

Jeremia 44



1 Detta är det ord som kom till Jeremia angående alla de judar som bodde i Egyptens land, dem som bodde i Migdol, Tapanhes, Nof och Patros' land; han sade:

2 »Så säger HERREN Sebaot, Israels Gud: I haven sett all den olycka som jag har låtit komma över Jerusalem och över alla Juda städer -- Se, de äro nu ödelagda, och ingen bor i dem;

3 detta för den ondskas skull som de bedrevo till att förtörna mig, i det att de gingo bort och tände offereld och tjänade andra gudar, som varken I själva eller edra fäder haden känt.

4 Och titt och ofta sände jag till eder alla mina tjänare profeterna och lät säga: 'Bedriven icke denna styggelse, som jag hatar.'

5 Men de ville icke höra eller böja sitt öra därtill, så att de omvände sig från sin ondska och upphörde att tända offereld åt andra gudar.

6 Därför blev min förtörnelse och vrede utgjuten, och den brann i Juda städer och på Jerusalems gator, så att de blevo ödelagda och förödda, såsom de nu äro.

7 Och nu säger HERREN, härskarornas Gud, Israels Gud, så: Varför bereden I eder själva stor olycka? I utroten ju ur Juda både man och kvinna, både barn och spenabarn bland eder, så att ingen kvarleva av eder kommer att återstå;

8 I förtörnen ju mig genom edra händers verk, i det att I tänden offereld åt andra gudar i Egyptens land, dit I haven kommit, för att bo där såsom främlingar. Härav måste ske att I varden utrotade, och bliven ett exempel som man nämner, när man förbannar, och ett föremål för smälek bland alla jordens folk.

9 Haven I förgätit edra fäders onda gärningar och Juda konungars onda gärningar och deras hustrurs onda gärningar och edra egna onda gärningar och edra hustrurs onda gärningar, vad de gjorde i Juda land och på Jerusalems gator?

10 Ännu i dag äro de icke ödmjukade; de frukta intet och vandra icke efter min lag och mina stadgar, dem som jag förelade eder och edra fäder.

11 Därför säger HERREN Sebaot, Israels Gud, så: Se, jag skall vända mitt ansikte mot eder till eder olycka, till att utrota hela Juda.

12 Och jag skall gripa de kvarblivna av Juda, som hava ställt sin färd till Egyptens land, för att bo där såsom främlingar. Och de skola allasammans förgås, i Egyptens land skola de falla; genom svärd och hunger skola de förgås, både små och stora, ja, genom svärd och hunger skola de . Och de skola bliva ett exempel som man nämner, när man förbannar, och ett föremål för häpnad, bannande och smälek.

13 Och jag skall hemsöka dem som bo i Egyptens land, likasom jag hemsökte Jerusalem, med svärd, hunger och pest.

14 Och bland de kvarblivna av Juda, som hava kommit för att bo såsom främlingar där i Egyptens land, skall ingen kunna rädda sig och slippa undan, så att han kan vända tillbaka till Juda land, dit de dock åstunda att få vända tillbaka, för att bo där. Nej, de skola icke få vända tillbaka dit, förutom några få som bliva räddade.»

15 svarade alla männen -- vilka väl visste att deras hustrur tände offereld åt andra gudar -- och alla kvinnorna, som stodo där i en stor hop, så ock allt folket som bodde i Egyptens land, i Patros, de svarade Jeremia och sade:

16 »I det som du har talat till oss i HERRENS namn vilja vi icke hörsamma dig,

17 utan vi vilja göra allt vad vår mun har lovat, nämligen tända offereld åt himmelens drottning och utgjuta drickoffer åt henne, såsom vi och våra fader, våra konungar och furstar gjorde i Juda städer och på Jerusalems gator. Då hade vi bröd nog, och det gick oss väl, och vi sågo icke till någon olycka.

18 Men från den stund då vi upphörde att tända offereld åt himmelens drottning och utgjuta drickoffer åt henne hava vi lidit brist på allt, och förgåtts genom svärd och hunger.

19 Och när vi nu tända offereld åt himmelens drottning och utgjuta drickoffer åt henne, är det då utan våra mäns samtycke som vi åt henne göra offerkakor, vilka äro avbilder av henne, och som vi utgjuta drickoffer åt henne?»

