

Génesis 31



1 Y OIA él las palabras de los hijos de Labán que decían: Jacob ha tomado todo lo que era de nuestro padre; y de lo que era de nuestro padre ha adquirido toda esta grandeza.

2 Miraba también Jacob el semblante de Labán, y veía que no era para con él como ayer y antes de ayer.

3 También Jehová dijo á Jacob: Vuélvete á la tierra de tus padres, y á tu parentela; que yo seré contigo.

4 Y envió Jacob, y llamó á Rachêl y á Lea al campo á sus ovejas,

5 Y díjoles: Veo que el semblante de vuestro padre no es para conmigo como ayer y antes de ayer: mas el Dios de mi padre ha sido conmigo.

6 Y vosotras sabéis que con todas mis fuerzas he servido á vuestro padre:

7 Y vuestro padre me ha engañado, y me ha mudado el salario diez veces: pero Dios no le ha permitido que me hiciese mal.

8 Si él decía así: Los pintados serán tu salario; entonces todas las ovejas parían pintados: y si decía así: Los listados serán tu salario; entonces todas las ovejas parían listados.

9 Así quitó Dios el ganado de vuestro padre, y diómelo á mí.

10 Y sucedió que al tiempo que las ovejas se recalentaban, alcé yo mis ojos y vi en sueños, y he aquí los machos que cubrían á las hembras eran listados, pintados y abigarrados.

11 Y díjome el ángel de Dios en sueños: Jacob. Y yo dije: Heme aquí.

12 Y él dijo: Alza ahora tus ojos, y verás todos los machos que cubren á las ovejas listados, pintados y abigarrados; porque yo he visto todo lo que Labán te ha hecho.

13 Yo soy el Dios de Beth-el, donde tú ungiste el título, y donde me hiciste un voto. Levántate ahora, y sal de esta tierra, y vuélvete á la tierra de tu naturaleza.

14 Y respondió Rachêl y Lea, y dijéronle: ¿Tenemos ya parte ni heredad en la casa de nuestro padre?

15 ¿No nos tiene ya como por extrañas, pues que nos vendió, y aun se ha comido del todo nuestro precio?

16 Porque toda la riqueza que Dios ha quitado á nuestro padre, nuestra es y de nuestros hijos: ahora pues, haz todo lo que Dios te ha dicho.

17 Entonces se levantó Jacob, y subió sus hijos y sus mujeres sobre los camellos.

18 Y puso en camino todo su ganado, y toda su hacienda que había adquirido, el ganado de su ganancia que había obtenido en Padan-aram, para volverse á Isaac su padre en la tierra de Canaán.

19 Y Labán había ido á trasquilar sus ovejas: y Rachêl hurtó los ídolos de su padre.

20 Y recató Jacob el corazón de Labán Arameo, en no hacerle saber que se huía.

21 Huyó, pues, con todo lo que tenía; y levantóse, y pasó el río, y puso su rostro al monte de Galaad.

22 Y fué dicho á Labán al tercero día como Jacob se había huído.

23 Entonces tomó á sus hermanos consigo, y fué tras él camino de siete días, y alcanzóle en el monte de Galaad.

24 Y vino Dios á Labán Arameo en sueños aquella noche, y le dijo: Guárdate que no hables á Jacob descomedidamente.

25 Alcanzó pues Labán á Jacob, y éste había fijado su tienda en el monte: y Labán plantó la con sus hermanos en el monte de Galaad.

26 Y dijo Labán á Jacob: ¿Qué has hecho, que me hurtaste el corazón, y has traído á mis hijas como prisioneras de guerra?

27 ¿Por qué te escondiste para huir, y me hurtaste, y no me diste noticia, para que yo te enviara con alegría y con cantares, con tamborín y vihuela?

28 Que aun no me dejaste besar mis hijos y mis hijas. Ahora locamente has hecho.

29 Poder hay en mi mano para haceros mal: mas el Dios de vuestro padre me habló anoche diciendo: Guárdate que no hables á Jacob descomedidamente.

