远的下拜。

2 惟独你可以亲耶和华;他们却不可亲;百姓也不可和你一同上来。

3 摩西下山,将耶和华的命令典章都述与百姓听。众百姓齐声耶和华所吩咐的,我们都必遵行。

4 摩西耶和华的命令都上。清起来,在筑一座,按以色列十二支派立十二根柱子,

5 又打发以色列人中的少年人去献燔祭,又向耶和华献牛为平安祭。

6 摩西将血一半盛在盆中,一半洒在上;

7 又将约念给百姓。他们耶和华所吩咐的,我们都必遵行。

8 摩西将血洒在百姓身上,:你看!这是立约的血,是耶和华按这一切与你们立约的凭据。

9 摩西亚伦、拿答、亚比户,并以色列长老中的七十人,都上了山。

10 他们以色列的,他彷佛有平铺的蓝宝石,如同色明净。

11 他的不加害在以色列的尊者身上。他们观看;他们又

12 耶和华摩西:你上到我这里来,住在这里,我要将版并我所的律法和诫命你,使你可以教训百姓。

13 摩西和他的帮手约书亚起来,上了

14 摩西对长老:你们在这里等着,等到我们回来,有亚伦、户珥与你们同在。凡有争讼的,都可以就他们去。

15 摩西,有彩把遮盖。

16 耶和华的荣耀停於西乃彩遮盖,第七他从中召摩西

17 耶和华的荣耀在顶上,在以色列人眼前,形状如烈

18 摩西进入中上,在四十昼夜。


Från Swedenborgs verk


属天的奥秘 #9410

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9410. “祂不伸手” 表在其能力中的这真理并不存在于那里. 这从 “手” 的含义清楚可知,

“手” 是指经由真理而来的能力.

“手” 表示能力 (参看878, 3091, 3387, 4931-4937, 5327, 5328, 5544, 6947, 7011, 7188, 7189, 7518, 7673, 8050, 8153, 8281, 9025, 9133节); 这能力经由真理而来 (3091, 3502, 6344, 6423, 8304节); 真理从良善, 也就是说, 经由良善从主那里取得其一切能力 (6948, 8200, 9327节). 由此明显可知,

“祂不伸手在分别出来的以色列人身上” 表示在其能力中的真理不与那些局限于脱离内在意义的圣言外在意义的人同在. 在其能力中的真理不与他们同在的原因是, 他们与天堂分离, 因而与主分离; 事实上, 圣言将一个人与天堂结合在一起, 并通过天堂与主结合在一起, 因为构成圣言字义的一切都对应于天使所在的属灵和属天事物. 如果只照字面, 而不同时照教会的某种教义, 也就是圣言的内在来理解圣言, 与天使就没有任何联系.


你是彼得, 我要把我的教会建造在这磐石上, 阴间的门, 不能胜过它. 我要把天国的钥匙给你. 凡你在地上所捆绑的, 在天上也要捆绑. 凡你在地上所释放的, 在天上也要释放.(马太福音 16:18, 19)


我实在告诉你们, 凡你们在地上所捆绑的, 在天上也要捆绑. 凡你们在地上所释放的, 在天上也要释放.(马太福音 18:18)

那些局限于脱离内在意义的圣言外在意义的人, 因而那些与教会的真正教义分离的人, 会说服自己确信, 主将这种权柄赋予了彼得, 也赋予了主的其他门徒. 这种信念导致这种了地狱般的异端邪说, 即: 某些人有权柄让凡他们所愿意的人进入天堂, 或把他们关在天堂之外; 而事实上, 根据教会的真正教义, 也就是圣言的内在, 唯独主拥有这种权柄. 因此, 那些知道圣言的外在意义, 同时也知道它的内在意义的人就明白, 主的这些话是指从主所获得的信和信之真理说的; 拥有这种权柄的, 是从主所获得的这种信, 因而是主自己, 绝不是任何人.

