

Δευτερονόμιο 7



1 Οταν Κυριος ο Θεος σου σε φερη εις την γην, εις την οποιαν υπαγεις δια να κληρονομησης αυτην, και εκδιωξη εθνη πολλα απ' εμπροσθεν σου, τους Χετταιους και τους Γεργεσαιους και τους Αμορραιους και τους Χαναναιους και τους Φερεζαιους και τους Ευαιους και τους Ιεβουσαιους, επτα εθνη μεγαλητερα και δυνατωτερα σου·

2 και οταν Κυριος ο Θεος σου παραδωση αυτους εμπροσθεν σου, θελεις παταξει αυτους· κατα κρατος θελεις εξολοθρευσει αυτους· δεν θελεις καμει συνθηκην μετ' αυτων ουδε θελεις δειξει ελεος προς αυτους·

3 ουδε θελεις συμπενθερευσει μετ' αυτων· την θυγατερα σου δεν θελεις δωσει εις τον υιον αυτου ουδε την θυγατερα αυτου θελεις λαβει εις τον υιον σου·

4 διοτι θελουσιν αποπλανησει τους υιους σου απ' εμου και θελουσι λατρευει αλλους θεους· και θελει εξαφθη η οργη του Κυριου εναντιον σας και παραυτα θελει σε εξολοθρευσει.

5 Αλλ' ουτω θελετε καμει προς αυτους· τους βωμους αυτων θελετε καταστρεψει και τα αγαλματα αυτων θελετε συντριψει και τα αλση αυτων θελετε κατακοψει και τα γλυπτα αυτων θελετε καυσει εν πυρι·

6 επειδη συ εισαι λαος αγιος εις Κυριον τον Θεον σου· σε εξελεξε Κυριος ο Θεος σου δια να ησαι εις αυτον λαος εκλεκτος, παρα παντας τους λαους τους επι του προσωπου της γης.

7 Δεν προετιμησεν εσας Κυριος ουδε εξελεξεν εσας, διοτι εισθε πολυπληθεστεροι παρα παντα τα εθνη· επειδη σεις εισθε οι πλεον ολιγαριθμοι παρα παντα τα εθνη·

8 αλλ' επειδη ο Κυριος σας ηγαπησε και δια να φυλαξη τον ορκον, τον οποιον ωμοσε προς τους πατερας σας, σας εξηγαγεν ο Κυριος εν χειρι κραταια και σας ελυτρωσεν εκ του οικου της δουλειας, εκ χειρος Φαραω, βασιλεως Αιγυπτου.

9 Γνωρισον λοιπον, οτι Κυριος ο Θεος σου αυτος ειναι ο Θεος, ο Θεος ο πιστος, ο φυλαττων την διαθηκην και το ελεος προς τους αγαπωντας αυτον και φυλαττοντας τας εντολας αυτου, εις χιλιας γενεας·

10 και ανταποδιδων κατα προσωπον αυτων εις τους μισουντας αυτον, δια να εξολοθρευση αυτους· δεν θελει βραδυνει εις τον μισουντα αυτον· θελει καμει εις αυτον την ανταποδοσιν κατα προσωπον αυτου.

11 Φυλαττε λοιπον τας εντολας και τα διαταγματα και τας κρισεις, τας οποιας εγω σε προσταζω σημερον δια να καμνης αυτας.

12 Και εαν ακουητε τας κρισεις ταυτας και φυλαττητε και εκτελητε αυτας, θελει φυλαξει Κυριος ο Θεος σου εις σε την διαθηκην και το ελεος, τα οποια ωμοσε προς τους πατερας σου·

13 και θελει σε αγαπησει και σε ευλογησει και σε πληθυνει, και θελει ευλογησει τον καρπον της κοιλιας σου και τον καρπον της γης σου, τον σιτον σου και τον οινον σου και το ελαιον σου, τας αγελας των βοων σου και τα ποιμνια των προβατων σου, εν τη γη την οποιαν ωμοσε προς τους πατερας σου να δωση εις σε.

14 Θελεις εισθαι ευλογημενος υπερ παντα τα εθνη· αγονος η στειρα δεν θελει εισθαι εις σε η εις τα κτηνη σου.

15 Και θελει αφαιρεσει ο Κυριος απο σου πασαν ασθενειαν και δεν θελει βαλει επι σε ουδεμιαν των κακων νοσων της Αιγυπτου, τας οποιας γνωριζεις· αλλα θελει βαλει αυτας επι παντας τους μισουντας σε.

