

Postanak 33



1 A Jakov podigavši oči svoje pogleda, a to Isav ide, i četiri stotine ljudi s njim. I razdeli decu uz Liju i uz Rahilju i uz dve robinje.

2 I namesti napred robinje i njihovu decu, pa Liju i njenu decu za njima, a najposle Rahilju i Josifa.

3 A sam prođe napred, i pokloni se do zemlje sedam puta dokle dođe do brata svog.

4 A Isav pritrča preda nj i zagrli ga i pade mu oko vrata i celiva ga, i obojica se zaplakaše,

5 I Isav podigavši oči ugleda žene i decu, pa reče: Ko su ti ono? A Jakov reče: Deca, koju Bog milostivo darova sluzi tvom.

6 I pristupiše robinje s decom svojom, i pokloniše se.

7 Potom pristupi i Lija i deca njena, i pokloniše se; a najposle pristupi Josif i Rahilja, i pokloniše se.

8 A Isav reče: Šta će ti čitava vojska ona koju sretoh? A on reče: Da nađem milost pred gospodarem svojim.

9 A Isav reče: Ima, brate, u mene dosta; neka tebi šta je tvoje.

10 A Jakov reče: Ne; ako sam sada našao milost pred tobom, primi dar iz moje ruke, jer videh lice tvoje kao da videh lice Božje, tako si me lepo dočekao.

11 Primi dar moj, koji ti je doveden; jer me je obilato obdario Bog, i imam svega. I navali na nj, te primi.

12 Posle reče Isav: Hajde da idemo, ići ću i ja s tobom.

13 A Jakov mu reče: Zna gospodar moj da su ova deca nejaka, i imam ovaca i krava dojilica, pa ako ih usteram jedan dan, poginuće mi sve stado.

14 Nego gospodar moj neka ide pred slugom svojim, a ja ću polako ići, koliko mogu deca i stoka, dokle dođem ka gospodaru svom u Sir.

15 A Isav reče: A ono da ti ostavim nekoliko ljudi što su sa mnom. A on reče: Na šta? Daj da nađem milost pred gospodarem svojim.

16 I tako Isav vrati se isti dan svojim putem u Sir.

17 A Jakov otide u Sokot, i onde načini sebi kuću a stoci svojoj načini staje; zato nazva ono mesto Sokot.

18 Posle dođe Jakov zdravo u grad Sihem u zemlji hananskoj, vrativši se iz Padan-Arama, i namesti se prema gradu.

19 I kupi komad zemlje, gde razape šator svoj, od sinova Emora oca Sihemovog za sto novaca.

20 I načini onde žrtvenik, i nazva ga: Silni Bog Izrailjev.





Ancient of Days, by William Blake

When the Bible speaks of "Jehovah," it is representing love itself, the inmost love that is the essence of the Lord. That divine love is one, whole and complete in itself, and Jehovah also is one, a name applied only to the Lord. The divine love expresses itself in the form of wisdom. Love, then, is the essence of God -- His inmost. Wisdom -- the loving understanding of how to put love into action -- is slightly more external, giving love a way to express itself. Wisdom, however, is expressed in a great variety of thoughts and ideas, what the Writings collectively call divine truth. There are also many imaginary gods, and sometimes angels and people can be called gods (the Lord said Moses would be as a god to Aaron). So when the Bible calls the Lord "God," it is in most cases referring to divine truth. In other cases, "God" has reference to what is called the divine human. The case there is this: As human beings, we cannot engage the Lord directly as divine love. It is too powerful and too pure. Instead, we have to approach Him by understanding Him through divine truth. Divine truth, then, is the Lord in human form, a form we can approach and understand. Thus "God" is also used in reference to this human aspect, because it is an expression of truth.

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This video is a product of the New Christian Bible Study Corporation. Follow this link for more information and more explanations - text, pictures, audio files, and videos: