

Deuteronomio 33



1 Y ésta es la bendición con la cual bendijo Moisés varón de Dios a los hijos de Israel, antes que muriese.

2 Y dijo: el SEÑOR vino de Sinaí, y de Seir les esclareció; resplandeció del monte de Parán, y vino con diez mil santos; a su diestra la ley de fuego para ellos.

3 Aun amó los pueblos; todos sus santos están en tu mano; ellos también se unieron a tus pies; recibieron de tus dichos.

4 Ley nos mandó Moisés por heredad a la congregación de Jacob.

5 Y fue rey en Jesurún, cuando se congregaron las cabezas del pueblo, las tribus de Israel en uno.

6 Viva Rubén, y no muera; y sean sus varones en número.

7 Y esta bendición para Judá. Dijo así: Oye, oh SEÑOR, la voz de Judá, y llévalo a la tierra que le es prometida; sus manos le basten, y tú seas ayuda contra sus enemigos.

8 Y a Leví dijo: Tu Tumim y tu Urim diste a tu buen varón, al cual probaste en Masah; y le hiciste reñir en las aguas de Meriba.

9 El que dijo a su padre y a su madre: Nunca los vi; ni conoció a sus hermanos, ni conoció a sus hijos; por lo cual ellos guardarán tus dichos, y observarán tu pacto.

10 Ellos enseñarán tus juicios a Jacob, y tu ley a Israel; pondrán el incienso a tus narices, y el holocausto sobre tu altar.

11 Bendice, oh SEÑOR, su ministerio, y en la obra de sus manos toma contentamiento; hiere los lomos de sus enemigos, y de los que le aborrecieren; para que nunca se levanten.

12 Y a Benjamín dijo: El amado del SEÑOR habitará confiado cerca de él; lo cubrirá siempre, y entre sus hombros morará.

13 Y a José dijo: Bendita sea del SEÑOR su tierra, por los regalos de los cielos, por el rocío, y por el abismo que abajo yace,

14 y por los regalos de los frutos del sol, y por los regalos de las influencias de las lunas,

15 y por la cumbre de los montes antiguos; y por los regalos de los collados eternos,

16 y por los regalos de la tierra y su plenitud; y la gracia del que habitó en la zarza venga sobre la cabeza de José, y sobre la mollera del apartado de sus hermanos.

17 El es hermoso como el primogénito de su toro, y sus cuernos, cuernos de unicornio; con ellos acorneará a los pueblos juntos hasta los fines de la tierra; y éstos son los diez millares de Efraín, y éstos los millares de Manasés.

18 Y a Zabulón dijo: Alégrate, Zabulón, cuando salieres; y tú Isacar, en tus tiendas.

19 Llamarán los pueblos al monte; allí sacrificarán sacrificios de justicia; por lo cual chuparán la abundancia de los mares, y los tesoros escondidos de la arena.

20 Y a Gad dijo: Bendito el que hizo ensanchar a Gad; como león habitará, y arrebatará brazo y mollera.

21 El vio para sí lo primero, porque allí estaba escondida la parte del legislador, y vino en la delantera del pueblo; la justicia del SEÑOR ejecutará, y sus juicios con Israel.

22 Y a Dan dijo: Dan, cachorro de león; saltará desde Basán.

23 Y a Neftalí dijo: Neftalí, saciado de buena voluntad, y lleno de la bendición del SEÑOR, hereda el occidente y el mediodía,

24 y a Aser dijo: Bendito más que los hijos, Aser; será agradable a sus hermanos, y mojará en aceite su pie.

25 Hierro y bronce serán tus cerraduras, y como tus días será tu fortaleza.

26 No hay otro como el Dios de Jesurún, quien cabalga sobre los cielos para tu ayuda; en los cielos con su grandeza.

27 La habitación de Dios es eterna, y debajo de brazos eternos; el echará de delante de ti al enemigo, y dirá: Destruye.

28 E Israel, la fuente de Jacob, habitará confiado solo en tierra de grano y de vino; también sus cielos destilarán rocío.

29 Bienaventurado tú, oh Israel, ¿Quién como tú, pueblo salvo por el SEÑOR, escudo de tu socorro, y cuchillo de tu excelencia? Así que tus enemigos serán humillados, y tú hollarás sobre sus alturas.




Padre y madre, que un hombre debe dejar


El padre y la madre, que un hombre debe dejar, como en Génesis 2:24, y Mateo 19:4, 5, en un sentido espiritual, son su proprium de voluntad, y proprium de entendimiento.

(Odkazy: Sobre el Amor Conyugal y Sobre el Amor Inmoral 194)

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Divine Providence # 330

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330. To show how vicious belief in predestination is, at least as predestination is commonly understood, I need to pick up these four propositions and support them.