16 Και θελεις εξολοθρευσει παντα τα εθνη, τα οποια Κυριος ο Θεος σου θελει παραδωσει εις σε· ο οφθαλμος σου δεν θελει σπλαγχνισθη δι' αυτους· ουδε θελεις λατρευσει τους θεους αυτων· διοτι τουτο θελει εισθαι παγις εις σε.

17 Εαν δε ειπης εν τη καρδια σου, Τα εθνη ταυτα ειναι πλεον πολυαριθμα παρ' εμε· πως δυναμαι να εκδιωξω αυτα;

18 Μη φοβηθης αυτους· ενθυμου καλως τι εκαμε Κυριος ο Θεος σου εις τον Φαραω και εις πασαν την Αιγυπτον·

19 τους πειρασμους τους μεγαλους τους οποιους ειδον οι οφθαλμοι σου, και τα σημεια και τα τερατα και την κραταιαν χειρα και τον εξηπλωμενον βραχιονα, με τα οποια Κυριος ο Θεος σου σε εξηγαγεν· ουτω θελει καμει Κυριος ο Θεος σου εις παντα τα εθνη, το οποια συ φοβεισαι.

20 Και προσετι τας σφηκας Κυριος ο Θεος σου θελει αποστειλει εις αυτους, εωσου εξολοθρευθωσιν οσοι εναπελειφθησαν και εκρυπτοντο απο προσωπου σου.

21 Δεν θελεις τρομαξει απο προσωπου αυτων· διοτι Κυριος ο Θεος σου ειναι εν μεσω σου, Θεος μεγας και φοβερος.

22 Και θελει εξαλειψει Κυριος ο Θεος σου τα εθνη εκεινα απ' εμπροσθεν σου ολιγον κατ' ολιγον· δεν δυναται να αφανισης αυτους παραυτα, δια να μη πληθυνθωσιν εναντιον σου τα θηρια του αγρου.

23 Αλλα Κυριος ο Θεος σου θελει παραδωσει αυτους εμπροσθεν σου και θελει φθειρει αυτους εν φθορα μεγαλη, εωσου εξολοθρευθωσι.

24 Και θελει παραδωσει εις την χειρα σου τους βασιλεις αυτων, και θελεις εξαλειψει το ονομα αυτων υποκατωθεν του ουρανου· ουδεις θελει δυνηθη να σταθη εμπροσθεν σου, εωσου εξολοθρευσης αυτους.

25 Τα γλυπτα των θεων αυτων θελετε καυσει εν πυρι· δεν θελεις επιθυμησει το αργυριον η το χρυσιον το επ' αυτων, ουδε θελεις λαβει αυτο εις σεαυτον δια να μη παγιδευθης εις αυτο· διοτι ειναι βδελυγμα εις Κυριον τον Θεον σου.

26 Και δεν θελεις φερει βδελυγμα εις τον οικον σου, δια να μη γεινης αναθεμα ως αυτο· θελεις αποστραφει αυτο διολου και θελεις βδελυχθη αυτο διολου· διοτι ειναι αναθεμα.




Explanation of Deuteronomy 7

വഴി Alexander Payne

Verses 1-5. The evils of the soul must be persistently and utterly destroyed or they will draw away the soul from heaven.

Verses 6-11. The regenerate must only receive into their souls the truths that flow from the Lord's Divine Humanity, all else is of no avail (John 10:1-16).

Verses 12-15. The blessedness resulting from following the Divine instructions.

Verses 16-26. The necessity of utterly destroying evil out of the soul.

സ്വീഡൻബർഗിന്റെ കൃതികളിൽ നിന്ന്


Arcana Coelestia #776

ഈ ഭാഗം പഠിക്കുക

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776. '[Every] bird according to its kind' means all spiritual truth, 'flying things' means natural truth, and 'winged thing' sensory truth. This is clear from what has been stated and shown already about birds, as in 40. The most ancient people likened man's thoughts to birds, for in relation to things of the will, thoughts are like birds. Since bird, flying thing, and winged thing are mentioned here, and come consecutively in the way that intellectual concepts, rational concepts, and sensory impressions do in man, and to prevent anyone doubting that this is what they mean, let other places from the Word of a confirmatory nature be quoted, from which as well it will be evident that 'beasts' means such things as have been stated.

[2] In David,

You have given Him dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under His feet, flocks and all cattle, and also the beasts of the fields, the flying things of the air, 1 and the fish of the sea. Psalms 8:6-8.

This refers to the Lord, whose dominion over man and over what belongs to man is described in this fashion. If this were not so, what would 'dominion over beasts and birds' really be? In the same author,

Fruit tree and all cedars, wild animal and every beast, creeping thing and flying thing - they shall glorify the name of Jehovah. Psalms 148:9-10, 13.

'Fruit tree' is the celestial man, 'cedar' the spiritual man, 'wild animal and beast and creeping thing' the goods of these kinds of man, as in the present context. 'Flying thing' is their truths from which they are able to glorify the name of Jehovah. This a wild animal, a beast, a creeping thing, or a flying thing can never do. In secular literature such statements can be used as hyperbole, but in the Word of the Lord they are never just hyperbole but meaningful signs and representatives.

[3] In Ezekiel,

They start to tremble before Me - the fish of the sea, and the birds of the air, 2 and the wild animals of the field, and every creeping thing creeping over the ground, and every man that is on the face 3 of the ground. Ezekiel 38:20.

The fact that 'beasts' and 'birds' here have such meanings is quite clear, for what would Jehovah's glory be if fish, birds, and beasts were to start to tremble? Could anyone think that such utterances are holy if they did not embody holy things within them? In Jeremiah,

I looked, and behold, there was no man; all the birds of the air 2 had fled. Jeremiah 4:15.

This stands for all good and truth. Here 'man' stands as well for good that stems from love. In the same prophet,

They have been laid waste so that no man passes through, neither do men hear the voice of the herd. From the birds of the air 2 down to beasts, they have scattered, they have gone away. Jeremiah 9:10.

This in a similar way stands for the departure of all truth and good.

[4] In the same prophet,

How long will the land mourn and the grass of every field wither? For the wickedness of those who dwell in it, the beasts and the birds have perished, for men said, He will not see our latter end. Jeremiah 11:4.

Here 'beasts' stands for goods, and 'birds' for truths, which perished. In Zephaniah,

I will consume man and beast, I will consume the birds of the air 2 and the fish of the sea, and the stumbling-blocks with the wicked; and I will cut off mankind from the face 4 of the ground. Zephaniah 1:3.

Here 'man and beast' stands for the things which belong to love and good deriving from love, 'the birds of the air 2 and the fish of the sea' for those which belong to the understanding and so to truth. These are called 'stumbling-blocks' because for wicked people it is goods and truths, not beasts and birds, that are stumbling-blocks. These are also plainly referred to as man's. In David,

The trees of Jehovah are watered abundantly, and the cedars of Lebanon which He planted. In them flying things build their nests. Psalms 104:16-17.

'The trees of Jehovah and the cedars of Lebanon' stands for spiritual man, 'flying things' for his rational or natural truths which are like 'nests'. What is more, 'the birds build nests in the branches' was a common saying by which people meant truths, as in Ezekiel,

[5] On the mountain height of Israel I will plant it, and it will bring forth a branch, and bear fruit, and it will become a noble cedar, and under it will dwell every flying thing of every sort, 5 in the shade of its branches they will dwell. Ezekiel 17:23.

This stands for the Church among gentiles which was spiritual and which is 'a noble cedar'. 'Birds of every sort' 5 stands for truths of every kind. In the same prophet,

In its branches all the birds of the air 2 made their nests, and under its branches every wild animal of the field gave birth, and in its shadow dwelt all great nations. Ezekiel 31:6.

This refers to Asshur, which is the spiritual Church and is called 'a cedar'. 'Birds of the air' 2 stands for its truths, 'beasts' for its goods.

[6] In Daniel,

Its branch was fair, and its fruit much, and food for all was on it. The beast of the field had shade under it, and in its branches dwelt the flying things of the air' 1 Daniel 4:12, 11.

Here 'beast' stands for goods, and 'flying thing of the air' 1 for truths. This may become clear to anyone, for what else would bird and beast dwelling there really be? The same applies to what the Lord said, The kingdom of God is like a grain of mustard seed, which someone took and sowed in his garden, and it grew and became a big tree so that the birds of the air 1 dwelt in its branches. Luke 13:19; Matthew 13:32; Mark 4:32.


1. literally, flying thing of the heavens (or the skies)

2. literally, bird of the heavens (or the skies)

3. literally, over the faces

4. literally, the faces

5. literally, of every wing

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.