20 Men Jeremia sade till allt folket, till männen och kvinnorna och allt folket, som hade givit honom detta svar, han sade:

21 »Förvisso har HERREN kommit ihåg och tänkt på huru I haven tänt offereld i Juda städer och på. Jerusalems gator, både I själva och edra fäder, både edra konungar och furstar och folket i landet.

22 Och HERREN kunde icke längre hava fördrag med eder för edert onda väsendes skull, och för de styggelsers skull som I bedreven, utan edert land blev ödelagt och ett föremål för häpnad och förbannelse, så att ingen kunde bo där, såsom vi nu se.

23 Därför att I tänden offereld och syndaden mot HERREN och icke villen höra HERRENS röst eller vandra efter hans lag, efter hans stadgar och vittnesbörd, därför har denna olycka träffat eder, såsom vi nu se».

24 Och Jeremia sade ytterligare till allt folket och till alla kvinnorna: »Hören HERRENS ord, I alla av Juda, som ären i Egyptens land,

25 säger HERREN Sebaot, Israels Gud: I och edra hustrur haven med edra händer fullgjort vad I taladen med eder mun, när I saden: 'Förvisso vilja vi fullgöra de löften som vi gjorde, att tända offereld åt himmelens drottning och utgjuta drickoffer åt henne.' Välan, I mån hålla edra löften och fullgöra edra löften;

26 men hören då också HERRENS ord, I alla av Juda, som bon i Egyptens land: Se, jag svär vid mitt stora namn, säger HERREN, att i hela Egyptens land mitt namn icke mer skall varda nämnt av någon judisk mans mun, så att han säger: 'Så sant HERREN, HERREN lever.'

27 Ty se, jag skall vaka över dem, till deras olycka, och icke till deras lycka, och alla män av Juda, som äro i Egyptens land, skola förgås genom svärd och hunger, till dess att de hava fått en ände.

28 Och allenast några som undkomma svärdet skola få vända tillbaka från Egyptens land till Juda land, en ringa hop. Och så skola alla kvarblivna av Juda, som hava kommit till Egyptens land, för att bo där såsom främlingar, få förnimma vilkens ord det är som bliver beståndande, mitt eller deras.

29 Och detta skall för eder vara tecknet till att jag skall hemsöka eder på denna ort, säger HERREN, och I skolen så förnimma att mina ord om eder förvisso skola bliva beståndande, eder till olycka:

30 säger HERREN: Se, jag skall giva Farao Hofra, konungen i Egypten i hans fienders hand och i de mäns hand, som stå efter hans liv, likasom jag har givit Sidkia, Juda konung, i Nebukadressars, den babyloniske konungens, hand, hans som var hans fiende, och som stod efter hans liv.»


სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Apocalypse Explained # 585

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

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585. And repented not of the works of their hands, signifies who did not actually turn themselves away from such things as are from self [proprium]. This is evident from the signification of "to repent," as being to turn oneself away actually from evil (of which presently) and from the signification of "the works of their hands," as being such things as man thinks, wills, and does, from self [proprium]. That this is the signification of "the works of their hands," will appear from the passages in the Word that follow, also from this, that works are things of the will, and of the understanding therefrom, or of love and of faith therefrom (See above, n. 98); also that "hands" signify power, and "their hands" self-power, thus whatever with man comes forth from self.

[2] In respect to man's self it is to be known that it is nothing but evil and falsity therefrom; the voluntary self [proprium voluntarium] is evil, and the intellectual self therefrom [proprium intellectuale] is falsity. This self man derives mainly from parents, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers, in a long series back, so that at length the hereditary, which is his self, is nothing but evil gradually heaped up and condensed. For every man is born into two diabolical loves, the love of self and the love of the world, from which loves all evils and all falsities therefrom pour forth as from their own fountains; and as man is born into these loves he is also born into evils of every kind (respecting which more may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, n.65-83).

[3] Because man, in respect to his self is such, means have been given by the Divine mercy of the Lord, by which man can be withdrawn from his self; these means are given in the Word; and when man cooperates with these means, that is, when he thinks and speaks, wills and acts, from the Divine Word, he is kept by the Lord in things Divine, and is thus withheld from self; and when this continues there is formed with man by the Lord as it were a new self, both voluntary and intellectual, which is wholly separated from man's self; thus man becomes as it were created anew, and this is what is called his reformation and regeneration by truths from the Word, and by a life according to them. (Respecting this see also The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, in the article on Remission of Sins, n.159-172; and on Regeneration, n. 173-186.) To repent is to actually turn oneself away from evils, because every man is such as his life is, and the life of man consists mainly in willing and consequent doing; and from this it follows that repentance which is merely of the thought and of the lips, and not at the same time of the will and of action therefrom, is not repentance, for then the life remains the same afterwards as it was before. This makes evident that to repent is to actually turn oneself away from evils, and to enter upon a new life (on this see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, n.159-172).

