

Амос 3



1 Čujte reč koju govori Gospod za vas, sinovi Izrailjevi, za sve pleme koje sam izveo iz zemlje misirske, govoreći:

2 Samo vas poznah između svih plemena zemaljskih, zato ću vas pohoditi za sva bezakonja vaša.

3 Hoće li dvojica ići zajedno, ako se ne sastanu?

4 Hoće li riknuti lav u šumi, ako nema lova? Hoće li lavićpustiti glas svoj iz pećine svoje, ako ne uhvati šta?

5 Hoće li ptica pasti u mrežu na zemlju, ako nema zamke? Hoće li se dignuti mreža sa zemlje, ako se ništa ne uhvati?

6 Hoće li truba trubiti po gradu, a narod da ne dotrči uplašen? Hoće li biti nesreća u gradu, a Gospod da je ne učini?

7 Jer Gospod Gospod ne čini ništa ne otkrivši tajne svoje slugama svojim prorocima.

8 Kad lav rikne, ko se neće bojati? Kad Gospod reče, ko neće prorokovati?

9 Oglasite po dvorovima azotskim i po dvorovima u zemlji misirskoj, i recite: Skupite se na gore samarijske i vidite velike nerede u njoj, i nasilje u njoj.

10 Ne znaju činiti pravo, govori Gospod, sabiraju blago nasiljem i grabežom u dvorima svojim.

11 Zato ovako veli Gospod Gospod: Neprijatelj je oko zemlje i oboriće ti silu tvoju, i opleniće se dvorovi tvoji.

12 Ovako veli Gospod: Kao kad pastir istrgne iz usta lavu dve noge ili kraj od uha, tako će se istrgnuti sinovi Izrailjevi koji sede u Samariji na uglu od odra i nakraj postelje.

13 Čujte i zasvedočite u domu Jakovljevom, govori Gospod Gospod Bog nad vojskama.

14 Kad pohodim Izrailja za grehe njegove, tada ću pohoditi i oltare vetiljske, i odbiće se rogovi oltaru i pašće na zemlju.

15 I udariću kuću zimnu i letnju kuću, i propašće kuće od slonove kosti, i nestaće velikih kuća, govori Gospod.






The number "two" has two different meanings in the Bible. In most cases "two" indicates a joining together or unification. This is easy to see if we consider the conflicts we tend to have between our "hearts" and our "heads" -- between what we want and what we know. Our "hearts" tell us that we want pie with ice cream for dinner; our "heads" tell us we should have grilled chicken and salad. If we can bring those two together and actually want what's good for us, we'll be pretty happy. We're built that way -- with our emotions balanced against our intellect -- because the Lord is built that way. His essence is love itself, or Divine Love, the source of all caring, emotion and energy. It is expressed as Divine Wisdom, which gives form to that love and puts it to work, and is the source of all knowledge and reasoning. In His case the two aspects are always in conjunction, always in harmony. It's easy also to see how that duality is reflected throughout creation: plants and animals, food and drink, silver and gold. Most importantly, it's reflected in the two genders, with women representing love and men representing wisdom. That's the underlying reason why conjunction in marriage is such a holy thing. So when "two" is used in the Bible to indicate some sort of pairing or unity, it means a joining together. In rare cases, however, "two" is used more purely as a number. In these cases it stands for a profane or unholy state that comes before a holy one. This is because "three" represents a state of holiness and completion (Jesus, for instance, rose from the tomb on the third day), and "two" represents the state just before it.