

約珥書 1


1 耶和華的臨到毗土珥的兒子約珥。

2 老年人哪,當我的話;國中的居民哪,都要側耳而。在你們的日子,或你們列祖的日子,曾有這樣的事麼?

3 你們要將這事傳與子,子傳與孫,孫,傳與後

4 剩下的,蝗蟲蝗蟲剩下的,蝻子來;蝻子剩下的,螞蚱來

5 的人哪,要清醒哭泣;好酒的人哪,都要為甜酒哀號,因為從你們的中斷絕了。

6 有一隊蝗蟲(原文是民)又強盛又無數,侵犯我的;他的牙齒獅子牙齒,大如母獅的大

7 他毀壞我的葡萄樹,剝了我無花果樹的皮,剝盡而丟棄,使枝條露白。

8 我的民哪,你當哀號,像處女腰束麻布,為幼年的丈夫哀號。

9 素祭和奠祭從耶和華的殿中斷絕;事奉耶和華的祭司都悲哀。

10 田荒涼,地悲哀;因為五穀毀壞,新酒乾竭,油也缺乏。

11 農夫啊,你們要慚愧,修理葡萄園的啊,你們要哀號;因為大麥小麥與田間的莊稼都滅絕了。

12 葡萄枯乾;無花果樹衰殘。石榴樹、棕、蘋果樹,連田野一切的樹木也都枯乾;眾人的喜樂盡都消滅。

13 祭司啊,你們當腰束麻布痛哭;伺候祭壇的啊,你們要哀號;事奉我的啊,你們要披上麻布過夜,因為素祭和奠祭從你們的殿中斷絕了。

14 你們要分定禁食的日子,宣告嚴肅會,招聚長老和國中的一切居民耶和華─你們的殿,向耶和華哀求。

15 哀哉!耶和華的日子臨近了。這日到,好像毀滅從全能者到。

16 糧食不是在我們眼前斷絕了嗎?歡喜快樂不是從我們的殿中止息了嗎?

17 穀種在土塊朽爛;倉也荒涼,廩也破壞;因為五穀枯乾了。

18 牲畜哀鳴;牛群混亂,因為無羊群也受了困苦。

19 耶和華啊,我向你求告,因為燒滅曠野的草場;火焰燒盡田野的樹木

20 田野的走向你發喘;因為溪乾涸,也燒滅曠野的草場。




Ancient of Days, by William Blake

When the Bible speaks of "Jehovah," it is representing love itself, the inmost love that is the essence of the Lord. That divine love is one, whole and complete in itself, and Jehovah also is one, a name applied only to the Lord. The divine love expresses itself in the form of wisdom. Love, then, is the essence of God -- His inmost. Wisdom -- the loving understanding of how to put love into action -- is slightly more external, giving love a way to express itself. Wisdom, however, is expressed in a great variety of thoughts and ideas, what the Writings collectively call divine truth. There are also many imaginary gods, and sometimes angels and people can be called gods (the Lord said Moses would be as a god to Aaron). So when the Bible calls the Lord "God," it is in most cases referring to divine truth. In other cases, "God" has reference to what is called the divine human. The case there is this: As human beings, we cannot engage the Lord directly as divine love. It is too powerful and too pure. Instead, we have to approach Him by understanding Him through divine truth. Divine truth, then, is the Lord in human form, a form we can approach and understand. Thus "God" is also used in reference to this human aspect, because it is an expression of truth.

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This video is a product of the New Christian Bible Study Corporation. Follow this link for more information and more explanations - text, pictures, audio files, and videos: www.newchristianbiblestudy.org