

에스겔 38



1 여호와의 말씀이 내게 임하여 가라사대

2 인자야 너는 마곡 땅에 있는 곡, 곧 로스와 메섹과 두발 왕에게로 얼굴을 향하고 그를 쳐서 예언하여

3 이르기를 주 여호와의 말씀에 로스와 메섹과 두발 왕 곡아 내가 너를 대적하여

4 너를 돌이켜 갈고리로 네 아가리를 꿰고 너와 말과 기병 곧 네 온 군대를 끌어내되 완전한 갑옷을 입고 큰 방패와 작은 방패를 가지며 칼을 잡은 큰 무리와

5 그들과 함께 한바 방패와 투구를 갖춘 바사와 구스와 붓과

6 고멜과 그 모든 떼와 극한 북방의 도갈마 족속과 그 모든 떼 곧 많은 백성의 무리를 너와 함께 끌어 내리라

7 너는 스스로 예비하되 너와 네게 모인 무리들이 다 스스로 예비하고 너는 그들의 대장이 될지어다

8 여러날 후 곧 말년에 네가 명령을 받고 그 땅 곧 오래 황무하였던 이스라엘 산에 이르리니 그 땅 백성은 칼을 벗어나서 열국에서부터 모여 들어 오며 이방에서부터 나와서 다 평안히 거하는 중이라

9 네가 올라오되 너와 네 모든 떼와 너와 함께한 많은 백성이 광풍같이 이르고 구름 같이 땅을 덮으리라

10 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 그 날에 네 마음에서 여러가지 생각이 나서 악한 꾀를 내어

11 말하기를 내가 평원의 고을들로 올라가리라 성벽도 없고 문이나 빗장이 없어도 염려없이 다 평안히 거하는 백성에게 나아가서

12 물건을 겁탈하며 노략하리라 하고 네 손을 들어서 황무하였다가 지금 사람이 거처하는 땅과 열국 중에서 모여서 짐승과 재물을 얻고 세상 중앙에 거하는 백성을 치고자 할 때에

13 스바와 드단과 다시스의 상고와 그 부자들이 네게 이르기를 네가 탈취하러 왔느냐 ? 네가 네 무리를 모아 노략하고자 하느냐 ? 은과 금을 빼앗으며 짐승과 재물을 취하며 물건을 크게 약탈하여 가고자 하느냐 하리라 하셨다 하라

14 인자야 너는 또 예언하여 곡에게 이르기를 주 여호와의 말씀에 내 백성 이스라엘이 평안히 거하는 날에 네가 어찌 그것을 알지 못하겠느냐 ?

15 네가 네 고토 극한 북방에서 많은 백성 곧 다 말을 탄 큰 떼와 능한 군대와 함께 오되

16 구름이 땅에 덮임 같이 내 백성 이스라엘을 치러 오리라 곡아 끝날에 내가 너를 이끌어다가 내 땅을 치게 하리니 이는 내가 너로 말미암아 이방 사람의 목전에서 내 거룩함을 나타내어 그들로 다 나를 알게 하려 함이니라

17 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 내가 옛적에 내 종 이스라엘 선지자들을 빙자하여 말한 사람이 네가 아니냐 ? 그들이 그 때에 여러 해 동안 예언하기를 내가 너를 이끌어다가 그들을 치게 하리라 하였느니라 하셨다 하라

18 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 그날에 곡이 이스라엘 땅을 치러 오면 내 노가 내 얼굴에 나타나리라

19 내가 투기와 맹렬한 노로 말하였거니와 그 날에 큰 지진이 이스라엘 땅에 일어나서

20 바다의 고기들과 공중의 새들과 들의 짐승들과 땅에 기는 모든 벌레와 지면에 있는 모든 사람이 내 앞에서 떨 것이며 모든 산이 무너지며 절벽이 떨어지며 모든 성벽이 땅에 무너지리라

21 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 내가 내 모든 산 중에서 그를 칠 칼을 부르리니 각 사람의 칼이 그 형제를 칠 것이며

