

Ezekijel 34



1 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:

2 "Sine čovječji, prorokuj protiv Izraelovih pastira, prorokuj im i reci: 'Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: Jao pastirima Izraelovim koji napasaju sami sebe! Ne moraju li pastiri napasati stado?

3 Mlijekom se hranite, vunom odijevate, ovnove tovne koljete, a stada ne pasete.

4 Nemoćnih ne krijepite, bolesnih ne liječite, ranjenih ne povijate, zalutalih natrag ne dovodite, izgubljenih ne tražite, nego nasilno i okrutno njima gospodarite.

5 I tako se ovce raspršiše nemajuć' pastira, i raspršene postadoše plijen zvijerima.

6 Ovce lutaju po svim gorama i visokim bregovima; po svoj su zemlji raspršene ovce moje i nitko za njih ne pita, nikoga nema da ih traži.'

7 Zato, pastiri, čujte riječ Jahvinu:

8 'Tako mi života, riječ je Jahve Gospoda: zato što ovce moje postadoše plijen i hrana zvijerima, nemajuć' pastira, dok pastiri moji ovaca mojih ne traže nego sami sebe pasu, a ne pasu stada mojega -

9 zato, pastiri, čujte riječ Jahvinu:

10 Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Evo me na pastire! Ovce svoje tražit ću iz ruku njihovih i neću im dati da mi više stado pasu ni da sami sebe pasu: istrgnut ću ovce iz usta njihovih, neće im više biti hrana.'

11 Jer ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Evo me, sam ću potražiti ovce svoje i sam ću ih pasti!

12 Kao što se pastir brine za ovce svoje kad se nađe uza stado raspršeno, i ja ću se pobrinuti za svoje ovce i skupit' ih iz svih mjesta u koje se raspršiše u dan oblaka i mraka.

13 Izvest ću ih iz naroda, skupit ću ih iz zemalja i dovesti ih u zemlju njihovu da ih pasem na gorama izraelskim, po svim dolinama i travnjacima.

14 Past ću ih na izvrsnim pašama, ovčinjaci će im biti na visokim gorama izraelskim; ondje će počivati u dobrim ovčinjacima i past će na sočnim pašama, po gorama izraelskim.

15 Sam ću pasti ovce svoje i sam ću im dati počinka - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.

16 Potražit ću izgubljenu, dovesti natrag zalutalu, povit ću ranjenu i okrijepiti nemoćnu, bdjeti nad pretilom i jakom - past ću ih pravedno.'

17 A vama, ovce moje, ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Evo me da sudim između ovce i ovce, između ovnova i jaraca!

18 Zar vam je malo pasti na dobroj paši te ostatak paše nogama gazite? Malo vam je piti bistru vodu te ostatak nogama mutite?

19 A moje ovce moraju pasti što vi nogama izgaziste, piti što vi nogama zamutiste.'

20 Stoga ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Evo me da sudim između ovce pretile i mršave!

21 Jer bokovima i plećima, bodući rogovima, slabe ovce guraste dok ih ne izguraste.

22 Ja ću izbaviti ovce svoje da više ne budu plijenom i sudit ću između ovce i ovce.

23 Postavit ću im jednoga pastira koji će ih pasti, slugu svoga Davida: on će ih sam pasti i bit će im pastir,

24 a ja, Jahve, bit ću njihov Bog, i moj sluga David bit će im knez. Ja, Jahve, rekoh!

25 I sklopit ću s njima Savez mira i uklonit ću iz zemlje sve divlje zvijeri, i živjet će mirno u pustinji i spavati po šumama.

26 Njih i sve oko brda svojega učinit ću blagoslovom i dat ću im na vrijeme kišu, i bit će to kiša blagoslova.

27 I drveće će poljsko donositi plodove, a zemlja će dati rod svoj. I oni će mirno živjeti u svojoj zemlji i znat će da sam ja Jahve kad slomim palice jarma njihova i kad ih izbavim iz ruku onih što ih podjarmiše.

28 I neće više biti plijenom narodima, i zvijeri ih više neće žderati, nego će mirno živjeti i nitko ih neće plašiti.

29 I učinit ću da im probuja slavni nasad, i glad ih više neće zatirati, u zemlji više neće podnositi rug narodÄa.

30 I znat će da sam ja, Jahve, Bog njihov, s njima i da su oni, dom Izraelov, narod moj - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.

31 Vi, ovce moje, vi ste stado paše moje, a ja sam Bog vaš' - riječ je Jahve Gospoda."


സ്വീഡൻബർഗിന്റെ കൃതികളിൽ നിന്ന്


Spiritual Experiences #4573

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4573. About the hells of the Sirens

What sirens are like has been described several times before [see the index]. These women are extremely malicious and have learned in the world how to simulate those who are good, as if they were angels. For the purpose of doing this they radiate good affections and thus slip in among simple spirits that relate to a person's outward qualities of thought or earthly characteristics. In this way they keep themselves in the world of spirits and can be forced out only with difficulty, for such things elevate evil spirits from hell for quite a long time and through such things they enter into people's thoughts and lead them entirely. Consequently, because they are of an inward nature, they are the very worst of spirits who take possession of a person's mind, from whom a person can never be defended except by the Lord. They act very stubbornly and fear nothing, trust in their own arts, and know how to slip in by labyrinthine gyres. They speak from these, sometimes in such a way that they are heard elsewhere than where are they really are, so that they are sought in vain. It has granted me to learn this by many actual experiences.

[2] They are of two kinds. Certain ones have the goal of ruling over others and over every society to which they can gain access, doing so by possessing and leading their thoughts. These women are the most annoying. The second kind does likewise but does not have such a wild obsession with ruling. They take freedom entirely away from those who want to have good thoughts and give freedom to those who want to have evil thoughts. These are very obscene women; they are sorceresses and are against everything good and true. Where this gang comes from has been explained before [cf. 3205 ff]. Their hell was in front at some distance toward the left there; the men who want to rule, a little toward the right, in various caverns. But I saw that their hells had been changed and moved to the back toward the left, rather deep down, from which they can never again break out and attack spirits and people on earth. They are there under a thick cloud which their tricks can in no way get through. They were forced in there in crowds of between fifty and a hundred sirens. This went on for many hours.

Above the hell, there is something like a maw with jaws that open. And the moment they arrived, it opened the maw, twisting and bending it like labyrinths into which they put themselves, and it swallowed them up and then thrust them deep under the disreputable earth there, from which they cannot emerge, this appeared to me in 1752, Aug. 5, 6., for they form snakelike connections, in which they fix themselves and then cannot be moved by others except by means of similar connections. Such it is in the other life.

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Thanks to the Academy of the New Church, and Bryn Athyn College, for the permission to use this translation.