Jesus and the Victim Mentality

ഇതാണ് ഇതിന്റെ യഥാർത്ഥ വാചകം: Jesus and the Victim Mentality, by Todd Beiswenger


It can feel safe and comfortable to take the role of the victim, and at some point in life we've all done it. Here, we compare two stories in the Bible, one in 1 Samuel 15 where King Saul is answering to Samuel, and John 10 where Jesus talks about being a good shepherd. We can see a big difference in power between the one who claims victim-hood and the one who doesn't.

സൃഷ്‌ടിച്ചത് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ വിവർത്തനം ചെയ്‌തത്: Todd Beiswenger

സൃഷ്ടിച്ച തീയതി: 2019

കടപ്പാട്: Thanks to the Rev. Todd Beiswenger and the Hurstville New Church, NSW, Australia.

പകർപ്പവകാശം: Copyright by the author

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

ലൈസൻസ്: Used with permission - നിബന്ധനകൾ കാണുക

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Jesus and the Victim Mentality. Retrieved from:
