

Левит 25



1 И говорилъ Господь Моисею на горј Синај, и сказалъ:

2 объяви сынамъ Израилевымъ, и скажи имъ: когда придете въ землю, которую Я даю вамъ, тогда земля должна покоиться въ субботу Господню.

3 Шесть лјтъ засјвай поле твое и Шесть лјтъ обрјзывай виноградникъ твой и собирай произведенія ихъ;

4 а въ седьмой годъ да будетъ суббота покоя земли, суббота Господня; поля твоего не засјвай, и виноградника твоего не обрјзывай.

5 Что само выростетъ на жатвј твоей, не сжинай, и гроздовъ съ необрјзанныхъ лозъ твоихъ не снимай: да будетъ это годъ покоя земли.

6 Въ продолженіе субботы земли да будетъ это вамъ въ пищу, тебј и рабу твоему и рабј твоей и наемнику твоему и поселенцу твоему, поселившемуся у тебя.

7 И скоту твоему, и звјрямъ, которые на землј твоей, да будутъ всј произведенія ея въ пищу.

8 Потомъ насчитай себј семь субботь лјтъ, семь разъ по семи лјтъ, чтобы было у тебя въ семи субботахъ лјтъ сорокъ девять лјтъ.

9 И воструби трубою въ седьмой мјсяцъ, въ десятый денъ мјсяца, въ день очищенія вострубите трубою по всей землј вашей.

10 И освятите пятидесятый годъ и объявите свободу на землј всјмъ жителямъ ея; да будетъ это у васъ юбилей; возвратитесь каждый въ наслјдственное владјніе свое, каждый возвратитесь въ свое племя.

11 Пятидесятый годъ да будетъ у васъ юбилей, не сјйте и не жните, что само выростетъ на землј, и не снимайте ягодъ съ необрјзанныхъ лозъ ея.

12 Ибо это юбилей; священнымъ да будетъ онъ для васъ; јшьте произведенія полей ея,

13 Въ юбилейный сей годъ каждый возвратитесь въ наслјдственное владјніе свое.

14 Если будешь продавать что ближнему твоему, или будешь покупать что у ближняго твоего, не притјсняйте другъ друга.

15 По расчисленію лјтъ послј юбилея, ты долженъ покупать у ближняго твоего, и по расчисленію лјтъ, въ которые пользоваться можешь, онъ долженъ продавать тебј.

16 Если много остатся лјтъ, умножь цјну; а если мало лјтъ остается, уменьши цјну: ибо по числу лјтъ, въ которыя пользоваться можешь, онъ продаетъ тебј.

17 Не притјсняйте одинь другаго; бойся Бога твоего: ибо Я Господь, Богъ вашъ.

18 Исполняйте постановленія Мои, и храните законы Мои и исполняйте ихъ, и будете жить безопасно на землј.

19 Земля будетъ давать плодъ свой, и будете јстъ до сыта, и будете жить безопасно на ней.

20 Если скажете; "что же намъ јсть въ седьмой годъ? вотъ, намъ не можно ни сјять, ни собирать произведеній нашихъ."

21 Я пошлю благословеніе Мое на васъ въ шестой годъ, и онъ принесетъ произведеній на три года.

22 И когда вы въ осьмой годъ будете сјять, будете јсть произведенія старыя до девятаго года; пока не поспјютъ произведенія его, будете јсть старое.

23 Землю не должно продавать навсегда; ибо Моя земля: ибо вы пришельцы и поселенцы у Меня.

24 По всей землј владјнія вашего позволяйте дјлать выкупъ земли.

25 Если братъ твой објднјетъ и продастъ наслјдіе свое, то прйдетъ выкупить близкій его родственникъ, и выкупитъ проданное братомъ его.

26 Если же некому за него выкупить, но самъ онъ будетъ имјть достатокъ, и найдетъ, сколько нужно на выкупъ:

27 то пусть онъ расчислитъ годы продажи своей, и возвратитъ остальное тому, кому онъ продалъ, и вступитъ опять въ наслјдіе свое.

