Jonah Series, Part 1 of 4 – Running from God

Detta är originaltexten av: Jonah Series, Part 1 – Running from God av Todd Beiswenger


This is part one of four on a series on the book of Jonah. In this first chapter Jonah is called to head east to the city of Ninevah, but instead of going east he flees from God and goes west to Tarshish. When God calls us, He often asks us to come closer to Him, and we run the other way. Why do we do this? As we'll see, in trying to save ourselves we often lose more than we had imagined.

Skapad eller översatt av: Todd Beiswenger

Datum skapat: 2014

Tillskriven: Thanks to the Rev. Todd Beiswenger and the Hurstville New Church, NSW, Australia.

Copyright: Copyright by the author

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Licens: Used with permission - se termer

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Jonah Series, Part 1 of 4 – Running from God. Retrieved from:
