

Бытие 31



1 И услышалъ Іаковъ слова сыновъ Лавановыхъ, которые говорили: Іаковъ завладјлъ всјмъ, что было у отца нашего, и изъ имјнія отца нашего составилъ все богатство сіе.

2 Іаковъ увидјлъ, что и Лаванъ уже не такъ смотритъ на него, какъ вчера и третьяго дня.

3 И сказалъ Іегова Іакову: возвратись въ землю отцевъ твоихъ, и на родину твою; и Я буду съ тобою.

4 Тогда Іаковъ, пославъ, призвалъ Рахиль и Лію въ поле, къ стаду мелкаго скота своего;

5 и сказалъ имъ: я вижу, что отецъ вашъ смотритъ на меня не такъ, какъ вчера и третьяго дня. Но Богъ отца моего со мною.

6 Вы сами знаете, что я всјми силами работалъ отцу вашему.

7 А отецъ вашъ обманулъ меня, и разъ десять перемјнялъ награду мою. Но Богъ не попустилъ ему сдјлать мнј зло.

8 Скажетъ ли онъ, что скотъ, который съ крапинами будетъ тебј въ награду; скотъ рождается все съ крапинами. Скажетъ ли: пестрый будетъ тебј въ награду; скотъ рождается все пестрый.

9 И отнялъ Богъ скотъ у отца вашего, и отдалъ мнј.

10 Однажды въ такое время, когда скотъ зачинаетъ, я взглянулъ, и увидјлъ во снј козловъ пестрыхъ, съ крапинами и пятнами, скачущихъ на скотъ.

11 Ангелъ Божій сказалъ мнј во снј: Іаковъ! я отвјчалъ: вотъ я.

12 Онъ сказалъ: возведи очи твои, и посмотри; всј козлы, скачущіе на скотинъ, суть пестрые, съ крапинами, и съ пятнами; ибо Я вижу все, что Лаванъ дјлаетъ съ тобою.

13 Я Богъ Веѕиля, гдј ты возлилъ елей на памятникъ, и гдј ты далъ Мнј објтъ. Теперь встань, поди изъ земли сей, и возвратися въ землю рожденія твоего.

14 Рахиль и Лія сказали ему въ отвјтъ: есть ли уже намъ доля, или наслјдство въ домј отца нашего?

15 Не за чужихъ ли онъ насъ почитаетъ? ибо онъ продалъ насъ, и серебро наше съјлъ.

16 Все богатство, которое Богъ отнялъ у отца нашего, есть наше и дјтей нашихъ. И такъ дјлай все, что Богъ повелјлъ тебј.

17 Тогда Іаковъ всталъ, и посадилъ дјтей своихъ и женъ своихъ на верблюдовъ;

18 и взялъ съ собою весь скотъ свой, и все богатство свое, которое пріобрјлъ; скотъ собственный его, который онъ пріобрјлъ въ Падан-Арамј; и пошелъ къ Исааку, отцу своему, въ землю Ханаанскую.

19 И какъ Лаванъ пошелъ стричь скотъ свой: то Рахиль украла идоловъ, которые были у отца ея.

20 И Іаковъ укрылся отъ проницаніа Лавана Арамеянина, поелику не далъ ему знать, что удаляется.

21 И ушелъ со всјмъ, что у него было; и вставъ перешелъ рјку, и пошелъ прямо къ горј Галаадъ

22 На третій день сказали Лавану, что Іаковъ ушелъ.

23 Посему онъ взялъ съ собою сродниковъ своихъ, и гнался за нимъ семь дней, и догналъ его на горј Галаадъ.

24 Но Богъ пришелъ къ Лавану Арамеянину ночью, во снј, и сказалъ ему: берегись, не говори вопреки Іакову ни худаго, ни добраго.

25 Итакъ, когда Лаванъ догналъ Іакова, и когда Іаковъ поставилъ шатеръ свой на горј, а также и Лаванъ расположился съ сродниками своими на горј Галаадъ:

26 тогда Лаванъ сказалъ Іакову: что ты сдјлалъ? для чего ты укрылся отъ меня, и увелъ дочерей моихъ, какъ будто взятыхъ въ плјнъ оружіемъ?

27 Зачјмъ ты убјжалъ тайно, и укрылся отъ меня, и не сказалъ мнј? Я отпустилъ бы тебя съ веселіемъ и съ пјснями, съ тимпаномъ и съ гуслями.

28 Ты не позволилъ мнј даже поцјловать внуковъ моихъ и дочерей моихъ! Это неблагоразумно ты сдјлалъ.

29 Есть въ рукј моей сила сдјлать вамъ зло, но Богъ отца вашего вчера говорилъ ко мнј, и сказалъ: берегись, не говори вопреки Іакову ни худаго, ни добраго.

30 Но пустъ бы ты ушелъ, потому что ты нетерпјливо захотјлъ быть въ домј отца твоего: зачјмъ ты укралъ боговъ моихъ?

31 Іаковъ сказалъ въ отвјтъ Лавану: я ушелъ, потому что боялся; ибо я сказалъ самъ въ себј: не отнялъ бы ты у меня дочерей своихъ.

32 Боговъ же твоихъ, если у кого найдешь, тотъ да не будетъ живъ. При сродникахъ нашихъ узнавай свое въ томъ, что есть у меня, и бери себј. А того не зналъ Іаковъ, что Рахиль украла ихъ.

33 Итакъ Лаванъ ходилъ въ шатеръ Іакова, и въ шатеръ Ліи, и въ шатеръ двухъ рабынь, и не нашелъ ничего. И вышедши изъ шатра Ліи, вошелъ въ шатеръ Рахили.

34 Рахиль же взяла идоловъ и положила ихъ подъ верблюжье сјдло, и сјла на нихъ. И обыскалъ Лаванъ весь шатеръ; но не нашелъ.

35 Она же сказала отцу своему: да не прогнјвается господинъ мой, видя, что я не могу встать предъ тобою; ибо у меня обыкновенное женское. Такимъ образомъ онъ искалъ, но не нашелъ идоловъ.

36 Тогда Іаковъ осердился,. и вступилъ въ споръ съ Лаваномъ. И началъ Іаковъ говорить, и сказалъ Лавану: какая вина моя, какой грјхъ мой, что ты преслјдуешь меня?

37 Ты осмотрјлъ у меня всј вещи; что нашелъ ты изъ всјхъ вещей твоего дома? Покажи здјсь передъ сродниками твоими и передъ сродниками моими; пусть они разсудятъ обоихъ насъ.

38 Двадцать лјтъ я жилъ у тебя; овцы твои и козы твои не выкидывали; овновъ стада твоего я не јлъ.

39 Разтерзаннаго звјремъ я не носилъ тебј; это была моя бјда, ты съ меня взыскивалъ, днемъ ли что пропало, ночью ли пропало.

40 Я томился днемъ отъ жара, а ночью отъ стужи; и сонъ убјгалъ отъ глазъ моихъ.

41 Таковы мои двадцать лјтъ въ домј твоемъ. Я работалъ тебј четырнадцать лјтъ за двухъ дочерей твоихъ, и шесть лјтъ за скотъ твой; а ты десять разъ перемјнялъ награду мою.

42 Еслибы не былъ со мною Богъ отца моего, Богъ Авраама и страхъ Исаака; ты бы теперь отпустилъ меня ни съ чјмъ. Богъ увидјлъ бјдствіе мое, и трудъ рукъ моихъ; и вступился за меня вчера.

43 Лаванъ сказалъ въ отвјтъ: дочери, дочери мои; дјти, дјти мои; скотъ, скотъ мой; все что ты видишь, это мое; но что мнј дјлать теперь съ дочерьми моими и съ дјтьми ихъ, которые рождены ими?

44 Итакъ, сдјлаемъ теперь завјтъ, ты и я; и это будетъ свидјтельствомъ между мною и тобою.

45 И взялъ Іаковъ камень, и поставилъ его въ памятникъ.

46 И сказалъ Іаковъ сродникамъ своимъ: наберите камней. Они набрали камней, и сдјлали холмъ, и јли тамъ на холмј.

47 И назвалъ его Лаванъ: Іегар-Сагадуѕа; а Іаковъ назвалъ его Галаадомъ.

48 И сказалъ Лаванъ: этотъ холмъ свидјтель между мною и тобою сего дня; посему и наречено ему имя: Галаадъ;

49 также Мицфа, отъ того, что Лаванъ сказалъ: да надзираетъ Іегова надо мною и надъ тобою, когда мы скроемся другъ отъ друга.

50 Если ты будешь худо поступать съ дочерями моими, или если возмешь женъ, сверхъ дочерей моихъ: то смотри, человјка нјтъ между нами: Богъ свидјтель между мною и между тобою.

51 И еще сказалъ Лаванъ Іакову: вотъ холмъ сей, и вотъ памятникъ сей, который я поставилъ между мною и тобою.

52 Этотъ холмъ свидјтель, и этотъ памятникъ свидјтель, что ни я не перейду къ тебј за этотъ холмъ, ни ты не перейдешь ко мнј за этотъ холмъ, и за этотъ памятникъ съ злымъ намјреніемъ.

53 Богъ Авраамовъ и Богъ Нахоровъ, да судитъ насъ, Богъ отца ихъ. Тогда Іаковъ поклялся страхомъ отца своего Исаака;

54 и закололъ Іаковъ жертву на горј, и позвалъ сродниковъ своихъ јсть хлјба; и они јли хлјбъ, и ночевали на горј.

55 Вставъ поутру, Лаванъ поцјловалъ внуковъ своихъ и дочерей своихъ, и благословилъ ихъ, потомъ пошелъ, и возвратился Лаванъ въ свое мјсто.


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Arcana Coelestia # 4061

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4061. Genesis 31

1. And he 1 heard the words of Laban's sons, saying, Jacob has taken all that belonged to our father, and from what belonged to our father he has gained all this wealth.

2. And Jacob saw Laban's face, and behold, he was not at all friendly towards him as before. 2

3. And Jehovah said to Jacob, Return to the land of your fathers, and to [the place of] your nativity, and I will be with you.

4. And Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah to the field, to his flock.

5. And he said to them, I see your father's face, that it is not at all friendly towards me as before; 3 and the God of my father has been with me.

6. And you yourselves know that with all my strength I have served your father.

7. And your father has deceived me, and has changed my wages in ten ways, and God has not allowed him to do evil to me.

8. If he said thus: The speckled will be your wages, then all the flocks bore speckled. And if he said thus: The variegated will be your wages, then all the flocks bore variegated.

9. And God has taken away your father's cattle and given them to me.

10. And it happened, when the flock came on heat, that I lifted up my eyes and saw in a dream, and behold, the he-goats mounting the flock were variegated, speckled, and mottled.

11. And the angel of God said to me in the dream, Jacob. And I said, Behold, here I am.

12. And he said, Lift up now your eyes, and see all the he-goats mounting the flock, variegated, speckled, and mottled; for I have seen everything that Laban is doing to you.

13. I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar, where you made a vow to Me; now rise up, go out of this land, and return to the land of your nativity.

14. And Rachel answered, and Leah, and they said to him, Is there still any portion and inheritance for us in our father's house?

15. Are we not considered strangers by him, for he has sold us, and also completely consumed our money? 4

16. For all the riches which God has snatched from our father belong to us and to our sons; and now do everything that God has told you.

17. And Jacob rose up, and set his sons and his womenfolk on camels.

18. And he brought away all his cattle and all his substance which he had gathered, the cattle 5 he had purchased, which he had gathered in Paddan Aram, to come to Isaac his father, to the land of Canaan.

19. And Laban had gone to shear his flock, and Rachel stole the teraphim which belonged to her father.

20. And Jacob stole the heart 6 of Laban the Aramean by not giving him any indication that he was fleeing.

21. And he fled with all that he had; and he rose up, and crossed the river; and he set his face towards mount Gilead.

22. And it was told to Laban on the third day that Jacob had fled.

23. And he took his brothers with him and pursued him for seven days; 5 and he caught up with him on mount Gilead.

24. And God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream by night, and said to him, Take care not to speak to Jacob either good or evil.

25. And Laban overtook Jacob, and Jacob pitched his tent in the mountain, and Laban pitched with his brothers in mount Gilead.

26. And Laban said to Jacob, What have you done, that you have stolen my heart, 6 and carried away my daughters like captives taken with the sword?