30 Y ya que te ibas, porque tenías deseo de la casa de tu padre, ¿por qué me hurtaste mis dioses?

31 Y Jacob respondió, y dijo á Labán: Porque tuve miedo; pues dije, que quizás me quitarías por fuerza tus hijas.

32 En quien hallares tus dioses, no viva: delante de nuestros hermanos reconoce lo que yo tuviere tuyo, y llévatelo. Jacob no sabía que Rachêl los había hurtado.

33 Y entró Labán en la tienda de Jacob, y en la tienda de Lea, y en la tienda de las dos siervas, y no los halló, y salió de la tienda de Lea, y vino á la tienda de Rachêl.

34 Y tomó Rachêl los ídolos, y púsolos en una albarda de un camello, y sentóse sobre ellos: y tentó Labán toda la tienda y no los halló.

35 Y ella dijo á su padre: No se enoje mi señor, porque no me puedo levantar delante de ti; pues estoy con la costumbre de las mujeres. Y él buscó, pero no halló los ídolos.

36 Entonces Jacob se enojó, y regañó con Labán; y respondió Jacob y dijo á Labán: ¿Qué prevaricación es la mía? ¿cuál es mi pecado, que con tanto ardor has venido en seguimiento mío?

37 Pues que has tentado todos mis muebles, ¿qué has hallado de todas las alhajas de tu casa? Ponlo aquí denlante de mis hermanos y tuyos, y juzguen entre nosotros ambos.

38 Estos veinte años he estado contigo: tus ovejas y tus cabras nunca abortaron, ni yo comí carnero de tus ovejas.

39 Nunca te traje lo arrebatado por las fieras; yo pagaba el daño; lo hurtado así de día como de noche, de mi mano lo requerías.

40 De día me consumía el calor, y de noche la helada, y el sueño se huía de mis ojos.

41 Así he estado veinte años en tu casa: catorce años te serví por tus dos hijas, y seis años por tu ganado; y has mudado mi salario diez veces.

42 Si el Dios de mi padre, el Dios de Abraham, y el temor de Isaac, no fuera conmigo, de cierto me enviarías ahora vacío: vió Dios mi aflicción y el trabajo de mis manos, y reprendióte anoche.

43 Y respondió Labán, y dijo á Jacob: Las hijas son hijas mías, y los hijos, hijos míos son, y las ovejas son mis ovejas, y todo lo que tú ves es mío: ¿y que puedo yo hacer hoy á estas mis hijas, ó á sus hijos que ellas han parido?

44 Ven pues ahora, hagamos alianza yo y tú; y sea en testimonio entre mí y entre ti.

45 Entonces Jacob tomó una piedra, y levantóla por título.

46 Y dijo Jacob á sus hermanos: Coged piedras. Y tomaron piedras é hicieron un majano; y comieron allí sobre aquel majano.

47 Y llamólo Labán Jegar Sahadutha: y lo llamó Jacob Galaad.

48 Porque Labán dijo: Este majano es testigo hoy entre mí y entre ti; por eso fué llamado su nombre Galaad.

49 Y Mizpa, por cuanto dijo: Atalaye Jehová entre mí y entre ti, cuando nos apartáremos el uno del otro.

50 Si afligieres mis hijas, ó si tomares otras mujeres además de mis hijas, nadie está con nosotros; mira, Dios es testigo entre mí y entre ti.

51 Dijo más Labán á Jacob: He aquí este majano, y he aquí este título, que he erigido entre mí y ti.

52 Testigo sea este majano, y Testigo sea este título, que ni yo pasaré contra ti este majano, ni tú pasarás contra mí este majano ni este título, para mal.

53 El Dios de Abraham, y el Dios de Nachôr juzgue entre nosotros, el Dios de sus padres. Y Jacob juró por el temor de Isaac su padre.

54 Entonces Jacob inmoló víctimas en el monte, y llamó á sus hermanos á comer pan: y comieron pan, y durmieron aquella noche en el monte.