22 내가 또 온역과 피로 그를 국문하며 쏟아지는 폭우와 큰 우박덩이와 불과 유황으로 그와 그 모든 떼와 그 함께한 많은 백성에게 비를 내리듯 하리라

23 이와 같이 내가 여러 나라의 눈에 내 존대함과 내 거룩함을 나타내어 나를 알게 하리니 그들이 나를 여호와인줄 알리라


സ്വീഡൻബർഗിന്റെ കൃതികളിൽ നിന്ന്


Arcana Coelestia #5342

ഈ ഭാഗം പഠിക്കുക

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5342. 'And laid up food in the cities' means that it stored them - truths linked to good - in the interior parts. This is clear from the meaning here of 'laying up' as storing; from the meaning of 'food' as truth linked to good, dealt with just above in 5340; and from the meaning of 'the cities' as the interior parts of the natural mind, dealt with above in 5297. The idea that truths linked to good are stored in the interior parts of the natural mind, and are preserved there for use subsequently in life, in particular for use in temptations when a person is being regenerated, is an arcanum known to few at the present day. Therefore the nature of this arcanum must be stated. The seven years of abundance of corn mean the truths multiplied initially, and the storage of grain in the cities, in the midst of them, means that those truths linked to good were stored away in a person's interior parts. The seven years of famine and the sustainment provided by the bunches that had been gathered means the state of regeneration effected by means of the truths that had been linked to good and stored away in the interior parts.

[2] The arcanum is this: During the time from earliest infancy through to early childhood a person is led by the Lord into heaven; indeed he is placed among celestial angels who serve to keep him in a state of innocence. This state which infants pass through until early childhood is a well-known one. At the beginning of childhood a gradual shedding of that state of innocence takes place; but even so, the person is kept in a state of charity through the charitable affection which he and his companions feel for one another. During this state, which with many people lasts through to adolescence, he is among spiritual angels. Because he begins at this time to think from what is within himself and to act in accordance with this, he cannot be kept any longer in charity, as he was previously; for now he calls on hereditary evils and allows them to lead him. Once this state has arrived the forms of the good of charity and innocence adopted by him previously are banished, to the extent that forms of evil are present in his thinking and are reinforced by his actions. Actually those forms of good are not banished but are withdrawn by the Lord to interior parts where they are stored away.

[3] But because he does not as yet know any truths, those forms of the good of innocence and charity which he has adopted during those two states do not possess any qualities as yet; for truths give good its qualities, while good gives truths their essence. From this time of life onwards therefore he is being equipped with truths by means of the teaching he receives, and especially by means of his own thoughts about and consequent verification of those truths. Insofar as he is moved at this time by an affection for good, the Lord joins truths to good in him, 5340, and stores them away for [future] use. This is the state that is meant by the seven years of abundance of corn. These truths linked to good are the ones which in a proper sense are called remnants. In the measure therefore that a person allows himself to be regenerated, the remnants serve a useful purpose; for the Lord draws in the same measure on that store of remnants and returns them to the natural. As a result a correspondence of exterior things with interior ones, or natural things with spiritual ones, is brought about; and this happens in the state that is meant by 'the seven years of famine'. This is the arcanum.

[4] At the present day the member of the Church thinks that no matter what anyone's life is like he can nevertheless by an act of mercy be accepted into heaven and enjoy eternal blessedness there; for the member of the Church imagines that it is simply a matter of being let in. But he is much mistaken, because no one can be let into heaven and find acceptance there unless he has acquired spiritual life, and no one can acquire spiritual life unless he is being regenerated, and no one can undergo regeneration except by means of goodness of life coupled to truth taught by doctrine. This is the way spiritual life is acquired by him. The fact that no one can enter heaven unless he has acquired spiritual life through regeneration is stated plainly by the Lord in John,

Truly, truly I say to you, Unless anyone is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 9:9.

And just after this,

Truly, truly I say to you, Unless a person has been born from water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God. John 3:5.

'Water' is the truth taught by doctrine, 2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, and 'the spirit' is goodness of life. No one enters the kingdom simply through being baptized; rather, baptism is the sign denoting regeneration which the member of the Church should call to mind.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.