(a) Any predestination but predestination to heaven is contrary to divine love, which is infinite. I explained in the book on Divine Love and Wisdom that Jehovah or the Lord is divine love and that this love is infinite and is the essential reality of all life, as well as that we are created in the image of God after the likeness of God. Since (as already noted [328]) we are all formed by the Lord in the womb in this image after this likeness, it follows that the Lord is the heavenly Father of us all and that we are his spiritual children. "Father" is in fact what Jehovah or the Lord is called in the Word, and "children" is what we are called in the Word. So it says, "Do not call your father on earth your father, for one is your Father, the one who is in heaven" (Matthew 23:9). This means that he alone is our Father in respect to our life, while our earthly fathers are fathers only as to the clothing of life, the body. This is why no one is called father in heaven but the Lord. We can also see in many passages of the Word that we are called his children and are said to have been born from him if we have not inverted that life.

[2] We can tell from this that divine love is in all of us, the evil and the good alike, and that therefore the Lord who is divine love must treat us with as much love as an earthly father treats his children--with infinitely more love, in fact, because divine love is infinite. Further, he can never withdraw from anyone, because everyone's life comes from him. It does seem as though he withdraws from evil people, but it is the evil who are withdrawing: he is still lovingly leading them. So the Lord says, "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. Who among you will give a stone if his son asks him for bread? If then you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in the heavens give good things to those who ask him?" (Matthew 7:7-11); and again, "Because he makes his sun rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the just and the unjust" (Matthew 5:45). It is also recognized in the church that the Lord intends the salvation of all and the death of none.

This enables us to see that predestination to anything but heaven is contrary to divine love.

[3] (b) Any predestination but predestination to heaven is contrary to divine wisdom, which is infinite. It is through its divine wisdom that divine love provides the means by which we can all be saved; so to say that there is a predestination to anywhere but heaven is to say that divine love cannot provide the means of salvation. Yet we all do have the means, as just explained, and these come from divine providence, which is infinite.

The reason some of us are not saved is that divine love wants us to feel heaven's happiness and bliss in ourselves. Otherwise it would not be heaven for us; and this feeling cannot happen unless it seems to us that we are thinking and intending on our own. If it were not for this appearance, nothing could be given to us, and we would not be human. This is the reason for divine providence, which is the result of divine wisdom stemming from divine love.

[4] Still, this does not negate the truth that we are all predestined to heaven, and none to hell. This truth would be negated, though, if the means of salvation were lacking. However, I have already shown [326, 329] that we are all given the means of salvation, and that the nature of heaven is to provide a place there for all who lead good lives, no matter what their religion may be.

We are like the earth. It brings forth all kinds of fruit: this ability is what makes it the earth. The fact that it brings forth bad fruit does not negate its ability to bring forth good fruit; though it would negate it if it could bring forth only bad fruit. We are also like an object that changes the light rays that strike it. If we offer only ugly colors, that is not the fault of the light. The light rays can also be changed into attractive colors.

[5] (c) It is an insane heresy to believe that only those born in the church are saved. People born outside the church are just as human as people born within it. They come from the same heavenly source. They are equally living and immortal souls. They have religions as well, religions that enable them to believe that God exists and that they should lead good lives; and all of them who do believe in God and lead good lives become spiritual on their own level and are saved, as already noted [326].

Someone could point out that they have not been baptized. But baptism saves only people who have been spiritually washed, that is, regenerated. Baptism serves as a symbol and reminder of this.

[6] Someone could point out that they do not know the Lord, and that apart from the Lord there is no salvation. But no one is saved because of knowing about the Lord. We are saved because we live by his commandments. Further, the Lord is known to everyone who believes in God because the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, as he tells us in Matthew 28:18 and elsewhere.

Particularly, people outside the church have more of a concept of a personal God than Christians do; and people who have a concept of a personal God and lead good lives are accepted by the Lord. Unlike Christians, they believe in God as one in both person and essence. Further, they think about God as they lead their lives. They treat evils as sins against God; and people who do this are thinking about God as they lead their lives.

Christians get the commandments of their religion from the Word, but not many of them actually take any commandments of life from it.

[7] Catholics do not read it, and Protestants who believe in faith separated from charity pay no attention to what it says about life, only to what it says about faith. Yet the whole Word is nothing but a theology of life.

Christianity is found only in Europe. Islam and other non-Christian religions are found in Asia, the Indies, Africa, and America; and there are ten times as many people in these latter parts of the world as there are in the Christian part of the world--and relatively few of these latter people make their religion a matter of their lives. What could be more insane than to believe that these and only these individuals are saved, and that the others are damned, that heaven is ours by right of birth and not by conduct of life? That is why the Lord says, "I tell you that many will come from the east and from the west and will recline with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens, while the children of the kingdom will be thrown out" (Matthew 8:11-12).

[8] (d) It is a cruel heresy to believe that any member of the human race is damned by predestination. It is cruel, that is, to believe that the Lord, who is love itself and mercy itself, would allow such a vast number of people to be born for hell, or that so many millions would be born damned and doomed, that is, born devils and satans. It is cruel to believe that in his divine wisdom the Lord would not make sure that people who lead good lives and believe in God would not be cast into the flames and into eternal torment. After all, the Lord is the Creator and Savior of us all. He alone is leading us, and he does not want anyone to die; so it is cruel to believe and think that such a multitude of nations and people are by predestination being handed over to the devil as prey under the Lord's own guidance and oversight.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.