事实的确如此, 这一点从彼得和十二个门徒的代表, 以及 “磐石” 和 “钥匙” 的含义可以看出来. 彼得代表信 (参看创世记 18章和22章的序言, 以及3750,4738, 6000, 6073节的末尾节); 主的十二个门徒, 和以色列的十二个支派一样, 代表信和爱的各个方面 (3488, 3858, 6397节);

“磐石” 表示信方面的主, 因而表示从主所获得的信 (参看8581节);

“钥匙” 表示权柄或能力, 这从圣言中提到 “钥匙” 的经文明显看出来, 如下列经文:

我是首先的, 是末后的; 我又是那存活的, 曾死过; 看哪, 我是活着的, 直到世世代代. 并且我拿着阴间和死亡的钥匙.(启示录 1:17, 18)


这些事是那圣洁, 真实, 拿着大卫的钥匙, 开了就没有人能关, 关了就没有人能开的说的.(启示录 3:7)


我必将大卫家的钥匙放在祂肩头上, 祂开, 无人能关; 祂关, 无人能开.(以赛亚书 22:22)


“钥匙” 表示权柄或能力, 这是显而易见的; 唯有主拥有这种权柄.

由此可见, 那些局限于脱离内在意义的圣言外在意义的人是何品质, 即: 他们根本没有与天堂结合, 因而没有与主结合. 那些根据字义解释主对彼得和门徒所说的这些话的人就是这种情况, 因为他们僭取拯救人类的权柄, 使自己成为天地之神; 他们如此行是出于疯狂的自我之爱和尘世之爱. 凡理性思考的人都能看出并明白, 人根本不可能赦免任何罪, 因为罪唯有通过形成或发展一种新的生活, 也就是唯有通过被主重生才能得以赦免. 重生一直持续到人在世生命的结束, 之后直到永远 (参看8548-8553, 8635-8640, 8742-8747, 8853-8858, 8958-8969节).

还必须简要说一说何为 “在其能力中” 的真理. 在圣言中, 天使被称为 “大能者”, 而且在教会也众所周知, 他们就是大能者. 然而, 他们不是凭自己, 而是凭主而为大能者, 因为他们是发自主的神之真理的接受者. 他们从主拥有如此的大能, 以致他们当中的一位就能赶走一千个魔鬼团伙, 把他们关在地狱, 约束他们. 因为发自主的神之真理充满众天堂, 并形成它们; 你若愿意相信, 一切事物都是通过这真理而被制作和创造的. 圣言 (或译为道) 太初与神同在, 并且就是神, 万物都是藉着圣言造的, 世界也是藉着圣言造的 (约翰福音 1:1-14), 这圣言就是神性真理. 神性真理是唯一真实的物质, 万物皆从它产生; 很少有人能明白这一点, 因为如今人们对神性真理没有其它概念, 只是认为它是从统治万有的那一位口中所出的话语, 要按照这些话来执行他的命令. 至于人们对神性真理当持有什么样的观念, 可参看前文 (9407节的末尾节). 圣言中的许多经文, 尤其启示录都描述了发自主的神性真理的全能:

在天上就有了争战. 米迦勒同他的使者与龙争战. 龙也同他的使者去争战. 他们并没有得胜, 天上再没有他们的地方. 他们胜过他, 是因羔羊的血, 和他们所见证的话.(启示录 12:7, 8, 11)


“羔羊的血” 是指从主的神性人身发出的神性真理 (参看4735, 6978, 7317, 7326, 7850, 9127, 9393, 9395节);

“他们所见证的话” 是指被接受的神之真理.

局限于脱离内在意义的圣言外在意义的人, 因而那些与教会的真正教义分离的人, 只根据字面来理解这些预言. 也就是说, 他们认为 “血” 是指指血液, 因而是指主的受难; 而事实上, 发自主的神性真理才是这些话中 “血” 的意思. 那些处于教会的真正教义的人就能知道, 他们不靠血, 而是靠倾听神的真理并遵行它而得救; 因此, 凡允许主通过神性真理使使自己重生的人都会得救. 凡从主获得启示或光照的人, 因而凡处于仁和信的良善之人, 都能知道, 理解, 看见并觉察到这一点, 因为他们就是那些获得启示或光照的人. 我自己可以肯定地说, 当我读到 “羔羊的血”, 并思想主的宝血时, 与我同在的天使只知道我所读的是从主发出的神性真理, 我所想的就是这真理. 不过, 就让简单人去持守自己的教义, 认为他们因着主的宝血得救去吧, 只要他们照主的神性真理生活; 因为那些如此生活的人在来世会获得启示或光照.

