

以西結書 20



1 第七年五初十日,有以色列的幾個長老求問耶和華在我面前。

2 耶和華的臨到我說:

3 人子啊,你要告訴以色列的長老耶和華如此:你們是求問我麼?耶和華:我指著我的永生起誓,我必不被你們求問。

4 人子啊,你要審問審問他們麼?你當使他們知道他們列祖那些可憎的事,

5 對他們耶和華如此:當日我揀選以色列,向雅各家的後裔起誓,在埃及將自己向他們顯現,:我是耶和華─你們的

6 那日我向他們起誓,必領他們出埃及,到我為他們察看的流奶與蜜之;那在萬國中是有榮耀的。

7 我對他們,你們各要拋棄眼所喜愛那可憎之物,不可因埃及偶像玷污自己。我是耶和華─你們的

8 他們卻悖逆我,不肯從我,不拋棄他們眼所喜愛那可憎之物,不離棄埃及偶像。我就,我要將我的忿怒傾在他們身上,在埃及向他們成就我怒中所定的。

9 我卻為我名的緣故沒有這樣行,免得我名在他們所住的列國人眼前被褻瀆;我領他們出埃及,在這列國人的眼前將自己向他們顯現。

10 這樣,我就使他們出埃及,領他們到曠野,

11 將我的律例賜他們,將我的典章指示他們;人若遵行就必因此活著。

12 又將我的安息日賜他們,好在我與他們中間為證據,使他們知道我─耶和華是叫他們成為的。

13 以色列家卻在曠野悖逆我,不順從我的律例,厭棄我的典章(人若遵行就必因此活著),大大干犯我的安息日。我就,要在曠野將我的忿怒傾在他們身上,滅絕他們。

14 我卻為我名的緣故,沒有這樣行,免得我的名在我領他們出埃及的列國人眼前被褻瀆。

15 並且我在曠野向他們起誓,必不領他們進入我所賜他們流奶與蜜之(那在萬國中是有榮耀的);

16 因為他們厭棄我的典章,不順從我的律例,干犯我的安息日,他們的隨從自己的偶像

17 雖然如此,我眼仍顧惜他們,不毀滅他們,不在曠野將他們滅絕淨盡。

18 我在曠野對他們的兒女:不要遵行你們父親的律例,不要謹守他們的惡規,也不要因他們的偶像玷污自己。

19 我是耶和華─你們的,你們要順從我的律例,謹守遵行我的典章,

20 且以我的安息日為。這日在我與你們中間為證據,使你們知道我是耶和華─你們的

21 只是他們的兒女悖逆我,不順從我的律例,也不謹守遵行我的典章(人若遵行就必因此活著),干犯我的安息日。我就,要將我的忿怒傾在他們身上,在曠野向他們成就我怒中所定的。

22 雖然如此,我卻為我名的緣故縮沒有這樣行,免得我的名在我領他們出埃及的列國人眼前被褻瀆。

23 並且我在曠野向他們起誓,必將他們分散在列國,四散在列邦;

24 因為他們不遵行我的典章,竟厭棄我的律例,干犯我的安息日,眼目仰望他們父親偶像

25 我也任他們遵行不美的律例,謹守不能使人活著的惡規。

26 因他們將一切頭生的經火,我就任憑他們在這供獻的事上玷污自己,好叫他們淒涼,使他們知道我是耶和華

27 人子啊,你要告訴以色列耶和華如此:你們的列祖在得罪我的事上褻瀆我;

28 因為我領他們到了我起誓應許賜他們的,他們見各山、各茂密,就在那裡獻祭,奉上惹我發怒的供物,也在那裡焚燒馨的祭牲,並澆上奠祭。

29 我就對他們:你們所上的那甚麼呢?(那處的名字巴麻直到今日。)

30 所以你要對以色列耶和華如此:你們仍照你們列祖所行的玷污自己麼?仍照他們可憎的事行邪淫麼?

31 你們奉上供物使你們兒子的時候,仍將一切偶像玷污自己,直到今日麼?以色列家啊,我豈被你們求問麼?耶和華:我指著我的永生起誓,我必不被你們求問。

32 你們:我們要像外邦人和列國的宗族一樣,去事奉頭與石頭。你們所起的這心意萬不能成就。

33 耶和華:我指著我的永生起誓,我總要作王,用大能的和伸出來的膀,並傾出來的忿怒,治理你們。

34 我必用大能的和伸出來的膀,並傾出來的忿怒,將你們從萬民中領出來,從分散的列國內聚集你們。

35 我必你們到外邦人的曠野,在那裡當面刑罰你們。

36 我怎樣在埃及的曠野刑罰你們的列祖,也必照樣刑罰你們。這是耶和華的。

37 我必使你們從杖經過,使你們被約拘束。

38 我必從你們中間除淨叛逆和得罪我的人,將他們從所寄居的方領出,他們卻不得入以色列。你們就知道我是耶和華

39 以色列家啊,至於你們,耶和華如此:從此以若不從我,就任憑你們去事奉偶像,只是不可再因你們的供物和偶像褻瀆我的名。

40 耶和華:在我的,就是以色列處的,所有以色列的全家都要事奉我。我要在那裡悅納你們,向你們要供物和初熟的土產,並一切的物。

41 我從萬民中領你們出來,從分散的列國內聚集你們,那時我必悅納你們好像馨之祭,要在外邦人眼前在你們身上顯為

42 我領你們進入以色列,就是我起誓應許賜你們列祖之,那時你們就知道我是耶和華

43 你們在那裡要追念玷污自己的行動作為,又要因所做的一切惡事厭惡自己。

44 耶和華以色列家啊,我為我名的緣故,不照著你們的惡行和你們的壞事待你們;你們就知道我是耶和華

45 耶和華的臨到我說:

46 人子啊,你要面向南方,向南滴下預言攻擊方田野的樹林。

47 方的,要耶和華的耶和華如此:我必使在你中間著起,燒滅你中間的一切青和枯,猛烈的燄必不熄滅。從,人的臉面都被燒焦。

48 凡有血氣的都必知道是我─耶和華使火著起,這火必不熄滅。

49 於是我:哎!耶和華啊,人都指著我:他豈不是比喻的麼?




耶利米書 2



1 耶和華的臨到我說:

2 你去向耶路撒冷人的耳中喊耶和華如此:你幼年的恩愛,婚姻的愛情,你怎樣在曠野,在未曾耕種之跟隨我,我都記得

3 那時以色列耶和華,作為土產初熟的果子;凡吞他的必算為有罪,災禍必臨到他們。這是耶和華的。

4 雅各家、以色列家的各族啊,你們當耶和華的

5 耶和華如此:你們的列祖見我有甚麼不義,竟遠離我,隨從虛無的神,自己成為虛妄的呢?

6 他們也不:那領我們埃及上來,引導我們經過曠野,沙漠有深坑之,和乾旱死蔭、無經過、無居住耶和華在哪裡呢?

7 我領你們進入肥美之,使你們得其中的果子和美物;但你們進入的時候就玷污我的,使我的產業成為可憎的。

8 祭司都不耶和華在哪裡呢?傳講律法的都不認識我。官長違背我;先知藉巴力預言,隨從無益的神。

9 耶和華:我因此必與你們爭辯,也必與你們的子孫爭辯。

10 你們且過到基提海去察,打發人往基達去留心查考,曾有這樣的事沒有。

11 豈有一國換了他的嗎?其實這不是!但我的百姓將他們的榮耀換了那無益的

12 哪,要因此驚奇,極其恐慌,甚為淒涼!這是耶和華的。

13 因為我的百姓做了兩件惡事,就是離棄我這活的泉源,為自己鑿出池子,是裂不能存的池子。

14 以色列僕人嗎?是家中生的奴僕嗎?為何成為掠物呢?

15 少壯獅子向他咆哮,大聲吼叫,使他的荒涼;城邑也都焚燒,無人居住

16 挪弗人和答比匿人也打破你的頭頂。

17 這事臨到你身上,不是你自招的嗎?不是因耶和華─你引你行的時候,你離棄他嗎?

18 現今你為何在埃及上要西曷的呢?你為何在亞述上要河的呢?

19 你自己的惡必懲治你;你背道的事必責備你。由此可知可見,你離棄耶和華─你的,不存敬畏我的心,乃為惡事,為苦事。這是─萬軍之耶和華的。

20 我在古時折斷你的軛,解開你的繩索。你:我必不事奉耶和華;因為你在各岡上、各青翠屈身行淫(或譯:我在古時折斷你的軛,解開你的繩索,你就:我必不事奉別神。誰知你在各岡上、各青翠仍屈身行淫)。

21 然而,我栽你是上等的葡萄樹,全然是真種子;你怎麼向我變為外邦葡萄樹的壞枝子呢?