28 Если же не найдетъ рука его, сколько нужно возвратить ему, то проданное имъ останется въ рукахъ купившаго до юбилейнаго года; а въ юбилейный годъ отойдетъ отъ него и онъ опять вступитъ въ наслјдіе свое.

29 Если кто продастъ жилой домъ въ городј, огражденномъ стјною: то выкупить его можно до истеченія года отъ продажи его; въ сіе время выкупить его можно.

30 Если же не будетъ онъ выкуплепъ до истеченія цјлаго года: то домъ, который въ городј, имјющеиъ стјну, останется навсегда у купившаго его въ роды его, и въ юбилей не отойдетъ отъ него.

31 А домы въ селеніяхъ, вокругъ которыхъ нјтъ стјны, должно считать наравнј съ полемъ земли; выкупать ихъ всегда можно, и въ юбилей они отходятъ.

32 Что касается до городовъ левитскихъ, до домовъ въ городахъ владјнія ихъ: то левитамъ вјчно можно выкупать.

33 И кто выкупитъ у левитовъ, отъ того проданиый домъ въ городј ихъ въ юбилей отойдетъ; потому что домы въ городахъ левитскихъ есть ихъ владјніе среди сыновъ Израилевыхъ.

34 И поля вокругъ городовъ ихь не можно продавать, потому что это вјчное владјніе ихъ.

35 Если братъ твой објднјетъ и придеть въ упадокъ у тебя: то поддержи его, хотя бы то былъ пришлецъ и поселенецъ, чтобы онъ живъ былъ у тебя.

36 Не бери отъ него роста и прибыли, и бойся Бога твоего, - чтобъ живъ былъ у тебя братъ твой.

37 Серебра твоего не отдавай ему въ ростъ и хлјба твоего не отдавай для полученія прибыли,

38 Я Господь, Богъ вашъ, Который вывелъ васъ изъ земли Егвпетской, чтобы дать вамъ землю Ханаанскую, чтобы бытъ вашимъ Богомъ.

39 Когда објднјетъ у тебя братъ твой и проданъ будет тебј, то не налагай на него работы рабской.

40 Онъ долженъ быть у тебя какъ наемникъ, какъ поселенецъ, до юбилейнаго года пусть работаетъ у тебя;

41 а тогда пусть отойдетъ онъ отъ тебя, самъ и дјти его съ нимъ, и возврататся въ племя свое, и вступитъ опять во владјніе отцевъ своихъ,

42 Потому что они Мои рабы, которыхъ Я вывелъ изъ земли Египетской; не должно продавать ихъ, какъ продаютъ рабовъ.

43 Не господствуй надъ нимъ съ жестокостію, и бойся Бога твоего.

44 А чтобъ рабъ твой и рабыня твоя были у тебя, то покупайте себј раба и рабыню у народовъ, которые вокругъ васъ.

45 Также и изъ дјтей поселенцевъ, поселившихся у васъ, можете покупать, и изъ племени ихъ, которое у васъ, которое у нихъ родилось въ землј вашей, и они могутъ быть вашею собственностію.

46 Можете передавать ихъ въ наслјдство и сынамъ вашимъ по себј, какъ имјніе; вјчно владјйте ими, какъ рабами. А надъ братьями вашими, сынами Израилевыми, другъ надъ другомъ не господствуйте съ жестокостію.

47 Если пришлецъ или поселенецъ твой будетъ имјть достатокъ, а братъ твой предъ нимъ објднјетъ и продастся пришельцу, поселившемуся у тебя, или кому-нибудь изъ племени пришельцева:

48 то послј продажи можно его выкупить; кто-нибудь изъ братьевъ его долженъ выкупить его

49 Или дядя его, или сынъ дяди его долженъ выкупить его, или кто-нибудь изъ родства его, изъ племени его, долженъ выкупить его; или, если будетъ имјть достатокъ, самъ долженъ выкупиться.