27. Why was it that you concealed your flight, and stole from me, and gave me no indication; for I might have sent you away with gladness and with songs, and with drums and with harps?

28. And you have not allowed me to kiss my sons and my daughters; now you have acted foolishly in what you have done.

29. Let my hand be for God to do you evil! And the God of your father spoke to me last night, saying, Beware of speaking to Jacob either good or evil.

30. And now you have surely gone because you longed greatly for your father's house. But why did you steal my gods?

31. And Jacob answered and said to Laban, Because I was afraid; for I said, Perhaps you will take your daughters from me by force.

32. Anyone with whom you find your gods shall not live in the presence of our brothers. Examine for yourself what is with me, and take them to yourself. And Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them.

33. And Laban came into Jacob's tent, and into Leah's tent, and into the tent of both servant-girls, and did not find them. And he went out of Leah's tent and came into Rachel's tent.

34. And Rachel had taken the teraphim and put them in the camel's straw, and sat on them. And Laban felt around all the tent and did not find them.

35. And she said to her father, Let there not be any anger in my Lord's eyes, for I cannot rise up before you, for the way of women is upon me. And he searched and did not find the teraphim.

36. And Jacob was incensed and wrangled with Laban; and Jacob answered and said to Laban, What is my transgression, what is my sin, that you have hotly pursued after me?

37. Because you have felt around all my vessels, what have you found belonging to all the vessels of your house? Put it here in front of my brothers and your brothers, and let them decide between the two of us.

38. These twenty years I have been with you; your sheep and your she-goats have not miscarried, and I have not eaten the rams of your flock.

39. That which was torn [by beasts] I did not bring to you; I myself bore the loss of it; from my hand you required it - that stolen by day and that stolen by night.

40. This is how I was: By day the heat consumed me, and the cold by night; and my sleep was banished from my eyes.

41. These twenty years I have served you in your house - fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years for your flock; and you have changed my wages in ten ways.

42. Unless the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Dread of Isaac, had been with me, you would now have sent me away empty-handed. My affliction and the tiredness of my hands 8 God has seen, and has given judgement last night.

43. And Laban answered and said to Jacob, The daughters are my daughters, and the sons are my sons, and the flock is my flock, and all that you see is mine. And for my daughters, what am I to do for them today, or for their sons whom they have borne?

44. And now come, let us make a covenant, I and you, and let it be a witness between me and you.

45. And Jacob took a stone and erected it as a pillar.

46. And Jacob said to his brothers, Gather stones; and they took stones and made a heap; and they ate there upon the heap.

47. And Laban called it Jegar Sahadutha; and Jacob called it Galeed.

48. And Laban said, This heap is a witness between me and you today; therefore he called its name Galeed -

49. And Mizpah, for he said, Let Jehovah watch between me and you, for we are going to be hidden from each other. 9

50. If you afflict my daughters, and if you take wives (femina) besides my daughters, after we have parted from each other 10 - see, God is witness between me and you.

51. And Laban said to Jacob, Behold this heap, and behold the pillar which I have erected between me and you.

52. This heap is a witness, and the pillar is a witness, that I will not pass beyond this heap to you, and that you will not pass beyond this heap and this pillar to me, to do harm.

53. May the God of Abraham and the God of Nahor judge 11 between us, the God of their father. And Jacob swore by the Dread of his father Isaac.

54. And Jacob offered a sacrifice on the mountain, and called his brothers to eat bread; and they ate bread and stayed the night in the mountain.

55. And in the morning Laban rose up early, and kissed his sons and his daughters, and blessed them; and Laban went and resumed to his place.


The subject now in the internal sense is the separation of the good and truth which are represented by Jacob and his wives from the good meant by Laban, in order that they might be joined to the Divine coming from a direct Divine stock. The subject is also the state of the two so far as separation is concerned.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. i.e. Jacob

2. literally, not at all with him as yesterday three days ago (an ancient way of describing the day before yesterday)

3. literally, not at all towards me as yesterday three days ago

4. or silver

5. literally, acquisition

6. i.e. he deceived or outwitted Laban

8. literally, palms

9. literally, a man from his companion

10. literally, no man being with us

11. The verb rendered may judge here is plural.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.