

耶利米书 22



1 耶和华如此:你犹大王的宫中,在那着

2 大卫宝座犹大王啊,你和你的臣仆,并进入的百姓,都当耶和华的

3 耶和华如此:你们要施行公平和公,拯救被抢夺的脱离欺压人的,不可亏负寄居的和孤儿寡妇,不可以强暴待他们,在这地方也不可流无辜人的血。

4 你们若认真行这事,就必有大卫宝座的君和他的臣仆百姓,或车或,从这城的各进入

5 你们若不这些耶和华:我指着自己起誓,这城必变为荒场。

6 耶和华论到犹大王的如此:我看你如基列,如利巴嫩顶;然而,我必使你变为旷野,为无人居住的城邑。

7 我要预备行毁灭的人,各拿器械攻击你;他们要砍下你佳美的香柏树,扔在中。

8 许多国的民要经过这城,各对邻舍耶和华为何向这城如此行呢?

9 他们必回答:是因离弃了耶和华─他们的约,事奉敬拜别

10 不要为人哭号;不要为他悲伤,却要为离家出外的人大大哭号;因为他不得再回来,也不得再见他的本国。

11 因为耶和华论到从这地方出去的犹大王约西亚的儿子沙龙(在王下23:30名约哈斯),就是接续他父亲约西亚作王的,这样:他必不得再回到这里来,

12 却要在被掳去的地方,必不得再见这

13 那行不义盖房、行不公造楼、白白使用人的手工不工价的有祸了!

14 :我要为自己盖广大的房、宽敞的楼,为自己开窗户。这楼房的护墙板是香柏木的,楼房是丹色油漆的。

15 难道你作王是在乎造香柏木楼房争胜麽?你的父亲岂不是也、也施行公平和公麽?那时他得了福乐。

16 他为困苦和穷乏人伸冤,那时就得了福乐。认识我不在乎此麽?这是耶和华的。

17 惟有你的眼和你的专顾贪婪,流无辜人的血,行欺压和强暴。

18 所以,耶和华论到犹大王约西亚的儿子约雅敬如此:人必不为他举哀:哀哉!我的哥哥;或:哀哉!我的姊姊;也不为他举哀:哀哉!我的;或:哀哉!我主的荣华。

19 他被埋葬,好像埋一样,要拉出去扔在耶路撒冷的城之外。

20 你要上利巴嫩哀号,在巴珊扬声,从亚巴琳哀号,因为你所亲的都毁灭了。

21 你兴盛的时候,我对你说话;你却:我不。你自幼年以来总是这样,不从我的话。

22 你的牧人要被吞吃,你所亲的必被掳去;那时你必因你一切的恶抱愧蒙羞。

23 你这住利巴嫩、在香柏树上搭窝的,有痛苦临到你,好像疼痛临到产难的妇人,那时你何等可怜!

24 耶和华犹大约雅敬儿子哥尼雅(又名耶哥尼雅;下同),虽是我右上带印的戒指,我凭我的永生起誓,也必将你从其上摘下来,

25 并且我必将你交寻索你命的人和你所惧怕的人中,就是巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒和迦勒底人中。

26 我也必将你和生你的母亲赶到别国,并不是你们生的方;你们必在那里,

27 但心中甚想归回之,必不得归回。

28 哥尼雅这是被轻看、破坏的器皿麽?是无喜爱的器皿麽?他和他的後裔为何被赶到不认识之呢?

29 啊,啊,啊,当耶和华的

30 耶和华如此:要明这算为无子,是平生不得亨通的;因为他後裔中再无一得亨通,能大卫的宝座上治理犹大





People around a village gate, by Adrianus Eversen

Gates" in ancient times had a significance that does not hold in the modern world. Cities then were enclosed by walls for protection; gates in the walls let people in and out to do their business, but were also the weak points in the cities' defenses. In the Bible, cities on one level represent the minds of individual people. On a broader level, they represent beliefs shared by a community. The gates, then, represent openings where the Lord can feed us an understanding of truth and a desire for good. They also represent points where the hells can invade and sway us with false ideas and evil desires. We are kept in balance during our lifetimes, with influences from both the Lord and from hell. Ideally, we will over our lifetimes continue to invite the Lord farther and farther in and drive the hells back until ultimately the Lord can occupy our minds completely. And that point our belief in Him and His power and love will hold the gates and deny evil any entrance. As individuals, we at that point become angels. As communities, we at that point become part of the Lord's church. And at that point the gates become an entry point, introductory truths that allow people to enter churches and start bringing the Lord into their lives.