50 И тогда онъ долженъ расчитаться съ купившимъ его, начиная отъ того года, когда онъ продалъ себя, до года юбилейнаго, и серебро, за которое онъ продалъ себя, должно отдать ему по числу лјтъ; на счету наемника онъ долженъ быть у него.

51 Если еще много остается лјтъ, то по мјрј ихъ онъ долженъ отдать въ выкупъ за себя серебро, за которое онъ купленъ.

52 Если же мало остается лјтъ до юбилейнаго года, то онъ долженъ сосчитать, и по мјрј лјтъ отдать за себя выкупъ.

53 Онъ долженъ быть у него, какъ наемникъ, во всј годы; онъ не долженъ господствовать надъ нимъ съ жестокостію въ глазахъ твоихъ.

54 Если же онъ не выкупится такимъ образомъ, то въ юбилейный годъ отойдетъ самъ и дјти его съ нимъ.

55 Потому что сыны Израилевы Мои рабы; они Мои рабы, которыхъ Я вывелъ изъ земли Египетской. Я Господъ, Богъ вашъ.


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Apocalypse Explained # 697

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697. And to destroy them that are destroying the earth, signifies hell to those who destroy the church. This is evident from the signification of "to destroy," as being, in reference to those that destroy the church, damnation and hell; for as "to give the reward to His servants, the prophets and the saints," signifies salvation and heaven to those who are in truths from good, that is, who constitute the church, so "to destroy" the earth signifies damnation and hell. Also from the signification of the "earth," as meaning the church (of which above, n. 29, 304, 413, 417); therefore "to destroy the earth" signifies to destroy the church. That in the Word the "earth" means the church has been shown frequently above, also in the Arcana Coelestia. There are many reasons why in the Word the "earth" signifies the church; that is, when no land in particular is mentioned, as the land of Egypt, of Edom, of Moab, of Assyria, of Chaldea, of Babylon, and others, the "earth" (or land) means the land of Canaan, and that land, to those who are in spiritual thought, does not suggest the idea of a land which is earthly, not heavenly, but the idea of the quality of the nation there in respect to the church. So again, when the church, or religion, or worship, is in one's thought, and from this lands are mentioned, the land is not thought of, but the quality of the nation of the land in respect to the church, religion, or worship. For this reason when a man in reading the Word mentions a land, the angels, who are spiritual, think of the church; and what the angels think is the spiritual sense of the Word; for the spiritual sense of the Word is for the angels, and also for those men who are spiritual. For the Word in the letter is natural, and yet inwardly or in its bosom it is spiritual; and whenever the natural is withdrawn the spiritual that is within or in its bosom is disclosed.

[2] Moreover, there are lands in the spiritual world, that is, in the world where spirits and angels are, equally as in the natural world where men are, and these lands are altogether alike in external appearance; there are there plains, valleys, mountains, hills, and there are rivers, and seas, and also fields, meadows, forests, gardens, and paradises; and those lands are in appearance beautiful in exact accord with the state of the church with those who dwell upon them, and they undergo changes in accord with the changes of the church with the inhabitants; in a word, there is a full correspondence of the lands there with the reception of the good of love and the truth of faith with those who dwell there. It is for this reason also that "land" in the Word signifies the church, for in that world according to the quality of the land is the quality of the church there, and correspondence is what makes it be so. In that world the land itself makes one with the church, as a correspondent with its own thing to which it corresponds, just as an effect does with its effecting cause, as the eye with its sight, as speech with its understanding, as action with the will, as the expression of the face with the affection of the thought, in a word, as the instrumental with its principal, of which it is said that they make one thing; so in the spiritual world the quality of the land makes one with that of the church. From this it is clear why in the Word "land (or earth)" signifies the church, and "to destroy the earth" signifies here to destroy the church.

