

Josué 24



1 Y JUNTANDO Josué todas las tribus de Israel en Sichêm, llamó á los ancianos de Israel, y á sus príncipes, á sus jueces, y á sus oficiales; y presentáronse delante de Dios.

2 Y dijo Josué á todo el pueblo: Así dice Jehová, Dios de Israel: Vuestros padres habitaron antiguamente de esotra parte del río, es á saber, Tharé, padre de Abraham y de Nachôr; y servían á dioses extraños.

3 Y yo tomé á vuestro padre Abraham de la otra parte del río, y trájelo por toda la tierra de Canaán, y aumenté su generación, y díle á Isaac.

4 Y á Isaac dí á Jacob y á Esaú: y á Esaú dí el monte de Seir, que lo poseyese: mas Jacob y sus hijos descendieron á Egipto.

5 Y yo envié á Moisés y á Aarón, y herí á Egipto, al modo que lo hice en medio de él, y después os saqué.

6 Y saqué á vuestros padres de Egipto: y como llegaron á la mar, los Egipcios siguieron á vuestros padres hasta el mar Bermejo con carros y caballería.

7 Y como ellos clamasen á Jehová, él puso oscuridad entre vosotros y los Egipcios, é hizo venir sobre ellos la mar, la cual los cubrió: y vuestros ojos vieron lo que hice en Egipto. Después estuvisteis muchos días en el desierto.

8 Y os introduje en la tierra de los Amorrheos, que habitaban de la otra parte del Jordán, los cuales pelearon contra vosotros; mas yo los entregué en vuestras manos, y poseísteis su tierra, y los destruí de delante de vosotros.

9 Y levantóse después Balac hijo de Sephor, rey de los Moabitas, y peleó contra Israel; y envió á llamar á Balaam hijo de Beor, para que os maldijese.

10 Mas yo no quise escuchar á Balaam, antes os bendijo repetidamente, y os libré de sus manos.

11 Y pasado el Jordán, vinisteis á Jericó; y los moradores de Jericó pelearon contra vosotros: los Amorrheos, Pherezeos, Cananeos, Hetheos, Gergeseos, Heveos, y Jebuseos: y yo los entregué en vuestras manos.

12 Y envié tábanos delante de vosotros, los cuales los echaron de delante de vosotros, á saber, á los dos reyes de los Amorrheos; no con tu espada, ni con tu arco.

13 Y os dí la tierra por la cual nada trabajasteis, y las ciudades que no edificasteis, en las cuales moráis; y de las viñas y olivares que no plantasteis, coméis.

14 Ahora pues, temed á Jehová, y servidle con integridad y en verdad; y quitad de en medio los dioses á los cuales sirvieron vuestros padres de esotra parte del río, y en Egipto; y servid á Jehová.

15 Y si mal os parece servir á Jehová, escogeos hoy á quién sirváis; si á los dioses á quienes siervieron vuestros padres, cuando estuvieron de esotra parte del río, ó á los dioses de los Amorrheos en cuya tierra habitáis: que yo y mi casa serviremos á Jehov

16 Entonces el pueblo repondió, y dijo: Nunca tal acontezca, que dejemos á Jehová por servir á otros dioses:

17 Porque Jehová nuestro Dios es el que nos sacó á nosotros y á nuestros padres de la tierra de Egipto, de la casa de sevidumbre; el cual delante de nuestros ojos ha hecho estas grandes señales, y nos ha guardado por todo el camino por donde hemos andado, y

18 Y Jehová echó de delante de nosotros á todos los pueblos, y al Amorrheo que habitaba en la tierra: nosotros, pues, también serviremos á Jehová, porque él es nuestro Dios.

19 Entonces Josué dijo al pueblo: No podréis servir á Jehová, porque él es Dios santo, y Dios celoso; no sufrirá vuestras rebeliones y vuestros pecados.

20 Si dejareis á Jehová y sirviereis á dioses ajenos, se volverá, y os maltratará, y os consumirá, después que os ha hecho bien.

21 El pueblo entonces dijo á Josué: No, antes á Jehová serviremos.

22 Y Josué respondió al pueblo: Vosotros sois testigos contra vosotros mismos, de que os habéis elegido á Jehová para servirle. Y ellos respondieron: testigos somos.

23 Quitad, pues, ahora los dioses ajenos que están entre vosotros, é inclinad vuestro corazón á Jehová Dios de Israel.

24 Y el pueblo respondió á Josué: A Jehová nuestro Dios serviremos, y á su voz obedeceremos.

25 Entonces Josué hizo alianza con el pueblo el mismo día, y púsole ordenanzas y leyes en Sichêm.

26 Y escribió Josué estas palabras en el libro de la ley de Dios; y tomando una grande piedra, levantóla allí debajo de un alcornoque que estaba junto al santuario de Jehová.

27 Y dijo Josué á todo el pueblo: He aquí esta piedra será entre nosotros por testigo, la cual ha oído todas las palabras de Jehová que él ha hablado con nosotros: será, pues, testigo contra vosotros, porque no mintáis contra vuestro Dios.

28 Y envió Josué al pueblo, cada uno á su heredad.

29 Y después de estas cosas murió Josué, hijo de Nun, siervo de Jehová siendo de ciento y diez años.

30 Y enterráronlo en el término de su posesión en Timnath-sera, que está en el monte de Ephraim, al norte del monte de Gaas.

31 Y sirvió Israel á Jehová todo el tiempo de Josué, y todo el tiempo de los ancianos que vivieron después de Josué, y que sabían todas las obras de Jehová, que había hecho por Israel.

32 Y enterraron en Sichêm los huesos de José que los hijos de Israel habían traído de Egipto, en la parte del campo que Jacob compró de los hijos de Hemor padre de Sichêm, por cien corderas; y fué en posesión á los hijos de José.

33 También murió Eleazar, hijo de Aarón; al cual enterraron en el collado de Phinees su hijo, que le fué dado en el monte de Ephraim.




Exploring the Meaning of Joshua 24

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth

Joshua 24: The covenant at Shechem and the death of Joshua.

In the beginning of this final chapter, Joshua recounts God’s work for Israel in great detail, spanning the time before Abraham through Isaac and Jacob, the Israelites’ time as slaves in Egypt, and the exodus through the wilderness for many years, culminating with crossing the Jordan and taking Jericho.

Joshua then told the people of Israel that they were to choose whom they would serve: the gods of their fathers, or the Lord God of Israel. The people strongly affirmed that they would follow the Lord and be faithful to Him. They repeated this several times. Then Joshua told them that they were witnesses of their choice, and he renewed the covenant with them there, at Shechem. To mark the covenant, Joshua took a large stone and set it up as a witness to remind the Israelites of what they had sworn that day.

And after all of this, Joshua died, and was buried within his inheritance at Timnath Serah. Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and continued to serve the Lord for some time after. And also Eleazar, the chief priest of Israel, died.

The bones of Joseph, which had been carried by Israel since they left slavery in Egypt, were then given their final resting place at Shechem in a plot of land originally bought by the family of Joseph.

The spiritual meaning of this chapter is all about commitment and devotion in our relationship with the Lord. Joshua’s review of events at the beginning is a reminder that the Lord leads us through life, with all its trials and blessings (see Swedenborg’s work, Heaven and Hell 18). In the work of regeneration, a high state of peace and of the Lord’s presence in us is followed by a state where we are in temptation and under attack from hell. In contrast, a state of temptation in which we stand firm and depend on the Lord leads to a state of trust, confidence, and the return of the Lord’s peace (see Swedenborg’s work, Arcana Caelestia 933[2]).

Our spiritual life involves many repeated choices. This is why it is significant that the Israelites repeated their promise to serve the Lord so many times. We may feel that our decision to follow the Lord is a final one, but the reality is that we uphold (or refute) this decision in our actions each and every day. We will need to choose time and time again, even though we believe we would always choose the Lord (see Swedenborg’s work, Divine Providence 321[5]).

A covenant is a formal agreement. Biblical covenants are between people and the Lord. The Lord will always honor his part in the covenant, and we are to ensure that we will honor our part. Spiritually, the covenant is about the empowerment in declaring our commitment to the Lord. ‘This I will do.’ There is no longer any uncertainty or vagueness about our commitment to God. It has been sealed (Arcana Caelestia 1038).

The fact that Joshua commemorates the covenant with a stone also has important spiritual significance for us. A stone represents the strength and durability of truth when it becomes a permanent factor in our life. Committing to follow the Lord’s truths gives us a sturdy foundation in life.

When a story in the Bible mentions death, it always reflects the changing of some state in us. When Joshua and Eleazar the priest die, it is like moving on from a state which has served us well into a new and different state. In our regeneration, the Lord wants us to keep exploring new thoughts and decisions, so that we are always progressing and never complacent (Arcana Caelestia 1382).

The mention of Joseph’s bones at the very end of the chapter is also very significant. These bones of Joseph stand for the continuity of the Lord’s truth, wisdom and providence with us and for us. They also stand for the preservation of all that happens in a person’s life. All of these events make us the people we are, and will always keep shaping our spirit (Arcana Caelestia 6592).

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Heaven and Hell # 18

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18. The reason the Lord's divine nature in heaven is love is that love is what is receptive of every heavenly quality - that is, of peace, intelligence, wisdom, and happiness. Love is receptive of everything that is in harmony with it. It longs for such things, it seeks them out, it absorbs them spontaneously because it has the constant purpose of uniting itself with them and being enriched by them. 1 People actually recognize this fact, since the love within them surveys memory, so to speak, and draws out from it the items that agree with it. It gathers these together and arranges them within and beneath itself - within itself so that it may possess them and beneath itself so that they may serve it. It discards and eradicates, though, the items that do not agree with it.

I have been able to see very clearly that love has a full, intrinsic ability to accept elements of truth that suit it and has also a desire of uniting them to itself. This has become clear from observing people who have been transported into heaven. Even people who were simple folk in this world have arrived at angelic wisdom and heavenly happiness in the company of angels. This was because they loved what is good and true for the sake of what is good and true. They had grafted these qualities into their lives and had thereby become capable of accepting heaven and all its indescribable riches.

People caught up in love for themselves and for the world, however, have no such receptive ability. They turn away from such things, discard them, and at their first touch or inflow try to escape them. They ally themselves with people in hell who are caught up in loves like their own.

There were some spirits who doubted that love was so full and wanted to know whether this was really true. In order that they might find out, they were let into a state of heavenly love with all obstacles removed and were brought forward a considerable distance to an angelic heaven. They talked with me from there and told me that they felt deeper happiness than words could express, sorrowing that they would have to return to their former state. Other people as well have been raised into heaven, and the deeper or higher they have been taken, the deeper and higher they have penetrated into intelligence and wisdom, becoming able to grasp things that were incomprehensible to them before. We can see from this that the love that

emanates from the Lord is open to heaven and all its riches.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. [Swedenborg's footnote] Love includes countless elements, and welcomes into itself everything that is in harmony with it: 2500, 2572, 3078, 3189, 6323, 7490, 7750.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.