22 你雖用鹼、多用肥皂洗濯,你罪孽的痕跡仍然在我面前顯出。這是耶和華的。

23 你怎能:我沒有玷污、沒有隨從眾巴力?你你谷中的,就知道你所行的如何。你是快行的獨峰駝,狂奔亂走。

24 你是野驢,慣在曠野,慾心發動就吸;起性的時候誰能使牠去呢?凡尋找牠的必不致疲乏;在牠的分必能尋見。

25 :你不要使上無鞋,喉嚨乾渴。你倒:這是枉然。我喜別神,我必隨從他們。

26 賊被捉拿,怎樣羞愧,﹞以色列家和他們的君、首領、祭司先知也都照樣羞愧。

27 他們向:你是我的父;向石頭:你是生我的。他們以背向我,不以面向我;及至遭遇患難的時候卻:起來拯我們

28 你為自己做的在哪裡呢?你遭遇患難的時候,叫他們起來拯你罷!猶大啊,你的數目與你城的數目相等。

29 耶和華:你們為何與我爭辯呢?你們都違背了我。

30 我責打你們的兒女是徒然的,他們不受懲治。你們自己的刀吞滅你們的先知,好像殘害的獅子

31 世代的人哪,你們要耶和華的。我豈向以色列作曠野呢?或作幽暗之呢?我的百姓為何:我們脫離約束,再不歸向你了?

32 處女豈能忘記他的妝飾呢?新婦豈能忘記他的美衣呢?我的百姓卻忘記了我無數的日子!

33 你怎麼修飾你的道路要求愛情呢?就是惡劣的婦人你也叫他們行你的

34 並且你的衣襟上有無辜窮人的血;你殺他們並不是遇見他們挖窟窿,乃是因這一切的事。

35 你還:我無辜;耶和華的怒氣必定向我消了。看哪,我必審問你;因你自:我沒有犯罪。

36 你為何東跑西奔要更換你的呢?你必因埃及蒙羞,像從前因亞述蒙羞一樣。

37 你也必兩從埃及出來;因為耶和華已經棄絕你所倚靠的,你必不因他們得順利。


სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Apocalypse Explained # 507

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

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507. And all green grass was burnt up, signifies that all true knowledge [scientificum] was destroyed by the cupidities of the same loves. This is evident from the signification of "grass," as being knowledge [scientificum] (of which presently); also from the signification of "green," as being truth and living from truth, because as green grass serves as food for animals, so true knowledge serves for spiritual nourishment for man; for whatever is produced in fields, in gardens, and in plains, and serves for nourishment either for man or beast, has a correspondence with such things as serve for the nourishment of the spirit and mind, and such nourishment is called spiritual nourishment. Like things appear in the spiritual world, from the correspondence of spiritual things with natural things; and as the Word in the letter is natural, and is written by correspondences, it is here said that "the third part of the trees and all green grass were burnt up," which means in the spiritual sense that all perception and knowledge of truth and good, as well as all true knowledge [scientificum] are destroyed, by these two corporeal, terrestrial, and merely natural loves.

[2] By true knowledge [scientifica] is meant all knowledge by which spiritual truth is confirmed, and which has life from spiritual good. For by knowledges [scientifica] a man may become wise or he may become insane. A man becomes wise by knowledges when he uses them to confirm the truths and goods of the church, which are spiritual truths and goods; and he becomes insane by knowledges when he uses them to invalidate and refute the truths and goods of the church. When they are used to confirm the truths and goods of the church they are called true knowledges, as also living knowledges; but when they are used to invalidate and refute the truths and goods of the church they are called false knowledges, and also dead knowledges. Knowledges [scientiae] are only means to uses, and they are such as the uses are that spring from them. They are living knowledges when man by means of them acquires for himself intelligence and wisdom. All intelligence and wisdom is from truths that are from heaven; such intelligence and wisdom, because it is from heaven, that is, from the Lord through heaven, is living, because it is the very spiritual life of man; but from falsities there can be no intelligence and wisdom, and if it is supposed to exist in anyone, yet it is dead, because it is from hell.