[3] So also in the following passages. In Isaiah:

Is this the man that maketh the earth to tremble, that maketh the kingdoms to quake, that made the world a wilderness, and threw down the cities thereof? Thou hast destroyed thy land, thou hast slain thy people (Isaiah 14:16, 17, 20.)

This is said of Lucifer, by whom Babylon is here meant, as is evident from what here precedes and follows; and "the earth that he maketh to tremble and that he destroyed" signifies the church; the "kingdoms that he maketh to quake" signify the churches into which the general church is divided; the "world that he made a wilderness" signifies the church in general; the "cities that he threw down" signify its truths of doctrine; and the "people that he slew" signify the men of the church whose spiritual life he destroyed.

[4] In Jeremiah:

Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, destroying the whole earth (Jeremiah 51:25).

This, too, is said of Babylon, which is called a destroying mountain, because a "mountain" signifies the love of ruling, here over heaven and earth, which the goods and truths of the church are made to serve as means; therefore "to destroy the whole earth" signifies to destroy the church.

[5] In Daniel:

The fourth beast coming up out of the sea shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down and break it in pieces (Daniel 7:23).

This beast, too, signifies the love of ruling over the whole heaven and the whole earth, which love those have who are of Babylon (See above, n. 316, 556); therefore "to devour," "to tread down," and "to break in pieces the earth," signifies to destroy the church utterly. Who does not see that no beast is to come up out of the sea and devour and tread down and break in pieces the whole earth, but that it is some evil and diabolical love that will do thus to the church? In Moses:

There shall not be anymore a flood to destroy the earth (Genesis 9:11).

Here again "the earth" also signifies the church that was destroyed by the antediluvians, but was not again to be destroyed.

[6] In Isaiah:

Jehovah maketh the earth void and maketh it empty, and He shall overturn the faces thereof. In emptying the earth shall be emptied, and in spoiling it shall be spoiled; the habitable earth shall mourn, shall be confounded; the world shall languish, shall be confounded; the earth itself shall be profaned because they have transgressed the laws, overstepped the statute, made void the covenant of eternity, therefore a malediction shall devour the earth. The floodgates from on high are opened, and the foundations of the earth quake; in breaking the earth is broken, in moving the earth is moved, in staggering the earth shall stagger as a drunkard, and it shall be moved to and fro as a balance (Isaiah 24:1, 3-6, 18-20).

Anyone can see that "the earth" here does not mean the earth, but the church. This is said of the church, because the earths (or lands) in the spiritual world, upon which angels and spirits dwell, undergo such changes as are here described according to the changes of state of the church with those who dwell there; they are even moved accordingly. It is said that "Jehovah maketh the earth void and maketh it empty," also that "in emptying it shall be emptied, and in spoiling it shall be spoiled," because the lands there, when the church is laid waste with those who dwell upon them, altogether change their appearance; the paradises, flower gardens, lawns, and the like, with which they before flourished disappear, and things that are unpleasant, such as sandy and rocky places, and plains full of brambles and briars, and like things corresponding to the falsities and evils that have devastated the church, spring up in their place. The devastation of the church in respect to the good of love and charity is signified by "making the earth void," and its desolation in respect to the truths of doctrine and faith is signified by "making it empty and spoiling it," and the change itself by "overturning its faces." "The habitable earth shall mourn, shall be confounded, the world shall languish, shall be confounded, a malediction shall devour the earth," signifies that nothing shall there grow and flourish, but that it shall become barren and filled with useless things, on account of which the earth is said "to mourn, to languish, and to be devoured with a malediction." Because this takes place when those that dwell there have no longer any regard for the holy things of the church, it is said, "because they have transgressed the laws, overstepped the statute, made void the covenant of eternity." Because there the lands are sometimes overflowed, sometimes shaken, and also here and there gape and open towards the hell that lies below and that lifts itself up, and this takes place according to the quality and quantity of the falsities and evils that are loved, and the consequent falsification and denial of the goods and truths of the church, therefore it is said that "the floodgates from on high shall be opened, the foundations of the earth shall quake, the earth shall be broken, and shall stagger like a drunkard," and these things actually take place in the spiritual world, when the state of the church there is changed into a contrary state. From this it can be seen why "the earth" here and elsewhere in the Word, means the church.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

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Apocalypse Explained # 288

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288. Verse 9. And when the animals gave glory and honor and thanksgiving, signifies Divine truth and Divine good and glorification. This is evident from the signification of "glory and honor," as being, in reference to the Lord, Divine truth and Divine good; "glory" being Divine truth, and "honor" Divine good (of which presently); and from the signification of "thanksgiving," as being glorification. Let it first be told what is here meant by glorification. Glorification, when it is from the Lord, is a perpetual influx with angels and men of Divine good with Divine truth; and glorification of the Lord among angels and men is reception and acknowledgment in heart that all good and all truth are from the Lord, and thence all intelligence, wisdom, and blessedness; this in the spiritual sense is what "giving thanks" signifies. Moreover, all glorification of the Lord by the angels of heaven and by the men of the church is not from themselves, but flows in from the Lord. Glorification that is from men and not from the Lord is not from the heart, but only from the activity of the memory, and thus from the mouth; and what goes forth from the memory and the mouth only, and not through them from the heart, is not heard in heaven, thus is not received by the Lord, but goes out into the world like any other sonorous words. This glorification is not an acknowledgment in heart that all good and all truth are from the Lord. It is said an acknowledgment in heart, which means from the life of the love; for "heart," in the Word, signifies love, and love is a life according to the Lord's precepts; when man is in this life, then there is glorification of the Lord, which is acknowledgment from the heart that all good and truth is from the Lord. This is meant by "being glorified," in John:

If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will and it shall be done unto you. Herein is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit, and that ye be My disciples (John 15:7-8).

[2] "The four animals," which were cherubim, "gave glory and honor and thanksgiving," because Divine truth and Divine good and glorification, which are signified by glory, honor, and thanksgiving, proceed and flow in from the Lord; for these cherubim signify the Lord in respect to providence and guard (See above, n. 277); and they were "in the midst of the throne, and around the throne" (as is manifest from verse 6), and the Lord was "upon the throne" (verse 2); from which it is clear that these things were from the Lord; but reception and acknowledgment in heart are meant by the words of the verse following, where it is said, that when these things had been heard, "the four and twenty elders fell down before Him that sitteth on the throne, and worshipped Him that liveth unto ages of ages, and cast their crowns before the throne."

[3] In the Word, "glory and honor" is a frequent expression, and "glory" everywhere signifies truth, and "honor" good. The two are mentioned together because in the particulars of the Word there is a heavenly marriage, which is the conjunction of truth and good. There is this marriage in the particulars of the Word, because the Divine that proceeds from the Lord is Divine truth united to Divine good; and because these together make heaven and also make the church, therefore this marriage is in the particulars of the Word; so also in the particulars of the Word is the Divine from the Lord, and the Lord Himself; this is why the Word is most holy. (That there is such a marriage in the particulars of the Word, see above, n. 238; and Arcana Coelestia, n. 2516, Arcana Coelestia 2712, 2712, 3004, 3005, 3009, 4138, 5138, 5194, 5502, 6343, 7022, 7945, 8339, 9263, 9314)

[4] That "glory" signifies Divine truth from the Lord, see above (n. 33); that "honor" signifies Divine good follows from what has been said concerning the heavenly marriage in the particulars of the Word; as can also be seen from the following passages. In David:

Jehovah made the heavens; glory and honor are before Him; strength and splendor are in His sanctuary (Psalms 96:5-6).

By "the heavens" the Divine that proceeds from the Lord is meant, since the heavens are from His Divine; and as the Divine that proceeds and makes the heavens is Divine truth and Divine good, it is said, "glory and honor are before Him;" "sanctuary" means the church; Divine good and Divine truth therein are meant by "strength and splendor." (That the Divine of the Lord makes the heavens, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 7-12; and that the Divine of the Lord in the heavens is Divine truth and Divine good, n. 7, 13, 133, 137, 139-140.)