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

Från Swedenborgs verk


Arcana Coelestia #6516

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6516. 'In my grave which I dug for myself in the land of Canaan, there you are to bury me' means that it - the Church - was to be restored to life where the previous one had existed. This is clear from the meaning of 'a grave' and 'burying' as restoring to life, dealt with in 5551; and from the meaning of 'the land of Canaan' as the Lord's kingdom and the Church, dealt with in 1413, 1437, 1607, 1866, 3038, 3481, 3705, 4240, 4447. The reason Jacob wished to be buried in the land of Canaan, where Abraham and Isaac had been buried, and not in any other place was that his descendants were going to possess that land, and so he would be lying among his own people. But in the internal sense not this but something else is meant, namely regeneration and resurrection, because these are what the Church resides in. For 'burial' means in the internal sense regeneration and resurrection, 2916, 1917, 4621, 5551. While 'the land of Canaan' means the Church, as is evident from the places referred to above in the present paragraph, and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the Lord as regards the Divine itself and the Divine Human, and in the relative sense the Lord's kingdom as regards the internal aspect and the external aspect of it, 1965, 1989, 2011, 3245, 3305 (end), 4615, 6098, 6185, 6276. This then is what is meant in the internal sense by the burial of them in that land; and it explains why among Jews who believe in resurrection the conviction continues to exist that even though they have been buried in some other place they will nevertheless rise again in the land of Canaan.

[2] The reason why it is said that the Church was to be restored to life in the place where the previous one had existed is that the Lord's Church had existed in that land since most ancient times, see 3686, 4447, 4454, 4516, 4517, 5136. It also explains why Abraham was told to go there and why the descendants of Jacob were led into it. And the reason for all this was not that the land was holier than all others but that since most ancient times all the locations there, both provinces and cities as well as mountains and rivers, had been representative of such things as belonged to the Lord's kingdom; and the actual names conferred on those locations implied such things. For every particular name supplied from heaven to a place or person implies some celestial or spiritual reality; and when the name has been supplied from heaven, that reality is perceived by them there. The Most Ancient Church too, which was celestial and was in contact with heaven, was one that used to confer names. The reason therefore why the Church was to exist again in that land was that a Word was going to be given in which every detail would be representative of and would mean some spiritual or celestial reality, and that Word would accordingly be understood in heaven no less than on earth. But this could not possibly have been accomplished unless also the names of places and persons had had spiritual meanings. This is the reason why the descendants of Jacob were led into that land, why prophets were raised up there through whom the Word was written, and therefore why a representative of the Church was established among Jacob's descendants. From all this one may see the reason for the statement that the Church was to be restored to life where the previous one had existed.

[3] The fact that names in the Word mean spiritual things may be seen in 1224, 1264, 1876, 1888, 4442, 5225, as well as in the multitude of places where explanations are given of what their meanings are. But the fact that in heaven they perceive what the meanings are of names used in the Word, and that they do this without prior instruction, is an arcanum unknown as yet to anyone and must therefore be described. When the Word is read the Lord comes in and teaches; also - and this is one of the marvels in the spiritual world - writings exist, which I have frequently seen and been able to read yet not understand. But good spirits and angels understand them perfectly well because those writings accord with the universal language they speak. I have been led to know that individual words used there, even individual letters, hold within themselves the kinds of things that belong to that world, thus spiritual things, and that these are perceived there from the breath that is used, and from the affection resulting from the uttering of those words, thus from the varying smooth or rough delivery of them. But it is probable that hardly anyone will believe this. This arcanum has been disclosed so that people may know that those in heaven perceive instantly what the meanings are of names used in the Word, because those names are registered in heaven.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.