55 Y levantóse Labán de mañana, y besó sus hijos y sus hijas, y los bendijo; y retrocedió y volvióso á su lugar.


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Apocalypse Explained # 827

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827. Saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast, signifies an established decree that all in the church should teach and believe nothing whatever except these things. This is evident from the signification of "them that dwell on the earth," as being all who belong to the church (See just above, n. 826; also from the signification of "the image of the beast," as being the doctrine of faith separated from good works, and worship therefrom confirmed from the sense of the letter of the Word by means of reasonings from the natural man; consequently "to make that image" signifies to make a decree or to determine that they should teach and believe only in this way; also that this has been done in the churches where the doctrine of faith separate has been accepted. This is the signification of the "image," because in the spiritual world all spiritual things may be exhibited by means of images, also by means of idols; and by these the particulars of doctrine may be portrayed, which I have also seen done. This is why images and idols have this signification in the Word. That idols signify the falsities of doctrine may be seen above (n. 587, 650, 654, 780). So here "saying to them that dwell upon the earth that they should make an image to the beast" signifies an established decree that all in the church should teach and believe nothing whatever except these things. With those who belonged to the ancient churches images were made representative of their doctrine and the worship therefrom; but the sons of Israel, on account of the proclivity of their mind to idolatrous worship, were forbidden to make them, as is evident from the Word.

[2] That it may be known that images have this signification I will cite in confirmation the following passages from the Word. In Moses:

Thou shalt not make to thee any graven image, or any image of that which is in the heavens above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters under the earth; thou shalt not bow thyself down to them nor worship them (Exodus 20:4, 5).

Ye shall make no idols to you, neither shall ye rear you up a graven image or a pillar, neither shall ye place the stone of an image in your land to bow yourselves down to it (Leviticus 26:1).

Lest ye make to you a graven image, the image of any likeness, the figure of male or female, the figure of any beast that is on the earth, the figure of any winged bird that flieth under heaven, the figure of anything that creepeth on the ground, the figure of any fish that is in the waters under the earth (Deuteronomy 4:16-18).

The sons of Israel were forbidden to make idols, graven images, and forms or figures of anything in the heavens, on the earth, or in the waters, because the ancient churches which were before the Israelitish Church were representative churches, also because the sons of Jacob were wholly external men, and external men at that time, when all worship was representative, were prone to idolatries, thus to the worship of such things as appeared before their eyes. But as the ancient churches were representative churches, the men of those churches made to themselves graven images and forms of various things which represented and thence signified things heavenly; and the ancients took delight in these on account of their signification, for when they looked upon them they were reminded of the heavenly things they represented; and as these belonged to their religion, therefore they worshiped the images. This is why they had groves and high places, and also sculptured, molten, and painted figures, which were set up either in groves or upon mountains, or in temples, or in their houses. So in Egypt, where the science of representations, which is the same as the science of correspondences, flourished, there were images, idols, and graven images, as also hieroglyphics; and other nations had the like. But when the men of those churches from being internal became external, then the celestial and spiritual things which were represented and thence signified remained as traditions with their priests and wise men, who were called magi and diviners; consequently the common people, because of the religious principle which their fathers saw in these things, began to worship them and to call them their gods. Now as the sons of Jacob were more external men than the others, and thence more prone to idolatries and also to magic, they were strictly forbidden to make to themselves graven images, images and figures of the likeness of anything existing in the heavens, on the earth, or in the sea, because all things that are in the world are representative, as flying things, beasts, fishes, and creeping things, for so far as they worshiped these idolatrously, so far they did not acknowledge Jehovah. And yet, since the church was representative with them also, the tabernacle was built, in which were placed the chief representatives of heavenly things, as the table on which were the loaves, the golden altar on which incense was offered, the lampstand with the lamps, the ark with the mercy-seat. and the cherubim above it, and the altar not far from the door of the tabernacle, on which was the sacred fire; and afterwards the temple was built, in which also all things were representative, as the painting therein, the lavers outside of it, the brazen sea under which were the oxen supporting it, likewise the pillars and porticos, with the vessels of gold, all of which they were permitted to worship as holy, provided they acknowledged the tabernacle, and afterwards the temple, as the dwelling-place of Jehovah. This was granted them to prevent their turning aside to idolatry and magic, which then existed with various nations in Asia; as Egypt, Syria, Assyria, Babylon, Tyre and Sidon, Arabia, Ethiopia, Mesopotamia, and especially in and about the land of Canaan.