[5] In the same:

O Jehovah God, Thou art very great; Thou hast put on glory and honor (Psalms 104:1).

"To put on glory and honor" signifies, in reference to Jehovah, His girding Himself with Divine truth and Divine good, for these proceed from Him, and thus gird Him, and make the heavens; therefore in the Word they are called "His vesture" and "His covering" (See above, n. 65, 271).

[6] In the same:

The works of Jehovah are great. Glory and honor are His work (Psalms 111:2-3

"The works of Jehovah" mean all things that proceed from Him and are done by Him; and as these are referable to Divine truth and Divine good, it is said, "His work is glory and honor."

[7] In the same:

Generation to generation shall praise Thy works, and shall declare Thy mighty acts. Upon the honor of the magnificence of Thy glory and the words of Thy wonders will I meditate. And I will make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, and the glory of the honor of His kingdom (Psalms 145:4-5, 12).

"The honor of the magnificence of glory" means Divine good united to Divine truth; and "the glory of the honor" means Divine truth united to Divine good. This is so said because the unition is reciprocal; for Divine good proceeds from the Lord united to Divine truth; but by the angels in heaven and by the men of the church Divine truth is received and is united to Divine good; it is therefore said, "the glory of the honor of His kingdom," for "His kingdom" means heaven and the church.

[8] In the same:

Glory and honor wilt thou lay upon Him; for thou settest Him blessings forever (Psalms 21:5, 6).

These things were said of the Lord, and "glory and honor upon Him" means all Divine truth and Divine good.

[9] In the same:

Gird Thy sword upon the thigh, O mighty One in Thy glory and honor. And in Thy honor mount, ride upon the word of truth (Psalms 45:3, 4).

This also is said of the Lord; "to gird the sword upon the thigh" signifies Divine truth combating from Divine good (that this is signified by "sword upon the thigh," see Arcana Coelestia 10488); and because the Lord from Divine truth subjugated the hells, and brought the heavens into order, He is said to be "mighty in glory and honor," and also "in honor mount and ride upon the word of truth;" this signifies to act from Divine good through Divine truth.

[10] In the same:

Thou hast made Him to be a little less than the angels, but thou hast crowned Him with glory and honor (Psalms 8:5). This also is said of the Lord; His state of humiliation is described by "thou hast made Him to be a little less than the angels," and His state of glorification by "thou hast crowned Him with glory and honor." "Glorifying" means uniting the Divine Itself to His Human, and also making His Human Divine.

[11] In Isaiah:

Rejoice, ye wilderness and dry place, and let the plain of the desert exult and blossom as the rose, in blossoming let it blossom and exalt; the glory of Lebanon has been given to it, the honor of Carmel and Sharon: they shall see the glory of Jehovah, and the honor of our God (Isaiah 35:1, 2).

This treats of the enlightenment of the Gentiles; that ignorance of truth and good is signified by "the wilderness and the dry place;" their joy in consequence of instruction in truths and enlightenment is signified by "rejoicing, exulting, and blossoming;" "the glory of Lebanon given to them" signifies Divine truth; and "the honor of Carmel and Sharon" signifies Divine good which they receive; this is why it is also said "they shall see the glory of Jehovah, and the honor of our God."

[12] In Revelation:

The nations that have been saved shall walk by its light, and the kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honor to it. And the glory and honor of the nations shall be brought into it (Revelation 21:24, 26).

This is said of the New Jerusalem, by which a new church in the heavens and on earth is signified; "nations" there signify all who are in good; and the "kings of the earth" all who are in truths from good; it is said of both that "they shall bring their glory and honor into it," which means worship from the good of love to the Lord and from the truths of faith which are from the good of charity towards the neighbor.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.