[3] This has been said to make known that "green grass" signifies true knowledge [scientificum], which is living, but "grass burnt up" signifies false knowledge, which is dead. When truth and good, which come from heaven, find no receptacle in the cognitions and knowledges with man, but evils and falsities which are from hell are received, then knowledges [scientifica] are not living but dead, and correspond to grass withered and burnt up. It is similar with man himself, for a man is such a man as the cognitions and knowledges are alive in him; for from living knowledges [scientiae] he has intelligence, but from knowledges not living he has no intelligence; and if they are dead in consequence of the confirmation of falsities by them there is insanity and folly.

[4] Such a man, from correspondence, is compared in the Word to "grass," and is also called "grass" in the following passages. In Isaiah:

The inhabitants have become as the herb of the field, as the greenness of the tender herb, as the grass of the housetops and as a field scorched before it is grown up (Isaiah 37:27; 2 Kings 19:26).

In David:

The wicked are cut down in haste as the grass, and wither as the greenness of the herb (Psalms 37:2).

In the same:

As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field so he flourisheth (Psalms 103:15).

In the same:

The haters of Zion shall be as the grass of the housetops, which withereth before it is plucked up (Psalms 129:6).

In Isaiah:

The glory of Jehovah shall be revealed, and they shall see. The voice said, Cry; and he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all its holiness is as the flower of the field; the grass hath dried up and the flower hath fallen off because the breath of Jehovah hath blown upon it. Surely the people is grass. The grass hath dried up, the flower hath fallen off; but the Word of our God shall stand up forever (Isaiah 40:5-8).

This is said of the Lord's coming, and of the revelation of Divine truth from Him at that time, which is meant by "the glory of Jehovah shall be revealed, and they shall see." That there will then be no true knowledge [scientificum] and no spiritual truth with men, is signified by "all flesh is grass, all its holiness is as the flower of the field; the grass hath dried up, the flower hath fallen off," "grass" meaning true knowledge, and "the flower of the field" spiritual truth. That man is such is meant by "all flesh is grass," and by "surely the people is grass; the grass is dried up;" "all flesh" meaning every man, and "people" those who are in truths, here those who are in falsities.

[5] In the same:

I am He that comforteth you; who art thou, that thou fearest man that dieth, and a son of man that is given for grass? (Isaiah 51:12).

These words signify that all things are from the Lord, and nothing from self-wisdom and self-intelligence. "Man" means man in respect to wisdom, and the "son of man" the same in respect to intelligence; that this latter is mere knowledge [scientifia] is meant by "is given for grass."

[6] In the same:

I will pour out My spirit upon thy seed, and My blessing upon thine offspring; and they shall spring up in the midst of the grass (Isaiah 44:3, 4).

The "spirit of Jehovah" signifies the Divine truth, and "blessing" signifies its multiplication and fructification; intelligence thence through true knowledges (scientifica) is signified by "springing up in the midst of the grass."

[7] In David:

Jehovah who causeth the grass to spring forth for the beast, and herb for the service of man (Psalms 104:14).

In the same:

Jehovah who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh grass to spring forth upon the mountains, who giveth to the beast his food (Psalms 147:8, 9).

In Moses:

My doctrine shall flow down as the rain, My Word shall drop as the dew, as the mist on the grass, and as the drops on the herb (Deuteronomy 32:2).

In these passages "grass" signifies true knowledge [scientificum], and "the herb of the field" spiritual truth; for "the herb of the field" means what springs up in a field at first, that is, when it has just been plowed, therefore it is called "herb for the service of man." It is said "grass for the beast," and "as food for the beast," because "beast" signifies in the Word the affection of the natural man, and to this, true knowledge is for food and nourishment.

[8] In Job:

Behold the behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox (Job 40:15).

"Behemoth" has the same meaning as "beast" in the Word, namely, the natural affections that belong to man, therefore it is said, "behold behemoth, which I have made with thee." His spiritual pasture is true knowledge; this is meant by "he eateth grass as an ox."

[9] That "green" signifies what is living can be seen without further explanation; for any vegetable subject while it is growing, that is, while it lives as it were, is green, but when it is no longer growing, or is as it were dying, its greenness perishes; therefore "green" or "to be green" signifies living or to be living; as can be seen also from the following passages (Jeremiah 11:16; 17:8; Ezekiel 17:24; 20:47; Hosea 14:8; Psalms 37:35; 52:8; 92:10) and elsewhere.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.