[4] That "the works of the hands" signify such things as man thinks, wills, and does from self, can be seen from the following passages in the Word. In Jeremiah:

Provoke Me not to anger by the work of your hands, that I may not do evil to you; yet ye have not hearkened unto Me, that ye might provoke Me to anger by the work of your hands, for evil to you. Many nations and great kings shall make them to serve; that I may recompense them according to their work and according to the doing of their hands (Jeremiah 25:6, 7, 14).

"The work and doing of the hands" means in the nearest sense their molten images and idols; but in the spiritual sense the "work of the hands" signifies all the evil and falsity that are from self-love and self-intelligence. "Molten images and idols" which are called "the work of the hands" have a like signification, as will be seen in what follows, where the signification of "idols" is given. As man's self [proprium] is nothing but evil, thus is opposed to the Divine, it is said, "Provoke Me not to anger by the work of your hands, that I may not do evil to you;" "to provoke God to anger" signifies to be opposed to Him, which is the source of evil to man; and because all evils and falsities are from man's self [proprium], it is said, "Many nations and great kings make them to serve," which signifies that evils from which are falsities, and falsities from which are evils, will take possession of them; "many nations" meaning evils from which are falsities, and "great kings" falsities from which are evils.

[5] In the same:

The sons of Israel have provoked Me to anger by the work of their hands (Jeremiah 32:30).

And in the same:

Ye provoke Me to anger by the works of your hands, burning incense unto other gods in the land of Egypt (4 Jeremiah 44:8).

"The works of their hands" mean here in the spiritual sense worship from falsities of doctrine which are from self-intelligence; such worship is signified by "burning incense to other gods in the land of Egypt;" for "to burn incense" signifies worship; "other gods" signify falsities of doctrine, and the "land of Egypt" signifies the natural in which man's self [proprium] has its seat, and thus whence self-intelligence comes. Thus is this Word understood in heaven.

[6] In the same:

I will speak with them My judgments upon all their wickedness, that they have forsaken Me and have burned incense to other gods, and have bowed themselves down to the works of their own hands (Jeremiah 1:16).

Here also "to burn incense to other gods" signifies worship from the falsities of doctrine, and "to bow themselves down to the works of their own hands" signifies worship from such things as are from self-intelligence; that this is from self [proprium] and not from the Divine is signified by "that they have forsaken Me."

[7] In Isaiah:

In that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall see the Holy One of Israel, and he shall not look to the altars, the work of his hands, and he shall not see that which his fingers have made (Isaiah 17:7, 8).

This is said of the Lord's coming and of a new church at that time. "The Maker to whom a man shall then look" means the Lord in relation to Divine good, and "the Holy One of Israel whom his eyes shall see" means the Lord in relation to Divine truth. The "altars, which are the work of hands, and which the fingers have made, to which a man shall not look," signify worship from evils and the consequent falsities of doctrine that are from self-intelligence. So these words mean that everything of doctrine will be from the Lord and not from man's self [proprium], which is the case when man is in the spiritual affection of truth, that is, when he loves truth itself because it is truth, and not for the most part because it gives him reputation and a name.

[8] In the same:

Jehovah gave the gods of the kings of Assyria to the fire; for they were no gods, but the work of man's hands, wood and stone (Isaiah 37:19).

"The gods of the kings of Assyria" signify the reasonings from falsities and evils, which are in accord with man's self [proprium]; wherefore they are called "the work of man's hands;" "wood and stone," that is, idols of wood and stone, signify the evils and falsities of religion and of doctrine that are from self [proprium].

[9] In the same:

In that day they shall reject everyone the idols of his silver and the idols of his gold, which your hands have made for you, a sin; and then shall the Assyrian fall (Isaiah 31:7, 8).

This describes the establishment of the church; and the "idols of silver and the idols of gold, which in that day they shall reject" signify the falsities and evils of religion and of worship which they call truths and goods; and because the falsities and evils of religion and of worship are from self-intelligence it is said, "which your hands have made for you;" that there shall then be no reasonings from such things is signified by "then shall the Assyrian fall."