[3] From this it is clear why "idols" signify in the Word the falsities of religion, and "images" doctrinals. That such things existed with various nations in the countries of Asia is made evident by the gods of Laban the Syrian that Rachel the wife of Jacob carried off (Genesis 31:19, 20); by the calves and other idols in Egypt; by the hieroglyphics there engraved and painted in temples, and upon obelisks and walls; by Dagon the idol of the Philistines in Ekron; by the idols made by Solomon, and afterwards by the kings in the temple of Jerusalem and in Samaria; and by the altars, pillars, images, and groves, among the nations of the land, which the sons of Israel were commanded to destroy, as is evident from various passages in the Word.

[4] Moreover, it was from the science of correspondences and representations:

That the priests and diviners of the Philistines persuaded them to make golden images of the emerods and mice that had laid waste the land, and to place them beside the ark, which they sent back upon a new cart drawn by kine, and that they should thus give glory to the God of Israel (1 Samuel 6 seq.).

For at that time their priests and diviners knew what all these things represented; and that the images of the emerods and mice signified the falsities of their religion, which might be atoned for by these as gifts made of gold.

[5] Doctrinals are also signified by "images" in the following passages.

In Ezekiel:

They shall cast their silver into the streets, and their gold shall be an abomination, in that they have turned the gracefulness of their adornment into pride, and have made thereof images of their abominations and their detestable things; therefore I have made it unto them for an abomination (Ezekiel 7:19, 20).

This treats of the devastation of the church by falsities and evils, which is here meant by "the sword, pestilence, and famine" (verse 15), that were to consume them. The "silver that they shall cast into the streets," and the "gold that shall be for an abomination," signify the truth of the church and its good turned into falsity and evil; "to cast these into the streets" signifies to scatter them, and "to be for an abomination" signifies to be turned into infernal evil, for this is to be for an abomination. "They have turned the gracefulness of their adornment into pride, and have made thereof images of their abominations and their detestable things," signifies that they filled the whole church and its doctrine, and all things that are contained in it, with things profane; "the gracefulness of the adornment" signifying the church and its doctrine; and "images of abominations and of detestable things" signifying all things of it, thus doctrinals, the goods and truths of which have been profaned; "abominations" are goods profaned, and "detestable things" truths profaned.

[6] In the same:

Thou didst take the vessels of thy adornment, of my gold and of my silver which I had given to thee, and madest for thee the images of a male, with which thou couldst commit whoredom (Ezekiel 16:17).

This is said of "the abominations of Jerusalem," which mean the adulterations of the truth and good of doctrine from the Word; "vessels of adornment of gold and silver" signifying the knowledges of good and truth from the Word; "to make of them images of a male" signifying to make doctrinals from falsities to appear as if from truths; and "to commit whoredom with them" signifying the falsification of them.

[7] In the same:

Oholibah committed whoredom in Egypt, she loved the sons of Assyria; she added to her whoredoms; when she saw men portrayed upon the wall, the images of the Chaldeans portrayed with vermilion, at the sight of her eyes she loved them (Ezekiel 23:3, 12, 14, 16).

"Oholibah" means Jerusalem, which signifies the church in respect to doctrine, therefore the doctrine of the church; "to commit whoredom" signifies the falsification and adulteration of the Word; and as "Egypt" signifies natural truths, which are called knowledges [scientifica], and "Assyria" rational truths, and in the contrary sense falsities, it is clear what is signified by "committing whoredom with them." As "the Chaldeans" signify the truths of the Word profaned by being applied to the loves of self and the world, so the "images of the Chaldeans" signify doctrinals that are pleasing to those loves; "portrayed with vermilion" signifies these appearing outwardly as if truths, although inwardly they are profane; "men portrayed upon the wall" have a similar signification, "a painted wall" meaning the appearance of doctrinals in externals. "Images" have a like signification in Isaiah (Isaiah 2:16; in David (Psalms 73:20; also in the following passages in Revelation (Revelation 14:9-11, 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4). (See also what has been said above about "idols" and "graven images," n. 587, 650, 654, 780, where other passages from the Word have been cited and explained.)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.