[10] In Jeremiah:

Silver spread into plates is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman and of the hands of the refiner; his 1 garment is hyacinthine and purple; they are all the work of the wise (Jeremiah 10:9).

This describes the falsity and evil of religion and of worship which are confirmed by the sense of the letter of the Word. "Silver spread into plates from Tarshish" signifies the truths of the Word in that sense; and "gold from Uphaz" signifies the good of the Word in that sense; and because those falsities and evils are from self-intelligence they are called "the work of the workman and of the hands of the refiner;" the truth of good also and the good of truth from the sense of the letter of the Word, by which the falsities of evil and the evils of falsity, which are from self-intelligence, are confirmed and as it were invested, are signified by "his garment is hyacinthine and purple, they are all the work of the wise."

[11] Moreover, the work of the workman, the artificer, and the mechanic," signifies in the Word whatever of doctrine, religion, and worship is from self-intelligence. This is why the altar, and also the temple, were built, by command, of whole stones, and not hewn by any workman or artificer. Respecting the altar it is thus said in Moses:

If thou makest to Me an altar of stones thou shalt not build it of hewn stones, for if thou move a tool upon it thou wilt profane it (Exodus 20:25).

And in Joshua:

Joshua built an altar unto the God of Israel in Mount Ebal, an altar of whole stones, on which no one had moved iron (Joshua 8:30, 31).

And respecting the temple, in the first book of Kings:

The temple at Jerusalem was built of stone, whole as it was brought; for there was neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of iron heard in the house while it was building (1 Kings 6:7).

The altar, and afterwards the temple, were the chief representatives of the Lord in relation to Divine good and Divine truth, therefore "the stones of which they were built" signified the truths of doctrine, of religion and of worship; "stones" signifying in the Word truths. That nothing of self-intelligence must approach the truths of doctrine and thus worship, and consequently be in it, was represented by the stones of which the temple and the altar were built, being whole, and not hewn; for such is the signification of "the work of the workman and of the artificer;" "tool," also "hammer" and "axe" and "iron," in general, signify truth in its ultimate, and such truth is falsified chiefly by man's self, for this truth is the same as the truth of the sense of the letter of the Word.

[12] Thus much respecting the signification of "the works of man's hands;" but where "works of the hands" are attributed in the Word to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord, they signify the reformed or regenerated man, also the church, and in particular the doctrine of truth and good of the church. This is the signification of "the works of the hands" in the following passages. In David:

The works of the hands of Jehovah are verity and judgment (Psalms 111:7).

In the same:

Jehovah will perfect for me; O Jehovah, Thy mercy is forever; neglect not the works of Thine own hands (Psalms 138:8).

In Isaiah:

Thy people shall be all righteous; they shall possess the land forever, the shoot of My plants, the work of My hands, that I may be glorified (Isaiah 60:21).

In the same:

O Jehovah, Thou art our Father; we are the clay and Thou our Potter; and we all are the work of Thy hands (Isaiah 64:8).

In the same:

Woe unto him that striveth with his Former! A potsherd with the potsherds of the earth! Shall the clay say to its potter, What makest thou? or thy work, Hath he no hands? Thus saith Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, and thy 2 Former, They have asked Me signs respecting My sons, and respecting the work of My hands they command Me (Isaiah 45:9, 11).

That here "Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, the Former," means the Lord, is evident from what follows in verse 13; and "the work of His hands" means a man regenerated by Him, thus the man of the church.

[13] In the same:

Jehovah of Hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel Mine inheritance (Isaiah 19:25).

"Egypt" here signifies the natural, "Assyria" the rational, and "Israel" the spiritual; and "Assyria" is called "the work of Jehovah's hands" because the rational is what is reformed in man, for it is the rational that receives truths and goods, and from this the natural; the spiritual is what regenerates, that is, the Lord by spiritual influx; in a word, the rational is the medium between the spiritual and the natural, and the spiritual, which regenerates, flows in through the rational into the natural, and thus the natural is regenerated. In Moses:

Bless, O Jehovah, his strength, and accept the work of his hands (Deuteronomy 33:11).

This is said of Levi, who signifies the good of charity, and in the highest sense the Lord in respect to that good; reformation by means of it is meant by "the work of his hands."


1. Latin has "his," the Hebrew "their," as also found in AE 587; AC 1551, 9466.

2. Latin has "thy," the Hebrew "his," as also found in AE 706; AC 88, 878.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.